IASFM19 Conference Program
2 IASFM Conference Structure
Day 1 August 1st
Day 2 August 2nd
Day 3 August 3rd
Day 4 August 4th
Day 5 August 5th 8:00-8:30 --- Dialogues on
--- Dialogues on IASFM Thematic
IASFM Members Ad Hoc Dialogues 8:30-10:00 Opening
Panels Panels Panels Panels
10:00-10:20 Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break IASFM ExCom
curated Artistic Expressions
IASFM ExCom curated Artistic
IASFM ExCom curated Artistic
10:20-11:50 Keynotes Keynotes Keynotes Keynotes Keynotes 11:50-12:00 Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break Health Break 12:00-13:00 Keynotes Showcase of
Best Practices
IASFM President’s
Organized Panel: IASFM past, present and future
Panels Closing
13:00-13:30 Dialogues on
IASFM Thematic Clusters
IASFM General Meeting
13:30-14:00 --- --- --- ---
3 IASFM Keynotes Structure
Date Conference Theme
Topic Keynotes
August 1 10:20-11:50
Global Issues Current Global Challenges
Jeff Crisp and E.
Tendayi Achiume August 1
12:00- 13:30
Regional Approaches
Latin America Letícia
Calderon; Ahmad Serieh; Militza Pérez
August 2 10:20-11:50
Regional Approaches
Africa, Asia and Europe Zachary Lomo (Africa); Yiombi Thona (Asia), Violeta Moreno- Lax (Europe) August 3
Regional Approaches
Middle East, North America and Oceania
Elena Fiddian- Qasmiyeh (Middle East), Jennifer
Hyndman (North America), Michelle Foster (Oceania) August 4
New Dialogues
With Forced Migrants;
With NGOs, and With Academia
Anila Noor and Najeeba
Wazefadost (With Forced
Migrants); Emily Arnold-
Fernandez and Lublanc Prietro (With
NGOs); Pablo Ceriani (With Academia)
August 5 10:20-11:50
New Dialogues
Dialogues; Intercultural Dialogues;
Interreligious Dialogues
João Carlos Jarochinski Silva (Interdisciplinary Dialogues);
Father Fabio Baggio (Interreligious Dialogues) and Ulrike Krause and Rose Jaji
(Intercultural Dialogues)
4 IASFM19 Conference Program (as of 29 July 2022)
August 1st, 08:30-10:00 (GMT-3), Opening Ceremony
● Marcos Medina Leite - UniSantos Rector
● Veronica Fynn-Bruey - IASFM President
● Thomas Podranski - Head of Research Scholarships and Special Programmes/Gerda Henkel Stiftung
● Maria Beatriz Nogueira- Head of Field Office São Paulo- UNHCR
● Felix Braunsdorf - Policy Officer for Migration and Development, Division for International Cooperation/Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Berlin
● Liliana Lyra Jubilut - Chairperson of IASFM19; UniSantos
● Lilian Matheus Marques - Head of the PR Department at UniSantos
August 1st, 10:20-11:50 (GMT-3), Keynotes Conference Theme: Global Issues
Chair: Melissa Martins Casagrande
Topic: Current Global Challenges
Keynote Speakers: Jeff Crisp, E. Tendayi Achiume
August 1st, 12:00-13:30 (GMT-3), Keynotes Conference Theme: Regional Approaches Chair: Gabriela Soldano Garcez
● Topic: Latin America
Keynote Speaker: Letícia Calderon
● Topic: Being a forced migrant in Latin America Keynote Speaker: Ahmad Serieh
● Topic: Being a forced migrant from Latin America Keynote Speaker: Militza Pérez
August 2nd, 08:00-08:30 (GMT-3), Dialogues on Publishing
● McGill-Queen's University Press (Emily Andrew)
● Migration, Displacement, and Development Book Series by Lexington Press (Veronica Fynn Bruey)
● African Diaspora (Mary B. Setrana)
August 2nd, 08:30-10:00 (GMT-3), Panels
A1) Localized knowledge ecosystems: Lessons from East Africa and the Middle East Panel host: Duval Fernandes
Chair: Heather Alexander
Panel Members: Kassem Kassak, Linda Oucho, Kiya Gezahegne, Dulo Nyaoro, Yara Mourad, Nadia Nameh, Maysa Baroud, Zein Soufan, Pascal Zigashane, James Milner
A2) Digital divide, digital empowerment or digital mismatch? Exploring how refugees navigate new digital landscapes across geo-political contexts of displacement
Panel host: Cesar Bargo Perez
Chair: Giorgia Donà and Marie Godin Discussant: Charles Martin-Shields
● Contextualizing the biometric identity of Rohingya refugees Paper Authors: Nasreen Chowdhory, Shamna Thacham Poyil
● Spatial imaginaries of digital refugee livelihoods Paper Authors: Amanda Alencar, Julia Camargo
● YouTube channels and “digital entrepreneurship”? The case of Congolese refugees in Nairobi
Paper Authors: Marie Godin, Ghislain Bahati
● Navigating the tensions between the digital and the reality for unaccompanied asylum seeking children and service providers in the UK
Paper Authors: Giorgia Doná, Roxanne Nanton
6 A3) The weakening of refugee protection in Latin America, before and during the pandemic
Panel host: Marcia Vera Espinoza Chair: Marcia Vera Espinoza
● Policies and practices to weaken refugee protection in Brazil during the pandemic
● Paper Author: Gisela P. Zapata
● The (re)bordering of asylum and refugee protection in Chile Paper Author: Marcia Vera Espinoza
● Refugee protection in Uruguay during the pandemic: The one standing against the weakening wave?
