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Cities, Rural Migrants and the Urban Poor: Issues of Violence and Social Justice


Academic year: 2023

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The massive increase in the population of the city took its toll on the city infrastructure. It will give us a glimpse of the relationship between the migrants and the local poor. The riots of 1950 in Calcutta witnessed major changes in the social morphology of the city.

The Communist leaders in the Assembly saw sinister plans of government against the refugees in the provisions of the bill. For example, most of the construction workers in the city spend their nights on the construction site, under the fragile roof of the half-finished buildings. The present study seeks to understand the centrality of the issue of labor in the conjoined discourses of migration and urban space.

Most of the cleaning responsibilities in the city are carried out by migrant workers from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The housing of the homeless cannot be a pretext for their displacement to a new border of the city. While the migrant labor and their need was recognized in the functioning of the city as well as the operation, the housing of migrants remained a.

Kothi mein kam karna is much more acceptable also because of the similarity in the work you do at home.

Mumbai : Mumbai

Jha and Pushpendra

Many more reforms are on the cards such as changes in coastal zoning and repeal of the Rent Control Act. As one of the facets of an 'adequate standard of living', it is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Majority of the Muslim workers were involved in leather industry, zari work and embroidery, bakeries, garments and tailoring, jewellery.

Migrants who clash with the "son of the soil" are perceived as "outsiders" responsible for everything that is wrong in the city;. These shifts in the main economic activities of the city required and supported infrastructural transformation and changes in governance methods. The space economy got a big boost after the closure of Mills.

The city's Muslims and Dalits have been particularly vulnerable to violence by mainstream political parties such as the Shiv Sena. Further marginalization of migrants occurred in the first decades after independence, when Bombay was the site of 'linguistic regionalism'. The Shiv Sena's emergence also had a root in the struggle of the Bombay Pradesh Congress Committee (BPCC) and the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) over the status of Bombay.

The researchers discuss the nature of Mumbai's industry and the unique legal framework of the city's security services. The researchers visited security agencies and met with agency owners to understand the nature and size of the city's private security agencies. For the researchers, the category of the migrant is an eternal one and not a fixed, decisive category.

Yet, in the city's politics, these migrants are segregated as Marathi and non-Marathi migrants. These binaries merge into the ingrained, yet external and academic formulation of the outsider and the insider. This self-deprecation occurs in the context of the larger working condition that undermines their self-esteem.

Siliguri &

The latest in the series are Siliguri's transformation into a police commissioner and the establishment of the government secretariat in Uttarkanya in Fulbari - both in 2013. Six of the tea gardens in the Dooars have closed and many others are struggling to make ends meet. Even if they remain open, the daily wage of Rs.95 is one of the lowest in the world.

As the tea gardens became increasingly unviable, land hitherto under tea plantation is rapidly being turned into money making real estate, and the gardens on the outskirts of the city were the first to bear the brunt. Most of the evicted people have now taken shelter in bustees (slums) in the prime public (khas) land on the opposite side of the road. Those who cannot move collect stones from the bottoms of dry streams in Balason and other hill rivers and sell them to the contractors.

It is important to find out what means of employment the urban poor have - if any. While these forces and processes have dispersed the seekers of justice, scattered them around different parts of the world. Much of the discord that erupts, if at all, appears to be sporadic, 'rootless' and momentary.

In the first phase, under the active migration policy of the British administration, eastern and northeastern India was the destination for most of the migrating poor. Saharsa district where the field work was done is one of the affected districts of Kosi floods. For dalits, extreme poverty combined with the caste and class dominance of the upper castes and the upper backward make their daily life in the village excessively oppressive.

Today, approximately 65 percent of the population of Delhi lives in such colonies (unofficial estimates put the figure as high as 75 to 80 percent, as the numbers depend on the definition as well as the demarcation of boundaries). It also shows how the state limits the migrant's aspiration by creating state categories of spaces and accordingly determining their rights. The precarious condition of the migrants in the urban poor is largely influenced by the social structure and.

List of Acts and Policies Studied

Public Lectures


Prakash's abstract focused on the discursive nature of urban policies and laws and related truth-making exercises in the context of the National Capital Region of Delhi. Himadri Chatterjee's first critique of Sengupta questioned the dynamics of refugee arrival in the city. A question was also raised about the class character of female workers and their job profiles.

The role of the state in the exhaustion of space and the distinction between the city and the periphery were also discussed. The feedback from the public raised the important question of the place of the ragpickers in the general discourse of labor and environmental justice movements. On the other hand, in the context of the factories, the guard's job is to isolate.

They elaborated on some of the recurring themes in most of the abstracts discussed at the workshop. Debarati Bagchi (Research Assistant, Calcutta Research Group): Migrant Women and Children: A Study of the Urban Labor Force in Calcutta. The discussion from the audience covered issues such as the definition of migrant strata, theirs.

The third and final session of the day had three articles on the conditions of migrant workers in Delhi and their location in the National Capital Territory's policy regime. The last article of the day was written by Mithilesh Kumar (Doctoral Fellow, University of Western Sydney and Research Associate, Calcutta Research Group). He also commented on the distinction between rural-urban migrants and the rest of the urban poor.

The first session of the day had three papers on Kolkata and was chaired by Paula Banerjee (Associate Professor, Department of South and South East Asian Studies, University of Calcutta and Chair, Calcutta Research Group). The first article of the day was written by Debarati Bagchi (Transnational Research Group Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University). Accordingly, he spoke of two specific populations: the Muslim population of the state and the women of the refugee families.

The third session of the day was chaired by Arup Kumar Sen (Professor, Serampore College). Debarati Bagchi (Transnational Research Group Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University): Women and Child Migrants: A Study of the Urban Workforce in Kolkata.

List Participants


Ishita Dey, PhD Researcher, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics Theme: The migrant in an urban service village: working conditions and rights. Rohingyas: The Emergence of a Stateless Community http://www.mcrg.ac.in/Rohingyas/Report_Final.pdf. The Responsibility to Protect Displaced Persons and Our National and State Human Rights Commissions http://www.mcrg.ac.in/Responsibility_to_Protect.pdf.

Forced Migration Winter Course Annual Report (One to Ten) http://www.mcrg.ac.in/rp_wc.asp. Dialogue on Protection Strategies for People in Situations of Forced Migration http://www.mcrg.ac.in/UNHCRconference/home.html. Civil Society Dialogue on Human Rights and Peace http://www.mcrg.ac.in/rp_autonomy.asp.

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