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List/Negative List under the India-Malaysia FTA in Goods


Academic year: 2022

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List/Negative List under the India-Malaysia FTA in Goods

Sl No HS Code Brief Product Description India's Tariff Rate (%)

1 0105.12.00 Turkeys 30

2 0105.19.00 Other 30

3 0207.34.00 Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled Ex. Fatty livers (other

than of ducks or geese), fresh or chilled 30

4 0302.11.00 trout 30

5 0302.23.00 sole 30

6 0302.31.00 albacore or longfinned tunas 30

7 0302.32.00 yellowfin tunas 30

8 0302.40.00 herrings excluding livers and rows 30

9 0302.50.00 cod 30

10 0302.61.00 sardines,sardinella brisling or sprats 30

11 0302.64.00 mackeral 30

12 0303.21.00 trout 30

13 0303.39.00 other 30

14 0303.41.00 albacore or longfinned tunas 30

15 0303.42.00 yellowfin tunas 30

16 0303.71.00 sardines,sardinella brisling or sprats 30

17 0303.74.00 mackeral 30

18 0303.79.10 hilsa 30

19 0303.79.20 dara 30

20 0303.79.30 ribbon fish 30

21 0303.79.40 seer 30

22 0303.79.50 pomfret 30

23 0303.79.60 ghole 30

24 0303.79.70 threadfin 30

25 0303.79.80 croacker,grouper,hounder 30

26 0303.79.91 edible fishmaws of wildlife 30

27 0303.79.92 edible sharkfins of wild life 30

28 0303.79.99 other 30

29 0305.10.00 flours,meals and pellets, of fish fit for human

consumption 30

30 0305.30.00 fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked 30

31 0305.63.00 anchovies 30

32 0306.13.11 AFD shrimp 30


Rate (%)

33 0306.13.19 other 30

34 0306.13.20 prawns 30

35 0306.14.00 crabs 30

36 0306.21.00 rock lobster and other sea crew fish 30

37 0306.22.00 lobsters 30

38 0306.23.10 powdered 30

39 0306.23.90 other 30

40 0306.24.00 crabs 30

41 0402.10.90 Other 60

42 0402.21.00 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 60

43 0402.29.90 Other 30

44 0402.91.10 Condensed milk 30

45 0402.91.90 Other 30

46 0405.10.00 Butter 40



Dairy Spreads Ex-Dairy Spreads(other than those with milk fat content of atleast 75% but less than 80%, by

weight) 40

48 0405.20.00 Dairy Spreads Ex-Dairy Spreads with milk fat content of

atleast 75% but less than 80%, by weight 40

49 0405.90.10 Butter Oil 40

50 0405.90.20 Ghee 40

51 0405.90.90 Other 40

52 0406.90.00 Other cheese 30

53 0604.91.00 Fresh 30

54 0701.10.00 Seed 30

55 0704.10.00 Cauliflowers and headed brococoli 30

56 0706.10.00 carrots and tumips 30

57 0706.90.10 horse radish 30

58 0706.90.20 other radish 30

59 0706.90.30 salad beetroot 30

60 0706.90.90 other 30

61 0707.00.00 cucumbers or gherkins, fresh or chilled 30

62 0708.10.00 peas 30

63 0708.20.00 beans 30

64 0708.90.00 other leguminous vegetables 30

65 0709.30.00 aubergines 30

66 0709.60.10 green chilli 30


Rate (%)

67 0709.60.90 other 30

68 0710.21.00 peas 30

69 0710.22.00 beans 30

70 0710.29.00 other 30

71 0710.80.10 terragon 30

72 0710.80.90 other 30

73 0710.90.00 mixtures of vegetables 30

74 0712.90.10 Asparagus 30

75 0712.90.20 Dehydrated garlic powder 30

76 0712.90.30 Dehydrated garlic flakes 30

77 0712.90.40 Dried garlic 30

78 0712.90.50 Marjoram, oregano 30

79 0712.90.60 Potatoes 30

80 0712.90.90 Other 30

81 0714.10.00 Manioc 30

82 0801.11.00 coconuts Desiccated 70

83 0801.19.10 Fresh 70

84 0801.19.20 Dried 70

85 0801.19.90 Other 70

86 0802.90.11 Whole Arecanuts 100

87 0802.90.12 Split 100

88 0802.90.13 Ground 100

89 0802.90.19 Other 100

90 0802.90.90 all goods other than arecanuts 30

91 0805.40.00 Grape fruit,including pomelos 25

92 0805.50.00 Lemon and limes Ex.Limes (Citrus latifolia) 30 93 0805.50.00 Lemon and limes Ex.Lemons (citrus limon, Citrus

limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia) 30

94 0805.90.00 Other 30

95 0809.20.00 Cherries 30

96 0812.90.10 Mango slices in brine 30

97 0812.90.90 Other 30

98 0813.10.00 Apricots 30

99 0813.50.10 Mixtures of nuts 30

100 0813.50.20 Mixtures of dried fruits 30

101 0901.12.00 Decaffeinated 100

102 0901.21.10 In bulk packing 100


Rate (%)

