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1 www.qmaths.in - SSC PORTAL


Academic year: 2023

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Recruitment of the Assistant Audit Officer in the scheme of Combined Post Graduate Level Examination 2016 is included with the in-principle approval of the Government subject to final approval. 03 years after deducting the military service rendered from the actual age as on the Closing Date for receipt of application 07 Ex-servicemen (OBC) 06 years (3 years + 3 years) thereafter. 5(H): A matriculated ex-serviceman (includes an ex-serviceman, who has obtained the Indian Army Special Education Certificate or equivalent certificate in the Navy or the Air Force), who has rendered not less than 15 years of service as with the Armed Forces of the Union will be considered for appointment to the Group 'C' posts advertised through this examination.

Centres of Examination

Candidates who can prove with documentary evidence that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or before the cut-off date and was declared passed will also be considered to have met the educational qualification. 7(i): Candidates who are not exempted from payment of examination fee can submit the required fee through State Bank of India only in the form of online generated challan or through SBI Net Banking. 8(ii): The Commission reserves the right to cancel any center and call the candidates of that center to appear from another centre.

Scheme of the Examination for Combined Graduate Level Examination

Therefore, candidates should choose the centers carefully and list them correctly in the application. The Commission also reserves the right to divert the candidates of any center to another center within or outside the region to conduct the examination.

English Language &

In Level II, for each wrong answer there will be a negative mark of 0.25 marks in Paper-II and 0.50 marks in Paper-I and Paper-III. 9(A): Combined Graduate Level Examination (Level I): Level I of the Combined Graduate Level Examination is common to all post categories. The questions are of objective multiple choice type and are asked in both Hindi and English covering Parts A, B and C.

Indicative Syllabus

The questions will be designed to test the candidate's ability to use numbers correctly and understand numbers. Questions in Parts A, B and D will be of a level commensurate with the essential qualification ie. Level II of Combined Graduate Level Examination -2016 will be of Multiple Choice Objective Type and will be conducted over a period of two days.

9(C): General Instructions:-

  • Fundamental principles and basic concept of Accounting
  • Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role and responsibility
  • Finance Commission-Role and functions
  • Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics
  • Theory of Demand and Supply
  • Theory of Production and cost
  • Forms of Market and price determination in different markets
  • Indian Economy
  • Money and Banking
  • Document Verification

The decision of the Commission in this regard will be final and no further representations will be entertained. The skill test "Data Entry Speed" at 2000 (two thousand) keystrokes for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes will be of a qualifying nature. A computer will be made available by the Commission at the center/place notified for the purpose.

The skill test will be conducted in a manner determined by the committee for this purpose. Only those candidates who will achieve at least the minimum qualifying points in the written exam, which may be determined by the committee at its discretion, will be able to appear in the SKILL TEST. SKILL TEST will be held at the Regional/Sub-Regional Offices of the Commission or at such other centers as may be decided by the Commission.

Detailed instructions regarding skill test will be sent by the regional/sub-regional offices of the Commission to eligible candidates declared qualified to appear in the skill test. Only those VH candidates who opt for scribe in the written examination will be provided with the pass reader at the time of the skill test. The CPT will be carried out in the manner decided by the Commission for the purpose.

Detailed instructions regarding CPT will be sent by the Regional/Sub-Regional Offices of the Commission to the eligible candidates declared eligible to appear.

11(B): Physical standards for the Post of Sub- Inspector in Central Bureau of Investigation

However, for orthopedically challenged candidates the following relaxation in Physical Test is allowed:. a) The test of “Step” will not be insisted upon in the case of OL and OAL categories.

11(C): Physical standards for the Post of Sub- Inspector in National Investigation Agency

  • General instructions to be complied by the candidates in the written examination
  • Mode of Selection
  • A person with physical disability(OH/HH/VH) who qualifies the Commission’s examination under General standards can be appointed against an reserved
  • Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless Government is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is
  • The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all stages
    • Resolution of Tie Cases: Tie cases will be resolved by applying one after another, as applicable till the Tie is resolved
    • Preference: The Examination is being held for multiple posts with different qualifications and other requirements. The candidate is required to indicate his
    • Admission to the Examination: All candidates who apply in response to this advertisement by the CLOSING DATE will be assigned Roll numbers which will be
    • Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct: Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information

No application from candidates for allotment to any other service/category of posts will be entertained by the Commission if the nominated candidates do not fulfill the physical requirements. In the questions, wherever necessary, only metric systems of weights and measures will be used. If any candidate is found to be in possession of mobile phone or any other means of wireless communication, working or switched off, his/her candidature will be canceled forthwith and he/she will be barred from the examination of the Commission for a period of three years or more a lot.

