12.15 Roads are a very vital infrastructure for rapid economic growth of the State. The development of important sectors of economy such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Industry, Mining and Forestry depends upon efficient road network. In the absence of any other suitable and viable modes of transportation like railways and waterways, roads play a vital role in boosting the economy of the hilly State like Himachal Pradesh. Starting
almost from a scratch the State Government has constructed 38,984 kms.
of motorable roads (inclusive of jeepable and track) till November, 2019. The State Government has been assigning a very high priority to road sector. The target fixed for 2019-20 and achievements made up to November, 2019 are given as under in table 12.1:-
.12.16 In the State 10,433 villages as
details given below in table 12.2 connected with roads as on 30th November, 2019:-
Item Unit Target for
2019-20 Achievement
upto Nov. ,19 2019-20 Anticipated upto 31.03.2020
Motorable road Kms 900 496 900
Cross- drainage ” 850 574 850
Metalling and Tarring ” 1700 1186 1700
Jeepable ” 35 25 35
Bridges Nos 75 35 75
Villages connectivity ” 90 67 90
Villages connected with road 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Up to Nov. 2019
more than 1500 209 217 217
1000-1499 288 292 293
500-999 1272 1291 1300
250-499 3546 3574 3606
Below 250 4966 4992 5017
Total 10281 10366 10433
120 National Highways (Central Sector)
12.17 At present, 2,592 kms. of 19 National Highways are the main lifelines of the State Road network out of which 1,238 kms. length has been maintained/ developed by State Public Works Department. Beside above, the National Highway Authority of India has developed/ maintained 785 kms. of 5 National Highways and are under various stage for implementation 569 Kms. length of 3 National Highways are developed/ maintained by Border Road Organization.
12.18 There are only two narrow gauge railway lines connecting Shimla with Kalka (96 kms.) and Jogindernagar with Pathankot (113 kms.) and one 33 kms. broad gauge railway line from Nangal Dam to Charuru in District Una upto December,2019.
Road Transport
12.19 Road Transport is the main stay of economic activity in the Pradesh as other means of transport namely Railways, Airways, Taxies, Auto Rickshaw etc. are negligible. Therefore, the Road Transport Corporation of the State assumes paramount importance in the State. The passenger transport services to the people of Himachal Pradesh, within and outside the State are being provided by Himachal Road Transport Corporation with a fleet strength of 3,086 buses, 75 Electric Buses, 21 Taxies & 50 Electric Taxies plying bus services on 2,984 routes with
coverage of 6.33 lakh kms. daily (up to 31st October,2019).
12.20 For the benefit of people the following schemes remained in operation during the year:-
i) Green Card Scheme:-Green card holder is allowed 25 percent discount in fare, if the journey under taken by passenger is of 50 km. The cost of this card is `50 and having its validity for two years.
ii) Smart Card Scheme:
Corporation has introduced Smart card scheme. The cost of this card is `50 having its validity for two years. This card having 10 percent discount in fare and also valid in HRTC Ordinary, Super Fast, Semi Deluxe and Deluxe buses, In Volvo and AC buses discount is to be allowed from 1st October to 31st March, in every year.
iii) Samman Card Scheme:
Corporation has introduced Samman card scheme for the senior citizen of the age of the 60 years or more. Under this scheme, the discount of 30 percent in fare is allowed in ordinary buses.
iv) Free Facility to Women:
Women have been allowed free travelling facility in HRTC ordinary buses on the occasion of “Raksha Bandhan” and “Bhaiya Dooj”.
Muslim women have been allowed free travelling facility on occasion of “Id” and “Baker Id”.
v) Discount in fare to Women: The Corporation has also allowed 25 percent discount in fare in ordinary buses within the State to the women.
vi) Free Facility to Students of Government Schools: The students of Government schools
121 up to +2 classes have been allowed free travelling facility in HRTC ordinary buses.
vii) Free Facility to the person suffering from serious disease:
Free travelling facility to cancer, spinal injury, kidney and dialysis patients along with one attendant in HRTC buses for the purpose of medical treatment on referral slip issued by the Doctor within and outside the State.
viii) Free Facility to the Special abled persons: The Corporation is providing free travelling facility to special abled persons having disability of 70 percent or more along with one attendant within State.
ix) Free Facility to the Gallantry Awardees: The Gallantry Award winners have been allowed free travelling facility in HRTC’s ordinary buses in addition to Delux Buses in the State.
x) Luxury Buses: The Corporation is plying 51 owned and 39 buses super luxury (Volvo / Scania) and 24 luxury AC buses under Wet- Leasing scheme to interstate roads to provide better transport facility to the public.
xi) 24X7 Helpline: 24x7 HRTC/
Private Bus Passenger’s helpline No.94180-00529 and 0177- 2657326 have been introduced to lodge and address the complaints of passengers.
xii) Taxies on sealed roads: Taxies Services have also been introduced by the Corporation in Shimla Town for public on sealed/ restricted roads.
xiii) Tempo traveller to major Tourist localities: Corporation introduced 11 tempo traveller under wet-
leasing scheme to major Tourist localities of the State in order to provide comfortable journey to the Tourist/ general Public.
xiv) Free travelling facility to the families of Martyrs: The corporation is providing free travelling facility in ordinary buses to the Widows, children up to the age of 18 years, parents of armed force personnel and Para Military troops who were martyred on duty.
xv) Facility of electric buses to tourist place: The Corporation has introduced electric buses for the tourist and visitors to the famous tourist places.
xvi) Facility of wheelchair to special abeled person at bus stands:
For the benefit of special abled person, wheel chair has been provided at 30 bus stands.
xvii) Facility of Sanitary pad vending machines for women: For the benefit of women Sanitary pad vending machines have been installed at 30 bus stands and in future will be provided in other bus stands .