Paper Author: Victoria Prieto Rosas
A4) Dialogues on Integrating Challenges and Solutions for African Refugees in the Diaspora
Panel host: Renata Matiazzi Aguiar Chair: Dorian Brown Crosby
● Stressors on Migrant Host Communities: An exploration of civil society response to integration challenges
Paper Authors: Erika Frydenlund, Zacheous Abang
● African Refugees Resettled in the United States: The Racial Dilemma Paper Author: Janita H. Bah
● Regional Security Orders in the Horn of Africa: The Influence of Ethiopia in Migration Governance
Paper Author: Abdiassis Issa
A5) Venezuelan migration to Goiás: a first approach Panel host: Guilherme Salvatico da Conceição
Chair: Carolina Soares Hissa
Panel Members: Felipe Aquino Domiciano, João Roriz, Rômulo Sousa, Suzete Bessa
A6) COVID-19 and Forced Migration Chair/Panel host: Flávia Oliveira Ribeiro
● Effects of the COVID 19 pandemic and migration enforcement on refugees in protracted settlement processes in Mexico
7 Paper Author: Susanne Maria Willers
● The Rohingya Refugees Crisis: A Situational Analysis of Health Status during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh
Paper Author: Minati Kalo
● Forced Migration and Covid-19: Challenges to cooperative public policies in times of global health crisis
Paper Author: Gabriela Soldano Garcez
● International migrants and Covid-19: Health promotion and prevention practices with Community Health Agents
Paper Authors: Cristóbal Abarca Brown, Denise Martin
A7) Research Challenges, Dilemmas and Strategies I Chair/Panel host: Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes
● Investigating Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Sub-Saharan Immigrants in Morocco Paper Author: Fatima Zohra Alaoui Mahrez
● Initial findings on return migration of Cameroonian refugees in Nigeria: Refugee vulnerabilities and coping strategies
Paper Author: Ngozi Louis Uzomah
A8) Methodologies and Data Analysis Tools for Research on Forced Migration Chair/Panel host: João Carlos Jarochinski Silva
● Data and IA in International Migrations: promising tools for human rights protection?
