Course Structure and
Detailed Syllabus for
Dual Degree Programme in
B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering) and
M.Tech. (Microelectronics and VLSI System Design)
Effective from 2022-2023
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
2 Annexure-II Course Strcuture of Dual Degree B.Tech (ECE) &
M.Tech Program in Microelectronics & VLSI System Design Effective from academic year 2022-2023
Sem Category Course Code L T P Credit Total
Credit 1 TH+PT Engineering Chemistry CH15101 3 0 2 4
1 TH Engineering Mathematics MA15102 3 1 0 4
1 TH+PT Introduction to Computing CS15101 3 0 2 4 1 TH+PT Elements of Electronics Engineering EC15102 3 0 2 4 1 TH+PT Electronics Workshop EC15103 2 0 2 3
1 EAA-Swachha Bharat Mission EAA15102 0 0 2 1
Total credit in 1st semester 20
2 TH+PT Engineering Physics PH25101 3 0 2 4
2 TH+PT Communicative English HS25101 3 0 2 4 2 TH+PT Elements of Electrical Engineering EE25101 3 0 2 4 2 TH+PT Computer Hardware and Networking CS25102 2 0 2 3 2 TH+PT Fundamentals of Communication
EC25102 3 0 2 4 PT EAA Sports/Innovative Projects EAA25101 0 0 2 1
Total credit in 2nd semester 20 40
3 TH+PT Semiconductor Devices and Technology
EC35101 3 0 2 4
3 TH+PT Digital Electronics EC35102 3 0 2 4
3 TH+PT Networks, Signals and Systems EC35103 3 0 2 4
3 TH+PT Analog Electronics EC35104 3 0 2 4
3 TH+PT Data Structures CS35101 3 0 2 4
Total credit in 3rd semester 20 60
4 TH Electromagnetic Field Theory EC45101 3 1 0 4
4 TH+PT Microprocessors & Microcontrollers EC45102 3 0 2 4 4 TH+PT Digital Signal Processing EC45103 3 0 2 4 4 TH+PT Object Oriented Programming CS45101 3 0 2 4
4 TH Professional Elective-I EC451xx 3 0 0 3
4 PT Seminar and Technical Report Writing EC45104 0 0 2 1
Total credit in 4th semester 20 80
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
Sem Category Course Code L T P Credit Total
Credit 5 TH+PT Advanced Communication
EC55101 3 0 2 4 5 TH Professional Elective-II EC551xx 3 0 0 3 5 TH+PH Microwave Engineering EC55102 3 0 2 4
5 TH Control system EE55101 3 0 0 3
5 PT Industrial Training EC55103 0 0 2 1
5 TH Green Technology CH55101 2 0 0 2
MOOC Course / Open Elective 3 0 0 3
Total credit in 5th semester 20 100
6 TH+PT Wireless Communication EC65101 3 0 2 4
6 TH Professional Elective-III EC651xx 3 0 0 3
6 TH+PT VLSI Design EC65102 3 0 2 4
6 TH+PT Antenna and Wave Propagation EC65103 3 0 0 3
6 TH MOOC Course / Open Elective 3 0 0 3
PT Minor Project EC65104 0 0 6 3
Total credit in 6th semester 20 120 7 TH+PT Analog Integrated Circuits EC75102 3 0 2 4
7 TH+PT MOS Device Physics and Modeling
EC75103 3 0 2 4
7 TH Elective - I / MOOC EC400xxx 3 0 0 3
7 TH Elective - II / MOOC EC400xxx 3 0 0 3
7 TH Elective - III / MOOC EC400xxx 3 0 0 3
7 PT Technical Report Writing Tools EC75104 0 0 2 1
7 PT Minor Project EC75105 0 0 4 2
Total credit in 7th semester 20 140
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
Sem Category Course Code L T P Credit Total
Credit 8 TH+PT Digital Integrated Circuits EC85102 3 0 2 4
8 TH+PT ASIC System Design EC85103 3 0 2 4
8 TH Elective - IV / MOOC EC400xxx 3 0 0 3
8 TH Elective – V / MOOC EC400xxx 3 0 0 3
8 TH Elective – VI / MOOC / Open Elective
EC400xxx 3 0 0 3
8 PT Comprehensive Viva Voce EC85104 0 0 2 1
8 PT Seminar EC85105 0 0 4 2
Total credit in 8th semester 20 160
9 Internship / Dissertation EC95101 0 0 40 20
Total credit in 9th semester 20 180 10 Internship/ Dissertation EC95102 0 0 40 20
Total credit in 10th semester 20 200
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
Courses proposed as Professional elective (PE)
E1 – offered in 4th semester, E2 – offered in 5th semester, E3 – offered in 6th semester
