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(Signature of tenderer) INDIAN COUNCIL OF ... - KIRAN


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No. RC (EC-327) KVK-Ribhoi/2015-16/24 Dated Umiam, the 11th November, 2016.


Sealed Quotations/Tenders are invited on behalf of the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam from the Registered Contractors of CPWD/PWD/Other State Govt. Regd. Contractors having Civil & Electrical work experiences for the following works in the prescribed Quotation/Tender form enclosed herewith. The interested Party may kindly inspect the sites physically before quoting their rates and submit it on or before 2nd December, 2016 (2.00 P.M.). The tender and the details of the terms and conditions etc. may either be downloaded from our website “www.icarneh.ernet.in, www.kiran.nic.in & www.icarnehadmin.org” or may be obtained from office of the Estate Officer on any working day during the office hours till 30-11-2016.


No. Name of work Estimated cost


Cost of Tender paper (Rs.)

EMD (Rs.) 1. a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of

KVK Ri-Bhoi Administrative Building at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya


500/- 9,875/- b)

Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring

& repairing works (Administrative building) of KVK Ri- Bhoi, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya


2. a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of

KVK Farmers’ Hostel at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya 1,71,300/- b)

Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring

& repairing works (Renovation of old building of Farmers Hostel) of KVK Ri-Bhoi, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya

26,800/- Total = Rs. 4,93,753/- 1. The Tenders shall be opened on the same date at 2.30 P.M.

2. The tenderers shall enclose both “cost of tender paper and EMD (earnest money deposit)” by way of Demand Draft/Bankers’ Cheque only in Bid - I (Technical Bid) drawn in favour of “The Director, ICAR Research Complex, Barapani” payable at “S.B.I., ICAR Complex Branch, Umiam.

3. Details of tender documents as enclosed at Annexure-I.

Sd/- (D.K. Sonowal)

Estate Officer Copy for necessary information and action to: -

1. The Finance & Accounts Officer, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.

2. The Administrative Officer (G), ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam with a request to arrange to upload the advertisement/tender notice in the website at www.icarnehadmin.org & CPP Portal

3. The Chief Administrative Officer, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.

4. The Nodal Officer, ARIS Cell, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam with a request to upload the advertisement/tender notice in the website www.icarneh.ernet.in

5. Dr. Arnab Sen, P.S. & Head, (Animal Health) and Incharge Kiran, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam with a request to upload the advertisement/tender notice in the website www.kiran.nic.in

6. The Programme Coordinator, KVK, Ri-Bhoi, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.

7. The Chairman, Tender Opening Committee (Works), ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.

8. The Chairman, Works Committee, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.

9. The P.A. to Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam for favour of necessary information to the Director.

10. Notice Board, Estate Cell / Head Office, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam & Notice Board, Central Agricultural University, Umiam.

Sd/- (D.K. Sonowal)

Estate Officer Page-1


Annexure – I


Umroi Road, Umiam, Meghalaya – 793 103

No. RC (EC-327) KVK-Ribhoi/2015-16/24 Dated Umiam, the 11th November, 2016.


Sealed Quotations/Tenders are invited on behalf of the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam from the Registered Contractors of CPWD/PWD/Other State Govt. Regd. Contractors having Civil & Electrical work experiences for the following works in the prescribed enclosed Quotation/Tender form.

The interested parties may kindly inspect the sites physically before quoting their rates and submit it on or before 2nd December, 2016 (2.00 P.M.)

Name of Works: (1) (a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of KVK Ri-Bhoi Administrative Building at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya. Estimated Cost = Rs. 2,88,853/-

(b) Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring & repairing works (Administrative building) of KVK Ri-Bhoi, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya. Estimated Cost = Rs. 6,800/-

(2) (a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of KVK Farmers’ Hostel at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya. Estimated Cost = Rs. 1,71,300/-

(b) Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring & repairing works (Renovation of old building of Farmers Hostel) of KVK Ri-Bhoi, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya. Estimated Cost = Rs. 26,800/- Total Estimated Cost: Rs. 4,93,753/- (Rupees four lakhs ninety three thousand seven hundred fifty three) only.

Before quoting for the Tender, it is requested to kindly go through the Tender Document thoroughly and abide by all the Terms and conditions given. Non-Compliance of any of the T & C mentioned below, shall lead to non- consideration of the Bid and no request what so ever shall be considered under any circumstances.

