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Ph.D. Theses (f


Academic year: 2024

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Regulatory proteins from insect hemolymph and their role in development / Supervised by Aparna Dutta Gupta, 2008,120 p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Animal Science - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Purification and characterization of leukotriene synthesizing enzymes from sheep uterus / Supervised by P.Reddanna, 1998, 78p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Animal Science - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad.


Dynamics of entrepreneurship development : a case study from Manipur / Supervised by P.Venkatrao, 2010, 215p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Entrepreneurship and structural dynamics among handloom weavers in Andhra Pradesh / Supervised by R.Siva Prasad, 2000, 262 p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Traditional systems of medicine : practice and use in Hyderabad city / Supervised by B.V.Sharma, 2004, 246p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad.

Socio-cultural adaptations in a drought-prone village in Rayalaseema (A.P.) / Supervised by P.Venkata Rao, 1994, 276p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Problems of tribal development : a study of two villages in Manipur / Supervised by P.Venkata Rao, 2003, 278p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Changing human-environment relationship: a case study of a watershed village in the Bundellkhand region, Uttar Pradesh / Supervised by R.Siva Prasad, 2010, 222p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad.

Education and social change : a case study of middle class Muslim women in Hyderabad / Supervised by K.K.Misra, 1996, 307p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Anthropology - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad.


William Golding's fictional world : a stylistic study / Supervised by Panchanan Mohanty, 2009, 480pp., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Uma Maheswara Rao,2012,228p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Computational study of transitivity / Supervised by Probal Dasgupta, 1995, 341p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Applied Linguistics - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.

Rajyarama, 2012, 310 pp. PhD Thesis - Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Uma Maheswara Rao, 2009, 172 pp. PhD Thesis - Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Panchanan Mohanty, 2011, 214 pp. PhD Thesis - Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.

Subramanyam, 2012, 192p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.


Studies on B-lymphocyte alkaline phosphatase / supervised by M. Ramanandham, 1996, 111 pp., PhD Thesis - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Studies on some biologically important proteins from moringa oleifera seeds / Supervised by N.Siva Kumar, 2011, 116 pp., PhD Thesis - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Theoretical Studies on Protein Sequences / By Chanchal K.Mitra, 1994, 96 pp., PhD Thesis - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad.

Recombinant human translational initiation factor2: expression of subunits, purification and characterization / Supervised by K.V.A.Ramaiah, 2005, 106p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad. In-Silico prediction of regulons in bacterial genomes / Supervised by Seyed E.Hasnain, 2005, 63p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Molecular basis of sex determination in the silkworm, bombyx mori / Supervised by J.Nagaraju, 2009, 224p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University Of Hyderabad TH6690.

Molecular Genetic Analysis of Congenital Hereditary Catatact / Supervised by Chitra Kannabiram, 2010, 153 pp., PhD Thesis - Biochemistry - School of Life Sciences - University of Hyderabad.


Studies on some nickel (me-CD) complexes / Supervised by Samudranil Pal, 2006, 125p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad. Novel phosphono-heterocycles through allenylphosphonates / Supervised by K.C.Kumara Swamy, 2010, 188p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad. Synthetic studies towards quassinoids / Supervised by M.Nagarajan, 1990, 185p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad.

Synthesis of heteroaryl-annulated carbazoles and indoles / Supervised by R.Nagarajan, 2010, 239p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad. Halogen group in supramolecular chemistry (me-CD) / Supervised by Ashwini Nangai, 2006, 200p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad. Baylis Synthetic Applications - Hillman Reaction / Supervised by D.Basavaiah, 1993, 196p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad.

Enantioselective synthesis of terpenes / Supervised by Goverdhan, Mehta, 1992, 218p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad. The Baylis-Hillman reaction: stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted alkenes / Supervised by D.Basavaiah, 1997, 216p., Thesis (Ph.D.) – Chemistry – School of Chemistry – University of Hyderabad. Chemistry of polycyclic systems / Supervised by Goverdhan Mehta, 1999, 261p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - University of Hyderabad.