103 0901.21.90 Other 100

104 0901.90.10 Coffee husks and skins 100

105 0901.90.20 Coffee substitutes containing coffee 100

106 0901.90.90 Other 100

107 0904.12.00 Crushed or ground 70

108 0904.20.10 Chilly 70

109 0904.20.20 Chilly powder 70

110 0904.20.30 Fruits of the genus capsicum 70

111 0904.20.40 Chilly seed 70

112 0904.20.50 Jamaica pepper 70

113 0904.20.90 Other 70

114 0905.00.10 Bean 30

115 0905.00.20 Powder 30

116 0905.00.90 Other 30

117 0908.10.10 Nutmeg In shell 30

118 0908.10.20 Shelled 30

119 0909.20.10 Of seed quality 30

120 0909.20.90 Other 30

121 0910.99.11 Celery 30

122 0910.99.12 Fenugreek 30

123 0910.99.13 Dill 30

124 0910.99.14 Ajwain 30

125 0910.99.15 Cassia torea 30

126 0910.99.19 Other 30

127 0910.99.21 Cassia 30

128 0910.99.22 Cumin 30

129 0910.99.23 Celery 30

130 0910.99.24 Fenugreek 30

131 0910.99.25 Dill 30

132 0910.99.26 Poppy 30

133 0910.99.27 Mustard 30

134 0910.99.29 Other 30

135 0910.99.31 Cardamom 30

136 0910.99.39 Other 30

137 0910.99.90 Other 30

138 1001.10.10 Of seed quality 50


Rate (%)

139 1001.10.90 Other 50

140 1102.20.00 Maize flour 30

141 1103.11.10 Groat 30

142 1103.11.20 Meal 30

143 1103.19.00 Of other cereals 30

144 1103.20.00 Pellets 30

145 1104.12.00 Of oats 30

146 1104.19.00 Of other cereals 30

147 1104.22.00 Of oats 30

148 1104.23.00 Of maize (corn) 30

149 1104.29.00 Of other cereals 30

150 1104.30.00 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground 30

151 1105.10.00 Flour, meal and powder 30

152 1105.20.00 Flakes, granules and pellets 30

153 1106.10.00 Of the dried leguminous vegetables 30

154 1106.20.10 Of sago 30

155 1106.20.20 Of manioc 30

156 1106.20.90 Of other roots and tubers 30

157 1106.30.10 Of tamarind 30

158 1106.30.20 Of singoda 30

159 1106.30.30 Mango flour 30

160 1106.30.90 Other 30

161 1107.10.00 Not roasted 30

162 1107.20.00 Roasted 30

163 1108.11.00 Wheat starch 30

164 1108.12.00 Maize starch 30

165 1108.13.00 Potato starch 30

166 1108.20.00 Insulin 30

167 1109.00.00 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 30

168 1201.00.10 Of seed quality 30

169 1201.00.90 Other 30

170 1202.20.10 Kernels, H.P.S. 30

171 1202.20.90 Other 30

172 1204.00.10 Of seed quality 30

173 1204.00.90 Other 30

174 1205.10.00 Of seed quality 30


Rate (%)

175 1205.90.00 Other 30

176 1206.00.10 Of seed quality 30

177 1206.00.90 Other 30

178 1207.20.10 Of seed quality 30

179 1207.20.90 Other 30

180 1207.40.10 Of seed quality 30

181 1207.40.90 Other 30

182 1207.99.90 Other 30

183 1208.90.00 Other 30

184 1210.20.00 Hop cones,ground ,powdered or in the form of pellets 30

185 1401.10.00 Bamboos 30

186 1401.20.00 Rattans 30

187 1508.90.10 Deodorized 85

188 1508.90.91 Edible grade 85

189 1508.90.99 Other 100

190 1510.00.10 Crude oil 45

191 1510.00.91 Edible grade 45

192 1510.00.99 Other 45

193 1512.19.10 Sunflower oil, edible grade 60

194 1512.21.00 Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed 100

195 1512.29.10 Edible grade 85

196 1512.29.90 Other 100

197 1513.11.00 Crude oil 100

198 1513.19.00 Other 100

199 1513.21.10 Palm kernel oil 100

200 1513.21.20 Babbasu oil 100

201 1513.29.10 Palm kernel oil and its fractions 100

202 1513.29.20 Babbasu oil and its fractions edible grade 85 203 1513.29.30 Babbasu oil and its fractions, other than edible grade 100

204 1513.29.90 Other 100

205 1514.11.10 Colza oil 75

206 1514.11.20 Rape oil 75

207 1514.11.90 Other 75

208 1514.19.10 Refined colza oil of edible grade 75

209 1514.19.20 Refined rapeseed oil of edible grade 75

210 1514.19.90 Other 75


Rate (%)

