Seed Treatment - Potato cuttings should be soaked in Diethane M-45 @ 2 grams per liter of water for ½ hour before planting. Clean drinking water should be provided round the clock and troughs/feeders should be cleaned regularly. Cattle All FMD stages In the current weather conditions special care should be taken against larval attack on animal wounds.
Clean drinking water must be provided 24 hours a day and drinking troughs/feeders must be cleaned regularly. The animal should be washed with lukewarm water to which a little potash (KMnO4) or neem leaves have been added. Fruits should be stored in boxes with padding and transported to the market in a hard state.
Earthing of ginger/turmeric along with basal application of required fertilizer should be done. Clean drinking water must be ensured 24 hours a day and water bowls/feeders must be cleaned regularly. Pigs All stages FMD (high fever . and appearance of mucous membranes of the mouth and feet.).
Agro-met Advisory Bulletin
AMFU, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar-791101
District: East Kameng
Weather Based Agro-meteorological Advisories Bulletin General Recommendations
Due to high moisture content in the soil due to heavy rainfall over the last two weeks, the field needs to be prepared for sowing winter maize, Rabi pulses, peas and oilseeds. Adapt soil moisture conservation techniques in the field to preserve moisture from the last rains. Maintain a water level of at least 5 mm in the paddy field where the crop is in the grain filling or expanding phase.
Weeding of banana should be done leaving one sucker per plant to maintain the health of mother plant. Animals must be housed in a dry place or kept in a lighted area and dry bedding (straw) must be provided to young animals. 1st injection at 6 months of age and 2nd injection at 12 months of age followed by annual vaccination under vet supervision against.
Application of turpentine oil to the wounds followed by application of antibiotics for five days is advised. 1st injection at 6-8 weeks of age, 2nd injection after 6 months 1st injection followed by annual vaccination under veterinary supervision.
District: East Siang
এমএফইউ, আইসিএআর রিসার্চ কমপ্লেক্স ভার নেহ-স্ট্রীক অরুণাচল প্রদেশ-সেন্ট্রাম, বাসর-79GA01 অরুণাচল প্রদেশ-সেন্ট্রাম, বাসর-79GA01।
Weather Based Agro-meteorological Advisories Bulletin General Recommendations
Vegetative Foliar spray of Sulfex@2g/lit of water is required to control powdery mildew in black/green peas/peas. Set up a local trap for dead frogs/fermented fish etc. against Gundhi beetle in rice or spray triazophos/chloripyriphos@1- 2 ml/lit. Rat Maintain adequate moisture level in the field where the crop is in CRI or harvesting stage.
Legumes Flowering insects Do not hesitate to pick the pods by hand, because the appearance of the pest at the flowering stage causes huge losses in the harvest.
VEGETABLES Rabi vegetables Sowing/
Honey Bees
Livestock Stage Disease Precautionary Practices to be followed General
Mithun FMD Polyvalent FMD vaccine with serotype O, A and Asia at 6 months of age and repeated after this 6-month interval by subcutaneous route.
Contact Scientists (ICAR) or State Agril Staff or KVK staff for measures against adverse conditions or call at 03795-226237/226247
District: Kurung Kumey
Keep the periphery of nurseries weed-free and clean to prevent diseases and pests from hiding in the weeds. Need flubendiamide 3.5% + hexaconazole 5% @ 2 ml/lit spray against rice skipper and leaf curl using sticker. Apply fresh and dry sawdust (wood) to the pit of the seedling to repel the cut worm.
Collection and destruction of borer-damaged pods, Ginger/turmeric Vegetative stage Rhizome rot Under excessive moisture there is every possibility of. To manage the disease, provide adequate drainage and apply Trichoderma harzianum @ 50 gm/bed along with FYM/neem cake. In case of citrus psylla infestation, spray Monocrotophos @ 0.7 ml or dimethoate 1.5 ml or Quinalphos 1 ml per liters of water.
To control Phytophthora/gummosis disease, remove the oozing area with a sharp knife and apply metalxyl MZ or fosetly AI paste. Banana Bunches Cold Cover newly emerged bunches with a locally available bag to protect them from cold/frost.
Issued jointly by ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar and India Meteorological Department Contact:- [email protected], Fax Phone No.).
District: Lohit
2ml/lit against rice skipper & leaf folder using sticker Soybean harvest Immediately harvest soybeans and dry it thoroughly in the sun.
Suction dip treatment with Bavistin @ 3g + Chlorpyriphos 20EC @ 2ml/lt water to protect against soil borne diseases and insects. Cover bunches with banana bundle covers or sacks or locally available materials to protect against sunburn, birds and insects. Pigs All stages FMD (high fever and appearance . of mucous membranes in the mouth and mouth).
1st injection at 6 months of age and 2nd injection at 12 months of age followed by yearly vaccination under veterinary supervision against FMD.
District: Lower Dibang Valley
In clear/dry weather, spraying of Dimethoate 30 EC @ 3ml/litre of water against aphids is not recommended. In clear/dry weather, spraying of Deltamethrin 4ml/10 liters of water is recommended for handling red pumpkin beetle grass. Orchards Prepare crescent terraces in fruit crops. orange/banana/apple/peach) grown on steep slopes to prevent nutrient loss during heavy rainfall.
Follow proper drainage and earthing practices in lowlands/plains to prevent water stagnation in fruit orchards, honey bees. Remove wet litter Pigs All stages of FMD (high fever and appearance of mucous membranes in the mouth and feet).
District: Lower Subansiri
Weather Based Agro-meteorological Advisories Bulletin
Go for manual picking of blister beetle without delay because the occurrence of the pest during flowering stage causes huge loss in crop. Clean drinking water must be ensured at all times and water bowls/feeders must be cleaned regularly. Cattle All stages FMD Special care must be taken in current weather conditions. Separate sick animals Pigs All stages FMD (high fever . and appearance of mucous membranes of the mouth and feet.).
District: Papum Pare
General Recommendations
New nursery should be raised within a well-covered structure with a raised bed to protect against continuous rain/shower. Create smoke in the orchard with grass (wet) cow dung cakes and neem leaves in the late evening hours between 19:00 to 22:00 during this month. To avoid stem borer attacks in citrus plants, apply a paste made by mixing lime, water and 5% Malathion dust on the stems of the plants to a height of about 1 m from the ground.
District: Tawang
District: Tirap
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar-791101
District: Upper Siang
District: Upper Subansiri
Mithun FMD Polyvalent FMD vaccine with serotypes O, A and Asiatic at 6 months of age and repeated after that 6 month interval via subcutaneous vaccine.
District: West Kameng
Suction dip treatment with Bavistin @ 3g + Chlorpyriphos 20EC@ 2ml/lt water to protect against soil borne diseases. Follow proper drainage and earthing practices in low soils/plains to avoid water stagnation in fruit orchards Apple Vegetative Aphids Dab the stem with mineral oil against woolly aphids.
District: West Siang
Gundhi error Maintain at least 5 mm water level in the paddy field where the crop is at grain filling stage or at tillering stage. Collection and destruction of borer-damaged pods, Ginger/turmeric Vegetative stage Rhizome rot Under excessive moisture there is every possibility of. rhizome rots in ginger and turmeric. Proper drainage should be done and avoid water stagnation Large cardamom Flowering stage Chirkey Disease.