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Baart sarkar


kond`Iya jala Aayaaoga


P`abaaoQana evaM maUlyaaMkna inadoSaalaya


caNDIgaZ, (yaU0 TI0)


%vairt isaMcaa[- sauivaQaa kaya-Ëma sao sambainQat kaya-M kI P`abaaoQana P`aitvaodna


P`aqama piTyaalaa fIDr evMa kaoTlaa Saa#aa ka punaina-maa-Na , pMjaaba







DATE OF VISIT OF PROJECT : 15th February, 2017.



Chief Engineer (IBO), Chandigarh

2. Sh. Vijai Saran Director, M&A, Chandigarh.

3. Sh. Khushvinder Junior Engineer


DEPARTMENT : 1. Sh. A.K Midha

Superintending Engineer, Patiala circle, I.B,


2. Sh. G.S Bahia Executive Engineer,

Sangrur Division, I.B, Sangrur.



S.No Name of Project Date of Monitoring visit

Date of issue of Monitoring



1. Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala Feeder &

Kotla Branch

05/02/2008 11/11/2008 19/02/2010 22/11/2010 11/08/2011 16-17/10/2014

06/05/2016 -- --

-- 19/07/2016 15/02/2017

18/06/2008 19/01/2009 25/03/2010 18/02/2011 15/12/2011 10/12/2014 12/05/2016 12/05/2016 &

02/06/2016 (revised Status report) 31/08/2016 20/03/2017

The Project authority had not taken up the work from 2011-12 to 2014-15.






Para Description Page No.


1. Executive Summary 1

1.1. Project in brief 2-3

1.2. Organizational & Management Aspect 3

1.3. Physical Progress 3-4

1.4. Financial Progress 4

1.5. Issues in Focus 4

2. Status Report 5

2.1. Project Components as being executed 5

2.2. Change in Scope, if any . 5

2.3. Organizational Set up for the Project 5

2.4. Contractual Arrangement 5

2.5. Quality Assessment 5

2.6. Land acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement 6

2.7 Environmental and Forest Clearance 6

2.8. Proposal under AIBP 6-7

2.9. Estimated Cost 7

2.10. Techno-Economic Appraisal 7-8

2.11. External Assistance 8

2.12. Physical Programme & Progress of different components 8-9 of the Project

2.13. Project Potential 9

2.14. Financial Programme & Progress 9-10

2.15. Financial Management 10

2.16. Monitoring at State/Project Level 10

2.17. Point needing attention 10-11

2.18. Bottlenecks in Implementation of Project Components 11 2.19. Compliance Report to CWC Observations contained in 11

earlier Status Report

2.20. General Comments and Observations 11-12

2.21. Recommendations/Suggestions 12-13

3.1. List of balance works 14

3.2. Contractual Arrangements 14

3.3. Statement of Distributaries/minor wise ultimate potential 14

3.4. Progress & Programme of R & R 14

4.1/2. Index Map of Punjab, showing location of the Project. 15

4.3. Bar & Dot Chart 15

4.4. Milestone progress chart for various project components 15 Annexures

Annexure-I Salient Features 16

Annexure-IA Organisation Chart 16A

Annexure-II Physical Progress 17

Annexure-III Financial Progress 18

Annexure-IV Overall Status of Irrigation Potential 19 Annexure-V List of work awarded / yet to be awarded 20-21 PLATES







1.1 Project in brief:

1st Patiala Feeder & Kotla Branch are two main feeder channels of Patiala region. These channels are part of century old Sirhind Canal System. The length of 1st Patiala feeder, off-taking from Sirhind canal at Mannpur head works, is 24.24 km (79,514 ft). Its authorized discharge is 113.55 m3/sec (4,010 cusec) and from its tail near Bharthala, it supplies water to Kotla Branch and 2nd Patiala Feeder for feeding CCA of about 5,30,970 ha. Kotla Branch off-taking from 1st Patiala Feeder is the main canal, which feeds the vast areas of Sangrur, Barnala, Mansa, and Bhatinda districts of Punjab State. The total length of Kotla Branch is 129.92 km (4,26,128 ft).

