The online registration requests for any "Current Semester" must be completed before the commencement of SEEs (End of Semester Examinations) in. A copy of this will be kept with the Head of Department, Faculty Advisor/Counselor and the student. Semester exams are held with an examiner and a laboratory technician.
The external examiner is appointed from the groups of colleges decided by the examination branch of the university. There will be two internal tests in a semester and the average of the two will be considered for awarding marks for internal tests. It will be evaluated by the departmental committee consisting of the Head of Department, seminar supervisor and a senior faculty member.
The final semester examination of the UG major project will be conducted by the same committee appointed for the UG mini-project. The evaluation of the main UG project will be done at the end of the semester of the IV year.
The semester grade point average (SGPA) is calculated by dividing the sum of credit points (CP) secured from all subjects/ courses registered in a semester, by the total
The student will be required to re-appear as a "supplementary student" in the end-of-semester examination as and when available. The corresponding 'credit points' (CP) are calculated by multiplying the grade by the credit points for the particular subject/.
For merit ranking or comparison purposes or any other listing, only the ‘rounded off’
For calculations listed in regulations 9.6 to 9.9, performance in failed subjects/ courses (securing F grade) will also be taken into account, and the credits of such subjects/
Passing standards
After the completion of each semester, a grade card or grade sheet (or transcript) shall be issued to all the registered students of that semester, indicating the letter grades and
Transitory regulations
As per the rules, the principals concerned have to conduct remedial classes to cover these subjects/topics for the benefit of the students.
Student transfers
The LES students, after obtaining admission, must complete a course of study of not less than three academic years and not more than six academic years. The student must register for 144 credits and obtain 144 credits with CGPA ≥ 5 from II year to IV year B.Tech. Out of the 144 credits obtained, the student can be exempted for a maximum of 6 credits, i.e. one open elective and one professional elective or two professional electives, resulting in 138 credits for the performance evaluation of the B.Tech program.
Students, who do not fulfill the degree requirement in six academic years from the year of admission, lose their place in B.Tech.
Promotion rule
Expulsion from the examination room and cancellation of the performance in the relevant subject only of all students involved. Have copied in the examination hall from any paper, book, programmable calculators, palm computers or other type of material relevant to the subject of the examination (theory or practical) in which the student appears. Expulsion from the examination room and cancellation of the performance in the subject in question and all other subjects the student has already met, including practical tests and project work, and must not appear for the remaining tests in the subjects in the semester/year in question.
Expulsion from the examination room and cancellation of performance in that subject and all the other subjects that the student has already appeared, including practical examinations and project work and will not be allowed for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. In the case of students of the college, they will be expelled from the examination halls and cancellation of their performance in that subject and all other subjects that the student(s) have already appeared and will not be. Leave the examination room and take away answer set or intentionally tear the script or any part of it inside or outside the examination room.
Exclusion from the exam hall and cancellation occurs for this course and all other courses that the student has already taken, including practical exams and project work, and is not allowed for the remaining exams of the courses of this semester/year. Withdrawal from this course and all other courses the student has appeared in, including practical exams and project work for that semester/year.
No Course
No. Course
During the Summer Break between years III and IV: Industry Oriented Mini-Project IV SEMESTER YEAR. Open Elective – Students must take Open Electives from the List of Open Electives provided by other Departments/Branch only. Eg:- A student of Mechanical Engineering can take Open Electives from all other departments/branches except the open electives offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lab
The Computer Assisted Language Learning Lab will accommodate 40 students with 40 systems, with a Master Console, LAN facility and English language learning software for student self-study.
Interactive Communication Skills (ICS) Lab
To provide practical experience on the use of various engineering materials, tools, equipment and processes common in the field of engineering. It explains the construction, function, use and application of various work tools, equipment and machinery. Identify and use marking tools, hand tools, measuring equipment and to work to prescribed tolerances.
Practice manufacturing components using workshop trades including plumbing, assembly, carpentry, foundry, house wiring and welding. Identify and apply appropriate tools for various branches of engineering processes including drilling, material removal, measuring, chiselling.