Paper Author: Victor Augusto Mendes
● A collective deep map representation tool to produce knowledge on intellectual exile Paper Authors: Maissam Nimer, Pascale Laborier, Duygu Tasalp
● Included, Relegated to the Margins of the Discipline or Methodologically and Epistemically Confined? A Reflection on Refugee Research in International Relations (IR)
Paper Author: Salma Essam El Refaei
A9) Forced Migration Governance Chair/Panel host: Luís Renato Vedovato
● Governing Mixed Migration through Rationalization and Ambiguity: the case of the IOM and the UNHCR
Paper Author: Younes Ahouga
● Displaced Venezuelans and the Politics of Asylum: The case of Brazil’s Group Recognition Policy
Paper Author: Luiz Felipy dos Santos Costa Leomil
● Protection of Refugees, International Cooperation and Challenges in the face of the Deglobalization Process
Paper Author: Angela Limongi Alvarenga Alves
A10) Forced Migration and Gender I Chair/Panel host: Carolina Moulin
● Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Women’s Access to Reproductive Healthcare Services in Peru: A Qualitative Interview Study
Paper Author: Rossmary Del Valle Márquez-Lameda
● Feminisation of migratory flows from Central America: implications for public health and regional policies
Paper Authors: Sarahí Rueda, Mónica Linares, Pia Riggirozzi, Amos Channon
● Constructing ‘Identity’: Voices of Rohingya Women from India Paper Author: Roshni Sharma
● LGBTQIA+ Refugees Under Different Grounds: The Paths of Two Women Refugees in Brazil and Their Negotiations with the State
Paper Author: Cleiton Luis Dornelas Pereira
August 2nd, 10:00-10:20 (GMT-3), IASFM ExCom curated Artistic Expressions Hosts: Gul Inanc and Nergis Canefe
August 2nd, 10:20-11:50 (GMT-3), Keynotes Conference Theme: Regional Approaches Chair: Gabriela Mezzanotti
● Topic: Africa
Keynote Speaker: Zachary Lomo
● Topic: Asia
Keynote Speaker: Yiombi Thona
● Topic: Europe
Keynote Speaker: Violeta Moreno-Lax
August 2nd, 12:00-13:00 (GMT-3), Showcase of Best Practices
9 1) Best Practices 1:
Host: Flávia Oliveira Ribeiro
● Good practices on managing internal displacement from Europe and Central Asia (Lidia Kuzemska)
● Best Practices in Serving Survivors of War, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity (Ezat Mossallanejad)
2) Best Practices 2:
Host: Derek Assenço Creuz
● The Latin American Academic Network on the Law and integration of Refugees (LAREF) (Laura Madrid Sartoretto, Carolina de Abreu Batista Claro)
● The RELATE Initiative by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Gábor Guylai, Javier Gamarro)
● Higher Education and Forced Mobility: the experience of implementing Sergio Vieira de Mello Academic Chair at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and the profile of the attended public (Cleiton Luis Dornelas Pereira, Eliza Feres, Rodrigo Christofoletti)
● Teaching Displacement in an Undergraduate Setting in the Southern United States:
Interdisciplinary Dialogues around Displacement and the Meaning of Home (Natalia Taylor Bowdoin)
August 2nd, 13:00-13:30 (GMT-3), Dialogues on IASFM Thematic Clusters Chairs: Esra Kayatz, Gul Inanc and Mary Setrana Boatemaa
August 3rd, 08:30-10:00 (GMT-3), Panels
B1) Reception and Settlement of Venezuelan Newcomer Population in Brazil and Canada
Panel host: Lilian Matheus Marques
Chairs: Svetlana Ruseishvili and Fabio Martinez Serrano Pucci
● Venezuelan immigration and the impact of interiorisation through 'Reception Operation' in the city of Rio de Janeiro: limits and perspectives
Paper Author: Ângela Magalhães Vasconcelos
● Faith-based communities and incorporation of Venezuelan migrants in a mid-sized non-gateway city in São Paulo, Brazil
Paper Author: Svetlana Ruseishvili
● Venezuelan Newcomers and Diasporic Organizations in Canada’s Non-Traditional Immigrant Population
Paper Authors: Berti Olinto, Anna Triandafyllidou
B2) West African Approaches to Human Mobility in a Changing Climate Panel host: Renata Matiazzi Aguiar
Chair: Tamara Wood
● Integration of environmental migration and disaster displacement in regional frameworks in West Africa
Paper Author: Christina Daszkiewicz
● Regional Climate Change Framework and National Adaptation Plans Paper Author: Oluwatoyin Adejonwo
● Climate Mobility and the ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol: Opportunities and Limitations
Paper Author: Tamara Wood
● When displacement becomes an opportunity: Refugee preference for third country resettlement revisited
Paper Author: Samuel Agblorti
● A Framework for Understanding Migration Governance in West Africa: Evidence from Ghana
Paper Author: Stephen Kankam
11 B3) Discussing peace in the context of forced displacement
Panel host: Rosilandy Lapa
Chairs: Ulrike Krause and Nadine Segadlo
Panel Members: Zacharia Mohamed Odawa, Lydia Gitau, Elisabeth Olivius, Anila Noor
B4) Sexual and Reproductive Health of Displaced Women in Latin America Panel host: Marcia Vera Espinoza
Chair: Natalia Cintra
Discussant: Marcia Vera Espinoza
● Characteristics of Displaced Venezuelan women and girls in Brazil