Its authorized discharge is 85.46 m3/sec (3018 cusec) at head. Almost entire length of about 1,085 km of canal system in district Sangrur is fed from Kotla Branch.

The ground water of large tracts of districts Mansa and Sangrur is brackish / saline which is not fit for irrigation as well as for drinking purposes. As such drinking water is also supplied from above mentioned distributary system through various water works.

1st Patiala Feeder & Kotla Branch are both unlined canals, which run in heavy filling reaches through sandy tract zone. Being one of the oldest canal systems of the State and in the absence of regular maintenance, both the banks of these channels are in very deplorable condition. The banks of these canals are badly eroded due to side sloughing. The top width of the banks is hardly 1.52 m to 2.13 m (5 ft to 7 ft) at some places against designed width of 5.18 m to 7.62 m (17 ft to 25 ft). 4 nos of Mini Hydro-power projects have also been commissioned on Kotla Branch during the recent past, which have further worsened the position due to heading up and sudden draw down of water in the channel.

In the light of above, 1st Patiala Feeder could hardly take 90.56 m3/sec (3,200 cusec) supplies against its authorized discharge of 113.48 m3/sec (4,010 cusec).

Similarly Kotla Branch was just capable of carrying 70.75 m3/sec (2,500 cusec) discharge in sustained conditions, against its authorized capacity of 85.41 m3/sec


(3,018 cusec). Any excess supply in these channels beyond their existing carrying capacity could cause a great havoc, resulting in huge loss to crops, properties and human lives in the area. The emphasis has therefore been on irrigation project, which would provide efficient conveyance and distribution system for optimum utilization of available surface water so that more area could be brought under canal command. Thus, the Project therefore envisages:

1. Lining of side slopes of 1st Patiala Feeder along with remodeling of required pucca works from RD 0 to 24.24 K m (0 to 79514 ft) to restore design capacity of 113.55 cumec(4010 cusec).

2. Lining of side slopes of Kotla Branch along with remodeling of required pucca works from RD 0 to 129.92 Km ( 0 to 426128 ft) to restore design capacity of 85.46 cumec (3018 cusec).

3. Remodeling of regulators and other structures.

Salient features of the project are given in Annexure-I.

1.2 Organizational & Management Aspects:

The project “Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala Feeder and Kotla Branch had been undertaken by Irrigation Department, Govt. of Punjab. The Organization &

Management strength for execution of the project is adequate. Irrigation Branch circle Patiala, Punjab Irrigation Works is executing the entire work of the project. The details of Divisions and Sub-Divisions under the Circle is enclosed in Annexure-IA.

1.3 Physical Progress

The work of side lining of Kotla Branch in reach from RD 0.0 km to 56.40 km (RD 0.0 ft to 1,85,000 ft) and 65.55 km to 129.92 km (2,15,000 ft to 4,26,128 ft) has been completed.

The work of side lining of 1st Patiala Feeder in initial reach from RD 0.0 km to 0.91 km (RD 0.0 ft to 3,000 ft) and in the reach from RD 24.09 km 24.24 km (RD 79,000 ft to 79,514 ft) has not been taken up.

During the visit, State Government officers informed that the work of side lining of Kotla Branch in reach from RD 37.23 km to 44.14 km (RD 1,22,119 ft to


1,44,780 ft) has been completed during the closure period of canal from 1st -22nd January, 2016. The work of side lining in reach RD 56.40 km to 65.55 km (1,85,000 ft to 2,15,000 ft) has been recently completed during the closure period of canal from 1st -26th October, 2016.

The works of remodeling/re-construction of structures such as bridges, falls and regulators are still to be taken up for construction. The Project Authorities informed that tenders have already been invited but could not be opened for award of work due to model code of conduct in force in the State of Punjab by Election Commission. The Project Authorities also intimated that they have applied for NOC from Election Commission. As soon as NOC is obtained the work will be awarded after taking closure of canal. The estimated time for completion of work is 25 days.

The detailed physical progress achieved up to 31.01.2017 is given at Annexure-II.