Sl No Course Title Code
1 Electronic Instrumentation E1 ECx5110
2 Computer Organization and Architecture E1 ECx5111
3 Semiconductor Device Modeling E 3 ECx5112
4 Linear Integrated Circuits E1 ECx5113
5 Pulse and Digital Switching Circuits E1 ECx5114
6 Control System E2 ECx5115
7 Sensors and Transducers E2 ECx5116
8 Telecommunication Switching Networks E2 ECx5117
9 Computer Communication E2 ECx5118
10 Statistical Signal Processing E2 ECx5119
11 Internet of Things E3 ECx5120
12 Wireless Sensor Networks E1 ECx5121
13 Optoelectronics E1 ECx5122
14 Biomedical Signal Processing E3 ECx5123
15 Digital Image Processing E3 ECx5124
16 MIMO Communications E3 ECx5125
17 Computer Vision and Its Applications E3 ECx5126
18 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning E3 ECx5127
19 Information Theory and Coding E2 ECx5128
20 Digital System Design E1 ECx5129
21 Low Power Techniques in VLSI Design E 2 ECx5130
22 Digital IC Design E 1 ECx5131
23 RF Circuit Design E2 ECx5132
24 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems E 3 ECx5133
25 Optical Networks and Photonic Switches E3 ECx5134
26 Satellite Communication E2 ECx5135
28 Analog VLSI Design E 3 ECx5136
29 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility E3 ECx5137
30 VLSI Technology E 3 ECx5138
31 Speech Processing E3 ECx5139
32 Optimization Techniques E3 ECx5140
33 Communication Network Security E3 ECx5141
34 Power Electronics E3 ECx5142
35 Nano Electronic Devices E 3 ECx5143
36 Detection and Estimation Theory E3 ECx5144
37 Optical Communication System E 3 ECx5145
38 RF System Design for wireless Communication E 2 ECx5146
41 Machine Learning E2 ECx5147
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
6 Courses proposed as Open elective (OE)-For other Dept students
1. Communication Systems OE05101
2. Electronics Technology OE05102
3. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems OE05103
4. Digital Image Processing OE05104
5. Communication Networks OE05105
6. Embedded System Design OE05106
7. Information Theory and Coding OE05107
8. Digital Signal Processing OE05108
9 Remote Sensing OE05109
10 Pattern Recognition OE05110
11 Computer Communication OE05111
12 VLSI Design OE05112
13 Internet of Things OE05113
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
7 A. List of Courses in Electives- 7th and 8th Sem (Microelectronics & VLSI)
S.No Course Code
Course Name TH/ PT L T P Credit
1 EC400150 Low Power VLSI Design T 3 0 0 3
2 EC400151 RF Microelectronics T 3 0 0 3
3 EC400152 Organic Electronics T 3 0 0 3
4 EC400153 VLSI Technology T 3 0 0 3
5 EC400154 2D Materials for Nanoelectronics Device Applications.
T 3 0 0 3
6 EC400155 Clean Room Technology and Maintenance
T 3 0 0 3
7 EC400156 VLSI Physical Design T 3 0 0 3
8 EC400157 DSP in VLSI T 3 0 0 3
9 EC400158 VLSI DSP Architectures T 3 0 0 3
10 EC400159 Hardware Description Languages T 3 0 0 3
11 EC400160 GaAs Technology T 3 0 0 3
12 EC400161 MEMS & Microsystems T 3 0 0 3
13 EC400162 Embedded System Design T 3 0 0 3
14 EC400163 VLSI Architecture T 3 0 0 3
15 EC400164 Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning
T 3 0 0 3
16 EC400265 FPGA Design T 3 0 0 3
17 EC400266 Nanoscale Devices T 3 0 0 3
18 EC400267 Current Mode Circuit Design T 3 0 0 3
19 EC400268 VLSI Mixed Signal Design T 3 0 0 3
20 EC400269 CAD for VLSI T 3 0 0 3
21 EC400270 Testing and Testability T 3 0 0 3
22 EC400271 Hardware/Software Co-Design T 3 0 0 3
23 EC400272 Full Custom Design T 3 0 0 3
24 EC400273 Formal Verification T 3 0 0 3
25 EC400274 Physical Design Automation T 3 0 0 3
26 EC400275 Advanced VLSI Interconnects T 3 0 0 3
27 EC400276 MEMS and NEMS Technology T 3 0 0 3
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
CH15101 Engineering Physics L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
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MA15102 Engineering Mathematics L-T-P: 3-1-0; Cr: 04
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CS15101 Introduction to Computing L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
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EC15102 Elements of Electronics Engineering L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
Basics of Circuit Analysis Course Objective:
This course is intended to familiarize the students with the operational principle, analysis, design, and applications of semiconductor devices like diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors.
Further, it is also intended to introduce the analysis of wide variety of electronic circuits to the students.
Course Content:
Unit 1: Semiconductor Diodes (10 L)
Semiconductor materials: Intrinsic and Extrinsic types; Introduction to the concept of Fermi level; Ideal diode;
Terminal characteristics of diode: p-n junction diode under open circuit, Drift and diffusion current along with derivation. Built-in potential (potential barrier) along with derivation, Forward bias and reverse bias conditions.
Static and dynamic resistance, Temperature dependence, Breakdown mechanism in diode. Junction capacitance:
Diode applications: Half-wave Rectifiers, Full-wave Rectifiers & Filters, Clipping & Clamping Circuits, Voltage doubler; Zener Diode & its application as voltage regulator.
Unit 2: Bipolar Junction Transistor (12 L)
BJT Introduction: PNP and NPN transistor, BJT current components and base width modulation, CB, CE, CC configuration and characteristics, Load line analysis, Operating point; Biasing: Need for biasing, different biasing circuits, Bias stability; BJT as an amplifier: Low frequency small signal model of BJT, CE amplifier with and without feedback, Multi-stage amplifier; BJT as a switch: Cut-off and saturation modes.
Unit 3: Field Effect Transistor (8 L)
General characteristics of FET; Comparison between FET & BJT; JFET: Construction, Principle of Operation, Shockley equation. Output and transfer characteristics; Depletion & Enhancement Type MOSFET: Construction, Principle of operation. Output and transfer characteristics; FET Amplifier- FET biasing configurations, Low frequency small signal model of FET, Analysis of FET amplifier without feedback.
Unit 4: Operational Amplifier (6 L)
Ideal op-amp; characteristics of ideal and practical op-amp; Practical op-amp circuits: Inverting and non-
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
9 inverting amplifiers, voltage follower, summer, subtractor, integrator, differentiator, active filters.
Unit 5: Digital Logic Circuits (4 L)
Logic gates, Logic circuit implementation using diodes and transistors.
List of Experiments for Elements of Electronics Engineering:
Experiment No.01: Study of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) (a) Measurement of amplitude, time period and frequency of unknown continuous signals, (b) Use of Lissajous pattern for unknown frequency measurement of signal.
Experiment No.02: Identification of active and passive component.
Experiment No.03: Study of RC and CR filters
Experiment No.04: Study the characteristics of P-N junction diode under (a) Forward bias, and (b) Reverse bias
Experiment No.05: Study of Zener diode characteristics and load and line regulations of Zener voltage regulator
Experiment No.06: Study of clipping circuits and clamping circuits.
Experiment No.07: Study of the performance of full wave bridge rectifier with filter circuits.
