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Technology Transfer

demonstrated that rice (Pusa Sugandh 4) - wheat (WH 711) - moong (Pusa Vishal) gave 45% higher returns as compared to those given by local check crop rotation of rice (PB 1) - wheat. Diversification of rice- wheat cropping system with pea as vegetable and gram as pulse gave encouraging results, i.e., rice-pea gave 74%

higher returns and rice-gram gave 16% higher returns compared to those of the existing rice-wheat cropping system, with less use of nitrogenous fertilizers, improved soil health and reduced cost of cultivation. Improved farm implements (i) Pusa Wheel Hand Hoe and (ii) Improved Pusa Sickle, were helpful in reducing the drudgery of farm women. More than 250 farmwomen adopted these improved implements. The efficiency was increased by 2-3 times with an economic gain of Rs. 1250/- per hectare. Organized 25 on campus skill trainings for 545 women beneficiaries on value addition and reducing wastage of surplus seasonal vegetables.

Demonstrations on Orobanchae management with different resistance/tolerant varieties, use of castor, guar and onion as a trap crops, use of aqua seed plough for sowing mustard and use of chemicals and bio-control agents. Organised demonstrations on bajra (146), moong (140), cowpea (78), guar (110), bhindi (92), onion (78), bottle gourd (25), palak (5), chillis (5) to prove production potentials and facilitate adoption of improved varieties. One hundred twenty four on- farm demonstrations on soybean, maize, arhar, bitter gourd and muskmelon were carried out to introduce these crops in the existing crop rotation. Produced 145.7t seed of paddy varieties PB 1 Pusa, Pusa Sugandh 4, Pusa Sugandh 5 and Pusa 44, 2.2t of sorghum PC 9 and 113.176t seeds of wheat varieties HD 2851, WR 544, HD 2864, HD 2643 and HD 2733 and sold them to the progressive farmer members of Young Farmer’s Association of Punjab for varietal diversification in different parts of Punjab. Integrated agriculture development was implemented in different TOT areas and the strategy of organic farming, vegetable based farming system and integrated farming system was conceptualized for further verification.

Animal husbandry based interventions like deworming, complete balanced ration feed block, and UMMB supplementary feeding technologies were implemented. Post-calving deworming in 39 buffaloes and ectoparasite control in 192 milch buffaloes, deworming in 74 buffaloes and control of ectoparasites in 58 buffalo calves were done. Interventions on control of endoparasites in 199 calves and ectoparasites in 138 calves to reduce mortality and improve growth rate in buffalo calves; and control of endoparasites in 89 buffaloes and ectoparasties in 50 buffaloes for improved productive and reproductive performance were done. Seventeen animal health care camps were organised in which 2802 animals were examined for treatment/advice.

A total number of 70222 farmers/entrepreneurs from 26 States and 3 Union Territories of India visited ATIC for farm advisory, diagnostic services, purchase of technological inputs / products and trainings. Maximum numbers of farmers

visited ATIC to purchase/enquire about seeds/varieties (30641). This was followed by visitors to seek information related to horticultural crops (15878), plant protection and agronomic practices (11192), and to collect / purchase extension literatures (7997), and agro-based enterprises (894). About one-fourth of farmer-visitors from Delhi, UP, and Haryana were interested in floriculture and horticulture, which indicate that the farmers in the periphery of the Delhi are shifting towards commercialization/diversification of agriculture. A few visitors from foreign countries like USA, Germany, Pakistan, Srilanka, Nepal, South Africa, Australia, Austria, Ireland, France, Bangladesh, Trinidad also visited ATIC’s Single Window Delivery System. Seeds, publications, processed products, implements, etc. worth about Rs. 39 lakh were sold during the period.

ATIC helpline, and Kisan Call Centre (IInd level) started w.e.f May 2001 and January, 2004, respectively, were used by a total of 5936 farmers/entrepreneurs from 18 States and 2 Union Territories to get information about seed availability of various crops, cultural practices, plant protection measures, medicinal plants, agro-based enterprises, training, farm literature, soil and water analysis, etc.

Maximum calls were made by the farmers/entrepreneurs from UP (1460) followed by those from Delhi (1020) and Haryana (970). Maximum callers sought information about seed availability (3050). This was followed by those seeking information on cultural practices and seedling availability of agronomic, horticultural and medicinal crops (1940) and plant protection measures (1785).

Besides, more than 600 farmers got farm advisory services through letters during the period. A total of 23 on-campus training programmes including 1 international training programme, of varying durations from 3 to 28 days were organised for farmers, entrepreneurs and extension functionaries of state development departments and SAUs.

About 198 one-day field training programmes benefiting 4132 farmers/

farmwomen were organised in different villages of the operational areas under

A subject matter specialist (plant protection) demonstrating the use of light trap in checking the insect population in gram crop at Teekli village, Gurgaon district, Haryana

OEP/TOT/IVLP programmes. Six co-operative societies, 3 kisan clubs and 4 women SHGs were mobilized for integrated bio-farming systems, high-tech agriculture, and entrepreneurship development in agriculture related enterprises, respectively. More than 15 potential agro- based enterprises were identified and promoted.

In addition to the publication of the different extension literature and Prasar Doot magazine, publications on important technologies and compilation on various governmental programmes/schemes were brought out and distributed among the farmers. In all 39 research publications in different journals were published.

IARI technologies were displayed in 11 farmers fairs, 11 international and 50 national exhibitions besides annual Pusa Krishi Vigyan Melas at the main campus and regional stations.

The crop varieties and technologies introduced in different parts of the country contributed in terms of higher yields and economic returns, thereby motivating farming communities to adopt improved technologies.