7.1 General
7.1.1 Windlass of sufficient power and suitable for the size of chain cable is to be fitted. Where ropes are proposed and approved in lieu of chain cables, suitable winches capable of controlling the rope at all times are to be fitted.
7.1.2 Windlass is to have one cable lifter for each anchor required to be kept ready for use. The cable lifter is normally to be connected to the driving shaft by release coupling and provided with brake.
7.1.3 For each chain cable, a chain stopper is normally to be arranged between the windlass and hawse pipe. The chain cables are to reach the hawse pipe through the cable lifter only.
7.1.4 Electrically driven windlasses are to have a torque limiting device. Electric motors are to comply with the requirements of Part 4, Chapter 8 of the ‘Rules for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships’.
7.1.5 The windlass is to be capable of exerting, for a period of 30 minutes, a continuous duty pull corresponding to the grade of chain cable, as follows:
36.8 dc
2 [N] For Grade CC1 41.7 dc
2 [N] For Grade CC2 46.6 dc
2 [N] For Grade CC3
Where dc is the chain diameter [mm]. The mean hoisting speed is not to be less than 9 [m/min]. Also see Section 7.2.1.
The windlass is to be also capable of exerting, for a period of not less than 2 minutes, a pull of not less than 1.5 times the continuous duty pull. The speed in this period can be lower.
The above criteria do not require both anchors (where provided) to be raised or lowered simultaneously on windlass fitted with two cable lifters.
7.1.6 The capacity of the windlass brake is to be sufficient for safe stopping of anchor and chain cable when paying out.
The windlass with brakes engaged and release coupling disengaged is to be able to withstand static pull of 45 percent of the tabular breaking strength of the chain without any permanent deformation of the stressed parts and without brake slip.
If a chain stopper is not fitted, the windlass is to be able to withstand a static pull of 80 percent of the tabular breaking strength of the chain without any permanent deformation of the stressed parts and without brake slip.
The chain stoppers and their attachments are to withstand a pull of 80 percent of the tabular breaking strength of the chain without any permanent deformation of the stressed parts. The chain stoppers are to be so designed that additional bending of the individual link does not occur and the links are evenly supported.
7.1.7 Attention is to be paid to stress concentrations in keyways and other stress raisers and also to dynamic effects due to sudden starting or stopping of the prime mover or anchor chain.
7.2 Testing
7.2.1 After installation on board, anchoring tests are to be carried out to demonstrate satisfactory working.
The mean speed of the chain cable measured during trials, when hoisting the anchor and cable from a depth of 82.5 [m] to a depth of 27.5 [m] is not to be less than 9 [m/min]. Where the depth of water in trial areas is inadequate or the anchor cable is less than 82.5 [m] in length, consideration will be given to acceptance of equivalent simulated conditions.
End Of Chapter
Indian Register of Shipping
Chapter 9 Fire Safety
Contents Section
1 General
2 Structural Fire Protection
3 Fuel and other Flammable Fluid Tanks and Systems 4 Ventilation
5 Fire Detection and Extinguishing Systems 6 Protection of Ro-Ro Spaces
7 Fire Protection of Helicopter Facilities
8 Escape
9 Fire Control Plans 10 Fireman’s Outfits
11 Fire Safety Systems Code
12 Fire Safety Requirements for Small Ships less than 500 GT.
Section 1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1. The requirements of this chapter are applicable to all Coast Guard ships intended to be classed with IRS. These requirements are to be complied with as a minimum, for fire safety purposes. Additional requirements over and above these rules, if any, specified by the Indian Coast Guard Authority , agreed between the Shipyard and the Indian Coast Guard Authority for the ship under consideration, are also to be complied with. The details are to be submitted for approval along with the plans.
1.1.2 Alternative fire safety design and arrangements deviating from the prescriptive requirements given in this Chapter may be accepted provided they demonstrate compliance with the functional requirements, based on an engineering analysis and evaluation to the satisfaction of IRS.
1.1.3 Full compliance with applicable fire safety requirements of SOLAS Ch II-2 may be considered as an acceptable alternative to the requirements of this chapter.
1.1.4 When alternative arrangements are followed as given in 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 appropriate description will be added in the class certificate
1.1.5 The following aspects are to be complied with:
a) Subdivision of the vessel into main vertical zones b) Construction of fire zone boundaries
c) Independent ventilation systems in each zone. Dedicated smoke extraction systems in each zone.