1.4 Financial Progress

The expenditure incurred on the project is Rs.130.30 crore up to 31.03.2016.

The expenditure incurred during 2016-17 upto 31.01.2017 is Rs.21.84 crore. Thus the cumulative expenditure incurred on works so far is Rs.152.14 crore. The detailed financial progress achieved up to 31.01.2017 is given at Annexure-III.

1.5 Issues in focus

Following are the main issues in focus:

i) The work of remodeling / re-construction of structures such as bridges falls and regulators are still to be taken up for construction.



2.1 Project components as being executed

Following components of the works are envisaged for construction:

i) Remodeling/re-construction of 19 nos. head regulators, 23 nos. bridges and other structures such as falls, catch water drains & 32.72 Km of Road.

2.2 Change in scope, if any

There is no change in the scope of the project so far.

2.3 Organizational set up for the project

The Organization strength for execution of the project is adequate. Chief Engineer/Canals is the overall in-charge of the construction. The construction of the project is being taken up by the Patiala Circle, Irrigation Branch, Patiala headed by Superintending Engineer along with Executive Engineers.

The Executive Engineers are assisted by the team of Sub Divisional Officers and Junior Engineers for implementation of the project. The details of Divisions and Sub-Divisions working under the Circle is enclosed at Annexure I-A.

2.4 Contractual Arrangements

The work on the project is being executed by Punjab Irrigation Department through private contractors. List of all the balance works to be executed is enclosed at Annexure - V

2.5 Quality Assessment

The quality control aspect is looked into by the Chief Vigilance Officer/Chief Technical Examiner with his independent team of Executive Engineers and SDOs.

Field and laboratory tests are performed during construction by the field engineers from time to time.


2.6 Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement

No land acquisition aspect is involved in the project and there is no displacement of human population, hence no R&R is involved.

2.7 Environmental and Forest Clearance

Since the work under this project is related to remodeling of the existing canals and no land acquisition is involved, hence there is no environmental aspect related to the project.

2.8 Proposal under AIBP

The project “Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala Feeder & Kotla Branch” was considered for Central Assistance under AIBP during 2007-08 for an estimated cost of Rs.123.30 crore (at 4/2006 price level) which was cleared by the “Advisory Committee for consideration of techno-economic viability of Irrigation, Flood Control and Multipurpose Project proposals of MoWR, Govt. of India” in its 87th meeting held on 17th November, 2006. The target date for completion of the project was fixed as 31st March 2011.

The Central Assistance of Rs.13.50 crore was released during 2007-08.

There was no further demand of CA during the year 2008-09. Further, the Central Assistance of Rs.11.25 crore and Rs.4.86 crore was released during 2009-10 &

2010-11 respectively. Thus total CA amounting to Rs. 29.61 crore has been released to the project till March, 2011.

As the Project Authorities could not complete the project within the target date of completion of 31.03.2011, the cost of the project increased due to cost escalation, resulting in non-completion of certain works. Thereafter, the project authorities submitted DPR with revised cost of Rs 175.08 crore at 10/2009 price level in July, 2011.

Finally, the revised DPR of the project for an estimated cost of Rs 199.39 crore (Rs 177.81 crore for works+ Rs 21.58 crore for estt.) at 12/2011 price level was got approved in the 115th meeting of TAC of MoWR. The revised Investment clearance to the project was accorded by the Planning Commission in March, 2013 with the target date of completion of the project was fixed as 31.03.2014.


No further central assistance was released to the project during 2011-12 to 2014-15 due to the incomplete proposals submitted by the State Government.

The State Govt. was submitted a CA proposal amounting to Rs. 14.84 crore for 2016-17. The regional office of CWC recommended Rs. 7.38 crore for release of CA based on approved cost as on 01.04.2012 plus 20% cost escalation and submitted to CWC(HQ) vide letter dated 25.07.2016.

Though a CA proposal of Rs. 7.38 crore was recommended by CWC (HQ) in 2015-16, but no CA could be released during 2015-16 by MoWR, RD & GR.

Further central assistance of Rs.5.99 crore has been released to the State Government in October, 2016 for 2016-17 for completion of the project in time based on the eligible cost of the project allowing 20% escalation on approved cost of Rs.123.30 crore as on 01.04.2012.