The detailed Terms and Conditions are as under:

1. The Cost of Tender paper is Rs. 500.00 (Rupees Five Hundred only, Non-refundable) to be deposited in the favour of the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani by means of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque only payable at Barapani. In case of Banker’s cheque, the SBI, ICAR Research Complex Branch, Umiam will be accepted only.

2. The Tender should consist of two Bids – The Techno-Commercial Bid (Bid I) and the Financial Bid (Bid II).

Both must be submitted in two separate envelopes to be sealed and put in a single main cover. This outer main cover should be superscribed “TENDER No. RC (EC-327) KVK-Ribhoi/2015-16/24 dated 11th November, 2016” for “(1) (a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of KVK Ri- Bhoi Administrative Building at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya (b) Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring & repairing works (Administrative building) of KVK Ri-Bhoi ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya. (2) (a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of KVK Farmers’ Hostel at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya. (b) Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring & repairing works (Renovation of old building of Farmers Hostel) of KVK Ri-Bhoi, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya. The Contractors should give their complete address on the bottom left corner of the Main Cover. The Cost of the Tender as well as the Earnest Money should be mandatory kept in the Technical Bid only. The Financial Bid should consist of the Rates, their detailed break-ups, etc. All Tenders should be sent by Registered Post. Tenders to be hand delivered should be put in the Tender box, kept in the Office of the Estate Officer, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya – 793103 not later than 2.00 P.M. on 02-12-2016. Tenders received either way after the due date and time shall not be considered under any circumstances.

Page- 2


3. The rates must be valid for at least for 6 (six) months from the date of quotation.

4. Rates quoted must be given in the prescribed format only and must be all inclusive, including Taxes, VAT etc., as may be applicable.

5. Time completion for the work is allowed for 1 (one) month from the 7th day after the written order to commence the work. No extension of time will be allowed unless written permission with valid reasons granted by the competent authority.

6. Any taxes and/or other Governmental levies as applicable or becoming applicable later due to or under any law shall be deducted from the bill.

7. The Technical Bid should consist of all the technical details like literature, attested and up to date copies of Registration certificate with full validity, Professional/Sales Tax certificate, PAN CARD, Trading license certificate (in case of non – Tribal Contractors), Labour License, one passport size photograph, caste certificate, IT exemption certificate in respect of ST Tenderers etc. along with past experiences/work orders of the last 3-5 years. Lack of any required Technical Literature may result in the non – consideration of the Bid. Financial bids of technically acceptable offers would only be considered for further evaluation and analysis.

8. The Contractors shall have to deposit 2% of the tender amount i.e. Rs. 9,875/- (Rupees nine thousand eight hundred seventy five) only in the form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque/Bank Guarantee valid for 6 (six) months, drawn in favour of the Director, ICAR Research Complex, payable at SBI, ICAR Complex, Umiam, Meghalaya, as Bid Security/EMD, along with the quotation.

9. Performance Guarantee @ 5% of the Contract Value shall have to be deposited by the successful contractor immediately on the receipt of the Work Order in the form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque/Bank Guarantee valid for 6 (six) months, drawn in favour of the Director, ICAR Research Complex, payable at SBI, ICAR Complex, Umiam, Meghalaya. In case of Banker’s cheque, the SBI, ICAR Research Complex Branch, Umiam will be accepted only.

10. The Quotation/ Tender must be for the whole work & not in fragments.

11. Payment shall be made only on the satisfactory completion of the work. No part payment / supplementary/

enhanced/ revised bill shall be considered in any circumstances.

12. The tender submitted by the Contractor shall remain valid for a period of 6 (six) months from the date of opening of the tender and the contractor shall be bound to take-up the allotted work at his own quoted rates, till the completion of the work. No revised rate will be paid for increasing cost of the materials, labour charges etc. and shall be governed by the rules as per CPWD works manual, Govt. of India.



13. Other General Terms and Conditions are:

a. Except where specification provided, all materials including tools/ basic facilities etc., required for the execution of the works shall have to be arranged by Contractor at his own means and cost. No materials for the work shall be provided/issued by the Department.

b. The construction materials, as required, shall be arranged and borne by the Contractor himself & the quality of ISI standard/ as per estimate should be maintained strictly without fail. The required cash memo in support of the quantity and quality of materials utilized are to be submitted with the bills.

c. The work should be completed invariably within the stipulated time as per Drawing/ Plan at the allocated site only. Sub-standard work is not acceptable.

d. Canvassing in any form in connection with the Tender is strictly prohibited and shall lead to strict administrative measures including Black Listing.