211 1515.11.00 Linseed Crude oil 100

212 1515.19.10 Edible grade 85

213 1515.19.90 Other 100

214 1515.21.00 Crude oil 100

215 1515.29.10 Edible grade 85

216 1515.29.90 Other 100

217 1515.30.10 Edible grade 85

218 1515.30.90 Other 100

219 1515.50.99 other 100

220 1515.90.10 Fixed vegetables oils, namely the following: cul moogra

oil, mawra oil, kokam oil, tobacco seed oil, sal oil 100



Fixed vegetables oil, namely the following: neem seed oil, karanj oil, silk cotton seed oil, khkon oil, water melon oil, kusum oil, rubber seed oil, dhup oil, undi oil, maroti

oil, pisa oil, nahar oil 100



Fixed vegetables oils, namely the cardamom oil, chillies or capsicum oil, turmeric oil, ajwain seed oil, niger seed

oil, garlic oil 100



Fixed vegetables oils of edible grade namely the

following the following : mango kernel oil, mahua oil, rice

bran oil 85

224 1515.90.91 Ex.-Other oils (excluding jojoba oils and its fractions, and

excl Tung oil and its fractions, edible grade) 85

225 1515.90.91 Edible grade 85

226 1515.90.91 Ex.-Jojoba oils and its fractions 85

227 1515.90.99 Ex.-Jojoba oils and its fractions 100

228 1515.90.99 Other 100

229 1515.90.99 Ex-other oils(excluding jojoba oil and its fractions, and

excl Tung oil and its fractions, other than edible grade) 100

230 1516.20.11 vegetable fats and oils, Edible grade 80

231 1516.20.19 Other 80

232 1516.20.21 Edible grade 80

233 1516.20.29 Other 80

234 1516.20.31 Edible grade 80

235 1516.20.39 Other 80

236 1516.20.91 Edible grade 80

237 1516.20.99 Other 80

238 1517.10.10 Margarine Of animal origin 30

239 1517.10.21 Margarine of vegetable origin, Edible grade 80

240 1517.10.29 Other 30


Rate (%)

241 1517.90.10 Sal fat 80

242 1517.90.20 Peanut butter 80

243 1517.90.30 Imitation lard of animal origin 80

244 1517.90.40 Imitation lard of vegetables origin 80

245 1517.90.90 Other 80

246 1520.00.00 Glycerol , crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes 20 247 1601.00.00 Sausages and similar products, of meat meat offal or

bloods; food preparations based on these products 100

248 1602.10.00 Homogenised preparations 30

249 1602.32.00 Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus 100

250 1602.41.00 Hams and cuts thereof 30

251 1602.42.00 Shoulders and cuts thereof 30

252 1604.14.10 Tunas 30

253 1604.14.90 others 30

254 1604.30.00 Caviar and caviar substitutes 30

255 1701.99.10 Sugar cubes 60

256 1701.99.90 Other 60

257 1803.10.00 Not defatted 30

258 1803.20.00 Wholly or partly defatted 30

259 1806.90.10 Chocolate and chocolate products 15



-Food preparations, for infant use, put up for retail sale,

not elsewhere specified or included,- (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing

cocoa calculated on a totally defatted bas 15



- Mixes and doughs, for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No. 19.05, not elsewhere specified or included, - (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing cocoa calculated on a

totally defatted basis, in a proport 15



- Prepared foods (obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products) or cereals (other than

maize[corn]) in grain form, pre-cooked otherwise

prepared, provided such products contain more than 6%

but not exceeding 8% by weight of cocoa ca 15



-Other, excluding the following, - (i) food preparations, for infant use, put up for retail sale, not elsewhere specified or included,- (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing cocoa calculated on a

totally defatted basis, in a proporti 15

264 1806.90.20 Sugar confectionary containing cocoa 30

265 1806.90.30 Spreads containing cocoa 30


Rate (%)



-Food preparations, for infant use, put up for retail sale,

not elsewhere specified or included,- (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing

cocoa calculated on a totally defatted bas 30



- Prepared foods (obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products) or cereals (other than

maize[corn]) in grain form, pre-cooked otherwise

prepared, provided such products contain more than 6%

but not exceeding 8% by weight of cocoa ca 30 268 1806.90.40 Preparations containing cocoa for making beverages 30



-Other, excluding the following, - (i) food preparations, for infant use, put up for retail sale, not elsewhere specified or included,- (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing cocoa calculated on a

totally defatted basis, in a proporti 30



- Mixes and doughs, for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No. 19.05, not elsewhere specified or included, - (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing cocoa calculated on a

totally defatted basis, in a proport 30



-Food preparations, for infant use, put up for retail sale,

not elsewhere specified or included,- (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing

cocoa calculated on a totally defatted bas


272 1806.90.90 Other 30



- Mixes and doughs, for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No. 19.05, not elsewhere specified or included, - (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing cocoa calculated on a

totally defatted basis, in a proport 30



- Prepared foods (obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products) or cereals (other than

maize[corn]) in grain form, pre-cooked otherwise

prepared, provided such products contain more than 6%

but not exceeding 8% by weight of cocoa ca 30



-Other, excluding the following, - (i) food preparations, for infant use, put up for retail sale, not elsewhere specified or included,- (a) of goods of heading Nos.04.01 to 04.04, containing cocoa calculated on a

totally defatted basis, in a proporti 30







Prepared foods obtainied from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted

cereal flakes or swelled cereals 30


Rate (%)



