Disciplines (which do not take account of OPEN ELECTIVE subjects) must first be given priority to the student from the 'Parent Department'. If the examiner's report is again unfavorable, the thesis is rejected.
Credit Point: It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course
One credit equals one hour of required instruction per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (lecture or tutorial) or two hours of practical/field work per week.
In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final
Exclusion from the examination hall and cancellation of participation in this subject only for all registered candidates. Exclusion from the examination hall and cancellation occurs in this subject and all other subjects that the candidate has already taken, including practical exams and project work, and he is not allowed to take the remaining exams in the subjects of this semester/year.
Essentials of cloud Computing : K.Chandrasekhran , CRC press, 2014
Write a Java program that reads an infix expression and converts the expression to postfix form. Write Java programs to implement the deque (double end queue) ADT using a) Array b) Singly linked list c) Doubly linked list. Data Structures Using Java, D.S.Malik and P.S. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in Java, 2nd Edition, S.Sahani, Universities Press.
Prepare the following documents and develop a software project startup, prototype model using software engineering methodology for at least two real-time scenarios or for sample experiments. Problem Analysis and Project Planning - Thorough study of the problem - Determine the project scope, objectives and infrastructure.
Student Enrolment System
The system checks which subjects (if any) are specified as prerequisites for the subject the student wishes to register for. If the password is correct, the system displays the list of students registered for the subject to the employee. The system checks that this code is not already in use in the system and, if not, creates a new subject record.
The system contacts the finance system to check whether or not the student has paid all the fees. If fees have been paid, the system creates a transcript showing all the courses the student is enrolled in each year, and the grade for that course. The administrator then provides the subject code for the subject to which the staff member will be assigned and the staff member's personnel ID number.
Online Bookshop
The administrator then provides the name of the course, the course it belongs to, the course year in which it can be taken first, a flag indicating whether or not it is a core course, and the codes of any prerequisite courses. The administrator then provides the student ID number for which the transcript will be generated. The transcript header shows the student's personal information and the course in which he or she is enrolled.
If a book ordered by a customer appears to be unavailable, the corresponding order line is flagged and an email is sent to the customer to inform them of the problem. When a book matching a previously unavailable order line becomes available, an email is sent to the customer and a copy of the book is held for seven days, after which it is returned to normal stock if the customer does not have not confirmed the order. An integrated email tool that allows participants to send announcement email messages to the entire class or to a subset of the entire class.
The computerization of this system would avoid incorrect interpretation and poor calculation of data. The system helps the user to view all documents, source code, tasks, activities, team information with details at a click of a button. Add CSS to customize capital font properties (color, bold, and font size). Given these two values, it should list all the records in the XML file that match the value of the given field in a text area (result box).
Then the colors of the countries should be changed to green or red depending on the answer. Create an Android app that displays Hello + username and run it in the emulator. Develop an application that displays the names as a list and on selecting the name displays the candidate details on the next screen with a "Back" button.
Software Architecture in Practice, Second Edition, Len Bass, Paul Clements & Rick Kazman, Pearson Education, 2003. Software Quality Assurance and Standards: The Software Quality challenge, What is software quality, Software quality factors, The components of the Software Quality Assurance system, Software quality metrics , cost of software quality, quality management standards, management and its role in software quality assurance, SQA unit and other actors in the SQA system. Software Testing Strategy and Environment: Minimizing Risk, Writing a Software Testing Policy, The Economics of Testing, Testing - an Organizational Problem, Management Support for Software Testing, Building a Structured Approach to Software Testing, A developing test strategy Building software test process: software Testing guidelines, workbench concept, customizing the software testing process, process preparation checklist - (chapters: 2,3) of T1 software testing techniques: dynamic testing – Black Box testing techniques, White Box testing techniques, static testing, validation activities, regression testing - (Chapters of T2.
Testing process Testing process in seven steps – I: Overview of the software testing process, organizing tests, developing the test plan, verification testing, validation testing. Software Testing - Effective Methods, Tools and Techniques, Renu Rajani, Pradeep Oak, Tata McGraw-Hill, rp2011. To learn about Spark and understand its features that will help it overtake Hadoop.
Understand big data, learn big data analytics Understand how data is stored and processed in Hadoop Learn about NoSQL databases. To introduce the concept of M2M (machine to machine) with the necessary protocols To introduce the Python scripting language used in many IoT devices To introduce the Raspberry PI platform which is widely used in IoT applications To introduce the implementation of web services on IoT devices. Introduction to IoT - Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Physical Design of IoT - IoT Protocols, IoT Communication Models, IoT Communication APIs, IoT Enabled Technologies - Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Communication protocols, embedded systems, IoT layers and templates Domain Specific IoT – Home, City, Environment, Energy, Retail, Logistics, Agriculture, Industry, Health and Lifestyle UNIT II.
