Overall, in the Committee's considered opinion, the Institute has made excellent progress in all areas of its activities. One of the important milestones during the reporting period was the celebration of the Institute's centenary in 2005.
Quinquennial Review Team (QRT)
A total of ten Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) meetings were held during 2007-2009 to review IARI's work. During the eighth meeting on December 29, 2008, the information received from various divisions/units/stations was transferred to the QRT members.
Mandates and Objectives
Build databases on agricultural research and share them with all genuine users around the world. Add value to the information and use it to analyze the impact of research and technology development on national agriculture.
The dean and the joint director (education) coordinate the department's academic activities. Inquiries regarding the Institute's extension training are handled through the Joint Director (Extension).
- Board of Management
- Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
- Staff Research Council (SRC)
- Executive Council
- Extension Council
- Academic Council
- Institute Joint Staff Council (IJSC)
- Institute Grievance Cell (IGC)
The meetings of the IARI Executive Council were held under the chairmanship of the Director, IARI. The Academic Council is supreme in the matter of the department's academic activities at the Post Graduate School.
Miscellaneous Information of the Institute
- IARI Centenary Celebrations
- Awards, Trainings and Publications
- Externally Funded Projects
- Faculty Strength
- Transfer Policy
- Patents Filed
- Budget of the Institute
The total number of scientific, technical, administrative and support staff of the Institute during the reporting period is shown in Table 4. The number of patents filed per year is shown in Table 6 and the details are shown in Table 7.
Policies, Priorities, Strategies and Programmes
Prioritisation in Relation to Mandate, Objectives, Programmes,
Strengthening policy research on agro-biodiversity, plant variety protection, plant breeders' rights, farmers' rights, intellectual property rights, biotechnology and GMOs, biosecurity, etc., and national and international trade-related issues. Development of the postgraduate school to act as an important international center for Human Resource Development in the field of agriculture.
Development of need-based basic and advanced courses and hands-on practical experience aimed at producing skilled human resources in the fields of biotechnology, precision agriculture, GIS, etc. Development of Centers of Advanced Studies to play a leadership role in scientific research and technology generation.
Tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress (insect pests, viruses, drought, salinity and temperature); physiology and post-harvest storage; improvement of food quality; Policy research for sustainable agriculture; diversification of agriculture to increase livelihood security; institutions, policies and impact assessment; agricultural markets, trade and globalization; management of agricultural knowledge and information system;
Achievements of Various Project Directorates/Divisions/Units
School of Crop Improvement
Hybrid rice 'PRH 10', the world's first quality basmati hybrid, significantly outperforms 'Pusa Basmati 1' and has been acquired by a large number of seed companies. During the period the Institute has developed two varieties/hybrids of sorghum namely Pusa Chari Hybrid 109 and Pusa Chari 615. The Institute has developed and released four pigeon varieties namely Pusa 991, Pusa 992, Pusa 2001 and Pusa 2002. period.
Two soybean varieties namely Pusa 9712 and Pusa 9814 were developed and released by the Institute during this period.
School of Crop Protection
A talc-based formulation of Aspergillus terreus and other fungi has been prepared for use against root knot (Meloidogyne incognita) and reniform (Rotylenchulus reniformis) nematodes in vegetables. Maize lines, POP 145, XP-102 and L 173 showed resistance to striped leaf and sheath disease and are registered as sources of resistance with the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources. Immuno- and nucleodiagnostic reagents (polyclonal antisera and cDNA probes) and protocols have been developed for the detection of chronic and emerging viruses.
In addition, viral gene constructs were shared with various organizations within the National Agricultural Research System.
School of Resource Management
The concept of aqua-ferti seeding was developed at the Center and the device was produced in collaboration with the Agricultural Engineering Division. The climate change impact assessment conducted by the division has been used by the Government of India for policy development. The Division has developed a protocol for the use of PME, which has been accepted by the Ministry of the Environment.
The division has quantified the impact of elevated tropospheric ozone levels on the growth and productivity of rice and wheat grown in open chambers under elevated ozone concentrations.
School of Basic Science
A soybean endophyte identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa (HKA-15) was found to be the best for the control of Rhizoctonia bataticola wilt disease in soybean. Some of the major genes involved in lipid biosynthesis have been isolated, cloned and characterized from Brassica juncea, namely (i) acyl-ACP-thioesterase (fatty A) – a chain length-determining enzyme (accession no: A3294419); ii) omega-3 desaturase (fad-3), which converts linoleic acid to linolenic acid, (iii) acetyl-COA carboxylase (Accase), which is involved in the first committed step of fatty acid biosynthesis (Acc No. AJ582176), (iv) ) glycerol-3 phosphate acyl transferase (GPAT) accession no. AJ42504, (v) lysophosphatidic acid acyl transferase (LPAAT) and (vi) diacyl glycerol acyl transferase (DGAT) (accession no. DQD16105). We found that the membrane stability index is a good parameter for the selection of genotypes for different abiotic stresses.
The nodulation capacity, i.e. the mass and number of nodules, under salt stress was found to be a reliable selection marker for identifying salt-tolerant lines in chickpea.
School of Social Sciences
The training modules were developed and validated which led to significant improvements in the knowledge and skill levels of the respondents in different areas of management. Total factor productivity (TFP) indices by districts/regions of the Indo-Gangetic plains indicated that productivity alone contributed one-third to total output growth in the IGP. Investment in research, extension, education and infrastructure have been identified as the most important sources of TFP growth in the IGP.