Heterosynthons in crystal engineering / Supervised by Ashwini Nangia, 2003, 178p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Chemistry - School of Chemistry - UOH. Sattvikabhinaya and psychosomatics : with special emphasis on kshetrayya padams / Conducted by Nataraja Ramakrishna, 1995, 216 pp., PhD Thesis - Dance - Performing Arts, Fine Arts and Communication - S.N.School - UOH. A comparative study of the modern process of training actors in Noh and Kutiyattam / under the supervision of Joly Puthussery, 2011, 298 p., PhD thesis - Theater Arts - S.N. School of Arts and Communication - UOH.

Tamasha folk theater of Maharashtra / supervised by Brijendra Narain Sinha, 1996, 182p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Theater Arts - SNSchool of Performing Arts, Fine Arts and Communication - University of Hyderabad. Prahlada Yaksaganam: a comparative study of kucipudi and melattur styles / Under the guidance of Nataraj Ramakrishna, 1997, 177p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Performing Arts - S.N. Andhranatyam The lasya dance tradition of Andhras / Supervised by Nataraja Ramakrishna, 1997, 329p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Dance - SNSchool of Performing Arts - University of Hyderabad.

Interrelationship between Yoga and Indian Classical Dances with Special Emphasis on Kuchipudi / Guided by Jonnalagadda Anuradha, 2005, 160 pp., PhD Thesis - Dance - S.N.


Grid computing security through access control modeling / Supervised by Atul Nagi, 2010, 179p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Computer Science - School of Mathematics and Computing &. Computational Studies on Discrete Logarithm Problem / Supervised by Ch.Bhagvati, 2009, 163p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Computer Science - School of MCIS - University of Hyderabad. Text scenario generation and management / Under the guidance of Prof.Hrushikesha Mohanty, 2010, 261p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Computer Science - Department of Computer and Information Science - School of MCIS - University of Hyderabad.

Framework for resource management over a GRID: an investigative study / Supervised by Arun Agarwal, 2009, 163s., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Computer Science - School of MCIS- University of Hyderabad.Scan. Study on Workflows in the Health Sector / Supervised by Hrushikesha Mohanty, 2009, 162p., Thesis (Ph.D.) – Computer Science - School of Mathematics - Computer & Information Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Novel demand-based data dissemination algorithms for mobile environment / Supervised by Hrushikesha Mohanty, 2004, 135p., thesis (Ph.D.) - Computer Science - School of Mathematics & Computer & Information Sciences- University of Hyderabad.

Feature Partitioning Approaches to Principal Component Analysis / Supervised by Atul negi, 2009, 318p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Computer Science - School of Mathematics &.


Identity, culture and politics in contemporary Arab and Arab-American women's literature / Under the supervision of Tutun Mukherjee, 2010, 280p., Thesis (Ph.D.) Cetre for Comparative Literature - School of Humanities - UOH. Arabic and English modernisms: a comparative study of Al-Sayyab, Abd Al-Sabur and T.S.Eliot / Under the supervision of M.T.Ansari, 2010, 253p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cetre for Comparative Literature - School of Humanities - UOH. Jathiyodyama kalam loni sahityam -Telugu, Hindi tulanatmaka pariseelana / Supervised by Y.Venkat Raman Rao, 1992, 409p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Comparative Literature - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.

Dalit poetry in Telugu and Marathi : a comparative study / Supervised by Parimi Rama Narasimham, 2007, 158p., Dissertation (Ph.D.) - Comparative Literature - Center for Comparative Literature - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Telugu sanskruta kavyalalo prakriya bhedamto vachchina oke itivrutta kavyala adhyayanam / Supervised by M.Veera Bhadraiah, 2003, 312p., Thesis (Ph.D) - Comparative Literature - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Narratives and communities : a study of selected 'literary' controversies in Karnataka / Supervised by Shivarama Padikkal, 2004, 266 pp., thesis (Ph.D.) - Comparative Literature- School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.