Paper Authors: Maria do Carmo Leal, Yammê Ramos Portella Santos, Thaiza Dutra Gomes de Carvalho, Rita Bacuri
● What is the impact of forced displacement on health? Understanding analytical challenges and current methodological approaches
Paper Authors: Cristóbal Cuadrado, Rodrigo Moreno-Serra, Matías Libuy
● Photographing challenges to sexual and reproductive health: motherhood, gendered violence and access to healthcare
Paper Authors: Tallulah Lines, Bruna Curcio, Natalia Cintra, Pia Riggirozzi
● Sexual and Reproductive Health of Displaced women and girls in Mexico
Paper Authors: Mónica Linares Laínez, Henry García Estrada, Marielos Rodríguez Cornejo
● Infrastructures of protection for the right to health and dignity of women and girls in displacement
Paper Authors: Pia Riggirozzi, Natalia Cintra
B5) The European and American externalization of borders and its impact on southern countries and on the curtailment of rights of people on the move: crossed perspectives Panel host: Guilherme Salvatico da Conceição
Chair: TBC
● The case of Morocco
Paper Authors: Daniela Lo Coco, Eloísa González Hidalgo
● The case of Colombia
Paper Author: Camila Espitia Fonseca
● The case of the Spanish southern border
12 Paper Author: Cristina Churruca Muguruza
B6) Localizing refugee research: Lessons from the Dadaab Response Association Panel host: Mariana Souza e Silva
Chair: Abdikadir Abikar
Panel Members: James Milner, Okello Oyat, Leomoi Okello, Arte Mohamed
B7) Regional Approaches to Protection Chair/Panel host: Carolina Moulin
● The Inter-American Protection Approach: intersections and interactions of International Refugee Law, International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Paper Authors: Melissa Martins Casagrande, Flávia Oliveira Ribeiro, Derek Assenço Creuz
● Inside Europe’s Asylum Appeals: Ethnographic Perspectives on Regional Asylum Adjudication
Paper Authors: Nicole Hoellerer, Nick Gill
● Regional integration and protection of refugees’ rights: the case of the East African community (EAC) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the East and Horn of Africa
Paper Authors: Leander Kandilige, Linda Adhiambo Oucho
● The identification of stateless asylum seekers in Europe: Insights from the case of Italy
Paper Author: Cecilia Manzotti
B8) Vulnerability, Resettlement and Return Migration Chair/Panel host: Danielle Annoni
● Help-seeking Behavior Among Resettled Refugees Paper Author: Mahfoudha Sid'Elemine
● Exploring the mental health beliefs and help-seeking of Congolese and Somali migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa
Paper Authors: Dostin Lakika, Tackson Makandwa, Tinyiko Sithole, Jo Vearey, Rebecca Walker
● Initial Findings on Return Migration of Cameroonian Refugees in Nigeria: Return aspiration and ability
Paper Author: Ngozi Louis Uzomah
B9) Education and Forced Migration Chair/Panel host: Gabriela Soldano Garcez
● Karen and Kenya: Cultivating Hope into Action in a Higher Education in Emergency Context
Paper Authors: Staci B. Martin, Hayso Thako
● Teacher management as a barrier to inclusion in refugee education? Insights from the Turkish case
Paper Author: Asli Ikizoglu Erensu
● Urban Refugees Access to Higher Education in Benin: An Economic Outcome Evaluation
Paper Author: Serge Hounton
B10) Local Integration: Places and Spaces for Action Chair/Panel host: João Henrique Roriz
● Refugee-Led Entities: the space to act
Paper Authors: Oroub El-Abed, Osama Okour, Watfa Najdi, Mustafa Hoshmand
● Refugees as Emplaced Experts: the Myanmar Diaspora in Australia Paper Author: Susan Banki
August 3rd, 10:00-10:20 (GMT-3), IASFM ExCom curated Artistic Expressions Hosts: Gul Inanc and Nergis Canefe
August 3rd, 10:20-11:50 (GMT-3), Keynotes Conference Theme: Regional Approaches Chair: João Roriz
● Topic: Middle East
Keynote Speaker: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
● Topic: North America
Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Hyndman
● Topic: Oceania
Keynote Speaker: Michelle Foster
14 August 3rd, 12:00-13:00 (GMT-3), IASFM President’s Organized Panel: IASFM past, present and future
Chair: Veronica Fynn Bruey
Speakers: Susan F. Martin, Richard Black, Khalid Koser, Paula Banerjee
August 3rd, 13:00-15:00 (GMT-3), IASFM General Meeting Chair: Veronica Fynn Bruey
August 4th, 08:00-08:30 (GMT-3), Dialogues on IASFM Thematic Clusters Chairs: Esra Kayatz, Gul Inanc, Mary Setrana Boatemaa
August 4th, 08:30-10:00 (GMT-3), Panels
C1) Understanding the impact of refugee-led organizations: Early lessons from East Africa and the Middle East
Panel host: Cesar Bargo Perez Chair/Moderator: James Milner
Panel Members: JaPauline Vidal, Mary Gitahi, Uwezo Ramazini, Andhira Kara, Abis Getachew, Okello Oyat, Leomoi Okello, Arte Mohamed, Abdikadir Abikar, Oroub El-Abed, Watfa Najdi, Mustafa Hoshmand, Osama Okour
C2) Due to a schedule change requested by the panelists, the panel identified as C2 in earlier versions of the program is now identified as E10 and will take place on August 5th.