2.9 Estimated Cost

I. Estimated cost was initially Rs. 123.30 crore at 4/2006 price level which was revised to estimated cost Rs 175.08 crore (at 10/2009 price level) in July, 2011 II. Subsequently, Project Authorities submitted revised estimated cost of Rs 199.39

crore (Rs 177.81 crore for works+ Rs 21.58 crore for estt.) at 12/2011 price level, was got approved in the 115th meeting of TAC of MoWR and was accorded Investment clearance by the Planning Commission in March, 2013.

2.10 Techno – Economic Appraisal

The Ministry of Water Resources had included the project “Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala Feeder & Kotla Branch” under AIBP during the year 2007-08 with 20%

enhanced capacity and changed value of ‘n’ for an estimated cost of Rs. 123.30 crore (at 4/2006 price level) which was cleared by the “Advisory Committee for consideration of techno-economic viability of Irrigation, Flood Control and Multipurpose Project proposals of MoWR, Govt. of India” in its 87th meeting held on 17th November, 2006. The target date for completion of the project was fixed as 31st March 2011.

The project could not be completed within its targeted date. The cost of the project increased due to cost escalation, resulting in non-completion of certain


works. Thereafter, the project authorities submitted DPR with revised cost of Rs 175.08 crore at 10/2009 price level in July, 2011.

Finally, the revised DPR of the project for an estimated cost of Rs 199.39 crore (Rs 177.81 crore for works+ Rs 21.58 crore for establishment.) at 12/2011 price level was got approved in the 115th meeting of TAC of MoWR. The revised Investment clearance to the project was accorded by the Planning Commission in March, 2013.

2.11 External Assistance

The project was earlier constructed and maintained by Irrigation Department, Govt. of Punjab. The existing project “Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala Feeder & Kotla Branch” was included under AIBP for central funding during the year 2007-08. No external assistance has been reported for seeking any external assistance for the project.

2.12 Physical Programme & Progress of different components of the project The work on the project was taken up under AIBP during 2007-08. No work was taken up during the year 2011-12 to 2014-15 due to the non release of funds.

The work on the project is being executed through private contractors.

The work of side lining of Kotla Branch in reach from RD 0.0 km to 56.40 km (RD 0.0 ft to 1,85,000 ft) and 65.55 km to 129.92 km (2,15,000 ft to 4,26,128 ft) has been completed.

The work of side lining of 1st Patiala Feeder in initial reach from RD 0.0 km to 0.91 km (RD 0.0 ft to 3,000 ft) and in the reach from RD 24.09 km 24.24 km (RD 79,000 ft to 79,514 ft) has not been taken up.

During the visit, State Government officers informed that the work of side lining of Kotla Branch in reach from RD 37.23 km to 44.14 km (RD 1,22,119 ft to 1,44,780 ft) has been completed during the closure period of canal from 1st -22nd January, 2016. The work of side lining in reach RD 56.40 km to 65.55 km (1,85,000 ft to 2,15,000 ft) has been completed recently during the closure period of canal from 1st -26th October, 2016.


The works of remodeling/re-construction of structures such as bridges, falls and regulators are still to be taken up for construction.

2.13 Project Potential

The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 68,624 ha. The Project Authorities have achieved 100% irrigation potential.

a) Overall status of Irrigation potential creation and utilization in the State:

Overall status of irrigation potential created and utilized up to 31.03.2014 in the State as provided by the State Government is enclosed at Annexure at IV. No maintenance funds have been provided to the Project Authority by the State Government. Project officers informed that maintenance funds will be provided on completion of the project.

b) Checklist for status of outlets:

The command area is being irrigated through distributaries & minors and there are no direct outlets.

