B' a' Procurement of equipment and supplies shall be as per the procedures defined in the General Financial Rules (GFR) of the Government of India and in accordance with the CVC guidelines in force at the relevant time. DARE must periodically review the progress of the project in India as well as 34;po.r receipt of the utilization certificate for the previous half year according to Arurexure II.
For one-off costs, MEA, on completion of the tender for supply of goods and equipment (both imported and indigenous), would release 100% of the approved tender cost to DARE, which would in turn release the same to the PM&C for the opening of LC and payment to suppliers. In addition, MEA will also release an amount of 5% of the non-fixed budget to DARE to cover the advertising costs of the tender, LC. In addition, an amount of 5% of the one-off budget is rented by DARE to pM&c to cover and offset the advertising costs of te;dering,Lc.p;";;;larges.
PM&C will start work immediately after_signing of the contract by the clients. The project must be implemented. O' Inputs, Instructions PM&C submits and approves a quarterly report on various aspects of the project. DARE about progress and will strive. B' progress and performance of the PMC consisting of DARE comprising pM&C: the following officers who will monitor.
In the event that the Government of Myanmar or MEA decides to delay the implementation or terminate the project briefly, for any r"uro^, not attributable to pM&c, MEA. PM&C will undertake to ensure the confidentiality of any information and documents related to the project given to it or its representatives by the MEA or DARE, during the implementation of the project, is fully protected. Any changes to this Agreement, if necessary in the interest of the project, will be made through mutual consultation and consent of the parties to the Agreement writing.
A bilateral MOU between GOI & GUM for establishment of IM-ACARE at Yezin Agricultural University, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar was concluded during the visit of the Prime Minister of India to Myanmar on 28 May 2012. A Steering Committee constituted under Article VII para . 1, of the MOU between GOI and GUM for the establishment of IM-ACARE, shall govern the institute. During the implementation phase, the Implementation Committee established under Article VII (a) of the MOU between GOI and GUM for the establishment of IM-ACARE shall assist the Steering Committee.
MOU between MEA & DARE will collaborate with the Steering Committee and Implementation Committee for effective and timely implementation of the project. All expenses incurred by Resident Advisor, IM-ACARE will be in accordance with the relevant process laid down in the GFR of the GOI and in accordance with the CVC guidelines as applicable at the relevant time. The broad outlines of the civil infrastructure requirement for IM-A9ARE are given in Table 1.
Breeding for extra-early and medium maturity types to fit in rice-pigeonpea cropping sequence
Development of high-yielding varieties with multiple resistance to major diseases/pests such as YMV, Cercospora leaf spot, etc. Breeding for multiple resistance to biotic (wilt, sterility mosaic, etc.) and abiotic (terminal moisture stress, temperature, etc.) impacts. Development of integrated crop production and protection technologies suitable for sole cropping and double cropping systems including IPM.
Integration of multiple resistances to biotic and abiotic stresses (Fusarium wilt, root rot, drought, high temperatures, etc.). Development of high-yielding varieties that are tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses in various pulse crops.
Formulation of IPM modules for different pulse crops
Using molecular techniques (MAS) for incorporation of biotic and abiotic stress resistance in locally adapted varieties
The following activities would be involved in achieving this objective: .. i) Multi-site evaluation of sunflower hybrids from India in Myanmar for identification of promising hybrids, standardization of their hybrid seed production technology, large-scale seed production and their adoption in relevant areas. . . ii) Identification and development of new maintenance and restoration lines using locally adapted genetic background for the development of heterotic hybrids. Post-harvest technology in Myanmar was included as one of the main focus areas for the establishment of IM-ACARE. It was strongly felt that IARI should serve a leading role in establishing IM-ACARE Post-harvest Technology Division dealing with post-harvest management and value addition of horticulture and agriculture:.'9pt' Opportunity for research and development of this department will be unique because of its strong feedback links with the production technology of agro-horticultural products at the Yezin Agricultural University and the Department of Agricultural Research, Yezin, together with the extension mechanism within the Myanmar Agricultural Service.