e. The contractors will have to make their own arrangement for water/lighting and arrangement of stay of workers etc. for carrying out the work in time. No labour of the contractor will be allowed to stay within the Campus/ site of the work.

f. Samples of all materials and fittings to be used in the work in respect of brand, Manufacturer and quality shall be got approved from the Estate Officer. Sample must be produced on demand free of cost.

g. The Contractor shall be fully liable for observance of all statutory & legal dues/norms viz. EPF, ESIC, Child labour Act, Minimum Wages Act etc. No child labour shall be employed on work. Payment to the labourers shall be paid as per the prevalent norms and in toto compliance of the Minimum Wages Act. Non Compliance of any statutory or legal dues/ norms shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.

h. The contractor shall take all safety measures and precautions and wholly responsible for ensuring safety during execution of work till completion of entire work allotted to him.

i. For carrying out the works on Sunday/Holiday or during night, proper prior permission should be obtained from the Estate Officer or In-Charge of the Division concerned.

j. The successful Contractor shall have to sign an agreement in the prescribed form with the Estate Officer/In- charge concerned, as the case may be, before the start of the work.

k. If the Contractor fails to sign the formal agreement or start the work within the specified time, after award of the work, the earnest money/performance guarantee, as the case may be, shall be forfeited and the Work order shall stand cancelled.

l. No compensation shall be paid to the contractor for any damages caused by natural calamity during the execution of the work.

m. If any Contractor fails to complete the work within the specified time, LIQUIDATION DAMAGE CLAUSE shall be invoked and penalty @ 1% of the Contract Value per week shall be levied, subject to a maximum of 10% of the total Contract Value.



14. After satisfactory completion of the work, Bills in triplicate may be submitted to the office for arranging payment. While submitting the bills, the Contractor shall give in writing that all the statutory & legal dues/norms have been fully complied with and in case of any default, the Contractor shall be lone and sole responsible for the same. Necessary taxes will be deducted from the bill at the time of payment.

15. Payment will be made based on actual measurement of work.

16. The Director, ICAR Research Complex reserves the right to reject any tender either in part or full without assigning any reason thereof.

17. In case of any dispute, the Director, ICAR Research Complex, Umiam shall act as the arbitrator and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

18. Legal jurisdiction for all disputes shall be within the purview of the Shillong Court.

19. All Contractors should mandatory sign on every page of the Tender Document and should give an undertaking that they fully and unconditionally agree to abide by all the terms and conditions, which, if needed, may be modified at the discretion of the Competent Authority, in Work Order, for which confirmation from the Contractor shall be taken.

20. All Contractors should also mandatory give their Bank A/C details to enable e-payment by the office.

21. It is not mandatory to accept the lowest rate of the tenders. The decision of the competent Authority shall be the final to select the competent firms/contractors.

22. Please note in case of closing/opening day of the tender happen to be non-working day due to bandh/strike/holiday etc., the tender will be received/opened on the next working day at the same venue and time.

23. Contractor should put his/her full name and address in the specified column in the tender document. Tenders of those contractors who give only the initial without giving full name will be rejected.

24. Please note that near relatives of the officers and staff of ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya are not allowed to participate in the tender. In case it is found so, the tender of such tenderer will be disqualified.

Note: A near relative means wife, husband, parents, in-laws, children, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins.

Page- 5


25. The contractor should have experience of having successfully completed similar works in other Institutions/Departments in some Central/State Government Organization/Central Autonomous Body/Central PSU’s during the last 7 (seven) years ending last day of month previous to the month in which tenders are invited as per following;

(i) Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost put to tender. OR

(ii) Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the estimated cost put to tender. OR

(iii) One similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost put to tender.

Documentary proof in the form of completion certificate(s), work order(s) indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion to be signed by the Officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer are to be submitted failing which the tender will be non responsive. The following format may be used: -





Name of work/

Project and locatio


Owner or sponsoring organizatio


Cost of work

Date of commence

-ment as per contract

Stipulated date of completio


Actual date of completio


Litigatio n/arbitrat ion cases pending/i

n progress

with details*

Name and address/

telephone number of

officer to whom reference may

be made

Remark s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

*Indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator.