C3) Contestations of Knowledge for Refugees Rights in Asia Panel host: Renata Matiazzi Aguiar
Chair: Alice M. Nah
● South Korea’s Refugee Act and post-enactment norm-competition Paper Author: Won Geun Choi
● The challenge of fulfilling the basic rights of forced migrants in Indonesia Paper Author: Tri Nuke Pudjiastuti
● Heritage and resistance: Artist portrayals of Rohingyas and the Panglima La'ôt in Aceh, Indonesia
Paper Authors: Alice M. Nah, Martin Jones, Rika Syarief, Lilianne Fan
● Vaccination coverage and barriers to vaccination experienced by urban refugee children in a refugee school in Malaysia
Paper Authors: Sharuna Verghis, Yap Kwong Hsia, Siti Noraida Bt Mohamad Habibullah, Yatinesh Kumari Singh
● The curious case of protection by restriction Paper Author: Susan Banki
16 C4) Forced Migration Statistics: Methodological Challenges and Critiques
Panel host: Derek Assenço Creuz Chair: David Scott Fitzgerald
● Who is counting the refugees? And how well are they doing it?
Paper Author: Jeff Crisp
● Strengthening the capacity of national statistical systems to improve statistics on forced displacement
Paper Author: Petra Nahmias
● Progress and challenges in measuring disaster displacement Paper Author: Vicente Anzellini
● Strengthening Data Responsibility in Data Collection: Lessons and Opportunities Paper Author: Robert Trigwell
C5) Lifelong Education as a global priority and the challenges of translation in national and regional contexts
Panel host: Duval Fernandes Chair: Linda Morrice Discussant: Mary Setrana
● The Promise of lifelong learning for refugees: a critical review Paper Author: Linda Morrice
● Promises, legislative intents and practises: Alignment between international and local frameworks for the provision of refugee higher education in Ethiopia (Wondwosen Tamrat)
● Universities enacting ‘hospitality’ in the context of immigration regimes characterised by ‘hostility’: insights from the UK and Australia
Paper Authors: Rebecca Murray, Sally Baker
C6) Forced Migration, Identity and Protection Chair/Panel host: Melissa Martins Casagrande
● Conditions for Cooperation: A Critical Feminist Approach to the Implementation of Gendered Refugee Norms
Paper Author: Amanda Klassen
● Who is a Refugee? Navigating the refugee identity in Germany Paper Author: Irene Tuzi
● Protection, Venezuelan converts, and the Jewish identity of the State of Israel
17 Paper Author: Danni Reches
● Revisiting identity and citizenship in the Kingdom of Jordan: Palestinians and Jordanians in a changing regional context
Paper Author: Nur Köprülü
C7) Forced Migration Governance and Protection Mandates Chair/Panel host: Gabriela Mezzanotti
● Forced Migration and Migration Diplomacy: “State vs. State” or “States vs.
