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Digest of Statistics 2017-18. Jammu & Kashmir


Academic year: 2023

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The Directorate of Economics and Statistics, J&K is an apex institution for the collection, compilation and dissemination of official data, in line with the feedback base of the line departments engaged in the implementation of Development schemes and projects in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Statistics, which presents the statistical profile of the economy of J&K in a systematic, organized and accessible form to meet the needs of its users. The current issue of the Statistical Digest for 2017-18 is the 43rd edition of the series.

I am grateful to all the States, Central Government and Autonomous Institutions/Agencies for their active support in providing necessary data for this publication. It is expected that the Digest of Statistics will prove to be a useful resource in the hands of policy makers, research academics and other stakeholders involved in the socio-economic development of J&K and will greatly assist them in their endeavours. I place on record my appreciation for the sincere effort put in by the cohesive team of officers/officers who have worked hard to gather information and issue this publication.

Suggestions for improving the quality and content in future editions of this publication are most welcome.

Table  No.
Table No.

Sex ratio of population and child population

Childpopulation andpercentage of child

Percentage of population below poverty line

Distribution of householdsby condition of census houses by districts

Distribution of householdsby typeof census houseby districts

Total area sown under different crops by districts

Index number of net area sown, cropping intensity and productivity of per hectare of

District-wise/specie-wise area under major

Month-wise export of fresh and dry fruit in

Export of Walnut and foreign exchange

Variety wise wholesale average rate per box

Net area irrigated from different sources by

Spicies-Wise Provisional forest area by composition

Fishermen population, labour force and number

Livestock population 1956,1961,1966,1972,1977,1982,

Natural coverings, artificial insemination and births recorded under cattle development

Animals treated and animals dosed/

Production of milkat central breeding and

Eggs and poultry marketing schemes at

District-wise Live stock I Poultry birds

District-wise, block-wise number of

Financial structure ofnon-agricultural credit

Loans advanced & over-due of Agriculture

Import of food-grainsby consumer affairs and

Installed capacity ofpower by power stations

Power generated, purchased, sold and

Percentage of inhabited censusvillages

Number of SSI Units registeredwith

Grants and Loan disbursedto khadiand village

Estimated craft-wise production and

Number ofhandicraft industrial & handloom

District-wise number and membership of handicraft industries & handloom co-operative

District-wise/craft-wise numberof handicraft

Number of handicraft training centers run by Dte. ofhandicrafts and other allied agencies

Number of handloomtraining centers and trainees trained by the Directorate of

Craft-wise production, purchase, export and

Annualproduction ofmedium scale industries

Registered factories with total employment and output as per Annual Survey of

Loans advanced by State Financial

Major minerals (employment and valueof production)

Shops and commercial establishments

Registration & placements made by

Qualification-wise numberof personson live

Achievement under Prime Minister Rozgar

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation

Deposits and advances of scheduled

Classification of Outstanding bank credit by

Number of life Insurance policies, sum

Roadlength maintained by State PWD

Category-wise road length maintainedby State PWD excluding national highwaysby districts

Surfaced and unsurfaced length of roads

Wage ratesof building construction workers

Number of road accidents and persons

Country-wise numberof foreign tourists

Yatries coming to Vaishno Devi Ji and

Vehicular Traffic passed through Banihal

Vehicular Traffic passed through Lakhanpur

Value of Taxable goods imported and


Stage-wise enrolment in general education

Number of teachers and enrolment in schools for professional, technical and special

Enrolment general, professional and special

Enrolment in higher education according to

In-take and Out turn ofAgriculture College

In-take and Out-turn of Medical College

In-take and out-turn of Regional Engineering

In-take andout-turn of engineering draftsmen

In-take and Out-turn of women polytechnic

Qualification wisenumber of un-trained

Percentageof trained teachers in school for

Teach-pupil, Institution-pupil and Institution-

Teacher-pupil, Institution-pupil and Institution- teacher ratio ineducational

Birth rate based on three years moving

Death rate based on three years moving

Vital rates basedon sample registration

Live births registered by district, sector and

Infant Mortality rate for J&K by Sex &

Number of medical institutions (Public &

Bedstrength in hospitals and other health institutions

Conventionalcontraceptives issued and

Numberof villages covered under potable water supply andpopulationbenefited

District-wise noof village/hamlets covered under potable water supply and pop

Institution and disposal of total civil and

District-wise breakup of civil and criminal

Institution and disposal of civil and criminal

Cognizable crime cases reported 1980,1985,1990,1995,1996,2000 to


  • ICDS Projects and anganwadi centers in Jammu and Kashmir State
  • Training centers andpersons trained 2004-05 to 2012-13, 2013-14, 2015-16
  • Number of SC/STstudents provided with


  • State Plan outlay and Expenditure Annual Plans(1978-79, 1979-79, 1979-
  • State Plan Provisionand Expenditure 9'h plan, 10'h plan (1997-2007) 656-661 31.06 State Plan Provision and Expenditure Annual plan 2002-03 662-667
  • State Plan Provision and Expenditure Annual pan 2006-07 & 2007 -DB & 11th
  • Netstate domestic product by sectoral break-
  • GSDP/NSDP by industry and Institutional
  • Number of Parks and areas under Floriculture