(Signature of Tenderer)

Page- 6



PERFORMANCE REPORT OF WORKS 1. Name of work/project & location

2. Agreement no.

3. Estimated cost 4. Tendered cost 5. Date of start 6. Date of completion

(i) Stipulated date of completion (ii) Actual date of completion

7. Amount of compensation levied for delayed completion, if any 8. Amount of reduced rate items, if any

9. Performance Report

(1) Quality of work: Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (2) Financial soundness: Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (3) Technical Proficiency: Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (4) Resourcefulness: Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor (5) General Behavior: Very Good/Good/Fair/Poor


(Executive Engineer or Equivalent)

26. Average Annual Financial Turnover during the last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial year should be at least 100% of the estimated cost put to tender should be submitted by the tenderer.

27. Contractor should not employ labour or staff of doubtful integrity of the State. If anti-state or anti-social elements is employed by the contractor, his tender will be cancelled and no claim whatsoever will be entertained for any loss or damages.

28. Concrete vibrators should be used for all concrete structural members in cement concrete works. The contractor should arrange the concrete vibrators by himself.

29. For concrete works only ‘River sand’ which is clean and free from dust and dirt should be used in the works.



30. Other terms & conditions, as may be decided by the Competent Authority from time to time, depending upon the condition & requirement of the supply. The intimation in this regard, shall be provided well in advance &

the bidder/supplier shall be bound by the said terms & conditions.

31. Techno – Commercial Bids shall be opened on 2nd December, 2016 (2.00 P.M.) in the Committee Room, Administrative Block/Office chamber of the Chairman of the Tender Opening Committee. Interested Contractors may attend the opening.

32. For any query/clarification may be approached at the following address:

Designation : Estate Officer / Estate Cell Contact No. : (0364) 2570594

E-mail : [email protected]

Name of the Contractor:

Signature of the Contractor with seal________________________________________



Contact No:




Name of work: 1. a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of KVK Ri-Bhoi Administrative Building at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya.

Estimated cost: Approx. Rs. 2,88,853/- (Rupees two lakhs eighty eight thousand eight hundred fifty three) only.

Sl. No. Description of work Amount

1 Providing supplying mixing and chamfering the edges along joints of walls/parapet walls and raft/roof slab having chamfered dimension of 150mmx150mm with cement sand mortar (proportion 1:4) mixed with Master Proof IWP-1 of Choksey chemicals / Dr. Sealkit No. 1 of (Asian Chemicals) / RHEOMAC 707 of BASF @ 0.2% by weight of cement over a primer coat on the area to be chamfered with a combination of 100% arrylic polymer Master Create M-81/Dr. Sealkit Sealcrete (Asian Chemicals) / RHEOMAC 115 of BASF of Choksey chemicals and cement in the ratio 1:2 to be applied by brush as specified and directed by the department complete.

Roof slab = 5x1.00x27.12m = 135.60 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

2 Providing galvanised iron ridging of TATA SHKTEE / SAIL including supplying & fixing necessary galvanised screws / washers etc. complete as directed. (e) 0.63 mm thick (ii) 230mm lapping at KVK Admn as per the instruction of department

Roof = 3.80x2.60 = 9.88 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

3 Providing & fixing 150 mm wide, 450 mm overall semi-circular plain GI sheets gutters with iron brackets 40mm x 3mm, bolts, nuts & washers etc.

including making necessary connections with rain water pipe complete as directed. (a) 0.63 mm thick at KVK Admn. Bldg. as per the instruction of department

Total = 80.00 rmt.

@ Rs. Per rmt.

4 Providing corrugated galvanized iron sheet roofing of TATA SHKTEE / SAIL including fitting and fixed necessary galvanized iron J & L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm dia with bitumen washer 25 mm dia x 3 mm thick and 1.6mm thick limpet washers complete excluding the cost of roof truss, purlin etc. (Roof trusses and purlin etc. to be measured and paid separately.

(e) 0.63 mm thick at KVK Admn. bldg as per the instruction of department Replacement of CGI sheet (Conference Hall): -

= 1x1.00x10.00m = 10.00 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



5 Providing Grouting by drilling holes at 1M C/C upto half of the slab/wall depth in zigzag manner or as per drawings using a drill machine and fixing a nozzle of 18 to 20 mm dia for injecting a grout slurry of cement admix with expanding grout admixture intraplast EP of Sika India Ltd./Dr. Sealkit NSPG (Asian Chemicals) / FLOWCABLE 50 of BASF at 1.0% by weight of cement and water resistant bonding agent Sika Latex, till the refusal of injected grout material from adjacent nozzle (grouting operation pressure shall be in between 2 to 4 kg per sq.cm.). Followed by cutting the exposed nozzle so as to make the wall free from the grouting pipes and to seal the gap with polymer modified mortar as specified and directed by the Department complete at all levels. Location: KVK Admn. Bldg. as per the instruction of department.