Such a large loss due to soil degradation has negative consequences for the sustainability of agriculture in the country.
Regional Stations
The Karnal Regional Station generated >30% of the institute's total revenue through the sale of quality seeds. The Indore Regional Station is currently one of the largest producers of breeding seeds of Central Zone wheat varieties. Molecular cloning of one of the genome segments of the virus causing Foorkey's disease was achieved.
Virus causing Chirke disease is a probable member of the family Potyviridae, while the virus causing Foorkey disease was a probable member of the genus nanovirus.
Socio-economic Impact
Similarly, fruit varieties developed by the Institute like Amrapali and Mallika (mango) are very popular in the country and are being exported. Technologies developed by the Institute are gaining popularity among private companies for their commercialization. Agri Genetics Ltd., Secunderabad; and Nath Biogene (I) Ltd., Aurangabad; Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd., New Delhi; Bhawani Seeds &.
લેફ્ટનન્ટ, બેંગલુરુ; અમરેશ્વર એગ્રી-ટચ લિ., હૈદરાબાદ; યશોદા હાઇબ્રિડ સીડ્સ લિ., વર્ધા; આતશ બીજ પવત.
Library and Learning Resources
The Library has been involved in the following computer services: (i) digitization of IARI/ICAR RFT theses, (ii) digitization of 27 rare books; (iii) scanning abstract/. In 2005, the Library had 135 online journals, which are free for journals subscribed to by print journals and are accessible via the intranet. The library's two reading rooms are equipped with a WIFI system and computers with intranet connectivity.
From time to time, scientists and students of the Institute are trained on CD ROM Search, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Digital Resources, E-Journals, On-line information retrieval, etc.
Post Graduate School
The Institute also offers a doctoral program (Ph.D.) in all the above disciplines except computer applications. Pal Memorial Award, Hari Kishan Shastri Memorial Award and Sukumar Basu Memorial Award are presented by the Institute to promote excellence in agricultural research in the country. Faculty members of the Institute have been honored with various awards such as Om Prakash Bhasin Award, VASVIK Award, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award and Hari Om Ashram Award.
The students of the institute also participate regularly in various literary, cultural and sports competitions organized by the institute, ICAR and by other universities/institutions in India.
Administrative Achievements of IARI (2000-2008)
Intranet: Internet and e-mail have been provided on all computers available to senior officers and departments/branches of the Director's office. A committee constituted under the chairmanship of the Dean and Joint Director (Education) of IARI along with 7 other members to introduce e-Governance in the institute as part of modernization, especially in view of the phenomenon of globalization and to deal with the reduction in administrative staff strength. However, according to QRT, the sports and faculty benefits are not commensurate with IARI's status as a Deemed University.
Although higher efficiency has been achieved administratively, there has been significant depletion of staff strength in various categories, thus affecting the functioning of the Institute.
Future Proposals in EFC
In the same way, the accounts payable department, collection department and audit branches are working with the latest version of the software. ii) Internet &. QRT recommends financial support for the construction of the Faculty Club, a state-of-the-art facility for sports and games, including an indoor stadium, and a swimming pool. 5,500 lakhs was earmarked for a new building to house the departments of the Crop Improvement School, together with provisions for a farm house; a farm hostel for women; graduate school building; a gymnasium and indoor facility, including a pool for students; additional building (4-storey) next to the library; a hostel for trainees with 100 beds; office and laboratory building at IARI Regional Station in Shimla; new girls' hostel (75 rooms); boys' dormitory (150 rooms); hostel for married students (75 sets) etc. iii) Update: Under the EFC plan an allocation of Rs.
Some of the main equipment recommended are: Confocal Microscope with Accessories, DNA Micro Array System, Plant Growth Chambers, Robotics for High Throughput System (PCR Workstation), LS-MS-MS, Electron Microscope of transmission, scanning electron microscope, inductively coupled plasma spectrometer -MS with DCR technology, DNA Sequencing, Plot Harvester, Plot Combine, Microscope with Image Analysis System, NIR Automatic Protein Analyzer, etc.
Technology Transfer
About one-fourth of the visiting farmers from Delhi, UP and Haryana were interested in floriculture and horticulture, indicating that farmers in suburban Delhi are moving towards commercialization/diversification of agriculture. A subject specialist (plant protection) demonstrating the use of light trap in controlling insect population in gram crop at Teekli village, Gurgaon district, Haryana. Besides publication of various extension literature and Prasar Doot magazine, publications on important technologies and briefs on various government programs/schemes were brought out and distributed among farmers.
Crop varieties and technologies introduced in different parts of the country contributed in terms of higher yields and economic returns, thus motivating farming communities to adopt improved technologies.
Interaction and Linkages
Resources and Organization
Summary and Recommendations
The lack of faculty in most disciplines is seriously affecting the research and teaching activities of the Institute. UNDER: ACTION POINTS ARISING FROM THE PROCESSVERS OF THE FIRST MEETING AND 216 OF THE GOVERNING BODY. Given the importance of new agrochemical molecules in plant protection, the Institute has initiated a project for the development of agrochemicals from natural and synthetic sources.
Accepted the recommendations made by the RTC regarding the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi for the period 2000-2008 with the comments of the council as follows. i).