  • Consumer price index number of industrial
  • Consumer price under index numbers of
  • Establishments bycategory and by district-
  • Number of pilgrims proceeding for Haji 1996 to 2012, 2013 847 34.12 Number of families registered with relief
  • Community breakup of families registered
  • Assistance provided to relief holders in terms
  • Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices (2011-12 Series) States/UT wise
  • Socio Economic Profile of selected major States of India
  • No. of Motor vehicles Registered In India 2010 to 2017 872

Description of the table Covered period Page no. 32.01 Netstate domestic product divided by sector. up to current/fixed prices. Moreover, the census operations, in full compliance with the principles and instructions of the Government of India, were conducted during 1911 to 1941. This chapter contains a set of 34 tables presenting figures for the following items based on the decennial census. i) Area and population of J and K State/India.

The data is presented by county of the state, and in many places the figures also provide a tehsil breakdown. The total sex ratio is 889 females per thousand males and the sex ratio of the child population in the age group of 0-6 years is 862 as per the latest census 2011. The 2011 census recorded a literacy rate of 67.16% for the state and females. literacy rate 56.43 percent.

Jammu and Kashmir State at a Glance-2011 Census i

Jammu and Kashmir State at a Glance – 2011 Census

Important demographic features of J&K State

Population of J&K State by districts–2001

Population of J&K State by districts–2011

Salient features of population by states

Salient features of population by states State/UT Area

Area and rural/urban population by sex-census–2011 Population

Area and rural population by sex-census–2011 Population

Area and rural/urban population by sex-census–2011

Scheduled Caste Population-2011

Scheduled Tribe Population-2011


1.07(Continued) Decadal Population by Census. 2) 1991 population figures are interpolated as no census was conducted in the state in 1991.

Table No. 1.07(Contd.)  Decadal Variation in population
Table No. 1.07(Contd.) Decadal Variation in population

Number of Villages/Town in 1971,1981, 2001 & 2011 Villages

Villages Classified by Population size-2001

Villages Classified by Population size-2001 Villages with population of

Villages Classified by Population size-2011

Villages Classified by Population size-2011 Villages with population of

Population of cities and towns in 1971 and 1981

Population of cities and towns in 1971 and 1981 Population

Class-Wise Status of Towns as per Census 2001

Occupational Classification of Working Force 2001

Occupational Classification of Working Force 2011

Occupational Classification of Working Force2011

Percentage of Population by Religion-2001 Census

Percentage of Population by Religion –2011

Sex-wise Educational level of Population in J&K-1981

Number of Literates and Literacy Rate- 2001

Number of Literates and Literacy Rate-2011

Sex-wise literacy rate in total/rural/urban population by District/tehsil 1981 and 2001

Sex-wise literacy rate in total/rural/urban population by District/tehsil, 1981 and 2001

Sex-wise literacy rate in total/rural/urban population by District/tehsil,1981 and 2001

Sex-wise literacy rate intotal/rural/urban population by District/tehsil,1981and2001

Sex-wise literacy rate in total/rural/urban population by District/tehsil, 2011

Sex-wise literacy rate intotal/rural/urban population by District/tehsil, 2011

Disabled population by Type/District-2001

Disabled population by Type/District-2011 Disabled persons (numbers)

Disabled population by district/area-2001

Disabled population by district/area-2011

Level of Education by age and sex (all areas, 1981 number)

Level of Education by District-2001

Persons attending school/college by rural/urban /age and by sex-1981

Persons attending school/college by rural/urban/age and by sex-1981

Tehsil-wise Population of J&K State as per 1981 Census, 1991 (Projected) 2001 & 2011 Census

Gender ratio of the population and gender ratio of the population of children in the age group of 0-6 years, state/district/tehsil- 2001.

Table No. 1.28 (Contd.)
Table No. 1.28 (Contd.)

Sex ratio of population and sex ratio of child population in the age group of 0-6 years state/district/tehsil- 2001

Sex ratio of population and sex ratio of the child population in the age group 0-6 years state/district/tehsil- 2001 age group 0-6 years state/district/tehsil- 2001. State/district/TehsiI Sex ratio of total population on in on The sex ratio of the child population. Gender ratio for population and gender ratio for children in the age group 0-6 years divided by sector/district-2011.

Sex ratio of population and sex ratio of child population in the age group of 0-6 years by Sector/District-2011

Child population (age group 0-6) and percentage of child population to total district/state census population 2011.

Child Population (0-6 age-group) and percentage of child population to total population of the district/state 2011 census

State-wise percentage of population below the poverty line–urban

State-wise percentage of population below the poverty line – Rural

State-wise percentage of population below the poverty line – Combined

Poverty ratio of Assam is used for Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura. Poverty line of Maharashtra and expenditure breakdown of Goa are used to estimate the poverty rate of Goa. Poverty line of Maharashtra and expenditure breakdown of Dadra & Nagar Haveli are used to estimate the poverty rate of Dadra &.

Table No. 1.31 (Concld.)
Table No. 1.31 (Concld.)