Ex.-Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals, excluding musli

type preparations based on unroasted cereal flakes 30 279 1904.20.00 Ex.-Musli type preparations based on unroasted cereal

flakes 30

280 1904.90.00 Other 30

281 2002.10.00 Tomatoes, whole or in pieces 30

282 2003.20.00 Truffles 30

283 2005.10.00 Homogenised vegetables 30

284 2005.20.00 Potatoes 30

285 2005.40.00 Peas (pisum, sativum), Beans (vigna spp., Phaseolus

spp.): 30

286 2005.51.00 Beans, shelled 30

287 2005.59.00 Other 30

288 2005.80.00 Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) 30





290 2006.00.00 Ex.Vegetables, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or

crystallized) 30

291 2006.00.00 Ex.Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants,

preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized) 30

292 2008.30.10 Orange 30

293 2008.30.90 Other 30

294 2008.40.00 Pears 30

295 2008.50.00 Apricots 30

296 2008.60.00 Cherries 30

297 2008.91.00 Palm hearts 30

298 2008.92.00 Mixtures 30

299 2008.99.11 Mango 30

300 2008.99.12 Lemon 30

301 2008.99.13 Orange 30

302 2008.99.14 Pineapple 30

303 2008.99.19 Other 30

304 2008.99.91 Fruit cocktail 30

305 2008.99.92 Grapes 30

306 2008.99.93 Apples 30

307 2008.99.94 Guava 30


Rate (%)

308 2008.99.99 Other 30

309 2009.11.00 Frozen 30

310 2101.11.10 Instant coffee, flavoured 30

311 2101.11.20 Instant coffee, not flovered 30

312 2101.11.30 Coffee aroma 30

313 2101.11.90 Other 30

314 2101.12.00 Preparations with basis of extracts, essences

concentrates or with a basis of coffee 30

315 2101.30.10 Roasted chicory 30

316 2101.30.20 Roasted coffee substitutes 30

317 2101.30.90 Other 30

318 2106.90.11 Sharbat 30



Ex.Other[excluding compound alcoholic

preparations(other than those based on odoriferous substances) of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume

exceeding .5% volume] 30



Ex.Compound alcoholic preparations(other than those based on odoriferous substances) of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by

volume exceeding .5% volume 30

321 2106.90.19 Other 30

322 2106.90.20 Pan masala 30

323 2106.90.30 Betel nut product known as "Supari" 30



Sugar-syrups containing added flavouring or colouring matter, not elsewhere specified or included; lactose

syrup; glucose syrup and malto dextrine syrup 30 325 2106.90.50 Compound preparations for making non-alcoholic

beverages 30

326 2106.90.60 Food flavouring material 150



Ex.Other[excluding compound alcoholic

preparations(other than those based on odoriferous substances) of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume

exceeding .5% volume] 150



Ex.Compound alcoholic preparations(other than those based on odoriferous substances) of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by

volume exceeding .5% volume 150

329 2106.90.70 Churna for pan 30

330 2106.90.80 Custard powder 30

331 2106.90.91 Diabetic foods 30


Rate (%)

332 2106.90.92 Sterilized or pasteurized millstone 30



Ex.Compound alcoholic preparations(other than those based on odoriferous substances) of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding .5% volume


334 2106.90.99 Other 30



Ex.Other[excluding compound alcoholic

preparations(other than those based on odoriferous substances) of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume

exceeding .5% volume] 30

336 2304.00.10 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal of soyabean, expeller variety 15 337 2304.00.20 Oil-cake of soyabean, solvent extract (defatted) variety 15 338 2304.00.30 Meal of soyabean, solvent extracted (defatted) 15

339 2304.00.90 Other 15

340 2306.10.10 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, decorticated expeller variety 15 341 2306.10.20 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, decorticated, solvent extract

(defatted)variety 15

342 2306.10.30 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, undecorticated, expeller

variety 15

343 2306.10.40 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, undecorticated, solvent

extracted (defatted) variety 15

344 2306.10.90 Other 15

345 2306.20.10 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, expeller variety 15 346 2306.20.20 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, solvent extracted (defatted)

variety 15

347 2306.20.90 Other 15

348 2306.30.10 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, expeller variety 15 349 2306.30.20 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, solvent extracted (defatted)

variety 15

350 2306.30.90 Other 15

351 2306.41.00 Of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds 15 352 2306.50.10 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, expeller variety 15 353 2306.50.20 Oil-cake and oil-cake meal, solvent extracted (defatted)

variety 15

354 2306.50.90 Other 15

355 2306.60.00 Of palm nuts or kernels 15

356 2309.90.10 Compounded animal feed 30

357 2309.90.20 Concentrates for compound animal feed 30

358 2309.90.31 Prawn and shrimps feed 30

359 2309.90.32 Fish meal in powdered form 30


Rate (%)

