Ukhamaraki, ukaxa mä juk’a pachanakwa lurasiraki, ukatxa ukaxa mä juk’a pachanakwa lurasirakispa. Ukhamaraki, ukaxa mä juk’a pachanakwa lurasiraki, ukatxa ukaxa mä juk’a pachanakwa lurasirakispa ;j1⁄2 ntZ dh xbZA 'kwU ukat juk'ampinaka; tqrkbZ Qly mRikndrk dks c<+kus esa] e`nk dh moZjrk dks dk;e j[kus esa rFkk Åijh ,oa fupyh Hkwfe fLFkfr;ksa] nksuksa] .. ds rgr izkÑfrd lalk/jfksa djuksa+ Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gSA To act as a repository for information on natural resources, various agricultural and land use systems. To cooperate with the state departments for agricultural development in the region and the testing and promotion of improved farming and land use systems. The institute's headquarters in Umiam is well equipped with laboratory facilities in all nine divisions. The laboratories in all six centers of the Institute are also being strengthened with basic and advanced instrumentation facilities. Before the organic festival, Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh along with Shri. Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh inaugurated the Mela in the presence of Smt. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.743 (LEat015 primer) to 0.181 (LEta003 primer). The cluster analyzes generated a total of five clusters and the gene diversity ranged from 0.777 to 0.186. Similar species were also observed during harvest on several institute farms in Umiam. Dairy based farming system (FSW-1) Mixed Forest Block (FSW-2) Silvi-pastoral system (FSW-3) Vegetable component registered a net income of Rs.18365 while fruit orchard (guava and pineapple) gave a net income of Rs. Silvi-horticultural system (FSW-6) Natural forest block (FSW-7) The accumulation of anthocyanins in the leaves of the plant grown with biochar at a dose of 5 t/ha was significantly higher compared to other nutrient sources. The proportions of soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) relative to total organic carbon (TOC) and MBC relative to SOC were significantly higher in rhizosphere soils compared with those in non-rhizosphere soils. The activity of soil enzymes (dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase and glucosidase) was also found to be significantly higher in rhizosphere soils compared to non-rhizosphere soils. Acid mine drainage (AMD) associated with it is one of the biggest environmental problems in the region. In the framework of this unit, individual and group basic training was held for educated rural youth for the development of entrepreneurship in the region. Poultry birds were given 1% turmeric powder and @ 0.5% rose powder. The performance of Vanaraja birds in terms of weight gain, growth rate and FCR is better compared to native normal-feathered and native bare-necked birds. The disease appears to be quietly present at low frequency in the state of Meghalaya. First report of Saprolegniasis in the month of August commonly occurring fish diseases in winter during Meghalaya. Economic analyzes showed that Diascorea registered the highest benefit-cost ratio of 5.98, followed by Elephant Foot Yam with a benefit-cost ratio of 5.86. The highest plant height was recorded in Michelia obtusifolia (18.25 m), followed by Castonopsis indica (17.76 m) and Anthocephalus cadamba (17.23 m). Aleurites montana showed the highest mutual light intensity (871.3 lux), followed by Emblica officinalis (417.5 lux) and Bauhinia purpurea (311.3 lux). Biodiversity analysis of 32 specimens of wild mushrooms classified the specimens into 32 different genera, 20 families and 10 orders (Agaricus sp., Auricularia auricula-judae, A. delicate, A. polytricha, Boletus spp., Crinipellis spp., Cantherellus spp. ., Clavulinopsis spp., Cordyceps spp., Favolus spp., Fomes spp., Fomitopsis pinicola, Ganoderma applanatum, G. lucidum, Inonotus sp., Lepiota spp., Lenzites betulina, Lycoperdon sp., Marasmius spp., Macrolepiota sp. , Morchella spp., Oudemansiella spp., Pleurotus spp., Polyporus spp., Russula spp., Schizophyllum commune Fr., Suillus spp., Schizopora sp., Trametes gibbosa, Volvaria sp., Termitomyces microcarpus and Tricholoma spp.). All dignitaries and participants participated in the signature campaign "Conserving the Rare Endangered Shirui Lily" (Figure 26). The fish were stocked in March and April and caught in October (Figure 36). Garra litanensis, which belongs to the vulnerable categories of the IUCN Red List, described from the Litan stream, was not found in the collections. The main components of IFS are cropping systems (Kharif: paddy, groundnut, beans and maize; Rabi: Peas and mustard), vegetables (tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, chilli, cucumber), fruit growing (orange, kachai lemon and gooseberry). ), Pigs (crossbreed Hampshire), Goats (Black Bengal), Backyard Poultry (Vanaraja), Duck Meat (Khanki Campbell), Fisheries (Common Carp and Grass Carp), Agroforestry (Wood Beans), Residues (Composting and Vermicomposting), Soil Management (Liming, bench terracing), Water harvesting (pond, Jalkund), etc. The cultivars TRCM 314-1, TRCM 1-2-1 and Sonamung have a statistically similar number of branches per plant, but TRCM 151-1 has the lowest value. Hand weeding at 25 DAS and no weeds had statistically similar number of grains per pod, but hand weeding at 40 DAS was the lowest. The number of pods per plant was statistically similar for straw mulch and leaf mulch, and the lowest number of pods per plant was found in the control plots. The number of grains per pod for DPL-62 was significantly higher than the remaining