Transport Department
12.21 The importance of infrastructure (of which transport infrastructure is an important component) for sustained economic development, is well recognized.
Adequate and efficient transport infrastructure lowers the transaction cost, has strong backward and forward linkages, facilitates the integration and interdependence of the different sectors by aiding quick and adequate movement
122 of people and material; and directly impacts the quality of life and acts as a catalyst in the growth and development of an economy. Besides, use of transport is necessary for almost every individual to access educational facilities, jobs, markets, recreational facilities, and benefits under various welfare schemes; thereby making it an essential commodity. It is more so in the context of Himachal Pradesh where there is no other means of transport.
Hence, it could be said that if horticulture and Hydro-power make up the body of the Himachal Pradesh economy, transport constitutes its―nerves.
As on December, 2019 the State has a total of 16,53,343 transport and non transport vehicles which have been registered. During the year 2019- 20 up to December, 2019 the transport department has collected revenue of
`408.01 crore and challaned 25,140 vehicles for different offences and a sum of `4.23 crore have been received up to November, 2019.
Transport Policy 2014:
Himachal Pradesh Transport Policy state that “A prosperous Himachal Pradesh with transport playing a key role in balanced regional development and harnessing the growth potentials of each and every sector of Himachal Pradesh economy by improving the ability and efficiency of accessing and distributing goods, services and productive capacity with employment opportunities created around the State”. The mission of the transport policy stated that it shall be the endeavor of the government to provide state of the art transportation facilities to
the travelling public with high standards of comfort and safety. In focus would be the equity considerations to provide luxury travel in public transport at affordable fares to the poor people of the state while simultaneously achieving a modal shift from private to the public transport. It will also promote quality goods transportation infrastructure at a reasonable cost with ability to handle high value cargo at shortest time and at minimal externalities (congestion, pollution and accidents). The main objective of the policy is to: a) To provide connectivity to the remotest corners of the State. Last mile connectivity will be the special focus of mobility planning in urban areas; b) Encourage most modern state of art goods transport vehicles entering the market for handling the farm and non- farm produce most efficiently and cost effectively for achieving export oriented growth; c) Mainstream Road safety concerns in the overall transport planning. d) Reduce environmental externalities of transport in Himachal Pradesh by developing suitable tax and non tax incentives and disincentives that encourage environment friendly transport and discourage polluting and unsafe vehicles; e) Alternate modes of transport like cable cars, trams and non- mechanised modes will be encouraged to achieve sustainable transport development overtime.
12.22 Significant achievements of the transport Department during the year 2019- 20 are as under:
1 Water Transport
Water Transport Activities like passengers, cargo & tourists, water sports and Shikaras to be developed in Chamera, Koldam &
123 Govind Sagar Lake for both Cargo & Passenger Transport.
2 Driving Training School and Pollution Check Centre:-
In order of impart training to aspirant candidates, department has given licenses to 262 driving training schools in the state which include 10 DTS of ITI, 12 HRTC and 240 private driving training schools. Beside 92 pollution check centres has also been authorized in the state.
3 Guidelines for safe
Transportation of School Children:-
The State government is seriously concerned with the safety of school children. Department of Transport, under the guidelines of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India is continuing its all efforts by way of enforcement and wide publicity on Road safety.
4 Employment Generation
Transport Department has fixed a target of employment generation for the year 2019-20 to 23,500 people out of which direct employment to 19,226 people have been provided up to December, 2019.
5 Introduction of new routes- HRTC has introduced 70 new bus routes during this year 2019-20 up to December, 2019.
6 Implementation of FAME India Scheme:- 50 electric buses were sanctioned by Govt. of India under FAME-India Scheme for Shimla Town and now all these 50 Electric buses are plying in Shimla Town.
7 Ropeway and Rapid Transport Corporation:-
State Govt. has developed a new Ropeway and Rapid Transport Corporation under the control of Transport Department. The Ropeway and Rapid Transport Development Corporation will be working on the following projects:- (i) Passenger Ropeway Village Jana Kullu, District Kullu.
(ii) Mass Rapid Transit System (M.R.T.S) to decongest cities in H.P. i:e Shimla, Manali and Dharamsala.
8 Electric Vehicle Policy:-The Government of H.P. is committed to establish Himachal Pradesh as a model state for Electric Vehicle Adoption across segments (personal, shared and commercial) and to provide sustainable, safe, eco-friendly, inclusive and integrated mobility. For this purpose electric vehicle policy has been prepared which aims to provide incentives for electric vehicle consumers, manufactures as well as to the establish the Charging Stations.
9 Road Safety Measures- The Govt. of Himachal Pradesh is deeply concerned for road safety and reducing the accidents as well as fatalities. The rate of road accidents has reduced as compared to the figures of last year as per table below.
Period Accidents Deaths Injuries 1-1-18 to
31-10-18 2,583 1,016 4,523 1-1-19 to
31-10-19 2,350 907 4,039