360 2309.90.39 Other 30

361 2309.90.90 Other 30

362 2401.20.90 Other 30



Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more (exceeding 75 millimetres but

not exceeding 85 millimetres 30

364 2402.20.90 Other 30

365 2402.90.90 Other 30

366 2403.91.00 Homogenised or "reconstituted" tobacco 30

367 2403.99.70 Cut-tobacco 30

368 2710.11.11 Special boiling point spirits (other than Benzene Toluol)

with nominal boiling point range 55-115 0C 10



Special boiling point spirits (other than Benzene, Benzol, Toluene and Toluol) with nominal boiling point range 63-

700C 10

370 2710.11.13 Other special boiling point spirits (other than Benzene,

Benzol, Toluene and Touol) 10

371 2710.11.19 Other 10

372 2710.11.20 Natural gasoline liquid( NGL) 10

373 2710.11.90 Other 10

374 2710.19.10 Superior kerosene Oil(SKO) 10

375 2710.19.20 Aviation turbine fuel(ATF) 10

376 2710.19.30 High speed diesel (HSD) 7.5

377 2710.19.40 Light diesel oil(LDO) 10

378 2710.19.50 Fuel oil 10

379 2710.19.60 Base oil 10

380 2710.19.70 Jute batching oil and textile oil 10

381 2710.19.80 Lubricating oil 10

382 2710.19.90 Other <br> waste oil: 10



Containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs)or polybrominated

biphenyls (PBBs) 10

384 2710.99.00 Other 10

385 2711.14.00 Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene 10

386 2711.29.00 Other 10

387 2712.10.10 Crude 10

388 2712.10.90 Other 10

389 2712.20.10 Chlorinated paraffin wax 10

390 2712.20.90 Other 10


Rate (%)

391 2712.90.10 Micro-CrystallinePetroleum wax 10

392 2712.90.20 Lignite wax 10

393 2712.90.30 Slack wax 10

394 2712.90.90 Other 10

395 2713.11.00 Not calcined 5

396 2713.12.00 Calcined 5

397 2713.20.00 Petroleum bitumen 10

398 2713.90.00 Other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from

bituminous minerals. 10

399 2817.00.10 Zinc oxide 7.5

400 2817.00.20 Zinc peroxide 7.5

401 2907.19.10 o-Phenyl phenols 7.5

402 2907.19.20 p-Phenyl phenols 7.5

403 2907.19.30 Thymol 7.5

404 2907.19.40 Para tartiary butyl phenol 7.5

405 2907.19.50 Alkyl Phenols 7.5



407 2912.29.10 Cinnamic aldehyde 7.5

408 2912.29.20 Phenyl acetaldehyde 7.5

409 2912.29.90 Other 7.5

410 2914.11.00 Acetone 7.5

411 2915.90.10 Acetyl chloride 7.5

412 2915.90.20 Octoic acid (caprylic acid) 7.5

413 2915.90.30 Hexoic acid (caproic acid) 7.5

414 2915.90.90 Other 7.5

415 2916.13.10 Methacrylic acid 7.5

416 2916.13.20 Salts of methacrylic acid 7.5

417 2916.14.00 Esters of methacrylic acid 7.5

418 2916.19.10 Undecylenic acid 7.5

419 2916.19.20 Bismuth compounds of unsaturated acyclic monoacids 7.5 420 2916.19.30 Potassium compounds of unsaturated acyclic

monoacids 7.5

421 2916.19.40 Sodium compounds of unsaturated acyclic monoacids 7.5 422 2916.19.50 Esters of unsaturated acyclic monoacids not elsewhere

specified 7.5

423 2916.19.60 Sorbic acid 7.5

424 2916.19.90 Other 7.5


Rate (%)

425 2916.36.00 Binapacryl(ISO) 7.5

426 2916.39.10 Cinnamic acid 7.5

427 2916.39.20 Bismuth compounds of aromatic monoacids 7.5 428 2916.39.30 Potassium compounds of aromatic monoacids 7.5 429 2916.39.40 Sodium compounds of aromatic monoacids 7.5 430 2916.39.50 Esters of aromatic monoacids not elsewhere specified 7.5