Experiment No.08: Study of the input and output characterization of common base (CB) bipolar junction transistor
Experiment No.09: Study the input and output characterization of common emitter (CE) bipolar junction transistor.
Experiment No. 10: Study the frequency response of common Emitter bipolar junction transistor.
Experiment No. 11: Study the output and transfer characteristics of JFET (Junction field effect transistor) Experiment No. 12: Study of operational amplifier as (i) Inverting (ii) Non-inverting amplifier.
Experiment No. 13: Construction and verification of all other gates (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) using only a) NOR gate b) only NAND gate
1. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory by Boylestad and Nashelsky, Pearson.
2. Microelectronics, Millman and Grabel, TMH.
3. Electronic Principles by Albert Malvino & Davis J. Bates, TMH.
1. Electronic Devices-Conventional Current Version by Thomas L. Floyd, Pearson.
2. Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications by Sedra, and Smith, Oxford University.
3. Digital Logic and Computer Design, Morris Mano, Pearson.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the students would be able to:
COl: Understand the operational principle of diode and develop skills to design rectifier, filter, clipping and clamper circuits using diodes.
CO2: Understand the operation of BJT amplifiers and switching circuits and Implement common emitter RC-coupled amplifier.
CO3: Understand the operation of FET amplifiers and switching circuits and Implement common source amplifier.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
10 CO4: Develop and analyze the practical circuits using operational amplifiers
CO5: Design the logic gates using diodes and transistor and analyze their operation.
EC15103 Electronics Workshop L-T-P: 2-0-2; Cr: 03
Course objective: To create interest in hardware technology and hands-on experience in electronics domain.
Electronics Workshop
Lab Topics and Sub-topics
Unit I:
Electronic Components,
Measuring Instruments
and Tools
1a. Identify a particular component from the given group of passive electronic components
1.1 Passive components: Different types of: resistors, inductors, capacitors, potentiometers, Thermistor, Transformer, auto transformer
1b. Identify the terminals of active electronic components
1.2 Active components: Diode, Zener diode, Varactor diode, LED, Photo diode, BJT, Photo transistor, FET, LDR, Solar cell, Photocell, Optocoupler
1c. Use voltage source 1d. Use test and measuring
1.3 Voltage Sources: DC battery (Pencil cell: 1.5 V, AAA, AA Type, +9V, rechargeable Cell, Mobile battery) AC power supply, DC power supply.
1.4 Measuring Instruments: Different
types of Voltmeters, Ammeters, Watt meters, multi-meter, LCR-Q meter, CRO, DSO, Function Generator, Frequency counter
1e. Use electronic workshop tools for building and wiring electronic circuits with necessary safety
1.5 Electronic Workshop Tools: Bread board, Copper clad laminate sheet, Solder iron, solder-stand, solder-wire, flux, flexible wire, hook up wire, cables, relays, switches, connectors, fuses, Cutter, plier, screwdriver set, wire stripper, De-solder pump, De-solder wick, drilling machine
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
11 Unit II:
Building, Wiring, Soldering and Testing of Electronic
2a. Soldering and De- soldering of Electronics
components on
breadboard/PCB (different solder materials and their temperature; low and high temperature solder paste; soldering and de-soldering of SMD components; hands-on exposure to high-end professional soldering/de- soldering station)
2b. Build/test and
troubleshoot electronic circuits on breadboard (Maps to mobile phone repairing)
2.1 Electronic circuit Drawing:
Series and Parallel network using Resistors, Capacitors, T-type/ π-type attenuator
2.2 Characteristics of LED/ Photo diode/LDR
2.3. +5V, -5V, +/-5V dc regulated power supply using IC 78XX / 79XX with LED indication
2.4. LM317 variable voltage regulator 2.5. Light operated Relay
2.6. Transistorized touch control switch 2.7. Rain drop detector
Unit III:
Schematic, Layout and Tracing of Electronic Circuits
3a. Create PCB layout manually
3b. Create schematic and layout
of given electronic circuit using any Simple PCB design software
3c. Multi-layer PCBs (Design procedure using software).
3.1. Evolution and Classification of Printed Circuit Boards, Challenges in Morden PCB,
3.2. Design and Manufacturing, PCB fabrication, methodologies (SSB, DSB and multilayer board),
3.3. PCB design considerations/ design rules for analog, digital and power applications,
3.4. Electromagnetic interference in electronic systems and its impact Analysis of electronic circuit from noise emission point of view (both conducted and radiated emission) cross talk and reflection behaviour of the circuit in time domain.
3.5. Thermal management of electronic devices and systems
Unit IV:
PCB Fabrication
4a. Fabrication in wet process
4b. Fabrication using CNC machine
4.1. Theory of wet process
4.2 Practical of wet process fabrication of simple PCB board of say, a CE BJT amplifier
4.3 Theory of milling machine based high precision PCB fabrication
4.4. Practical on PCB fabrication using milling machine.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
12 Unit V:
Mini Project
5a. Construction of Mini project as per students’
5b. Inclusive of design, fabrication, soldering, testing all at NITP
5c. Prepare project report in proper format
5.1. Voltage Regulators: Introduction, Parameters for voltage regulators and voltage references.
5.2. Basic configuration of voltage regulators and references, Shunt regulator& Series pass regulator.
Experiment No. 1: Study and testing of electronic components such as - Resistors, Capacitors, BJTs, LCDs, SCRs, UJTs, PN diode, Zener, laser, photo, varactor, tunnel, Schottky, LEDs, MOSFETs, diodes (Ge & Si Type), transistors (NPN & PNP); Learn to read data sheet
Experiment No. 2: Identification of Active & Passive Components.
Experiment No. 3: Study of Breadboard, DMM, CRO, DSO & Function Generator.
Experiment No. 4: Soldering and De-soldering of Electronics components.
Experiment No. 5: Fabrication of PCB in wet process.
Experiment No. 6: Fabrication of PCB using CNC machine.
Experiment No. 7: Single layer and Multi-layer PCBs (Design procedure using suitable CAD tool).
Experiment No. 8: Study of electromagnetic interference in electronic systems and its impact analysis of electronic circuit from noise emission point of view.