Paper Author: Juliette Tolay
● Broadening the Protection Mandate through expanding the Definition Paper Author: Madhusmita Jena
● Host-Refugee Relationships in South and Southeast Asia: Seeking and Finding Refuge Amidst Hostipitality
Paper Author: Miriam Jaehn
C8) Narratives and Perceptions of Protection Chair/Panel host: Danielle Annoni
● Mutual Perceptions between Venezuelans and Peruvians: a Source of Conflict Paper Author: Nieves Fernández Rodríguez
● Undocumented forced immigrants: reflections on the regularization of residence as a form of protection in Brazil
Paper Author: Rosilandy Carina Candido Lapa
C9) Governmental and Institutional Approaches to Protection Chair/Panel host: Camila Marques Gilberto
● Afghans in America--an institutional and qualitative analysis Paper Author: Barbara Franz
● Chinese Approach to Refugee Protection Paper Author: Lili Song
C10) Forced Migration and Gender II Chair/Panel host: Marcia Vera Espinoza
● Love or Struggle for Survival? Migrant Women in Cross-Border Marriages in Turkey Paper Author: Emel Coskun
● A reconsideration of sexual offences against refugees in camps vis a vis the implementation of article 16 of the 1951 UN Refugee Convention
Paper Author: Oghenerioborue Esther Eberechi
● Rethinking Vulnerability: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence cases in Israel, Uganda, and Greece targeting refugee and asylum-seeking women
Paper Author: Tatiana Morais Ribeiro de Aguiar e Silva
August 4th, 10:00-10:20 (GMT-3), IASFM ExCom curated Artistic Expressions Hosts: Gul Inanc and Nergis Canefe
August 4th, 10:20-11:50 (GMT-3), Keynotes Conference Theme: New Dialogues
Chair: Carolina Moulin
● Topic: With Forced Migrants
Keynote Speakers: Anila Noor, Najeeba Wazefadost
● Topic: With NGOs
Keynote Speakers: Emily Arnold-Fernandez, Lublanc Prietro
● Topic: With Academia
Keynote Speaker: Pablo Ceriani
August 4th, 12:00-13:30 (GMT-3), Panels
D1) States and the global refugee regime: The case of Canada Panel host: Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes
Chair: James Milner
Panel Members: Kiran Banerjee, David Black, Oroub El-Abed, HK Falcon, Alice Nah, and Martin Jones
D2) Documenting Displacement: Questioning Methodological Boundaries in Forced Migration Research
Panel host: Cesar Bargo Perez
Chairs: Katarzyna Grabska and Christina Clark-Kazak
● Methodological and Ethical Reflections on the Displaces Participatory Photographic Project in the “Calais Jungle”
Paper Authors: Marie Godin, Giorgia Donà
● Memories, Stories, and Material Traces: Exploring Displacement through Collaging and Participatory Art Installation
Paper Author: Nihal Soğancı
● Opportunities and Challenges of Using Computer-Based Simulation in Migration and Displacement Research: A focus on Lesbos, Greece
Paper Authors: Erika Frydenlund, Jose J. Padilla
● Overcoming Over-Research: The mmp Approach Paper Authors: Susan Banki, Nicole Phillips
D3) Forced Migration and Refugees in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic Panel host: Guilherme Salvatico da Conceição
Chair: Julia Bertino Moreira
● Migration and refugee policy during Bolsonaro’s government Paper Authors: Carolina Moulin, Julia Bertino
● Conditionality as an expression of precarious legal status: Venezuelan migrants’
narratives in Brazil
Paper Author: Militza Pérez Velásquez
● Vulnerability of Forced Migrants by Brazilian Government Policy during the Covid- 19 Pandemic: from xenophobia to necropolitics
Paper Author: Giuliana Redin
D4) Refugees and social connections research: evidence from a relational approach to integration
Panel host: Marcia Vera Espinoza Chair: Marcia Vera Espinoza
● ‘Step by step’: the role of social connections in reunited refugee families’ navigation of statutory systems
Paper Author: Helen Baillot
● The People Make the Area: Neighbourly Relations and Belonging Paper Author: Leyla Kerlaff
D5) Knowledge and meaning-making in exile: constraints and opportunities Panel host: Renata Matiazzi Aguiar
Chair: Christa Kuntzelman
● Filling in the gaps: Care work, refugee institutional actors, and racialized organizations
Paper Author: Annie Zean Dunbar
● Rights-based Knowledge to Promote Refugees’ Outcomes: Evidence from a Ugandan Case Study
Paper Author: Christa Charbonneau Kuntzelman
● Knowledge, Voice, and Power: Imperatives for Inclusive Forced Migration Research Paper Author: Anila Noor
D6) Analyzing Discourse on Forced Migration Chair/Panel host: Derek Assenço Creuz
● Syrian Refugee Vetting in Canadian Newspapers: Orientalism, Humanitarianism and Moral Panics