varieties. Study on disease incidence in Naga Kind pepper In Naga King pepper, domestication causes a disease incidence of 28 % followed by dieback (22%) and Vinal spot virus (21%). Bacterial endophytes were screened in vitro against Pythium, Fusarium and Colletotrichum pathogens of Naga king chilli to measure bioefficacy. Crude antibiotics of five isolates viz., KEB2, KEB5, KEB6, KEB7 and KEB11 of Naga King pepper endophytic bacterium were tested for its efficacy against Fusarium blight pathogen of chilli. PCR amplification of ITS region of bacterial endophytes and Fusarium wilt isolates of Naga King pepper. Small Bee Research of Sikkim and Adjacent Areas for Sustainable Production of Big Cardamom Big cardamom is one of the most important cash crops in Sikkim. Evaluation of the efficacy of non-edible substances against Angoumois grain moth as seed/grain protectants. Two locations have been selected for project implementation (Fig 22) ie, i) Tympyem, East Sikkim (mid altitude), and ii) Lachen, North Sikkim (high altitude). White, waxy substance and adult females were noted in the rhizome of the infested plants (Figs. 26 to 28). Among these cultivars, RC Maniphou-7 recorded the highest grain yield (5.08 t/ha) at half submergence for 5 days when transplanted to a 60-day-old seedling. It was also found that the number of grains per panicle was highest (169) in case of RC Maniphou-7 at the same submergence duration and seedling age at transplanting. The variety Gomati gave a significantly higher grain yield at low and high altitude (4.79 and 4.3 t/ha, respectively). At low, medium and higher altitude, under upland conditions, significantly higher grain yield was recorded and 3.68 t/ha respectively) in case of Bhalum 3 (Fig 3). The study revealed that the growth rate in deep litter housing was better and that there was less incidence of disease and occurrence of other abnormal behavior in deep litter housing system. Under Sikkim conditions, growth performance of Local/Lepcha and Hampshire pig breeds was found better under deep litter conditions compared to concrete floor pig pen. Myeloperoxidase activity was significantly higher in summer season (0.89) compared to rainy and winter season (0.75 and 0.65). However, significantly lower respiratory burst activity (0.15) was observed in winter seasons compared to summer and rainy season (0.28 and 0.25). Hampshire x Yorkshire crosses and Mizo local pigs (Zovawk) were evaluated at different altitudes under field conditions of farmers in Mizoram. Studies have shown that crossbred pigs have the greatest potential for their use as an improved breed for meat and litter size compared to local pigs (Zovawk). Mean litter size at birth (8–12) and litter size at weaning (8–9) were found to be greater in crossbred pigs than in local pigs (4–6). Care of carp fry in the farmers operating water-harvesting polyponds (Jalkund) to promote climate resilient aquaculture among tribal farmers in Meghalaya showed that among all the four different fish species tested (Amur common carp, local common carp, Mrigal and Gonius), Amur carp fry (Cyprinus carpio var.Amur) did best in a Jalkund that covers an area of 38.5 square meters. More than 17,130 number of tribal farmers in northeastern states were benefited during 2015-16 from various livelihood improvement programs conducted under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP). Two farmer fairs were also organized to showcase agricultural technologies for the benefit of tribal farmers. Capacity building program organized on Nagaland Distribution of Soil Health Card by Hon' ble, Union. भट्टाचार्यजी यू, भुज ए, शर्मा ई, करम ए, चक्रवर्त्या ए, घटक एस, पूरम के, दास एस, शकुंतला ई, गिरी एस, पागु राक, लहर आर, नागचन स्वाह एन सेन ए. Influence of breeding methods and nutrient management on physiological traits and water use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa) in a subtropical climate. Effect of fertility rates and sowing rates on productivity, yield and energy of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) in the foothills of Nagaland. Effect of phosphorus sources and levels on productivity, economics, nutrient acquisition and phosphorus use efficiency of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in hilly ecosystems of Northeast India. Effect of phosphorus sources and levels on productivity, economics, nutrient acquisition and phosphorus use efficiency of groundnut in hill ecosystems of Northeast India. Tyagi, Senior Scientist (Plant Propagation) Dr. Avinash Pandey, Scientist (Plant Propagation) Dr. Ramkrushna, G.I., Scientist (Agronomy) Mr. Amit Kumar, Scientist (Plant Propagation) (on . study leave). Kalita, Chief Scientist (Agril.Entomology) Dr Ashish Yadav, Senior Scientist (Horticulture) Dr R Islam, Senior Scientist (Animal Production) Dr R. Kumar, Scientist (Animal Production) Dr Mahak Singh, Scientist (Animal Production . and Gynaecology) TRIPURA CENTER Dr M .EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Non- recurring
Agro –pastoral system (FSW-4)
Timber –based farming system (FSW-8) The area of timber-based farming system was 0.52
Identification of stress tolerant rice, maize and tomato genotypes for
Understanding the unique traits of indigenous pig and poultry which
Technology demonstration
Annual Report 2015-16 - Kiran
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131 Table 5.3 Range and mean values of eddy diffusivity, dissipation rate, normalized dissipation length scale for Total wind TW, low wind LW, and moderate wind MW conditions.. l/z is