Experiment No. 9: Mobile phone repairing.
Experiment No. 10: Construction of Mini project as per students’ interest.
S.No Title of Book Author Publication
1 Printed Circuit Boards: Design and Technology
Bossart TMH, 2008 or latest edition
2 Making Printed Circuit Boards Jan
Mc GrawHill, 1993 or latest edition
3 Everyday Electronics Data Book Mike
B P B, 2011 4 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Boylestad
and Nashelsky
5 Electronic Formulas, Tables Symbols Sharma, M.C
B P B, 2008
6 Hobby Electronics Project Special BPB B P B, 2011
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students would be able to
CO1. Understand the datasheet of electronic components, measuring instruments and tools CO2. Apply the concept of soldering and testing of Electronics Circuit.
CO3. Understand the schematic, layout and tracing of Electronic Circuits.
CO4. Design and fabricate PCBs for different electronics circuits CO5. Design a complete mini-Electronics project.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
PH25101 Engineering Physics L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
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HS25101 Communicative English L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
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EE25101 Elements of Electrical Engineering L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
Objectives: The course is one of the foundation courses for B. Tech students, where they will learn the concept of electrical circuits and its components, basics of DC and AC circuit analysis, laws of electrical circuit analysis, and fundamentals of measuring instruments.
Prerequisite: Mathematics and Physics of HSC level.
Course Content:
Unit 1. Circuit Concepts and Network Theorems: Concept of network, linear and non linear networks; Active and passive elements, unilateral and bilateral elements, passive elements (R, L, and C) as linear elements; voltage and current sources, source transformation; Steady state analysis of D.C.
circuits with independent and dependent sources, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Mesh Analysis and nodal analysis, Current and voltage divider rules, star deltatrans formation; network theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, maximum power transfer theorem.
(12 L)
Unit 2. Single phase A.C. circuits: Common signals and their waveforms; instantaneous, peak, average, and RMS values; peak factor and form factor of sinusoidal wave; phase difference, lagging, leading and in phase quantities and phas or representation (Rectangular and polar) of phasors; Study of A.C circuits of pure resistance, inductance and capacitance and corresponding voltage-current phasor diagrams; Impedance and Admittance; Power, Power factor, and Power Triangle; Series and parallel resonance; Practice of network theorems for A.C. circuits. (12 L)
Unit 3. Three phase A.C. circuits: Three-phase system: Its necessity and advantages, meaning of phase sequence, Star and delta connections, balanced supply and balanced load, line and phase voltage/current relations, Power relations, Analysis of balanced and unbalanced 3-phasecircuits, three
phase power measurements. (6 L)
Unit 4. Electromagnetism: Prerequisite: Ampere’s law, Magnetic field intensity, Magnetic flux and flux density, MMF, Magnetic circuit, Permeability, Reluctance and Permeance, Leakage and fringing;
concepts of magnetic circuit, analogy between electric and magnetic circuit, magnetic circuits with DC and AC excitation, magnetic leakage, BH curve, hysteresis and eddy current losses, Series &
Parallel magnetic circuits, concepts of self-inductance, mutual-inductance and coefficient of coupling,
DOT convention. (8 L)
Unit 5. Instruments and Measurements: Basic definitions (e.g. accuracy, precision, resolution, sensitivity), standards of measurement and errors, classification of measuring instruments, Basic
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
14 features of Indicating instruments-voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, and energy meter along with usage
in circuit. (4 L)
List of Experiments: (Any 10 experiments can be performed) 1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws
2. Verification of superposition theorem
3. Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems 4. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem
5. To study R-L-C series circuit and find the value of inductance. Also draw the phasor diagram 6. Study the phenomenon of resonance in R-L-C series circuit and obtain resonant frequency 7. To study R-L parallel circuit and find the value of inductance. Also draw the phasor diagram 8. Determine the permeability of a magnetic material by plotting its B-H curve
9. To trace Hysteresis loop for different magnetic materials
10. Measurement of power and power factor in a single-phase ac series inductive circuit and study of improvement of power factor using capacitor
11. Power measurement in three-phase star connected circuit with balanced and unbalanced load using two Wattmeter method
12. To calibrate and test the single-phase Energy Meter for different Loads 13. Measurement of Energy by a single-phase Energy Meter
14. Calibration of Voltmeters and Ammeters using Potentiometers Reference Books:
1. Fitzgerald, et al., Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Ashfaq Hussain, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Dhanpat Rai& Co.
3. R. Prasad, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, PHI Publication.
4. V. Deltoro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, PHI Publication.
5. B.L. Theraja, Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics, S. Chand &
6. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tata McGrawHill.
7. A K Sawhney, Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand DC and AC Circuits and solve DC/AC networks by applying various laws and theorems.
2. Analyze AC circuits, interpret relationship between voltage, current and power,examine concept of resonance, and quality factor.
3. Understand the importance of balanced three phase circuits and compute the voltages and currents in three-phase delta and wye connected loads and sources.
4. Understand the basics of magnetic circuits and to calculate the various parameters for series/parallel magnetic circuits.
5. Have a basic understanding of measuring instruments and their uses.
CS25102 Computer Hardware and Networking L-T-P: 2-0-2; Cr: 03
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
15 Course Objectives: To create interest in computer hardware and networking and learn the fundamental of hardware networking in computer science domain.
Introduction to Computers– Types of Computers - Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super Computer, Architecture of a Computer System–
Processor (CPU) - Types and their specifications (Intel: Celeron, P4 family, Xeon, dual core, quad core, core 2 duo, i3,i5,i7 and AMD), ALU, Memory - Types, Storage, Semiconductor memories: RAM, ROM, PROM, EMPROM, EEPROM, Static and Dynamic, Cache Memory, Secondary Storage Devices -Types, Capacity, Popular Brands, Standards, Interface, Concept of Tracks, Sector, Cylinder and Cluster. Jumper setting, CMOS setting, Input/Output Devices.
8 hrs. CO-1
Serial Port and Parallel Port–Principle of Communication, Types of Connecting Devices, Interface Standards, Connectors.