Wall = 1x0.45x7.00 m = 3.15 m2

@ Rs. Per qntl.

6 Providing, fitting and fixing colored anodised alumnium windows and ventilators of standard section without horizontal glazing bars joints mitred and welded (manufactured to relevant IS specifications) fitted with 6mm X 3.15 mm lugs 100mm long embedded in CC blocks 150mm x 100mm x 100mm in 1:3:6 mixed including providing and fixing handles, frictions stays joining cleat, bolting devise, locking arrangements, spring catch as required complete as specified and directed for all levels (glass panes included, cement concrete to be measured & paid separately) (a) Side hung and top hung openable windows and ventilators, (v) 6mm coloured glass.

Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department Front of Admn. Building = 1x1.10x0.45 = 0.50 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

7 Supplying, fitting and fixing anodised aluminum decorative grill with anodised rectangular frame of F & H section fitted with walls, columns or stiffeners by special type of screws as per specification by the department for all levels. Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department.

= 1x1.10x0.45 = 0.50 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

8 Brick nogged wall with 1st class brick in cement mortar including racking out joints and curing complete as directed in structure above plinth level upto 1st floor level (protruding MS rod/Tor steel of column to be embedded in cement mortar and will be measured and paid separately). (b) Quarter brick wall (~70 mm) thick 1st class brick nogged wall. (a) In proportion 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 sand) Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department

Corridor wall in 1st floor = 1x2.3x1.8 = 4.14 m2 Entrance for protection = 4x0.6x4.3 = 10.32 m2

Total = 14.46 m2 Deduct window & ventilator = 0.50 m2 Total = 13.96 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



9 Providing wood work in frame (chowkats) of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other similar works wrought, framed and fixed in position in contact with c.c or brick masonry wall including supplying fitting and fixing with MS Hold fast (40mmx3mmx250mm) as per design embedded in cement concrete block in proportion 1:2:4 and with two coats of kiricide oiling to the timber faces in contact with CC and masonry as directed and specified. (b) 1st Class local timber (Pooma / Hollock / Oak / Gamari / Diengrai and the like). Location: KVK Admn. Bldg. as per the instruction of department

At Laboratory room = 8x0.1x0.12x0.85 = 0.08 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

10 Dismantling wood work in frames, trusses, purlins and rafters including stacking the materials as directed by the department for all levels. Location:

KVK Admn. Bldg. as per the instruction of department Total = 0.13 m3

@ Rs. Per m3

11 15 mm thick cement plaster in single coat on rough side or half brick walls for interior plastering upto 1st floor level including arises, internal rounded angles, chamfers and / or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and smooth including curing complete as directed. (a) In Cement mortar 1:3 Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department

= 4.80x10.60m = 50.88 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

12 Providing fitting hosting & fixing of roof trusses including purlins fabricated using iron hollow section confirming to relevent IS code, as per approved design and drawings including providing MS cleats, base plates, bolts & nuts and one coat of red oxide zink cromate primer and two coats of approved enamel paints complete including fitting necessary cleats etc. for fixing ceiling joists as per design and drawing as directed. Using TATA make circular hollow section of grade YST-310 confirming IS specification 1161-1998. Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department 32mm nominal bore, 42.4mm outside diameter, weight 3.15kg/m

= 1x9.00mx3.15 kg/m = 28.35 kg = 0.28 qntl.

@ Rs. Per m2

13 Providing Pre Painted Galvanized Iron sheet roofing (PPGI) (Dyna roof / Sathyam / Durakolor / Century Wells / Prestar / Wonder Roof make or equivalent) at all levels including supplying, fitting and fixing with self drilling, self tapping screws complete. (roof trusses, purlins etc. to be measured and paid separately.). (f) 0.80 mm thick. Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department

= 1x2.1x1.4 = 2.94 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



14 Distempering two coat with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on old wall surface to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface free from dirt, loose scales and other foreign matter and also including preparing surface even and sand papered smooth. Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department.