Percentage of Population living below poverty line as on 1st oct 2007


  • Agriculture occupies an important place in the economy of the state. The share of Agriculture and allied sectors in the Gross State domestic Product (at 1999-2000
  • This chapter contains tables regarding pattern of land utilization, pattern of operational holdings, area under different food and non-food crops, production and

S Staiton Number Total Number Total Number Total Number Total Number Total Number Total y. S Statoin Number of T tola Number of T tola Number of T tola Number of T tola Number of T tola.

Tabl   e No.3.0   0 (Contd.)  A u n al  an r n i -fall in  J a m m u prov n i ce
Tabl e No.3.0 0 (Contd.) A u n al an r n i -fall in J a m m u prov n i ce


  • Land put to non-agricultural uses, it consists of entire land occupied by buildings, river, canals and other lands put to use other than agriculture
  • Cultural Water Land. This includes lands available for cultivation irrespective of the fact whether they have been taken up for cultivation or not or taken up for cultivation
  • Fallow lands other than current fallows. This includes all lands which were taken up for cultivation but are temporarily out of cultivation for a period of not less than
  • Current follows Cultivable area kept fallow during current agricultural year. Any seeding Area in the current agricultural year not cropped in the same year is also
  • Area sown more than once, it inclu des the area on which crops the cultivated more than once d uring the agriculture year and is obtained by deducting the net area sown from
  • Area not available for cultivation: As per the figure for 2017-18 area not available for cultivation accounts for 561 thousand hectares constituting 23.21% of
  • Follow land 131 thousand hectares (5.42%) are fallow lands comprising of 26 thousand hectares (1.1%) fallow land other than current fallows
  • Forest Land : Forest land constitutes 27.27% with 659 thousand hectares
  • Agricultural census 2010-2011 has recorded 1449 thousand agricultural holding with an area of 895 thousand hectares, thus making the average holding size of 0.62

The share of agriculture and related sectors in the gross domestic product of the state (by 1999-2000 agriculture and related sectors in the gross domestic product of the state (at 1999-2000 prices) for the year 2010-11 according to advanced estimates stands at 20.59%.On the other hand, nearly 70% of the population in the state derives its livelihood directly or indirectly from the agricultural sector.The concepts and definitions used are the same as prescribed by the Union Ministry of Agriculture.

For land that is not included in the net sown area, but is intended for specific agricultural use. For example, land under thatch grass, bamboo bushes and other plantations for fuel etc. This includes land available for cultivation, whether or not it has been used for cultivation, or used for cultivation, whether or not it has been used for cultivation or immediately accepted for cultivation but not cultivated in the current year and the last five or more consecutive years for one reason or another.

This includes all land that has been taken over for cultivation but is temporarily uncultivated for a period not less than the period intended for cultivation but is temporarily uncultivated for a period of not less than one year and not more than five years. Any sown area in the current agricultural year that was not sown in the same year is also sown area in the current agricultural year that was not sown in the same year is also considered as current fallow. The net planted area is defined as the difference between the total geographical area of ​​all agricultural land and the sum of land areas under (1) forest (2) barren and uncultivable waste (3) intended for non-agricultural purposes. , (4) agricultural waste (5) permanent pastures and other pastures, (6) various tree plantations other than orchards and (7) all types of fallow.

Areas sown with crops more than once in the same year are counted as separate areas for each crop. The total revenue-wise reporting area is 2417 thousand hectares for the year 2017-18, which is divided into the following live broad categories as per the concepts and definitions prescribed by the Union Ministry of Agriculture. The category consists of 251 thousand hectares (10.43%) of land designated for non-agricultural purposes and 303 thousand hectares (12.54%) under barren and uncultivable land, 6 thousand hectares (0.25%) is land under still water , marshy and waterlogged land, which is a negligible share.

Of which land under various tree crops constitutes 59 thousand hectares (2.44%) permanent pasture, other pastures with 108 thousand hectares (4.47%) and 139 thousand hectares (5.75%) is the cultivable waste land and 8 thousand hectares (0.33%) is social forest. This indicates that the share of area under agriculture in the state was 31.13% for the year 2017-18. Swampy and waterlogged land, Land under still water and Land under social forestry as part of ninefold classification.

Table No. 4.00 (Contd.)  Total area and its classification
Table No. 4.00 (Contd.) Total area and its classification

Total area and its classification 2017-18

Number of holdings by size classes-2005-06

Number of holdings by size classes-2010-11

Number of holdings by size classes 2000-01

Area in hectares

Number of holdings by size classes 2005-06

Number and area of operational holdings-1995-96

Number and area of operational holdings-2000-01

Number and area of operational holdings - 2005-06

Number and area of operational holdings -2010-11

Total area sown under different crops

District wise area sown under different crops 2017-18

District-wise area sown under different crops 2017-18

Average yield of principal crops Region wise Average yield (qts/ha)

Production of other food/non-food crops

Index numbers of area under crops -J&K


Table No. 1.07(Contd.)  Decadal Variation in population
Table No.1.12(Contd.)
Table No. 1.15 (Contd.)
Table No. 1.15 (Contd.)


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