Concept of Operating System–Types of Operating Systems, Functions of an Operating System, Need of OS, Batch Processing, Multi- processing, Single user & Multi user OS, Distributed and Time Sharing Operating Systems, Introduction to Unix, Linux, Windows, Windows NT systems.
6 hrs. CO-2
Introduction to Computer Networks – Reference models-
OSI, TCP/IP, Architecture: Peer-to-Peer and Client/Server Network, Network Topologies – Star, Ring, Bus, Tree, Mesh, Hybrid. Types of Networks – LAN, MAN, WAN, Intranet and Internet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
Protocols– OSI, TCP/IP. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Setting IP Address (IP4/IP6) & Subnet Mask, Classes of IP Addressing.
Introduction to Network Security, Concept of Dynamic Host Control Protocol.
8 hrs. CO-3
Communication Media & Connectors – Introduction to physical layer, Data Communication – Analog and Digital Signals. Transmission mode:
Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex. Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP), shielded twisted-pair (STP), Fiber Optics and coaxial cable: RJ-45, RJ- 11, BNC. Understanding color codes of CAT5 cable. 568A and 568B convention.
Network Components – Modems, Firewall, Hubs, Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Repeaters, Transceivers, Switches– their functions, advantages and applications.
8 hrs. CO-4
Practical Exp.
No. Experiment objective Time CO
Hardware–Introduction to Computer System. Identify the front and rear panel controls and ports on a PC. Power Supply Connections.
Motherboard Connections. Motherboard Components. CPU (Processor), RAM (Memory), Hard Drive Connections, ROM Drives, Video Cards, Sound Cards.
4 hrs. CO-1
Installation of a PC–Removing and Installing - Power Supply, the Processor, the Motherboard, RAM, ROM, Hard Drive, Fans, Video Card, Expansion Cards, a CPU Cooler, CMOS Battery. Troubleshooting, About
2 hrs. CO-1
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
16 SMPS and its cable, Connector and Servicing Procedure.
Windows Installation–Windows - Concept of GUI, Desktop, Icons - My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Network Places, Recycle bin, Briefcase. Display, Drag and Drop, Task Bar, Start Menu, Tool Bar, and Menus. Windows Explorer. Properties of files and folders. Executing application programs. Properties of connected devices. Applications under windows accessories. Windows Help, Search feature, Control panel, Installation of devices.
A walkthrough of installing Windows XP, Windows 7 / 8, Imaging:
create a Windows system image. How to Backup/Restore your Windows partition with the bootable image disk, Setting a multi-boot system, the Windows boot manager vs. an alternative boot manager, Setting up a dual-boot system, Dual Boot Linux and Windows. Windows XP registry tweaks.
2 hrs. CO-2
4. Components of Computer Network–Layout of Network,
Familiarization with various Network devices, Connectors and Cables. 2 hrs. CO-3 5.
Crimping & Punching–Crimping practice with straight and cross CAT 5 cables. Punching practice in IO Box and patch panel. Crimping and making cables.
2 hrs. CO-4 6. Cabling–Create cabling in a lab with HUB/Switch and IO Boxes and
patch panel. Fitting of Switch Rack. 2 hrs. CO-4
7. Install & configure a Network– Installing & Configuring a Peer-to-Peer
Network using Windows Software. 4 hrs. CO-3
Configuration of Data Communication Equipment–Connecting computers with Network with Drop cable and using Wi-Fi configuration.
Basic Programmable switch Configuration, IP Routing Process, Verifying Configuration.
2 hrs. CO-3
IP Addressing & TCP/IP– IP Addressing Technique (IP4/IP6) and Subnetting and Supernetting the network. Installation and Configuration of TCP/IP Protocol. Practice TCP/IP Utilities: PING, IPCONFIG, HOSTNAME, ROUTE.
4 hrs. CO-3 10. Other Network Protocols: Working with SMTP, TELNET, FTP, HTTP,
Configuring DHCP. 4 hrs. CO-3
[1] A. Clements. Principles of computer hardware. 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2006.
[2] K.L. James. Computer Hardware: Installation, Interfacing, troubleshooting, and Maintenance. PHI Learning, 2013.
[3] A. B. Forouzan. Data communications & networking (sie). 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007 Education.
[4] S. William. Computer organization and architecture: designing for performance. 10th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
[5] Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Computer Networks. Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2009.
Course Outcomes:
CO-1: To understand the architecture and functioning of computer hardware components and their interconnections
CO-2: To understand the functioning and installation of operating systems
CO-3: To understand the computer networking components, models, protocols and their installation.
CO-4: To understand the physical layer structure, media, protocols, and their installation.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
EC25102 Fundamentals of Communication Engineering L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
Prerequisite: Class 12 Mathematics and Physics Course Objective:
This course is intended to make students familiar with multitude of communication systems and various communication techniques used in it.
Course Content:
Unit I: Introduction: Brief history of communication engineering; Various communication applications; Multitude of communication systems; Elements of communication systems: Block diagrams of Analog and Digital Communication, devices used with practical examples; Frequency Spectrum; Various standards with their frequency of application and devices used; Source and channel of a communication system; Primary resources in communication systems: Power and Bandwidth;
Challenges in communication and objective of system design; Performance metrics of Communication
system; Telecommunication governing, regularization and standardization bodies.
(8 L)
UNIT II: Signal and Data in communication systems- Analog and Digital; Time and frequency domain representation of signal; Time-domain in oscilloscope and frequency domain in spectrum analyzer; Signal Encoding Techniques with real world examples; Types of Data and Signal; Analog and Digital Data Transmission; Transmission Medium; Transmission Impairments; Data rate and Bandwidth; Signal and noise power and their logarithmic representation; SNR and Error rate;
(6 L)
UNIT III: Analog and Digital Communication: Analog communication basics; Illustration with practical examples; Devices used in analog communication; Analog modulation basics; Need of modulation; AM and FM modulation and demodulation: An overview with real life applications;
Comparison of AM and FM. Sampling Theorem; Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), Pulse coded modulation and their applications;
Digital communication overview; Advantages of Digital communication over Analog communication ; Examples of digital communication system. (8 L)
UNIT IV: Wireless Technologies: Introduction to Wireless Communication and types of Wireless Communication, Basic blocks of wireless communication; Frequencies used and Ranges, Basic Challenges and Requirements, Different Generations of Wireless Communications, Concept of Cellular Communications- Overview of 2G, 3G and 4G cellular standards; Introduction to Wireless Services:
GSM, CDMA, LTE, VoLTE, WLAN, Wi-Max, WPAN, etc. Current Technology and Overview of Satellite Communication System; Orbital aspects of Satellite Communications; Multiple access in satellite communication; various types of satellites with their applications.