Paper Author: Ozgun Topak, Cheery Maria Attia
● Humanitarian assistance or radical politics – competing notions of law and refugeehood among church-led and radical activists in addressing the Central American caravans
Paper Author: Veronica Overlid
D7) Local Integration Approaches
Chair/Panel host: Angela Limongi Alvarenga Alves
● State-Based Interventions Facilitating Formal Employment for Forced Migrants:
Current Interventions in Turkey, Bangladesh, and Colombia Paper Author: Gabriella Mary Chamberland
● Making the match: Understanding the destining process of Government-Assisted Refugees in Canada
Paper Authors: Magdalena Perzyna, Sandeep Agrawal
D8) Research Challenges, Dilemmas and Strategies II Chair/Panel host: João Carlos Jarochinski Silva
● Conducting Research on the Venezuelan Refugee and Migrant Crisis: The Perspectives of the Local Researchers on Challenges and Opportunities
Paper Author: Rossmary Del Valle Márquez-Lameda
● Cross-Cultural Reflections on facilitating research in refugee settlements in the Global South: Collaborative Research Ethics
21 Paper Authors: Neil Bilotta, Hadijah Mwenyango
● Researching home through the narratives of displaced people: ethical and methodological challenges
Paper Author: Luis Eduardo Perez Murcia
● Understanding trauma and its effects on refugee youth newcomers: A community- based participatory approach to research
Paper Author: Mehmoona Moosa-Mitha
D9) Identity, Recognition and Internal Forced Displacement Chair/Panel host: Beatriz E. Sánchez-Mojica
● Social dimension of temporary displacement associated with disasters: from the fragmentation of social identities to the production of a liminal social condition. Case study of the experience of displacement of the inhabitants of Campo de la Cruz following the 2010-2011 Ola Invernal in Colombia
Paper Author: Clara De La Hoz Del Real
● Living coloniality: a critical analysis on the struggles for recognition and implementation of indigenous migrants’ rights in the Latin American context
Paper Authors: Gabriela Mezzanotti, Alyssa Marie Kvalvaag
● Internally Displaced Persons - Building an effective normative framework in Brazil.
What should be the founding bases of a national law aiming the effective protection of internally displaced persons in Brazil?
Paper Author: Luciana Laura Carvalho Costa Dias
● The Lessons that Indigenous Peoples Have to Teach the World Paper Author: Camila Marques Gilberto
D10) Migration Governance Discourses and Perspectives Chair/Panel host: Melissa Martins Casagrande
● “Brazil, love it or leave it”: migration in the antidemocratic context of the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and the rise of the Radical Right (2013-2021)
Paper Authors: Luiza Bossi Santana, Duval Fernandes, Rodrigo Corrêa Teixeira
● Temporary Protection in the Context of the Return Turn in Asylum in Europe: the case study of temporal governance of asylum in the UK
Paper Authors: Esra S. Kaytaz, Jessica Schultz
● Contested EU externalisation policies: Perspectives and strategies of Tunisia and Turkey
22 Paper Authors: Marcus Engler, Aurelia Streit
August 5th, 08:00-08:30 (GMT-3), IASFM Members Ad Hoc Dialogues
Cartagena +40 Academia Declaration Convener: Liliana Lyra Jubilut
Initial talks towards an Academic Declaration on the context of Cartagena +40.
August 5th, 08:30-10:00 (GMT-3), Panels
E1) Intersections of labour, gender and displacement in the Middle East Panel host: Guilherme Salvatico da Conceição
Chair: Katharina Lenner
● Marginalisation in the Labour market among Jordanians and refugees Paper Authors: Oroub El Abed, Aida Abu Tayeh, Mohammad Al Shraa
● From education to employment? Young women’s transitions to employment in protracted displacement
Paper Author: Zoё Jordan
● Syrian Women Refugees and the Constraints of Patriarchy, Nationalism, and Capitalism
Paper Authors: Caitlin Killian, Jennifer Olmsted
● Training for decent work? Cash for Work as an artificial labour market for Syrian women
Paper Author: Katharina Lenner
E2) Voices of Refugees: Coping with vulnerabilities through counseling, sensitization and empowerment in Cameroonian refugee communities in Nigeria
Panel host: Mariana Souza e Silva Chair: Ngozi Louis Uzomah
Panel Members: Cheng Laban Ndoh, Stephanie Obi, Lawrence Agbor, Mbei Abuno, Sydonie Asah
E3) Migration Policies as Social Determinants of Health in the United States Panel host: Cesar Bargo Perez
Chair: Mitra Naseh
● Promoting health system access through extended case management services in U.S.