431 2916.39.90 Other 7.5

432 2918.13.10 Potassium bitartrate 7.5

433 2918.13.20 Metroprolol tartrate 7.5

434 2918.13.90 Other 7.5

435 2918.16.10 Calcium gluconate 7.5

436 2918.16.20 Ferrous gluconate 7.5

437 2918.16.90 Other 7.5

438 2930.50.00 Captafol(ISO) and methamidophos(ISO) 7.5

439 2930.90.10 Thiourea (sulphourea) 7.5

440 2930.90.20 Calcium salts of methionine 7.5

441 2930.90.30 Thio sulphonic acid 7.5

442 2930.90.40 L-cystine (alpha-amino beta-thiopropionic acid)-sulphur

containing amino acid 7.5

443 2930.90.50 Sulphinic acid 7.5

444 2930.90.60 Sulphoxide 7.5

445 2930.90.70 Mercaptan 7.5

446 2930.90.80 Allyl isothiocyanate 7.5

447 2930.90.91 Ethanol,2,2-thiobis- 7.5

448 2930.90.99 Other, other than dithiocarbonates (xanthates) 7.5

449 3206.49.10 Red oxide 7.5

450 3206.49.20 Persian red 7.5

451 3206.49.30 Yellow ocher 7.5

452 3206.49.40 Bronze powder 7.5






454 3210.00.11 Dry distemper, including cement based water paints 10

455 3210.00.12 Oil bound distemper 10

456 3210.00.19 Other 10

457 3210.00.20 Prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing

leather 10


Rate (%)

458 3210.00.30 Metallic powder or flakes prepared as paints 10 459 3210.00.40 Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (PTFE)/Silicon resin based

coating materials 10

460 3210.00.90 Other 10

461 3605.00.10 Safety matches 10

462 3605.00.90 Other 10



464 3808.50.00 EX-DISINFECTANTS 10

465 3808.93.00 Other 10

466 3808.93.10 Chloromethyl phenozy acetic acid (M C.P.A.) 10 467 3808.93.20 2:4 Dichlorophenozy acetic acid and its esters 10

468 3808.93.30 Gibberellic acid 10

469 3808.93.40 Plant growth regulators 10

470 3808.93.50 Weedicides and weed killing agents 10

471 3808.94.00 Disinfectants 10

472 3812.20.10 Phthalate plasticisers 7.5

473 3812.20.90 Other 7.5

474 3915.10.00 Of polymers of ethylene 7.5

475 3915.20.00 Of polymers of styrene 7.5

476 3915.30.10 Of co-polymers of vinyl chloride 7.5

477 3915.30.90 Other 7.5

478 3915.90.10 Of polypropylene <br> Of polymers of vinyl acetate : 7.5

479 3915.90.21 Of co-polymers of vinyl acetate 7.5

480 3915.90.29 Other 7.5

481 3915.90.30 Of acrylic polymers and methyacrylic co-polymers 7.5

482 3915.90.41 Of alkyds and polyesters 7.5

483 3915.90.42 Of Bottles 7.5

484 3915.90.49 Of epoxide resins 7.5

485 3915.90.50 Of Polyamides <br> Of Amino resins and phenolic resins

and polyurethanes : 7.5

486 3915.90.61 Of phenoplast 7.5

487 3915.90.62 Of aminoplast 7.5

488 3915.90.63 Of polyurethanes <br> Of cellulose and its chemical

derivatives : 7.5

489 3915.90.71 Of regenerated cellulose 7.5

490 3915.90.72 Cellulose plastic waste such as cellulose nitrates film

scrap non- plasticised 7.5


Rate (%)

491 3915.90.73 Cellulose plastic waste such as cellulose nitrates

plasticised 7.5

492 3915.90.74 Cellulose plastic waste such as cellulose acetate film

scrap non plasticised 7.5

493 3915.90.75 Cellulose plastic waste film as such cellulose acetate

plasticised 7.5

494 3915.90.90 Other 7.5

495 3920.73.11 Rigid, plain 10

496 3920.73.12 Flexible, plain 10

497 3920.73.19 Other <br> Sheet of cellulose acetate (plasticized) : 10

498 3920.73.21 Rigid, plain 10

499 3920.73.22 Flexible, plain 10

500 3920.73.29 Other <br> Other : 10

501 3920.73.91 Rigid, plain 10

502 3920.73.92 Flexible, plain 10

503 3920.73.99 Other 10

504 3920.99.11 Rigid, plain 10

505 3920.99.12 Flexible, plain 10

506 3920.99.19 Other 10

507 3920.99.21 Rigid, plain 10

508 3920.99.22 Flexible, plain 10

509 3920.99.29 Other 10

510 3920.99.31 Rigid, plain 10

511 3920.99.32 Flexible, plain 10

512 3920.99.39 Other <br> Sheet of Poly(tetrafluoro-ethylene) (PTFE) : 10

513 3920.99.41 Rigid, plain 10

514 3920.99.42 Flexible, plain 10

515 3920.99.49 Other 10

516 3920.99.51 Rigid, plain 10

517 3920.99.52 Flexible, plain 10

518 3920.99.59 Other 10

519 3920.99.60 Clicking boards for leather machinery 10

520 3920.99.91 Rigid, plain 10

521 3920.99.92 Flexible, plain 10

522 3920.99.99 Other 10

523 3921.13.10 Flexible 10

524 3921.13.90 Other 10

525 3921.90.10 Thermocol 10


Rate (%)