Performing Shakespeare in India / Supervised by Tutun Mulherjee, 2011, 283p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Comparative Literature - School of Humanities - UOH.


Productivity, Growth and Regional Dispersion of Indian Industry 1956-95 / Supervised by V.V.N. with CD), Dissertation (PhD) - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. State finances of Orissa a time study / Supervised by T. Divakara Rao, 1998, 216 pp., PhD Thesis - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Stock Market Volatility in India : An Econometric Investigation / Supervised by S.Kamaiah, 2005, 300 pp., Dissertation - (PhD) - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad.

Econometric analysis of India's balance of payments / Supervised by B.Kamaiah, 1993, 135p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Debt Sustainability and Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Trade in India / Supervised by B.Kamaiah, 2011, 129p., Thesis (Ph.D) - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad. Common Property Resources in Andhra Pradesh / Supervised by D.Narsimha Reddy, 1997, 329p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad.

Land transfers and alienation in tribal economy / Supervised by G.Nancharaiah, 1994, 353p., thesis (Ph.D.) - Economics - School of Social Sciences - University of Hyderabad.


Varied tapestry : the representation of India in American missionary fiction / Supervised by Moha Ramanan, 1998, 267p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Idea of ​​a University the humanities and the negotiation of modernity / Under the guidance of S.Viswanathan, 1997, 215p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Diversity and beyond : a study of interpersonal relationships in Anglo-Indian fiction / Supervised by Mohn Ramanan, 1997, 345p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.

Stanley Fish Literary Pedagogy and the Indian Classroom / Supervised by Narayan Chandran, 2005, 320 p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Fans and stars : the production, reception and circulation of the moving image / Supervised by Tejaswini Niranjana, 1997, 232 p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad. Another phase in the life of the nation : sadir, bharatanatyam, feminist theory / Supervised by Tejaswini Niranjana, 1997, 369 p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.

Dreaming women : a study of the immigrant experience in the novels of Betty Smith / Supervised by Alladi Uma, 2009, 216 pp. PhD Thesis - English - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.



భక్తి కావ్య మే ఆత్మలోచన్ / సువాస్ కుమార్ పర్యవేక్షించారు, 2007, 227 పే., థీసిస్ (Ph.D.) - హిందీ - స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ హ్యుమానిటీస్ - యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ హైదరాబాద్. సూరదాస్ ఔర్ హిందీ ఆలోచన / రవి రంజన్ పర్యవేక్షించారు, 2006, 225 పే., థీసిస్ (Ph.D.) - హిందీ - స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ హ్యుమానిటీస్ - యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ హైదరాబాద్. చంద్రకాంత్ దేవతాలే కి కావ్య చేతన / రవి రంజన్ పర్యవేక్షించారు, 2003, 119p., థీసిస్ (Ph.D.) - హిందీ - స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ హ్యుమానిటీస్ - యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ హైదరాబాద్.

ఊర్వశి కా సమస్య సందర్బ్ / నూర్జహాన్ బేగం పర్యవేక్షించారు, 1982, 543 పే., థీసిస్ (Ph.D.) - హిందీ - స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ హ్యుమానిటీస్ - యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ హైదరాబాద్. నిరాల-కావ్య కి విచారధార / రవి రంజన్ పర్యవేక్షించారు, 2007, 390 పే., థీసిస్ (Ph.D.) - హిందీ - స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ హ్యుమానిటీస్ - యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ హైదరాబాద్. అంకాలిక్ ఉపన్యాసన్ మే లోక్ సంస్కృతీ / నూర్జహాన్ బేగం పర్యవేక్షించారు, 2009, 330 పే., థీసిస్ (Ph.D.) - హిందీ - స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ హ్యుమానిటీస్ - యూనివర్సిటీ ఆఫ్ హైదరాబాద్.

Ramvilas Sharma / Supervised by Shashi Mudiraj, 1995, 514p., Thesis (Ph.D.) - Hindi - School of Humanities - University of Hyderabad.


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