Introduction to Python - Python language features, data types, data structures, flow control, functions, modules, packaging, file handling, data/time operations, classes, exception handling Python packages - JSON, XML, HTTPLib, URLLib, SMTPLib. IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints - Introduction to Raspberry PI Interfaces (Serial, SPI, I2C) Programming - Python program using Raspberry PI with an emphasis on communicating with external gadgets, controlling output and reading input from pins. IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings – Introduction to Cloud Storage Models and Communication APIs Web Server – Web Server for IoT, Cloud for IoT, Python Web Application Framework Designing a RESTful Web API.
Computer Forensics Fundamentals: Introduction to Computer Forensics, Use of Computer Forensics in Law Enforcement, Computer Forensics Assistance to Human
Current Computer Forensics Tools: Evaluating Computer Forensics Tool Needs, Computer Forensics Software Tools, Computer Forensics Hardware Tools, Validating and
Learn general patterns and best practices for formatting and limiting the output of a business process. To list the responsibilities of the Infinity SDK software developer for building and supporting the functionality required by a business process. To describe how a QueryViewSpec can be used to define the output format for a business process.
To describe how a committee can be used to limit the rows processed by a business process UNIT I. Business Process Management, Practical Guidelines for Successful Implementations, John Jeston and Johan Nelis, Second Edition, Elsevier, 2009. Management by Process, A roadmap to sustainable Business Process Management, John Jeston and Johan Nelis, Elsevier, 2009.
Web 2.0
It also introduces students to the advanced scripting skills needed to implement highly interactive and rich web applications using multimedia technologies and authoring tools. The course enables students to master industry-wide software and technologies to create highly interactive and rich web applications. Introduction, Application Level Framework, Audio/Video Conferencing Session Directories, Audio/Video Conferencing, Adaptive Applications, Receiver Heterogeneity, Real-Time Application with Resource Reservation, Video Server, Applications Requiring Reliable Multicast - Whiteboard , Network Text Editing for Shared Sharing , Multi Talk, Multicast File Transfer, World Wide Web Multimedia Applications – Multicast Web Page Distribution, www Audio/Video Broadcasts, Interactive Multiplayer Games.
Adobe Flex 2- Introduction, Flex Platform Overview, Creating a Simple User Interface, Accessing XML Data from Your Application, Interacting with Server-Side Applications, Customizing Your User Interface, Creating Maps and Graphs, Connection-Independent RIAs on the Desktop -Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), Flex 3 Beta. Introduction, traditional web applications vs ajax applications, rich internet application with ajax, history of ajax, raw ajax example using xml httprequest object, using xml, create a full scale ajax enabled application, Dojo ToolKit. AJAX, Rich Internet Applications, and Web Development for Programmers, Paul J Deitel and Harvey M Deitel, Deitel Developer Series, Pearson education.
- Cyber Security Essentials, James Graham, Richard Howard and Ryan Otson, CRC Press
- Test the following using JUnit and CPPUnit
- Write a scala program to demonstrate val and var 2. write a scala program to read data from keyboard
- Write a scala program to implement method overloading(Function Overloading)
- Write a scala program to implement (i)single inheritance (ii) multi level
- Write a scala program to implement method overriding
- Write a scala program to implement Hierarchical inheritance 10. write a scala program to implement traits
- Write a scala program to implement multiple inheritance 12. write a scala program to implement abstract classes
- write a scala program to implement from Collection : Vectors
- write a scala program to implement from Collection :MAPS
- Write a scala program to implement from collection : LIST
- write a scala program implement the statement “ traits can be inherited”
- write a scala program implement the statement “ abstract classes” can be inherited”
- write a scala program implement the statement “ abstract classes” can be inherited”
- Exercises on Productivity Development
- Exercises on Personality Development Skills
- Exercises on Professional Etiquette and Communication
Write a Java program to encrypt user passwords before they are stored in a database table and to retrieve them when they are returned for verification. Write an R program to read n numbers. i) Total number of odd numbers (ii) Sum of all odd numbers 6. Write an R program to obtain. i) sum of two matrices A and B (ii) subtraction of two matrices A and B (iii) Product of two matrices. Write an R program to implement "Executing Scripts" written on the notepad by calling the R console.
Write an R program to implement Graphs. i) Basic high level graphs (ii) Modifications of scatter plots (iii) Modifications of histograms, parallel box plots. Write a scala program to demonstrate val and var 2. write a scala program to read data from the keyboard 2. write a scala program to read data from the keyboard 3. write a scala program to implement. i) one-dimensional array (ii) multi-dimensional array. Write a scala program to implement (i)single inheritance (ii) multi-level (i)single inheritance (ii) multi-level.