526 3921.90.21 Rigid, lacquered 10

527 3921.90.22 Flexible, lacquered 10

528 3921.90.23 Rigid, metallised 10

529 3921.90.24 Flexible, metallised 10

530 3921.90.25 Rigid, laminated 10

531 3921.90.26 Flexible, laminated 10

532 3921.90.29 Other <br> Of regenerated cellulose : 10

533 3921.90.31 Rigid, lacquered 10

534 3921.90.32 Flexible, lacquered 10

535 3921.90.33 Rigid, metallised 10

536 3921.90.34 Flexible, metallised 10

537 3921.90.35 Rigid, laminated 10

538 3921.90.36 Flexible, laminated 10

539 3921.90.39 Other <br> Other : 10

540 3921.90.91 Rigid, lacquered 10

541 3921.90.92 Flexible, lacquered 10

542 3921.90.93 Rigid, metallised 10

543 3921.90.94 Flexible, metallised 10

544 3921.90.95 Rigid, laminated 10

545 3921.90.96 Flexible, laminated 10

546 3921.90.99 Other 10

547 3924.10.10 Insulated ware 10

548 3924.10.90 Other 10

549 3926.30.10 Of polyurethane foam 10

550 3926.30.90 Other 10

551 4001.10.10 Prevulcanised 70

552 4001.10.20 Other than prevulcanised <br> Natural rubber in other

forms : 70

553 4001.21.00 Smoked sheets 20

554 4001.22.00 Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 20

555 4001.29.10 Hevea 20

556 4001.29.20 Pale Crepe 20

557 4001.29.30 Estate Brown Crepe 20

558 4001.29.40 Oil extended natural rubber 20

559 4001.29.90 Other 20

560 4821.10.10 Paper tags 10

561 4821.10.20 Labels 10


Rate (%)

562 4821.10.90 Other 10

563 4821.90.10 Labels 10

564 4821.90.90 Other 10

565 5208.11.30 Shirting fabrics 10

566 5208.32.30 Shirting fabrics 10

567 5208.32.90 Other 10

568 5209.42.00 Denim 10

569 5210.31.10 Shirting fabrics 10

570 5210.31.90 Other 10

571 5210.41.30 Shirting fabrics 10

572 5210.41.90 Other 10


574 5402.46.00 Of polyesters, partially oriented 7.5

575 5402.47.00 Other Of polyesters 7.5

576 5407.10.13 Nylon furnishing fabrics 10

577 5407.10.16 Polyester suiting 10

578 5407.10.19 Other polyester fabrics <br> Bleached: 10

579 5407.10.23 Nylon furnishing fabrics 10

580 5407.10.25 Other nylon and polyamide fabrics of filament yarn 10

581 5407.10.26 Polyester suiting 10

582 5407.10.35 Other nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament) 10

583 5407.10.36 Polyester suiting 10

584 5407.10.46 Polyester suiting 10

585 5407.82.10 Other than upholstery 10

586 5407.82.10 Upholstery 10

587 5407.82.10 Nylon georgette 10

588 5407.82.20 Nylon sarees 10

589 5407.82.30 Polyester shirtings 10

590 5407.82.40 Polyester suitings 10

591 5407.82.50 Terylene and dacron sarees 10

592 5407.82.60 Lungies 10

593 5407.82.90 Upholstery 10

594 5407.82.90 Other than upholstery 10

595 5407.82.90 Other 10

596 5503.20.00 Of polyesters 7.5

597 5509.51.00 Mixed mainly or solely with artificial staple fibres 10


Rate (%)

598 5510.11.10 Viscose rayon spun yarn 10

599 5510.11.20 Acetate rayon spun yarn 10

600 5510.11.90 Other 10

601 5510.12.10 Viscose rayon spun yarn 10

602 5510.12.20 Acetate rayon spun yarn 10

603 5510.12.90 Other 10

604 5510.90.10 Viscose rayon spun yarn 10

605 5510.90.20 Acetate rayon spun yarn 10

606 5510.90.90 Other 10

607 5513.11.10 Unbleached 10

608 5513.11.20 Bleached 10

609 5513.21.00 Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave 10

610 5513.21.00 Other than upholstery 10

611 5513.21.00 Upholstery 10

612 5514.11.10 Unbleached 10

613 5514.11.20 Bleached 10

614 5515.12.10 Unbleached 10

615 5515.12.20 Bleached 10

616 5515.12.30 Dyed 10

617 5515.12.40 Printed 10

618 5515.12.90 Other 10

619 5516.22.00 Dyed : 10

620 5516.22.00 Upholstery 10

621 5516.22.00 Other than upholstery 10

622 5703.10.10 Carpets 10

623 5703.10.90 Other 10

624 6102.10.00 Of wool or fine animal hair 10

625 6104.53.00 Of synthetic fibres 10

626 6104.62.00 Of cotton 10

627 6104.63.00 Of synthetic fibres 10

628 6105.10.10 Shirts, hand crocheted 10

629 6105.10.20 Knit shirts (other than T-shirts) and sweat shirts, other

than hand crocheted 10

630 6105.10.90 Other 10

631 6105.20.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

632 6105.20.20 Of artificial fibres 10

633 6106.10.00 Of cotton 10


Rate (%)