2.14 Financial Programme & Progress

a) The financial progress/expenditure on AIBP components:

Year-wise CLA/CA released is given in table below:

Sl. No. Year Central assistance

(Rs. in crore)

1. 2007-08 Rs.13.50

2. 2009-10 RS.11.25

3. 2010-11 Rs.04.86

4. 2016-17(up to 10/2016) Rs.5.99

Total Rs.35.60

i) Latest Estimated cost (at 12/2011 price level) : Rs.199.39 crore

ii) Cost of Works : Rs.177.81 crore

iii) Total Expenditure incurred up to 31.03.2016 : Rs.130.30 crore


iv) Expenditure incurred during 2016-17 : Rs.21.84 crore v) Cumulative Expenditure incurred : Rs.152.14 crore

(As reported up to 31.01.2017)

The Financial Progress Report ending 31th January, 2017 is enclosed at Annexure III.

b) Status of issue of Utilization Certificate:

The utilization certificate of total CA of Rs.29.61 crore released up to 2015- 16 has been submitted by the State Government in July, 2016 along with the CA proposal of Rs.14.84 crore for 2016-17. The same has been examined and forwarded to CWC (HQ) vide CE (IBO) office letter dated 25.07.2016. Central Assistance of Rs.5.99 crore has been released to the State Government in October, 2016 for 2016-17. The utilization certificate for the same is pending with the State Govt.

2.15 Financial Management

Being AIBP project, MoWR is providing 25% Central Assistance of estimated cost of AIBP components and 75% shall be borne by the State Government from its own resources.

2.16 Monitoring at State/Project Level

At present the Irrigation Department, Punjab has Evaluation and Monitoring Units. As per Project Authorities, these units have enough experience. These units are being monitoring and evaluating the project.

Monitoring Directorate, Punjab Irrigation Department is sending Quarterly Management Information Report on the Status of Irrigation Projects being executed which include physical & financial status. However details of concurrent evaluation are awaited from State Govt.

2.17 Points Needing Attention

(i) Project Authorities must immediately take up the works of remodeling / re- construction of structures such as bridges, falls and regulators along with the work of catch water drains.


(ii) Project Authorities should take steps to speed up the works, so that the project is completed at the earliest and full irrigation potential could be utilized.

iii) The already constructed canal may be repaired where the existing lining is damaged.

2.18 Bottlenecks in Implementation of Project Components under AIBP The main bottlenecks for delay in completion of the project are as under:

 The work of side lining of 1st Patiala Feeder in initial reach from RD 0.0 km to 0.91 km (RD 0.0 ft to 3,000 ft) and in the reach from RD 24.09 km 24.24 km (RD 79,000 ft to 79,514 ft) has not been taken up.

 The works of remodeling / re-construction of structures such as bridges falls and regulators could not be awarded due to model code of conduct in force in the state by Election Commission, as intimated by the Project Authorities. The state government has applied for NOC from Election Commission. The work will be awarded after the same.

 All these balance works needs to be taken up immediately by the Project Authorities so as to complete the project by 31.03.2017

2.19 Compliance report to CWC Observations contained in earlier Status Report

No compliance report of the earlier observations has been submitted by the State Government.

2.20 General Observations / Comments:

The observations made during the visit are as under:

a) Side lining of 1st Patiala Feeder in initial reach from RD 0.0 km to 0.91 km (RD 0.0 ft to 3,000 ft), side lining of tail RD of 1st Patiala Feeder from RD 79000 ft to 79514 ft, rehabilitation of 19 nos. head regulators, 4 nos. falls, 23 nos. bridges and 116.87 km catch water drains are still to be taken up.


b) The works of remodeling/re-construction of structures such as bridges, falls and regulators are still to be taken up for construction. The Project Authorities informed that tenders have already been invited but could not be opened for award of work due to model code of conduct in force in the State of Punjab by Election Commission. The Project Authorities also intimated that they have applied for NOC from Election Commission. As soon as NOC is obtained the work will be awarded after taking closure of canal. The estimated time for completion of work is 25 days.

c) The work of side lining in reach RD 56.40 km to 65.55 km (1,85,000 ft to 2,15,000 ft) has been recently completed during the closure period of canal from 1st -26th October, 2016.

d) The tail of 1st Patiala Feeder at RD 79514 and off-take point of Kotla Branch was visited. It was observed that the Tail RD of 1st Patiala Feeder from RD 79000 to 79514 is still unlined.

e) VR bridge at RD 22990 of Kotla Branch was inspected and found to be in bad condition. The Project Authorities informed that the same is to be remodeled.

f) During the visit Sheron distributary and Sangrur distributary of Kotla Branch was also inspected but these distributaries are not the parts of this project.

g) The work of side lining of Kotla Branch Canal from RD 56.40 km to 65.55 km (1,85,000 ft to 2,15,000 ft) which has been completed recently was found satisfactory.

h) The RDs were not marked, The Project Authorities were advised to mark the RDs of the canal so that the reach of the canal may be identified.

