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R18 B.Tech. CSE (Internet of Things) Syllabus


Academic year: 2023

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Introduction to data structures, abstract data types, Linear list – singly linked list implementation, insertion, deletion and search operations on linear list, Stacks-Operations, array and linked representations of stacks, stack applications, Queues operations, array and linked representations. The Foundation: Logic and Proofs: propositional logic, applications of propositional logic, propositional equivalence, predicates and quantifiers, embedded quantifiers, rules of inference, introduction to proofs, methods of proof and strategy. Discrete Probability and Advanced Counting Techniques: An Introduction to Discrete Probability, Probability Theory, Bayes' Theorem, Expected Value, and Variance.

Create, run and manipulate Python Programs using key data structures such as lists, dictionaries and use regular expressions. Python Basics, Objects- Python Objects, Standard Types, Other Built-in Types, Intrinsic Types, Standard Type Operators, Standard Type Built-in Functions, Standard Type Categorization, Unsupported Types. Numbers - Introduction to numbers, integers, real floating point numbers, complex numbers, operators, built-in functions, related modules.

FILES: File objects, File built-in function [open() ], File built-in methods, File built-in attributes, standard files, command line arguments, file system, file execution, persistent storage modules, related modules. Exceptions as strings, raising exceptions, statements, standard exceptions, *Creating exceptions, Why exceptions (now)?, Why exceptions at all?, Exceptions and the sys Module, Related modules Modules: Modules and Files, Namespaces, Importing Modules, Importing of Module Features, Module built-in functions, packages, other features of modules. Database Programming: Introduction, Python Database Application Programmer's Interface (DB-API), Object Relationship Managers (ORMs), Related Modules.

Ability to develop C programs for computing and real-life applications using basic elements such as control statements, arrays, functions, pointers and arrays, and data structures such as stacks, queues and linked lists.

Modules include training in computer hardware, the Internet and the World Wide Web, and productivity tools including Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher. PC Hardware introduces students to a personal computer and its basic peripheral devices, the process of assembling a personal computer, installing system software such as MS Windows, Linux and the necessary device drivers. Have students work on a working computer to take it apart and put it back into working order and install Windows and Linux on the same computer.

The Internet & World Wide Web module presents various ways of connecting a computer to the Internet from home and at work, as well as efficient use of the Internet. In addition, we would introduce cyber hygiene awareness, i.e. protecting a personal computer from being infected by viruses, worms and other cyber attacks. The Productivity Tools module would allow students to create professional Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Power Point presentations and personal websites using Microsoft's Office Suite and LaTeX.

Draw the block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each peripheral and submit it to your instructor. Also, students should watch the video which shows the process of assembling a PC. They must identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to working order.

They should identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back up and running. If there is no Internet connection, instructors must prepare to simulate the WWW on the LAN. A few topics will be given to the students to search for on Google.

Cyber Hygiene: Students would be exposed to the various threats on the internet and would be asked to configure their computer to be safe on the internet. They need to first install an antivirus

The output of the program should indicate whether or not the triangle is a right triangle (Recall from the Pythagorean theorem that in a right triangle, the square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides). The contents of the first file must be inserted and written to the second file. The program should print all unique words in the file in alphabetical order.

It draws on multiple disciplines—such as literature, history, economics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, political science, anthropology, and media studies—to examine cultural assumptions about sex, gender, and sexuality. This course combines the analysis of current events through student presentations, with the aim of raising awareness of the contemporary and historical experiences of women and the many ways in which gender and sex affect race, class, caste, nationality and other social identities. Students will be sensitized to the basic dimensions of biological, sociological, psychological and legal aspects of gender.

The purpose of the course is to introduce principles of computer organization and the basic architectural concepts. Course Objectives: To learn the basic types of business, the impact of the economy on business and companies specifically. Course benefits: The students will understand the different types of business and the impact of economic variables on the company.

Stream-based I/O (java.io) – The Stream classes-Byte streams and character streams, input and write console output to read console, file class, reading and writing files, random access file operations, the console class, serialization, enumerations, autoboxing, generics. Simulate and implement operating system concepts such as scheduling, deadlock management, file management, and memory management. Write programs using the I/O system calls of the UNIX/LINUX operating system (open, read, write, close, fcntl, seek, stat, opendir, readdir).

The state of the LED must change with each press of the switch. Use DHT11 temperature sensor and print the room temperature and humidity with an interval of 15 seconds. Use Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and control an LED to turn on/off depending on the light. First thread generates random integer every 1 second and if the value is even, second thread calculates the square of the number and prints.

If the value is odd, the third thread will print the value of the cube of the number. Specify three classes named Rectangle, Triangle, and Circle, such that each class extends the Shape class. Each of the classes contains only the print Area () method that prints the area of ​​the given shape.

Write a Java program that handles all mouse events and displays the event name in the center of the window when a mouse event is fired (Use adapter classes).


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