Do not forget, beloved disciple, that justice is the highest mercy and wickedness of the law. The vowel "E" causes the thyroid gland, which is the center of the magic ear, to vibrate.
A star's heart temple is the door to the star's entrance and exit. The most profound initiatory wisdom of the centuries is contained in the Huiracocha Zodiac.
The violet hierarchies of the Heart Temple of the Moon gave man his vital body. The angel Gabriel will occultly treat the spleen and certain centers of the spine of the disciple. The lion is the abode of the sons of flame, which the Bible calls "thrones."
Just as the Sun is the heart of the solar system, the human heart is also the sun of our organism. The ineffable princess Kundalini, "Hadit", the winged serpent of the desert, reaches there. The Inner Master is the divine witness who sits on the throne of the heart temple.
All initiations are received in the temples of the astral plane, but the school is life itself.
When we move in the physical world under the guidance of the material mind or the animal soul, we create problems for ourselves; we remain trapped and suffer the unspeakable. During the zodiac sign of Virgo, you need to pronounce the vowel “U” daily to develop the telepathic center of the solar plexus, like this: UUUUUUUUU…. Sit in a comfortable chair, concentrate your mind on your Inner Self and ask him to go to the heart temples of the stars of Virgo so that he can bring the Gods of Virgo to your home so that they can awaken your Virgo powers and heal your stomach.
We must learn the brilliance of the stars and manipulate them to heal the sick. The age of Aquarius has arrived and a new line rules; the era of the 'superman' has arrived. The inhabitants of other planets of the solar system, when born under the influence of our planet Earth, are by nature mystics and love sacrifice and altruism.
They suffer a lot in life and feel a lot of love for all living things; but the black magicians of the bright blue star called earth are extremely perverse and evil.
Every human being has a connection of seven vehicles, and if we concentrate our attention on the mind or mental body which is the center of your X, the result would be a rupture of the mental body. In ancient times, man was more simple, and since he did not have the intellect of the animal soul, he perceived the subtle and the planetary genius. Ancient men grew spiritually under the influence of "Ursa Major" and students should meditate intensely on Ursa Major if they wish to awaken consciousness.
Do this exercise in the moments of transition between waking and sleeping, and you will then transfer yourself in the astral body to the largest star of Ursa Major, where a mighty and gigantic civilization exists. The reason for that awakening is due to the influence of the great enlightened "Buddha", who in the seventeenth century became the redeemer of the Martian humanity, was crucified in the forces of Mars, to redeem the Martians and help our earthly humanity with "Buddhist - Martian - forces emanating from Mars Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Orifiel are the four lords who control the karmic balance of the four winds (north, south, east and west).
Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the true and legal order of the days of the week.
The Kundalini is the solar fire enclosed in a membranous sac in the coccygeal bone, within the sacral region, which is the base of the spine. This is why Master Huiracocha says in the masterpiece entitled "The Gnostic Church" that we must make maximum use of the medulla and the semen, because therein lies the salvation of man. The vapors rising from the seed expose that opening, which is the door of the Sushumna channel.
From the mental body through its corresponding Kundalini we extract the spiritual summary of the astral body. Pratyeka Buddhas have the eighth initiation, and the ninth belongs to the World King stage. The structure of the spinal system and medulla is analogous in each of the seven bodies.
Our Buddhist principle is the supreme conscience of Being; it is the "spirit of the soul."
Work with Kundalini, (sexual magic). The fourth hour of Apollonia. The neophyte will wander at night among the tombs, experience the horror of visions, surrender to magic and the goetic. This means that the disciple will find himself attacked by millions of black magicians on the astral plane; those dark magicians will try to turn the disciple away from the bright path. The two urns, "divine magnetism and human magnetism." The superior waters of heaven. During this time the disciple will learn to be pure and chaste because he understands the value of his semen. Electric Hurricane) Baphomet. The sixth hour of Apollonia. Here it is necessary to be motionless, motionless, out of fear." This means the terrible ordeal of the gatekeeper, before which it takes a lot of courage to overcome it). The seventh hour of Apollonia. The fire comforts brave beings, and if a priest, a sufficiently purified man, steals it and then takes it out, and if he mixes it with holy oil and then consecrates it, he will achieve healing of diseases simply by applying it to the part infected. . The initiate here sees his material wealth threatened and his business fail.). The eighth hour of Apollo. The star of the wizards. Ninth Hour of Apollo. The astral virtues of the elements, of the seeds of all kinds. The study of the lesser mysteries, the nine arcades through which the student must climb.). This process belongs to the great initiations of the greatest mysteries where only the terror of the law reigns. The Tarot is a book as ancient as the ages, and is closely related to the wisdom of the planetary gods.
In the 22 major arcana, for example, a four of clubs, it is none other than the mysterious "4", the emperor and the symbol of the Ace of Clubs are repeated. Intuitive Kabbalists, looking at just one Tarot card, understand what fate has in store for them. The kabbalist of intuition is guided only by the voice of silence, the Inner Being.
When the intellect wants to combine the tarot cards alone, it falls into the most painful aberrations.
Now a new line of astrologers has arisen, the enlightened ones of the "new age", the Aquarian paladins. Now we are only interested in the paladins of the new age, the enlightened astrologers who know how to talk to the unwanted gods. We are interested now only in the stargazers, the priests of the unwanted temples, the sages of Aquarius.
Complete baptism of the mind is achieved only with the Kundalini of the "mental body". The kundalini of the mental body is the fourth stage of fire power. Through the Kundalini of the mental body we extract the "Christ mind" from the animal soul.
The ascension of the Kundalini of the mind is achieved by the merits of the heart.
The kundalini of the astral body is the color of "enlightenment" and is awakened under the guidance of a specialist. Kundalini of the astral body opens the chakras of the astral body. Therefore, full and complete development of the chakras of the astral body is achieved only with the third kundalini, which is the kundalini of the astral body.
When we have already achieved the total ascension of the Kundalini of the astral body, the third initiation of greater mysteries follows and all the magnetic wheels or disks of the sage's astral body remain fully open and brilliant. Later comes the Christification of the mind, which turns us into Arahat. This task is accomplished by the Kundalini of the mental body, the fourth Kundalini. The most important part, therefore, lies in the "Christification" of the seven bodies, and the whole secret lies in the virile organ and in the "vulva."
Primitive hermaphrodite males reproduced by "spores" and those spores used to detach from the calves of the legs.
We will then do for our “sons of fire” what our fathers did for us. Our twelve faculties or our twelve senses are the twelve faculties of the zodiac within us. So while his body sleeps in bed, the disciple will become in the internal worlds an invisible helper and a worker under the command of the Universal White Brotherhood.
Darana (concentration), ajana meditation) and samadhi (ecstasy) are the three steps that lead us to the throne of the inner master of every human being, which is the "Inner Being" (inner master). In Sanskrit, the inner chamber of the heart is called "Brahma-pura" (place of the supreme God). Dragons of Wisdom are designed with the science of the serpent and the "tree dragon".
In the lesson on Capricorn, we talked about the genuine planetary order and the legitimate calendar that was forged and changed by the Roman sect.
Weakly Astrological Timetable
Authentic Cosmographic Map