Indian Register of Shipping
1.2 Documentation
1.2.1 The plans and particulars detailed in 1.2.2 to 1.2.4, where applicable, are to be submitted for approval, together with all additional relevant information such as complement, operational profile of the vessel and other special requirements, if any.
1.2.2 For fire protection, the following plans and information are to be submitted:
a) Plans showing the arrangements of the fire zones and fire subdivisions including doors and other means of closing the openings in fire resisting divisions, escape and evacuation routes, fire fighting/damage control routes etc.
b) Ventilation plan inclusive of smoke extraction system (if any), showing the ducts and any dampers in them and the position of the controls for stopping the system.
c) A plan showing automatic fire detection systems and manually operated call points, including fire alarm systems.
d) A plan showing the details of construction of the fire protection bulkheads and decks and the particulars of any paints and surface laminates employed.
e) A policy document regarding the fire characteristics of all materials used in the construction of the vessel
f) Copies of the certificates of approval by National or Indian Coast Guard Authorities in respect of all fire divisions, non-combustible materials and materials having low flame- spread characteristics, etc., which are to be used but have not been approved by IRS.
g) A plan showing the remote control for the fire doors, if applicable.
h) A plan showing the location and arrangement of the emergency stop for the oil fuel unit pumps and for closing the valves on the pipes from oil fuel tanks.
1.2.3 For fire extinguishing, the following plans are to be submitted:
a) A general arrangement plan showing the disposition of all the firefighting equipment including the fire main, the fixed fire extinguishing systems, disposition of the portable and non-portable extinguishers and the types used; and the position and details of the firemen’s outfits;
b) A plan showing the layout and construction of the fire main, including the main and emergency fire pumps, isolating valves, pipe sizes and materials; and the cross connections to any other system;
c) A plan showing details of each fixed fire-fighting system, including calculations for the quantities of the media used and the proposed rates of application.
d) Constructional plans relevant to pressure vessels or bottles serving fixed fire extinguishing systems mentioned under (c).
e) Plans of pumping and drainage means for the water delivered by fixed water-spraying fire extinguishing systems.
Further documentation may be required, if deemed necessary by IRS.
1.2.4 Fire control plan as required by Section 9 of this chapter is to be submitted.
Indian Register of Shipping
1.3 General Principles
1.3.1 The requirements in this chapter are based on the following conditions:
a) Where a fire is detected, the crew immediately puts into action the fire fighting and damage control procedures.
b) The use of fuel with a flashpoint below 43oC is not recommended. However, fuel with a lower flashpoint, but not lower than 35oC, may be used subject to compliance with the provisions specified in 3.7, for specific localized purposes.
c) The repair and maintenance of the vessel is carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules;
1.4 Definitions
1.4.1 “Fire-resisting divisions” are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which comply with the following:
a) They are to be constructed of steel or other non-combustible materials which by insulation or inherent-fire-resisting properties satisfy the requirements of b) to f) below.
b) They are to be suitably stiffened.
c) They are to be so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame up to the end of the appropriate fire protection time as detailed in the FTP Code.
d) Where required they are to maintain load-carrying capabilities up to the end of the appropriate fire protection time.
e) They are to have thermal properties such that the average temperature on the unexposed side will not rise more than 140oC above the original temperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 180oC above the original temperature during the appropriate fire protection time.
Compliance with above requirement is to be demonstrated by tests carried out in accordance with the test procedures for a prototype bulkhead and deck.
( Note; The above are same as the requirements of A-Class Divisions of SOLAS ).
1.4.2 “Non-combustible material” is material which neither burns nor gives off flammable vapours in sufficient quantity for self-ignition when heated to approximately 750oC, this being determined in accordance with the FTP Code.
1.4.3 “A standard fire test” is one in which specimens of the relevant bulkheads, decks or other constructions are exposed in a test furnace by specified test method in accordance with the FTP Code.
1.4.4 Where the words “steel or other equivalent material” occur, “equivalent material” means any non-combustible material which, by itself or due to insulation provided, has structural and integrity properties equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable exposure to the standard fire test (e.g.
aluminium alloy with appropriate insulation).
1.4.5 “Low flame-spread” means that the surface thus described will adequately restrict the spread of flame, this being determined in accordance with the FTP Code.
1.4.6 “Smoke-tight” or “capable of preventing the passage of smoke” means that a division made of steel or non-combustible materials is capable of preventing the passage of smoke.
1.4.7 “FTP Code” is ‘International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures’ published by IMO.
Indian Register of Shipping