(8 L)
UNIT V: Optical Fiber Communication: Basic block diagram of optical fiber systems; Operating frequency range; Types of Optical Fibers - step index and graded index, multimode and single mode;
Signal Distortion in Optical Fiber Communication, Introduction to various optical sources and optical detectors. Different modern optical communication technologies with real life application.
(6 L)
UNIT VI: IoT and Sensors: Basics of IoT, IoT applications in different domains, Trends in IoT Market; IOT Physical Devices & Endpoints and Applications: What is an IOT Device, Exemplary
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
18 Devices and applications; Different sensors for IoT applications. (6 L)
Lab Experiments:
1. Introduction to MATLAB, Simulink and the Communication Toolbox
2. Representation of time domain and frequency domain signals in DSO and spectrum analyzer respectively
3. Analog modulation and demodulation using MATLAB 4. Generation of AM wave using 2N2222 BJT Modulator circuit
5. Design of Pulse Modulation and Demodulation System using MATLAB.
6. PCM trainer based experiments
7. FDM and TDM Trainer based experiment 8. A/D and D/A Trainer based experiment
9. Estimation and analysis of impact of various fiber/system parameters, for different types of optical fibers (SMF, MMF, SI, GI), with MATLAB/SCILAB.
10. Analysis of pulse broadening in multimode fibers (step-index and graded-index), with MATLAB/SCILAB.
11. Analysis of different efficiencies for an optical sources, with MATLAB/SCILAB.
12. Mini project on IoT/ Some small lab experiments related with IOT hardware.
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education India, 2007.
2. B.P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, ‘Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems’, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009.
3. John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications”, PEARSON, 3rd Edition, 2010.
4. Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems, Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan, Dr. Peter Friess, River Publishers.
5. Internet Resources.
Course Outcomes:
Students would be able to –
CO1: Get concept of basics of communication engineering and different types of communication technologies.
CO2: Describe time domain and frequency domain representation of Signal and Data and calculate the bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio of a signal
CO3: Convert analog signals to digital format using sampling and quantization techniques.
CO4: Explain the operation of Analog and Digital Communication with their relative merits/demerits and applications
CO5: Analyse the basic concept of optical and wireless communication with their application in modern communication technologies.
CO6: Use software and hardware-based experiments to demonstrate various aspects of different communication systems.
CO7: Recognize the necessity of life-long learning through timely exposure to the evolving and new technologies in the field of communications.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
[ For : CSE Students ]
ECXX01 Digital Logic and Computer Organization L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04
Pre-requisite: Elements of Electronics Engineering Objectives/Overview:
This course is intended to provide the students with a good knowledge of all varieties of Digital Circuits (both combinational & sequential circuits) & timing circuits, IC Chips, their design &
applications along with Analog to Digital & Digital to Analog conversion of Signals. The lab component indented to make students familiar with all varieties of Digital Circuits (both combinational
& sequential circuits) & timing circuits, their design & applications along with Analog to Digital &
Digital to Analog conversion.
The students are also exposed to different types of RAMs & ROMs with their in depth knowledge.
Theory Part:
UNIT I: Minimization Technique and Logic Gates Lectures: 5
Number Systems, Boolean postulates and laws, De- Morgan’s Theorem, Principle of Duality Boolean expression, Minimization of Boolean expressions, Minterm, Maxterm, SOP, POS, Karnaugh map Minimization, Don’t care conditions, Quine Mc Cluskey method of min-imization. Binary Codes: Gray Code, BCD Code. Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR.
Implementations of Logic Functions using gates, NAND–NOR implementations, Multi level gate implementations.
UNIT II: Analysis and Synthesis of Combinatorial Logic Circuits Lectures: 6
Adders and Subtractors, Carry look-ahead adders; Multiplexers; De-multiplexers; Encoders; Priority Encoder; Decoders; Code Converters; Magnitude Comparators; Parity generators and Checkers
UNIT III: Sequential Circuits Lectures: 9
Sequential Circuit Blocks-Latches, Flip Flops- Race around condition, Master-Slave and edge triggered SR, JK, D & T Flip Flop; Shift Registers; Counters- Synchronous and synchronous, design of ripple counter. Johnson counter, ring counter, sequence generator, Finite state machine (Mealy and Moore Type)
UNIT IV: Lectures: 10
Computer Arithmetic & ALU: Structural and functional views of computer system; ALU and data path. Computer arithmetic; ALU data path design for integer addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; Fixed-point and floating-point representations; FPU data path design for floating-point addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; Guard, round and sticky bits in FPU.
UNIT V: Lectures: 12
Memory System: Memory system characteristics and design objectives; Memory hierarchy in CISC and RISC systems; Cache memory principle and organization; Cache memory mapping; Cache replacement algorithms; Cache writing policies; Unified and split caches; Random access memory;
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
20 External memory: disk-based storage and RAIDs, optical storage, SSD storage; Virtual memory, paging and segmentation.
Input/Output Organization: I/O structures and functions; I/O techniques: programmed I/O, interrupt- driven I/O, DMA; Interrupt and interrupt controller; Bus arbitration.
Lab Part: List of Experiments:
1. Universal Gates (i) Identification and verification of NAND gate (IC #7400) and NOR gate (IC
#7402). (ii) Construction and Verification of all other gate (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) USING a) Only NAND gate b) Only NOR gate Introduction to SQL: Basic DML, DDL, DTL commands.