This center aims to serve as an excellent coordination between research, teaching and extension activities under one umbrella in the field of post-harvest handling and freezing of agro-horticultural products; and maintaining quality and safety of the chopped p.oduc. To begin with, the department can initiate the program focusing on "prrr and value addition of lgri products with the broad framework for future expansion to other state-of-art areas. It was felt that the scientists of the PHT department of IMACARE must work on project mode as multidisciplinary team as mentioned below.
The Division is intended to develop and implement appropriate modern models for effective and efficient transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to the farmers and other stakeholders. In addition, the division is also intended to undertake research work for on-farm technology assessment and refinement with active participation of the staff of IM-ACARE & Myanmar Agricultural Service; farmers and; other stakeholders so that effective crop and location specific technologies can be developed. Divisiorr is also entrusted with the development of audio and or visual online and offline content for the dissemination of knowledge through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) title integrated application of Internet, low-transmission radio, closed user group telephone network, mobile telephony,. There is a need to analyze, on ,rituUtu technology information content based on the identified information need of the farmers, development department officers and other stakeholders.
34;or-ri"r.ts can also be designed multimedia with interactive learning principles, so that the farmers themselves can control the learning according to their needs. Developing modern village knowledge centers based on products suitable for communication and information technology. - the integrated a ;ri.rurr-, from Internet, low power station-based community radio, _olil"lru.r, mobile ;*rrfi; videoconferencing) for rapid dissemination of information to end users. The participatory approach could remove the alienation of research that focuses on problem solving and could be effective in meeting the development needs of agricultural sectors.
ICAR-IARI will process-for procurement of the equipment and machinery as per procedure laid down in the General Financial Rules (GFR) of the do.r"rr.r-ur-rt of India and compliance with CVC guidelines as applicable At receipt of the tenders, ICAR-IARI will undertake technical and financial evaluation of the tenders by a committee before submitting them for the approval of MEA.
Rotary evaporator with
Refrigerated storage for horticultural produce along with
In addition to the listed areas, tailor training courses can also be organized if the need for the same is felt during the implementer, tutor, project period. Gou will identify personnel to be posted to IM-ACARE who will be appointed for the training programs. In each of the proposed training programs, personnel from each of the four aforementioned areas will be trained simultaneously by each of the respective Divisions/Departments.
Each of the training programs shall be coordinated by the head of the IARI management team and assisted by a faculty from each of the departments/departments involved in the training program. Airfare must be paid as per actual prices. If they exceed the estimated costs, they must be paid from the savings available under other items in the education budget. [email protected],000/-(totalno.of1ecfuresshalibe72for each of the four groups having 18 working days in eacir training program and two lectures + 1.
3' TA & DA fees of guest faculty from outside ICAR-IARI {limited to six in each of: .. the training areas and twenty-four for each training). Project Management & Co_ordinStion Unit (PM&CU) of IM-ACARE is established. 3' Government of India, Government of Oig-r'uruon general coordination and contacts between Myanmar, IM_ACARE and IARI. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MEA).
4' Approval of the director from the consultants, - to employ ICAR-IARI as and when required on a contractual basis_based on essential competence with. In sl' no' 5, 6 & 7 will be the same will be selected by ICAR-IARI handling team through one for ti";pp-;; of Director, ICAR-IARI. process of .. reciprocal roaming) Member to have PM&cu will enable for effective coordination The various Committees to be local, equipped with srD & ISD carls"with long a fixed, mobile phone between all international of ICAR-IARI implementairr" SIM card Roaming (srD r"u-i " "k, iacility.p*i" J. & ISD calls) and Resident SIM Card Advisor, data card will be paid by contract and will Experts, Consultants, (with international. Team Leader will be treated as llvgstigitor of the project and will exercise all the powers delegated by Order F'No'6(1)/06-CDN (A&A) of the ICAR office, unless specifically "determined otherwise.