Exhibition Hall:

= 1x4.2x8.3 = 34.36 m2 = 1x4.2x4.65 = 19.53 m2 = 1x4.2x6.2 = 26.04 m2 = 1x4.2x4.65 = 19.53 m2 Ceiling = 1x6.3x4.2 = 26.46 m2 Farm Manager’s room:

= 1x4.2x6.2 = 26.04 m2 = 1x4.2x6.8 = 28.56 m2 = 1x4.2x8.1 = 34.02 m2 = 1x4.2x6.8 = 28.56 m2 Ceiling = 1x6.8.1x6.18 = 42.03 m2 Laboratory room:

= 1x4.2x4.65 = 19.53 m2 = 1x4.2x6.4 = 26.88 m2 = 1x4.2x6.8 = 28.56 m2 = 1x4.2x6.2 = 26.04 m2 Ceiling = 1x4.8x5.44 = 25.90 m2 Total = 412.06 m2

Deduction for windows, ventilators & doors:

= 8x1.9x0.8 = 12.16 m2 = 1x2.1x1.10 = 2.31 m2

= 6x1.9x0.8 = 9.12 m2 = 1x2.1x1.10 = 2.31 m2 = 8x1.9x0.80 = 9.12 m2

= 1x2.10x1.10 = 2.31 m2 Total = 37.33 m2

Total distempering area = (412.06 - 37.33) = 374.73 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

15 Applying one self-priming coat of acrylic emulsion coating of Unicem

"Rakshak" brand by thinning one litres of paint with 1 litres of water over freshly plaster wall surface after thoroughly brooming the surface free from mortar dropings and other foreign matter and including preparing the surface even and sand papered smooth as specified and directed by the department.

Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department

= 1x5.20x4.90m = 24.48 = 24.50 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



16 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position reinforcement bars upto 1st floor level, confirming to relevant I.S. Code for R.C.C. work / R.B. walling including straightening, cleaning, cutting and bending to proper shapes and length as per details, supplying & binding with 20 G annealed black wire and placing in position with proper blocks, supports, chairs, spacers etc.

complete. (rates inclusive of all wastages, lappage, hooks, chairs, anchorage etc. and no measurements for the same is required)

(a) from primary source like TATA/SAIL/ESSAR / JINDAL/SHYAM / RINL

(i) TMT Corrosion resistant steel (CRS) reinforcement bar

10mm (0.62 kg/m) bars for 4 nos. manhole cover/slab of size (1.0mx1.0m)

@ 120mm c/c

Making slab for 4 nos. manhole: -

= 4x18.67 = 74.68 rmt.

@ 0.62 kg/m = 74.68x0.62 = 46.30 kg = 0.46 qntl.

@ Rs. Per qntl.

17 In columns, pillars, posts, struts, suspended floor, roof, landing, shield and support, balcony, lintel, sill band, beam, girder, bressumer, cantilever, staircase etc. above plinth level upto first floor level (without using admixture, plasticizer). M20 or Prop. 1:1.5:3

Outside front wall & slab: -

= 4x0.12x1.00x1.00 = 0.48 m3

@ Rs. Per m3

18 Providing and fixing plain with special metal, such putty and gazing clip in steel window/doors/clerestory windows including necessary cutting to required size for all floors. (b) Frosted glass panes, (iv) 6mm thick

Front of Admn. Bldg, Farm Manager’s room: -

= 1.1x1.00 = 1.10 m2

@ Rs. Per m2 19 Supply & fitting of Hydraulic door closures

PC’s room: -

Total = 1 no.

@ Rs. Each

20 Applying priming coat over new wood and wood base surface over 100mm in girth/width after and including preparing the surface by thoroughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter, sand papering and knotting. (a) With ready mixed paint, wood primer (pink/white). Location:

KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department

= 1x0.45x7.00 = 3.15 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



21 Painting one coat (excluding priming coat) on old wood and wood based surfaces with enamel paint to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and stopping.

(b) Surfaces up to 100mm in width or girth. (i) General purpose (Asian paint / Berger paint / ICI paint / J&N paint / Nerolac). Location: KVK Admn bldg as per the instruction of department

= 2x12.00x5.00 = 120 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

22 Painting one coat (excluding priming coat) on old steel and other metal surface with enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture (Asian paint / Berger paint / ICI paint / JN paint / Nerolac) to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dusts and other foreign matter. (b) Surface upto 100 mm in width and girth (i) general purpose (Asian paint / Berger paint / ICI paint / JN paint / Nerolac)

Front of Admn. Bldg.: -

= 1x2.5x1.08 = 2.70 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

Grand Total = Rs.

Rupees (in words)

Name of the Contractor:

Signature of the Contractor with seal:


Registration No:

Contact No:

Sd/- (D.K. Sonowal)

Estate Officer




Name of work: b) Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring & repairing works (Administrative building) of KVK Ri-Bhoi ICAR, Umiam

Estimated cost: Rs. 6,800/- (Rupees six thousand eight hundred) only.



