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B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD 1


Academic year: 2023

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The concept of a matrix rank and the application of this concept to recognizing consistency and solving systems of linear equations. Write the matrix representation of a set of linear equations and analyze the solution of the system of equations. Linear Transformation and Orthogonal Transformation: Eigen values ​​and Eigenvectors and their properties: Diagonalization of a matrix; Cayley-Hamilton theorem (no proof);.

The Nature of Quadratic Forms; Reduction of quadratic form to canonical forms by orthogonal transformation. The necessary principles and concepts of electrochemistry, corrosion and understanding of the problem of water and its treatments. Water and its treatment: Introduction – water hardness – Causes of hardness – Types of hardness: temporary and permanent – ​​expressions and units of hardness – Estimation of water hardness by complexometric method.

Electrochemistry and corrosion: Electrochemical cells – electrode potential, standard electrode potential, types of electrodes – calomel, quinhydrone and glass electrode. Causes and effects of corrosion - theories of chemical and electrochemical corrosion - mechanism of electrochemical corrosion, Types of corrosion: galvanic, water and pitting corrosion. LT Switchgear Components: Switch Fuse (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of Wires and Cables, Earthing.

The Raman Effect' from the prescribed textbook 'English for Engineers' published by Cambridge University Press.

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lab

Interactive Communication Skills (ICS) Lab

Basic properties of vector-valued functions and their applications to line, surface, and volume integrals. Course outcomes: After learning the content of this paper, the student should be able to. Students will be able to demonstrate competence and understanding of concepts found in Quantum Mechanics, Fiber Optics and Lasers, Semiconductor Physics and Electromagnetic Theory and a broad knowledge base in physics.

The graduates will be able to solve non-traditional problems that may build on knowledge in multiple areas of physics. The student could learn the fundamental concepts about the quantum behavior of matter in its microstate. Introduction to quantum physics, black body radiation, Planck's law, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, De-Broglie's hypothesis, wave-particle duality, Davisson and Germer's experiment, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Born's interpretation of the wave function, Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation, Particle in one-dimensional box.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Dependence of Fermi Level on Carrier Concentration and Temperature, Carrier Generation and Recombination, Carrier Transport: Diffusion and Drift, Hall Effect, p-n Junction Diode, Zener Diode and their V-I Characteristics, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): Construction, Principle of operation. Radiative and non-radiative recombination mechanisms in semiconductors, LED and semiconductor lasers: Device structure, Materials, Properties and figures of merit, Semiconductor photodetectors: Solar cell, PIN and Snowfall and their structure, Materials, principle of operation and Properties. Lasers: Introduction to interaction of radiation with matter, Coherence, Principle and operation of laser, Population inversion, Pump, Types of lasers: Ruby laser, Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, He-Ne laser, Applications of laser.

Introduction to components of a computer system: disks, primary and secondary memory, processor, operating system, assemblers, creating, compiling and executing a program, etc., Number systems. Introduction to C programming language: variables (with data types and space requirements), syntax and logic errors in assembly, object and executable code, operators, expressions and precedence, expression evaluation, storage classes (auto, extern, static and register), type conversion, The main method and command line arguments. I/O: Simple input and output with scanf and printf, formatted I/O, Introduction to stdin, stdout and stderr.

Strings: Introduction to strings, handling strings as array of characters, basic string functions available in C (strlen, strcat, strcpy, strstr etc.), arrays of strings. Introduction to Engineering Drawing: Principles of Engineering Graphics and Their Importance, Conic Sections Including the Rectangular Hyperbola – General Method Only. Projections of regular solids - Auxiliary views - Sections or sections of right regular solids - Prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone - Auxiliary views - Sections of sphere.

Isometric Projections: Principles of Isometric Projection – Isometric Scale – Isometric Views – Conventions – Isometric Views of Lines, Plane Figures, Simple and Compound Solids – Isometric Projection of Objects with Non-Isometric Lines. Introduction to CAD software package commands.- Freehand sketches of 2D- Creation of 2D sketches with CAD package.


Write a simple program that prints the results of all operators available in C (including pre/post increment, bitwise and/or/not, etc.). Write a simple program that converts one given data type to another using automatic conversion and casting. Write a program that prints a multiplication table for a given number and the number of rows in the table.

Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer and test whether the given number is a palindrome. The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the sequence are 0 and 1. Write a C program to generate all prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a user-supplied value.

Write a program to read elements using pointer in an array and display the values ​​using an array. Write a C program that copies one file to another, replacing all lowercase letters with their uppercase equivalents. Now the program asks for an index and a value from the user and the value at that index needs to be changed to the new value in the file.

Write a C program to merge two files into a third file (ie the contents of the first t-file followed by the contents of the second are put into the third file). Write a C program to determine whether or not the given string is a palindrome (spelled the same in both directions with or without meaning like madam, civic, midday, abcba, etc.). Write a C program that displays the position of a character ch in the string S or – 1 if S does not contain ch.

Write a menu-driven C program that allows a user to enter n numbers and then choose between finding the smallest, largest, sum, or average. Write a C program that sorts the given array of integers using selection sort in descending order. Write a C program that sorts the given array of integers using ascending insertion sort.


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