Some photographs taken during the monitoring visit are enclosed.


i) After obtaining NOC from Election Commission or after the model code of conduct period is over, whichever is earlier, work of structures can be awarded immediately in order to complete the Project by 31.03.2017. The work of balance side lining of canal may also be taken up during the scheduled closure in March, 2017.


ii) Project Authorities should take steps to speed up the works, so that the project is completed by March, 2017 and full irrigation potential could be utilized.

iii) Project Authorities must also take up the works of side lining of the canal in the remaining length of canal i.e about 1 km The work of catch water drains on canal banks is also to be awarded as proposed in the DPR to avoid damage to the canal section.

iv) The vegetations growth needs to be removed during routine and regular maintenance otherwise this may cause damage to the lining and its design section.

v) Third party monitoring of the project may be carried out and its monitoring report may be submitted.

vi) Project Authorities were advised to take immediate steps to maintain the already constructed canal and related structures to prevent any damage to the canal and its lining including distributaries & minors.


3.1 List of balance works:

The list of all balance works to complete the project is enclosed at Annexure V.

3.2 Contractual Arrangements:

The work is awarded through Tenders by the State Government.

3.3 Statement of distributary/minor wise ultimate potential and potential creation:

The statement of distributaries/minor has not been provided by the Project Authorities as this project consists of side lining of main canal only..

3.4 Progress & Programme of R & R:

There is no displacement of human population, hence no R&R is involved.


4.1/4.2 PLATE-I:

Index map of Punjab showing location of the project is enclosed in the report.


The updated T- Diagram showing the status of completion of different components of works is enclosed at Plate 4.3.


Milestone progress chart for completion of the various project components as received from State Govt. is given below:

Sr.No Name of Work Scheduled date of

completion 1. Remodeling of Gates and Gearing system/

Bridges/Falls/Catch water drains/service roads/P- maintenance/T&P

31st March, 2017



1. Location of the Project The head of 1st Patiala is at Mannpur Head near Doraha in Distt. Ludhiana and Head of Kotla branch is near village Bharthala in Distt.


2. Off take RD 1st Patiala Feeder: RD 1,95,000 ft of Sirhind canal main

Kotla Branch: RD 79,514 ft of 1st Patiala Feeder 3. Tail RD 1st Patiala Feeder: RD 79514 ft

Kotla Branch: RD 4,26,128 ft 4. Authorised full supply


1st Patiala Feeder: 113.48 cumec (4,010 cusec) Kotla Branch: 85.41 cumec (3,018 cusec) 5. Gross Command Area 6, 40,770 ha.

6. CCA 5,30,970 ha

7 Irrigation Potential already created (till 3/2007)

2,65.485 ha.

8. Additional Irrigation Potential

Irrigation Potential of 61,600 ha. out of 68,624 ha created up to 31.03.2012, the balance 7024 ha. Is yet to be achieved.

9. Irrigation Intensity 79%

10. Length of Channel 1st Patiala Feeder: 24.24 km (79,514 ft) Kotla Branch: 129.92 km (4,26,128 ft) 11. Revised Estimated cost Rs. 199.39 Crore (at 12/2011 price level)

12. B.C. Ratio 3.2:1




Rehabilitation of 1st. Patiala Fedeer and Kotla Branch with 20% enhanced capacity and changed value of ‘N’

Name of Component Unit Total Qty.

as per Project Estimate (1/08)

Total achievement upto


Balance Qty. as on 01.04.2016

Target for the year 2016-2017

Progress during the year 2016-17 Cumulative Progress upto month 01/2017

Status A/Sch.