Particulars Qty Rate Amount (Rs)

1 Tube light4 ft (bajaj or equivalent) 6 nos 2 Choke 40 watt copper (bajaj or


6 nos

3 Starter 40 watt (bajaj or equivalent) 6 nos 4 Fan rewinding (all accessories) 1 no 5 LED flood light 12 watt (bajaj or


1 no

6 6 Amp switch (Anchor) 2 nos

7 Fan dimmer (Anchor) 3 nos

8 Batten holder (Anchor) 1 no

9 Casing pipe 1” size 2 nos

10 1.5 sq.mm wire copper PVC 30 mtr

11 Screw 1” size 2 pkt

12 6 amp socket (Anchor) 1 no

Total Amount = Rs.

Rupees (in words)

Name of the Contractor:

Signature of the Contractor with seal:


Registration No:

Contact No:

Sd/- (D.K. Sonowal)

Estate Officer Page-15



Name of work: 2. a) Repairing, water proofing with roof treatment & renovation of KVK Farmers’ Hostel at ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya.

Estimated cost: Approx. Rs. 1,71,300/- (Rupees one lakh seventy one thousand three hundred) only.

Sl. No. Description of work Amount

1 Providing supplying mixing and chamfering the edges along joints of walls/parapet walls and raft/roof slab having chamfered dimension of 150mmx150mm with cement sand mortar (proportion 1:4) mixed with Master Proof IWP-1 of Choksey chemicals / Dr. Sealkit No. 1 of (Asian Chemicals) / RHEOMAC 707 of BASF @ 0.2% by weight of cement over a primer coat on the area to be chamfered with a combination of 100% arrylic polymer Master Create M-81/Dr. Sealkit Sealcrete (Asian Chemicals) / RHEOMAC 115 of BASF of Choksey chemicals and cement in the ratio 1:2 to be applied by brush as specified and directed by the department complete.

Entrance and corridor: -

= 3x1.7x11.3m = 57.63 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

2 Providing galvanised iron ridging of TATA SHKTEE / SAIL including supplying & fixing necessary galvanised screws / washers etc. complete as directed. (e) 0.63 mm thick (ii) 230mm lapping as per the instruction of department

Dining Hall = 2.83x2.60m = 7.36 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

3 Providing & fixing 150 mm wide, 450 mm overall semi-circular plain GI sheets gutters with iron brackets 40mm x 3mm, bolts, nuts & washers etc.

including making necessary connections with rain water pipe complete as directed. (a) 0.63 mm thick as per the instruction of department

KVK Farmers Hostel: - Total = 70.00 rmt.

@ Rs. Per rmt.

4 Providing corrugated galvanized iron sheet roofing of TATA SHKTEE / SAIL including fitting and fixed necessary galvanized iron J & L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm dia with bitumen washer 25 mm dia x 3 mm thick and 1.6mm thick limpet washers complete excluding the cost of roof truss, purlin etc. (Roof trusses and purlin etc. to be measured and paid separately.

(e) 0.63 mm thick as per the instruction of department

In kitchen

= 1x1.00x6.00m = 6.00 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



5 Providing corrugated 1.2mm thick transparent fibre sheet roofing including fitting and fixing necessary galvanized J or L hooks, bolts and nuts of 8.0mm dia with bitumen washer 25mm dia x 3mm thick and 1.6mm thick limpet washers complete excluding the cost of roof truss, purlin etc. (Roof trusses and purlin etc. to be measured and paid separately. At KVK Ri Bhoi Farmers bldg as per the instruction of department

= 4x1.00x2.70m = 10.80 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

6 Providing Grouting by drilling holes at 1M C/C upto half of the slab/wall depth in zigzag manner or as per drawings using a drill machine and fixing a nozzle of 18 to 20 mm dia for injecting a grout slurry of cement admix with expanding grout admixture intraplast EP of Sika India Ltd./Dr. Sealkit NSPG (Asian Chemicals) / FLOWCABLE 50 of BASF at 1.0% by weight of cement and water resistant bonding agent Sika Latex, till the refusal of injected grout material from adjacent nozzle (grouting operation pressure shall be in between 2 to 4 kg per sq.cm.). Followed by cutting the exposed nozzle so as to make the wall free from the grouting pipes and to seal the gap with polymer modified mortar as specified and directed by the Department complete at all levels. Location: KVK Farmers hostel bldg as per the instruction of department