2. Code Convertor & Parity Generator and checker. (i) Identification & verification of NOT (7404), AND (7408) OR (7432) & XOR (7486) gates. (ii) Design, construction and verification of 3-bit Binary to Gray convertor and 3-bit Grey to Binary convertor circuit. (iii) Design, construction and verification of 3-bit odd/even Parity Generator and 4-bit odd/even parity checker circuit. Table handling: Alter, Drop Table, Insert Records.
3. Adder, Subtractor & Magnitude comparator circuits. (i) Design, construction and verification of Half Adder and Half Subtractor circuit. (ii) Design, construction and verification of Full Adder and Full Subtractor circuit. (iii) Design, construction and verification of 1-bit and 4-bit Magnitude comparator. (iv) BCD Adder/Subtractor.
4. Decoder, MUX & DMUX (i) Construction and verification of BCD to 7-segment decoder using IC # 7447 (ii) Verification of 4:1 MUX, 8:1 MUX & 16:1 MUX. (iii) Verification of 1:4 DMUX, 1:8 DMUX (iv) Cascading of MUIX and Cascading of Decoders. Join Concept:
Simple, Equi, Self, Outer.
5. Latches and Flip Flops (i)Construction and Verification of a Latch circuit using NAND/NOR gates. (ii) Construction and Verification of S-R Flip Flop using above Latch circuits. (iii) Verification of J-K Flip Flop using IC # 7476 (Dual J-KFF) (iv) Construction and Verification of D-Flip Flop and T-Flip Flop using J-K FF (IC #7476). (v) Construction and Verification of Master Slave J-K Flip Flop. Synonym Introduction: Creating object type, Aliasing.
6. Mini project allocation
7. Shift Registers (i) Verification of D-FF using IC # 7474 (Dual D- FF). (ii) Construction and verification of a 2-bit Shift Right Register using IC # 7474 (iii) Construction and verification of a 2-bit Shift Left Register using IC # 7474 (iv) Verification of SISO, SIPO, PISO & PIPO Shift Registers. Introduction to View: create, update, drop.
8. Synchronous & Asynchronous Counters (i) Construction and verification of 2-bit Ripple counter using J-K FF. (ii) Construction and verification of Mod-3 up and Mod-3 down synchronous counter. (iii) Construction and verification of 2-bit Ring counter using J-K FF. (iv) Construction and verification of 2-bit twisted Ring (Johnson) counter using J-K FF.
Introduction to PL/SQL: Advantages, Support, Execution.
9. Design and construction of a 4-bit sequence generator.
Text/Reference Books
1. Digital Systems- Principles & Applications. Tocci, Widmar and Jain, Pearsons
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
21 2. Digital Fundamentals. Floyd and Jain, Pearson
3. Digital Circuits (Vol-I & vol-II). D. Roychowdhary, Platinum Publishers.
4. Fundamentals of VHDL Design. Stephen Brown and Zovenkeo Vrasesic, TMH 5. Introduction to Logic Design with CDROM. Alan B. Marcovity, TMH
6. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design. Stephen Brown, TMH
7. Modern Digital Electronics. R. P. Jain, TMH. Problems and solution on Digital circuits (Vol-I
& Vol-II). D. Roychowdhary, Platinum Publishers.
8. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Todd Austin, Structured Computer Organization, Pearson Education, Sixth edition, 2013.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, a student would be able to:
Sl. No. Outcome Mapping to POs
1. Design & implement digital circuits using logic gates IC chips PO4, PO2 2. Understand, Design & implement combinational circuits such
as logic gates, adder, subtractor, parity generator and checker, Decoder, Multiplexer and De-multiplexer.
PO1, PO2, PO5 3. Design & implement registers & counters using different flip-
flop IC chips.
PO2 , PO3 4. Analyze and design various analog to digital & digital to analog
PO3, PO5
5. Design digital circuits using MultiSIM PO1, PO3
6. Familiarization with basic organizational units of computer PO4, PO3
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
[ For: EE Students ]
EC1403 Electronics Workshop L-T-P: 1-0-2; Cr: 02
Course objective: To create interest in hardware technology and hands-on experience in electronics domain.
Electronics workshop
Lab Topics and Sub-topics
Unit I:
Electronic Components,
Measuring Instruments
and Tools
1a. Identify a particular component from the given group of passive electronic components
1.1 Passive components: Different types of: resistors, inductors, capacitors, potentiometers, Thermistor, Transformer, auto transformer
1b. Identify the terminals of active electronic components
1.2 Active components: Diode, Zener diode, Varactor diode, LED, Photo diode, BJT, Photo transistor, FET, LDR, Solar cell, Photocell, Optocoupler
1c. Use voltage source 1d. Use test and measuring
1.3 Voltage Sources: DC battery (Pencil cell: 1.5 V, AAA, AA Type, +9V, rechargeable Cell, Mobile battery) AC power supply, DC power supply.
1.4 Measuring Instruments: Different
types of Voltmeters, Ammeters, Watt meters, multi-meter, LCR-Q meter, CRO, DSO, Function Generator, Frequency counter
1e. Use electronic workshop tools for building and wiring electronic circuits with necessary safety
1.5 Electronic Workshop Tools: Bread board, Copper clad laminate sheet, Solder iron, solder-stand, solder-wire, flux, flexible wire, hook up wire, cables, relays, switches, connectors, fuses, Cutter, plier, screwdriver set, wire stripper, De-solder pump, De-solder wick, drilling machine
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
23 Unit II:
Building, Wiring, Soldering and Testing of Electronic
2a. Soldering and De- soldering of Electronics
components on
breadboard/PCB (different solder materials and their temperature; low and high temperature solder paste; soldering and de-soldering of SMD components; hands-on exposure to high-end professional soldering/de- soldering station)
2b. Build/test and
troubleshoot electronic circuits on breadboard (Maps to mobile phone repairing)
2.1 Electronic circuit Drawing:
Series and Parallel network using Resistors, Capacitors, T-type/ π-type attenuator
2.2 Characteristics of LED/ Photo diode/LDR
2.3. +5V, -5V, +/-5V dc regulated power supply using IC 78XX / 79XX with LED indication
2.4. LM317 variable voltage regulator 2.5. Light operated Relay
2.6. Transistorized touch control switch 2.7. Rain drop detector
Unit III:
Schematic, Layout and Tracing of Electronic Circuits
3a. Create PCB layout manually.