Principles of quantum mechanics: Waves and particles, de-Broglie hypothesis, matter waves, Davisson and Germer experiment, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrodinger time-independent wave equation, physical meaning of wave function, particle in 1-D potential box, electron in periodic potential, Kronig-Penny -model (qualitative treatment), E-K curve, origin of energy band formation in solids. Beta and Gamma Functions: Beta and Gamma functions, properties, relationship between Beta and Gamma functions, evaluation of integrals using Beta and Gamma functions. Numerical integration and solution of ordinary differential equations: Trapezium rule- Simpson's 1/3rd and 3/8th rule- Solution of ordinary differential equations by Taylor's series, Picard's method of successive approximations, Euler's method, Runge-Kutta method (second and fourth order ).
Pointers – Introduction (Basic Concepts), Pointers for Inter-Function Communication, Pointers to Pointers, Compatibility, Pointer Applications-Arrays and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Passing an Array to a Function, Memory Allocation Functions, Array of Pointers, Programming Applications, Pointers to Void, pointers to functions. Strings – Concepts, C Strings, String Input/Output functions, arrays of strings, string manipulation functions, string/data conversion, C program examples. Enumerated, structure and association types - The type definition (typedef), Enumerated types, structures - Declaration, initialization, access to structures, operations on structures, complex structures - nested structures, structures containing arrays, structures containing pointers, arrays of structures, structures and functions , Passing structures through pointers, self-referencing structures, unions, bit fields, C programming examples, command line arguments, Preprocessor commands.
Sections and Development: Sectional Views of Regular Regular Solids – Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone – Auxiliary Views. Isometric and Orthographic Projections: Principles of Isometric Projection – Isometric Scale – Isometric Views – Conventions – Isometric Views of Lines, Plane Figures, Simple Solids – Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views.
To study and understand different types of DC generators, motors and transformers, their construction, operation and applications. Three-phase circuits: Phase sequence – Star and delta connection – Relationship between line and phase voltages and currents in balanced systems – Analysis of balanced and unbalanced 3-phase circuits – Measurement of active and reactive power. Overhead distribution systems.- Requirements and design features of distribution systems.- Voltage drop calculations (Numerical problems) in DC distributors for the following cases: Radial DC distributor fed at one end and at both ends (equal/unequal voltages) and Ring Main Distributor.
To understand the operation, construction and types of single-phase motors and their applications in home appliances and control systems. Time response analysis: standard test signals - Time response of first-order systems - Characteristic comparison of feedback control systems, transient response of second-order systems - Time domain specifications - Steady-state response - Steady-state errors and error constants - Effects of proportional derivative, proportional integral systems. Understand the types of circuit breakers and the selection of relays for proper protection of equipment in the power system.
Protection against overvoltages: generation of overvoltages in power systems.- Protection against lightning Overvoltages - Valve type and zinc oxide lighting arresters - Insulation coordination -BIL, Impulse ratio, Standard Impulse test wave, Volt-time characteristics. This course deals with different types of transducers, digital voltmeters, oscilloscopes and measurement of non-electrical quantities. Provide concept to design different types of logic gates using CMOS converter and analyze their transfer characteristics.
Will understand different types of devices to which PLC input and output modules are connected. Describe various protection methods for HVDC systems and classify Harmonics and design different types of filters. Filters: Types of AC filters, Design of single tuned filters – Design of high pass filters.
Evaluation of network reliability using probability distributions: Evaluation of reliability of sequential systems, parallel systems – Partially redundant systems – determination of reliability measure – MTTF for sequential and parallel systems – Examples. Approximate System Reliability Evaluation: Series Systems – Parallel Systems – Network Reduction Techniques – Slicing Approach – Common Fault Modeling and Evaluation Techniques – Examples. To acquire knowledge about the characteristics of electric motors and their applicability in industry according to the nature of different types of loads and their characteristics.
Understanding the concepts and principles of operation of different types of switching power supply systems for direct current.
Organizational Structure of Disaster Management in India - Preparation of State and District Disaster Management Plans. National Disaster Management Plan, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (