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Effects of elevating temperature and high


Academic year: 2024

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Fig. 1. Spectra of absorption (curve 1) and fluorescence at 1.06 µm pumping (curve 2) of Bi-1  fiber, measured at RT; in both cases short pieces (2…5 cm) of the fiber were under tests
Fig. 2. Experimental arrangements employed at measurements of (a) absorption and  fluorescence, including lifetime, and (b) back-fluorescence and backscattering (crosses  indicate splices); (c) normalized LED’s emission spectrum; (d) multiplexer transmissi
Fig. 3. Dependences of IA establishing in Bi-1 fiber on current temperature T at heating from  RT to 700°C, measured in resonant-absorption bands I, II, and III (represented in main-frame  by three blue curves, labelled accordingly)
Figure 4 demonstrates another unusual effect observed in Bi-1 fiber, never recorded in  earlier studies with BDFs


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