3b. Create schematic and layout
of given electronic circuit using any Simple PCB design software.
3c. Multi-layer PCBs (Design procedure using software).
3.1. Evolution and Classification of Printed Circuit Boards, Challenges in Morden PCB,
3.2. Design and Manufacturing, PCB fabrication, methodologies (SSB, DSB and multilayer board),
3.3. PCB design considerations/ design rules for analog, digital and power applications,
3.4. Electromagnetic interference in electronic systems and its impact Analysis of electronic circuit from noise emission point of view (both conducted and radiated emission) cross talk and reflection behaviour of the circuit in time domain.
3.5. Thermal management of electronic devices and systems
Unit IV:
PCB Fabrication
4a. Fabrication in wet process
4b. Fabrication using CNC machine
4.1. Theory of wet process
4.2 Practical of wet process fabrication of simple PCB board of say, a CE BJT amplifier
4.3 Theory of milling machine based high precision PCB fabrication
4.4. Practical on PCB fabrication using milling machine.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
24 Unit V:
Mini Project
5a. Construction of Mini project as per students’
5b. Inclusive of design, fabrication, soldering, testing all at NITP.
5c. Prepare project report in proper format.
5.1. Voltage Regulators: Introduction, Parameters for voltage regulators and voltage references.
5.2. Basic configuration of voltage regulators and references, Shunt regulator& Series pass regulator.
Experiment No. 1: Study and testing of Electronics component such as - Resistors, Capacitors, BJTs, LCDs, SCRs, UJTs, PN diode, Zener, laser, photo, varactor, tunnel, Schottky, LEDs, MOSFETs, diodes (Ge & Si Type), transistors (NPN & PNP); Learn to read data sheet
Experiment No. 2: Identification of Active & Passive Components.
Experiment No. 3: Study of Breadboard, DMM, CRO, DSO & Function Generator.
Experiment No. 4: Soldering and De-soldering of Electronics components.
Experiment No. 5: Fabrication of PCB in wet process.
Experiment No. 6: Fabrication of PCB using CNC machine.
Experiment No. 7: Single layer and Multi-layer PCBs (Design procedure using suitable CAD tool).
Experiment No. 8: Study of electromagnetic interference in electronic systems and its impact analysis of electronic circuit from noise emission point of view.
Experiment No. 9: Mobile phone repairing.
Experiment No. 10: Construction of Mini project as per students’ interest.
S.No Title of Book Author Publication
1 Printed Circuit Boards: Design and Technology
Bossart TMH, 2008 or latest edition
2 Making Printed Circuit Boards Jan
Mc GrawHill, 1993 or latest edition
3 Everyday Electronics Data Book Mike
B P B, 2011 4 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Boylestad
and Nashelsky
5 Electronic Formulas, Tables Symbols Sharma, M.C
B P B, 2008
6 Hobby Electronics Project Special BPB B P B, 2011
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students would be able to
CO1. Understand the datasheet of electronic components, measuring instruments and tools CO2. Apply the concept of soldering and testing of Electronics Circuit.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
25 CO3. Understand the schematic, layout and tracing of Electronic Circuits.
CO4. Design and fabricate PCBs for different electronics circuits CO5. Design a complete mini-Electronics project.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Patna.
EC35101 Semiconductor Devices and Technology L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04 Prerequisite:
(i) Elements of Electronics Engineering (ii) Basics of circuits Course Objective:
This course is intended to provide a good understanding of basic properties of semiconductor devices, physical principles and operational characteristics of different semiconductor devices and circuits. The primary focus will be on silicon based devices.
Unit 1: Semiconductor Physics, Carrier Modelling and Carrier Action (6 L)
Energy Bands and Charge Carriers in Semiconductors: E-k diagram, Charge carrier concentration;
Intrinsic carrier concentration; Law of mass action; Carrier transportation: Drift, diffusion and tunnelling, recombination, surface effects; Continuity equation in steady state condition; Fermi level;
quasi-Fermi energy level; Hall effect; Optical and thermal properties.
Unit 2: Classical diodes (4 L)
Shockley equation; Junction capacitance; Diffusion capacitance; Varactor diode; Tunnel diode;
IMPATT diode; Gunn diode; Difference between rectifying contact and ohmic contact; Schottky Diode.
Unit 3: Physics of Operation of BJT (6 L)
Transistor as switch: Delay time, Rise time, Storage time, Fall time, Transit frequency (wr); Ebers moll model; Gummel Poon model; Amplifier; RC coupled amplifier.
Unit 4: Physics of FET (11 L)
JFET: Ohmic or triode region of operation, Saturation region of operation, Transfer characteristics, Output characteristics (Depletion Type Device or Normally-On device), Shockley Equation, Different parameters; MOS structure: Band diagram of an ideal MOS structure, Flat-band voltage, Region of operation, C-V characteristics; MOSFET: Region of operation, Transfer characteristics and Output characteristics for both n and p channel MOSFET (Enhancement and Depletion), Threshold voltage, body effect and channel length modulation, short channel effects, gradual channel approximation, Common source, Common gate and Common drain configurations.
Unit 5: Power Amplifiers, Power Devices & Display Devices (9 L)
Power amplifiers with applications: Class A, Class B / push-pull, Class AB / complementary symmetry and Class C, SCR; Diac; Triac; Power BJT- Power MOSFET, Direct and Indirect semiconductor: LED, Solar cell, Photodiode, LCD, Opto Coupler, CCD and its applications.
Unit 6: Introduction to VLSI Technology: (4 L)
VLSI Technology-An Overview-Wafer Processing, Oxidation, Epitaxial Deposition, Ion-implantation and Diffusion; The Silicon Gate Process- Basic NMOS Technology.