Remarks Progress upto month 12/17 Progress upto month 01/17

Target Ach. Target Ach. Target Ach.


A – Preliminary - - - - - - - - - - -

B – Land

Acquisition of Land %0 Ha - - - - - - - - - - -

C – Works (Catech Water Drains)

Km. 116.87 - 116.87 116.87 116.87 - 116.87 - 116.87 - -

D – Regulators - -

a. Head Regulators Nos. 19 19 19 19 19 - 19 -

b. Cross Regulators Nos. - - - - - - - - - - -

e. Cross Regulators cum escape

Nos. - - - - - - - - - - -

c. Direct Outlets Nos. - - - - - - - - - - -

E – Falls Nos. 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 -

F – Cross Drain Works Nos. - - - - - - - - - - -

G – Bridges Nos. 23 23 23 23 23 - 23 -

H – Escape --- - - - - - - - - - - -

K – Building --- - - - - - - - - - - -

L (i) Earth Work Exc. Cum 3923000 3516000 407000 407000 407000 362427 407000 362427 3923000 3883427 -

L (ii) Lining Sqm 1494000 1353000 141000 141000 141000 125824 141000 125824 141000 125824 -

L (iii) Service and Boundary Road

Km. - - - - - - - - - - -

R – Roads Km. 32.72 32.72 32.72 32.72 32.72 -

U – Distributory - - - - - - - - - - -

1. Flow Disty. Nos. - - - - - - - - - - -

2. Lift Disty. Nos. - - - - - - - - - - -

V – Water Courses Km. - - - - - - - - - - -


Annexure -III Government of Punjab



Rehabilitation of 1st. Patiala Fedeer and Kotla Branch with 20% enhanced capacity and changed value of 'N'

S.No. Component of AIBP Estimated Amount


Expenditure Upto 31-03-2016

Expenditure during 2016-2017 upto month 31-01-2017

Total Expenditure upto 31-01-2017


Outlay Expenditure

1. A – Preliminary - - - - - -

2. B – Land Acqusition - - - - - -

3. Lining of Canal (E/Work + Lining)

15705.88 130.30 - 21.84 152.14

4. C – Works - - - - - -

5. D – Regulators 81.50 - - - - -

6. E-Fallls 28.00 - - - - -

7. F-X. Drag. Works - - - - - -

8. G – Bridges 663.52 - - - - -

9. K – Building - - - - - -

10. Plantation - - - - - -

11. O- Misc.Works 83.94 - - - - -

12. Special T&P 18.30 - - - - -

13. Distributories - - - - - -

14. Water Courses - - - - - -

15. Drainage Protection Works - - - - - -

16. Environment & Ecology - - - - - -

17. Roads 491.45 - - - - -

18. Catch water Drains 362.79 - - - - -

19. Maintenance 173.33 - - - - -

20. Audit & Account Charges 176.05 - - - - -


1781.10 Lac or 177.81 Cr.

130.30 - 21.84 152.14 -


Annexure-IV Overall status of Irrigation potential creation and utilization in the State of

Punjab (As on 31/03/2014)



Description Irrigation

potential created (ha)


1. Total culturable command of the State

31,50,800 2. Total ultimate Irrigation Potential

of the State

42,90,000 3. Source-wise Irrigation Potential

created so far

-- I Major & Medium Irrigation


30,89,000 II Surface minor Irrigation Scheme 10,000

III RRR Water Bodies --

IV Ground Water 2450

V Schemes of Ministry of Agriculture

-- VI Schemes of Ministry of Rural



VII Any other Scheme --

4. Irrigation Potential utilized by State













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The Bank shall have the absolute discretion in allotting the branch, revising fee structure, stipulating terms and conditions of the appointment like experience in Concurrent Audit

The scan line algorithm which is based on the platform of calculating the coordinate of the line in the image and then finding the non background pixels in those lines and

3.6., which is a Smith Predictor based NCS (SPNCS). The plant model is considered in the minor feedback loop with a virtual time delay to compensate for networked induced