refugee resettlement
Paper Authors: Stacey A. Shaw, Patrick Poulin, Graeme Rodgers
● Exploring the mental health of immigrants and refugees in relation to migration policies as part of the Trump-era
Paper Authors: Mary Held, Abha Rai, Melody Huslage
● Health Implications of Migration Integration Policies for Highly-Educated Immigrants and Refugees in the United States
Paper Authors: Mitra Naseh, Ian Sutherland, Passion Donais
E4) Kolkata Declaration 2021: A Post-Colonial Engagement Panel host: Lilian Matheus Marques
Chair: Samata Biswas
Panel Members: Paula Banerjee, Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Liza Schuster, Nasreen Chowdhory
E5) Re-Thinking Resettlement and Integration: Creating Cultural-Based Trauma- Informed Intervention
Panel host: Renata Matiazzi Aguiar Chair: Nimo Bokore
Panel Members: Susan McGrath, Michaela Hynie, Patricia D. McGuire, Regine U. King
E6) Panels E6 and E7 were merged.
E7) Vulnerability, Resilience and Forced Migration Chair/Panel host: Flávia Oliveira Ribeiro
● Unaccompanied children in Colombia: a stalemate that needs a proper and urgent response
Paper Author: Gracy Pelacani
● Migrant unaccompanied minors: academic perspectives on an urgent issue Paper Author: Linda María Urueña Mariño
● The resilience of former refugees in southern Africa Paper Author: Rumiko Murao
25 E8) Local Integration of Venezuelan Forced Migrants
Chair/Panel host: João Henrique Roriz
● Good Practices to host and integrate Venezuelans’ migrants and refugees in Joao Pessoa, Brazil (2018-2021)
Paper Authors: Andrea Maria Calazans Pacheco Pacifico, Sarah Fernanda Lemos Silva, Fabíola Dunda
● Building host spaces and visibility: the importance of the Venezuelan migratory experience in the metropolitan region of Recife (Brazil)
Paper Authors: Antônio Fagner da Silva Bastos, Camila da Silva Lucena, Daniela Florêncio da Silva, David Ramos, Eloah Maria Martins Vieira
● The Conception of Human Rights According to the Report of Venezuelan Migrants who Resident in the Cities of Goiânia and/or Aparecida De Goiânia
Paper Authors: Felipe Aquino Domiciano, Carolina Hissa
E9) Forced Migration and Perspectives on Restrictions, Containment and Detention Chair/Panel host: Gabriela Mezzanotti
● Police Brutality Against Liberian Refugees in Ghana: The Role of the Commissioner on Human Rights and Administrative Justice
Paper Author: Veronica Fynn Bruey
● The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the United Kingdom’s Immigration Detention System
Paper Author: Ayesha Riaz
E10) Forced migration policies and family practices: Latin American experiences Panel host: Fabiano Lourenço de Menezes
Chair: Nuni Jorgensen
Discussant: Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli
● “For my children”: motherhood and control in the administration of women asylum seekers
Paper Author: Jullyane Carvalho Ribeiro
● A multidisciplinary approach to research forced displaced families in the context of democratic erosion
Paper Author: Ana Cecília Bizon, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim, Luís Renato Vedovato, Rosana Baeninger
● Displaced Families’ Rights In The Making – How Workers in Humanitarian Settings Shape Brazilian Forced Migration Policy
Paper Author: Juliana dos Santos de Almeida Sampaio
August 5th, 10:20-11:50 (GMT-3), Keynotes Conference Theme: New Dialogues
Chair: Camila Marques Gilberto
● Topic: Interdisciplinary Dialogues
Keynote Speaker: João Carlos Jarochinski Silva
● Topic: Intercultural Dialogues
Keynote Speakers: Ulrike Krause, Rose Jaji
● Topic: Interreligious Dialogues Keynote Speaker: Father Fabio Baggio
August 5th, 12:00-13:00 (GMT-3), Closing Ceremony
Cesar Bargo Perez - Head of the Institutional Relations Department at UniSantos Veronica Fynn-Bruey - IASFM President
William Torres Laureano Senior - Protection Assistant of the São Paulo Field Office/UNHCR Representative of IASFM’s next Conference (IASFM20)
Liliana Lyra Jubilut - Chairperson of IASFM19; UniSantos
Lilian Matheus Marques - Head of the PR Department at UniSantos