= 1x0.45x11.00m = 4.95 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

7 Providing wood work in frame (chowkats) of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other similar works wrought, framed and fixed in position in contact with c.c or brick masonry wall including supplying fitting and fixing with MS Hold fast (40mmx3mmx250mm) as per design embedded in cement concrete block in proportion 1:2:4 and with two coats of kiricide oiling to the timber faces in contact with CC and masonry as directed and specified. (b) 1st Class local timber (Pooma / Hollock / Oak / Gamari / Diengrai and the like). Location: KVK Farmer's hostel as per the instruction of department

= 5x0.10x0.12x0.85m = 0.051 m3

@ Rs. Per m3

8 Dismantling wood work in frames, trusses, purlins and rafters including stacking the materials as directed by the department for all levels. Location:

KVK Farmer's hostel as per the instruction of department.

= 5x0.30x0.12x0.60 m = 0.11 m3

@ Rs. Per m3



9 15 mm thick cement plaster in single coat on rough side or half brick walls for interior plastering upto 1st floor level including arises, internal rounded angles, chamfers and / or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and smooth including curing complete as directed. (a) In Cement morter 1:3 Location: KVK Farmer's hostel as per the instruction of department

= 5.00x9.20 m = 46.00 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

10 Distempering two coats with oil bound distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on old wall surface to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface free from dirt, loose scales and other foreign matter and also including preparing surface even and sand papered smooth. Location: KVK Farmer's hostel bldg as per the instruction of department

Front passage = 1x3.2x5.10m = 16.32 m2 Dining room = 1x3.2x4.80 m = 15.36 m2 = 1x3.2x5.10m = 16.32 m2 = 1x3.2x4.80m = 15.36 m2 Ceiling = 1x5.10x4.80 = 24.48 m2 Total = 87.48 m2

Deduct window & ventilator = 6x1.70x0.80m = 8.16 m2 Door = 1x2.1x1.00 m = 2.10 m2 Total = 10.26 m2 Total area = (87.48 – 10.26) = 77.00 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

11 Applying one self-priming coat of acrylic emulsion coating of Unicem

"Rakshak" brand by thining one litres of paint with 1 litres of water over freshly plaster wall surface after throughly brooming the surface free from mortar dropings and other foreingn matter and including preparing the surface even and sand papered smooth as specified and directed by the department. Location: KVK Farmer's hostel bldg as per the instruction of department

= 1x5.10x4.90 m = 25.00 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

12 Providing, fitting and fixing full paneled doors/windows including oxidized MS butt hinges (100 mm X 75mm x 3.55mm) with necessary screws (other fittings to be measured and paid separately) (c ) With red pine wood, (i) 40mm thick. Location: Kitchen, KVK Farmer's hostel bldg as per the instruction of department

In kitchen = 1x2.10x1.50 m = 3.15 m2

@ Rs. Per m2



13 Painting one coat (excluding priming coat) on old wood and wood based surfaces with enamel paint to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter sand papering and stopping.

(b) Surfaces up to 100mm in width or girth. (i) General purpose (Asian paint / Berger paint / ICI paint / J&N paint / Nerolac). Location: KVK Farmer's hostel as per the instruction of department

Dining & office room: -

= 2x1.00x36.22 = 72.44 m2

@ Rs. Per m2

Grand Total = Rs.

Rupees (in words)

Name of the Contractor:

Signature of the Contractor with seal:


Registration No:

Contact No:

Sd/- (D.K. Sonowal)

Estate Officer




Name of work: b) Repairing and replacing as well as extending of electric wiring & repairing works

(Renovation of old building of Farmers Hostel) of KVK Ri-Bhoi, ICAR, Umiam, Meghalaya.

Estimated cost: Rs. 26,800/- (Rupees twenty six thousand eight hundred) only.



Particulars Qty Rate Amount (Rs)

1 Fan rewinding (all accessories) 7 nos 2 LED 8 watt bulb (SYSKA or equivalent) 13 nos 3 40 watt electronic choke (bajaj or


12 nos 4 40 watt tube light (bajaj or equivalent) 12 nos 5 12 watt LED bulb (bajaj or equivalent) 16 nos

6 Pendent holder 10 nos

Total Amount = Rs.

Rupees (in words)

Name of the Contractor:

Signature of the Contractor with seal:


Registration No:

Contact No:


(D.K. Sonowal) Estate Officer Page-20


Related documents

INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ICAR RESEARCH COMPLEX FOR NEH REGION Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal-795 004 Email : [email protected], [email protected]