The option/preference once availed by the candidates will be treated as FINAL and IRREVOCABLE. Such SC, ST, OBC and PH candidates will be placed in the general/unreserved vacancies as per their position in the common merit list or in the vacancies allotted to their category whichever is more favorable to them. Their admission to all stages of the examination will be provisional only, provided they meet the prescribed eligibility conditions.

If at any time before or after the written test it is found on verification that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the test will be canceled by the Commission. Admission to Examination: All candidates who apply in response to this advertisement before the CLOSING DATE will be allotted roll numbers which will be advertised before the CLOSING DATE will be allotted roll numbers which will be placed on the website of the respective Regional Office at minimum. two weeks before the exam date. Admit Cards (ACs) for the examination indicating the schedule and also venues of examination for each candidate will be placed on the website of the concerned Regional Office at least two weeks before the date of examination.

Without prejudice to criminal conduct/exclusion from the Commission's examination where necessary, candidature will be summarily canceled at any stage of the recruitment in respect of candidates who are found to have indulged in any of the following:-. i).

Commission’s decision final: The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false

Jurisdiction of the courts: Any dispute related to this recruitment shall be subject to the courts/tribunals having jurisdiction over the place of the respective Regional/Sub-Regional Office of the HLSC where the candidate has submitted his/her application.

Important instructions to Candidates

They should also be in possession of the required certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim as specified in this notification. In the event that the scanned photograph(s) appearing on the Commission's copy of the Admit Card and/or the Attendance Slip are not clear, invigilators are required to verify the candidates' identity with reference to the photo ID and have color photographs pasted on the Commission's copy of admission certificate and/or on attendance sheet as the case may be. IMPORTANT(i)-It is in the interest of the candidates to provide e-mail id and mobile number to enable the Commission to send the call letter / inform about venues for written examination through e-mail/SMS as per its choice. ii) Procedure for online submission of application is also available at and http://ssconline2.gov.in and http://sscregistration.nic.in.

Online submission of the application can be done on the website http://ssconline2.gov.in and http://sscregistration.nic.in. On submission of details, the candidate will be asked to check the details and make any corrections in the application. Candidates may note that the registration number given by the Commission and the bank's transaction ID must be correctly entered in the relevant field, otherwise it will not be possible to link the payment with Part I registration.

The digital size of the file must be less than 12 kb and greater than 4 kb and a resolution of 100 pixel width by 120 pixel height. The digital size of the file must be less than 12 kb and greater than 1 kb and have a resolution of 140 pixels width by 60 pixels height. Requests for changes/corrections of information in the application form must under no circumstances be accepted.

To be completed by the head of the office or department in which the candidate works).

A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes must, in support of his claim, produce an attested/certified copy of a certificate in the form given below, from the District Officer or the Sub-Divisional Officer or any other officer as indicated below of the District in which his parents (or surviving parent) ordinarily reside, who has been designated by the concerned State Government as competent to issue such a certificate. If both his parents are dead, the officer signing the certificate must be of the district in which the candidate himself ordinarily resides other than for the purpose of his own education. The format of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India).

As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Amendment) Order, 1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act, 1960 and the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act 1970, the North Eastern Territory (Reorganization) Act , 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976. The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1968 @ The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (amendment) Act, 2002 The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Amendment) Act, 2002.

The term ordinarily resides/is used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950. This is also to confirm that he/she does not belong to the said persons/sections (Creamy Layer) . in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details in the Resolution of Government of India where the candidate's caste is mentioned as OBC.

Note: The term "Ordinarily" used herein shall have the same meaning as in section 20 hereof.



The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:- Nature of Document Date of Issue Details of authority

DISABILITY CERTIFICATE (In Case of Multiple disabilities)

No. Disability Affected part of

Diagnosis Permanent physical impairment/mental


This condition is progressive/non progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve

Reassessment of disability is

Signature and seal of the Medical Authority

The above condition is progress/non progress/likely to improve/not likely to improve

The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence

If this certificate is issued by a medical authority other than a civil servant, it is valid only if it is countersigned by the chief medical officer of the district. impression of the person in whose favor the disability certificate is issued. Garhwali, Kumaoni, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimies ) for relaxation in height measurement for recruitment in the paramilitary forces of the Union of India.


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In 2016, the authors, who are social activists and public policy professionals, conducted a study of data, information, reports etc available in the public domain in order to arrive at