634 6106.20.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

635 6106.20.20 Of artificial fibres 10

636 6107.11.00 Of cotton 10

637 6107.12.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

638 6107.12.20 Of artificial fibres 10

639 6108.21.00 Of cotton 10

640 6108.22.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

641 6108.22.20 Of artificial fibres 10

642 6108.91.00 Of cotton 10

643 6108.92.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

644 6108.92.20 Of artificial fibres 10

645 6109.10.00 Of cotton 10

646 6109.90.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

647 6109.90.90 Other 10

648 6110.11.10 Jerseys 10

649 6110.11.20 Sweaters and cardigans 10

650 6110.11.90 Other 10

651 6110.20.00 Of cotton 10

652 6110.30.10 Of synthetic fibres 10

653 6110.30.20 Of artificial fibres 10

654 6110.90.00 Of other textile materials 10

655 6202.13.00 Of man-made fibres 10

656 6202.93.10 Wind and ski-jackets, wind cheaters 10

657 6202.93.90 Other 10

658 6203.32.00 Of cotton 10

659 6203.33.00 Of synthetic fibres 10

660 6203.39.10 Of silk 10

661 6203.41.00 Of wool or fine animal hair 10

662 6203.49.10 Of silk 10

663 6203.49.90 Other 10

664 6204.13.00 Of synthetic fibres 10

665 6204.19.11 Sequinned or beaded with chattons or embroidered 10

666 6204.19.19 Other 10

667 6204.19.90 Of all other fibres <br> Ensembles:<br> 10

668 6204.33.00 Of synthetic fibres 10

669 6204.39.11 Sequinned or beaded with chattons or embroidered 10


Rate (%)

670 6204.39.19 Other 10

671 6204.39.90 Other <br> Dresses: 10

672 6204.42.20 Dresses 10

673 6204.42.90 Other 10

674 6204.44.00 Of artificial fibres 10

675 6205.20.00 Of cotton 10

676 6205.30.00 Of man-made fibres 10



678 6206.30.00 Of cotton 10

679 6206.40.00 Of man made fibres 10

680 6208.92.10 Dressing gowns and bath robes 10

681 6210.20.10 Outer garments, of rubberised textile fabrics 10



Outer garments, of fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with preparations of cellulose derivatives

and other artificial plastic materials 10

683 6210.20.30 Outer garments, of fabrics otherwise impregnated or

coated 10

684 6210.20.90 Other 10

685 6210.40.10 Bullet proof jacket, bomb disposal jacket and the like 10

686 6210.40.90 Other 10

687 6210.50.00 Other women's or girls' garments 10

688 6211.32.00 Of cotton 10

689 6211.33.00 Of man-made fibres 10

690 6212.10.00 Brassiers 10

691 6212.20.00 Girdles and panty-girdles 10

692 6301.40.00 Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling

rugs, of synthetic fibres 10

693 6402.19.10 Of rubber 10

694 6402.19.90 Other 10

695 7320.90.20 Spring pins 10

696 7320.90.90 Other 10

697 7403.11.00 Cathodes and sections of cathodes 5

698 7407.10.10 Electrolytic copper rods or black copper rods 5

699 7407.10.20 Other copper rods 5

700 7407.10.30 Copper bars (excluding hollow bars) 5

701 7407.10.59 Other 5

702 7407.10.90 Other 5


Rate (%)

703 7408.11.10 Copper weld wire 5

704 7408.11.90 Other 5

705 7601.10.10 Ingots 5

706 7601.10.20 Billets 5

707 7601.10.30 Wire-bars 5

708 7601.10.40 Wire-rods 5

709 7601.10.90 Other 5

710 7606.11.90 Other 5

711 8302.30.90 Other <br> Other mountings, fittings and similar articles: 10

712 8409.99.20 Fuel nozzles 7.5

713 8409.99.42 Of outboard engine 7.5

714 8409.99.49 Other 7.5

715 8409.99.90 Other 7.5

716 8413.30.30 Water pump 7.5

717 8413.30.90 Other 7.5

718 8414.80.11 Of a kind used in air-conditioning equipment 7.5

719 8414.80.19 Other 7.5

720 8414.80.90 Other 7.5

721 8415.20.90 Other 10

722 8483.10.10 Crank shafts for sewing machines 7.5

723 8483.10.99 Other 7.5



Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; ball or roller screws; Gear boxes

and other speed changers, including torque converters 7.5

725 8501.10.11 Micro motor 7.5

726 8501.10.12 Stepper motor 7.5

727 8501.10.19 Other 7.5

728 8501.31.19 Other 7.5

729 8501.32.10 DC motor 7.5

730 8511.50.00 Other generators 7.5

731 8511.80.00 Other equipment 7.5

732 8512.40.00 Windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters 10

733 8703.22.99 Other 100

734 8708.21.00 Safety seat belts 10

735 9015.80.90 Other 7.5

736 9029.20.20 Speedometers, non-electrical 7.5


Rate (%)

737 9029.20.90 Other 7.5

738 9031.90.00 Parts and accessories 0

739 9506.99.90 Other 10


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