A. Teaching (including Part Time & Guest Teachers) FACULTY MEMBERS
1. Prodyot Kumar Roy, Head 2. Tarasankar Nag
3. BiswanathJha 4. Pradip Mukherjee 5. Narayan Bandyopadhyay 6. Abhijit De
7. Barun RayChaudhuri 8. Bikash De
9. Silbhadra Chatterjee 10. Arabinda Nayak 11. Muktish Acharyya 12. Prabir Kumar Mukherjee 13. Prabir Banerjee
14. Gour Bhattacharya PART TIME TEACHERS
1. Sri Sanat Ghosh, M.Sc 2. Dr. Biren Das, M.Sc, Ph.D.
3. Sri Hitendranath Mukherjee, M.Sc, Ph.D.
4. Dr. Pradip Kumar Datta, M.Sc, Ph.D.
5. Dr. Arpita Bose, M.Sc, Ph.D.
1 Prof. Bikash Chakrabarti, Head, Theoretical Condensed Matter Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata 2 Prof. Jadunath De, Emeritus Scientist, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
3 Dr. Debiprasad Duari, Director, Research & Academics, M. R Birla Institute of Fundamental Research. Kolkata 4 Dr. Buddhadeb Banerji, Retired Geologist, Geological Survey of India
5 Prof. S Mukherjee, Retired Professor of Physics, University of North Bengal 6 Dr Nabajit Chakroborty, Senior Observer, Positional Astronomy Centre, Kolkata 7 Dr. Shyamal Biswas, UGC-Dr. D.S.Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow, Universitv of Calcutta HONORARY GUEST TEACHERS
1. Prof. Ajit Kembhavi, Director, lUCAA, Pune.
2. Prof. Amit Mohan Rakshit, Vidyasagar College for Women 3. Dr. Susil Sarkar, Vidyasagar College
4. Dr. Saibal Roy, College of Engineering & Ceramic Technology
^ — -QT) 1
S Sm. Nandini Raha, M.Sc, Retd. WBES 5. Sri Kalipada Nahal, Retd. WBJES B. NON-TEACHING
1. Sri Haren Baidya 2. Sri Amitabha Bhar 3. Sm. Protima Haldar 4. Sri Bi.swajit Das 5. Sri. Babulal Das 6. Sri Bijoy Barik 7. Sri Ananta Barik 8. Sri Dipak Kr. Roy 9. Sri Dilip Kr. Bir
10. Sri Dilip Hajra 11. Sri Pradip Kr. Das 12. Sri Kartick Hela.
I.\ Sm Sumati Hazra C. Vacant Positions Teaching posts vacant:
4 WBSES, 1 WBES and 4 posts of Demonstrators (supposed to be upgraded to WBHS) Non-teaching vacant
1. Master Mechanic, 1 Junior Mechanic, 1 Instrument Keeper, 1 Skilled Bearer, 2 Establishment Attendants.
Department of Physiology
News from the department
Inspite of being .severely understaffed department, only eighr teachers in a practical ba.sed post graduate department, the department maintained its standard in pursuit of academic excellence. Our students made us proud by their academic performances. At the under graduate level, out of 13 students 9 obtained 1" class securing top four positions in the University of Calcutta. Our students have topped in the entrance examination of various National Institutes like JNU, AllMS, NBRC and also in multidisciplinary courses of the different Universities.
At the post graduate level all the 17 students secired 1" class. Most of them have joined various National Institutes for higher studies. Significantly 3 of our post graduate students have cleared CSIR/UGC NET. Our students were equally brilliant in other extra co-curricular activities like debates, quiz, games, and sports etc. and they brought laurels for the institute and the department. Two of our post graduate students did summer research project in CDR! Lucknow and at L.V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad sponsored by INSA, lASc, NASI.
The renovation of the laboratory is going on. Although dealings with PWD remains a stumbling block. The internet facility in the department has been upgraded and we all thankfully acknowledge and appreciate the help and support of Prof. Prabir Das Gupta of Geology department. We are also thankful to all our guest faculties for their help and support. The departmental seminar library is running smoothly under the guidance of Dr. Mousumi Sikdar and Dr.
Nirmal K. Pradhan.
The under graduate students completed their field work in different parts of Madhya Pradesh under the guidance of Dr. Prabir K. Mukhopadhay and Dr. Indrani Chakraborty. The post graduate students visited Industrial Design Center CDC), IIT, Powai, Mumbai with Dr. Devashish Sen and Dr. Subrata Ghosh. It is very heartening to note that for the first time the department has started collaborative research work with IIT Mumbai, IIT Guahati, and Environmental Science Department of Jadavpur University.
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• R r ^ A S A t S I C H I K I ' H i
Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists (lABMS), an all India research organization instituted at University of Madras selected the department as nodal centre for collaborative research in eastern part of the country.
The department along with ^n its members (staff/student, and alumni) is striving hard to realize a dream, a dream for which Presidency university stands, an urge to do something different and a tendency to set a genre of original thinking.
Seminars organized by the Department and visitors to the Department Name of the Speaker/ Visitor
I. Dr. Deb Kumar Chakraborty 2. Dr. Supten Sarbadhikari
3. Sri Goutam Mohan Chakraborty 4. Dr. Niranjan Bhattacharya
Institutional Address
Industrial Design Center, IIT Guwahati Director, Cal2Cal Institute, Coimbatore Commissioner of Police, Kolkata
5. Prof. Amita Chatterjee
Senior Consultant and Advisor AMRI Director, Developmental Immunology Vice Chancellor, Presidency University
Design Ergonomics Medical Bioinformatics Role of forensic science and medicine in criminal investigation Immunologic relevance of cord blood
Mechanism of surprise and fear Research Activities of the Department;
Title of the Project
An ergonomic study of occupational health problems of women construction workers in unorganized sectors of West-Bengal, determination of Safe Load Limit & some Suggestive remedial measures
Studies on Arsenic induced
reproductive toxicity and its dietary management in male rats.
Health risk assessment associated with Fluoride Contaminated water of Birbhum district.
Principal and Co-investigator Bijetri Bandyopadhyay
Devashish Sen Subrata Ghosh
Dr Prabir K. Mukhopadhyay
Dr. Subrata Ghosh .
Funding Agencies Department of
Science &Technology, Govt.of India
University Grant Commission University Grant Commission
Amount 29,90,000/-
Other Academic Activities
The departmental teachers and students are continuously engaged in performing research activities particularly amongst mass to upgrade the general awareness of good health and socio-economic development.
List of Publications by the Teachers of the Department
1. Ghosh, S, Bagchi, A, Roy, B, Bandyopadhyay, P and Chakraborty, S. (2010) The Silent Agony of Open Cast Mine:A Profile of Risk Assessment. Biomedicine, vol 30 (3), p. 272—277 (Impact Factor- '^ 1)
2. Ghosh, S., Chakraborty, S., Roy, B., Banerjee, R and Bagchi, A. (2010) Health risk assessment due to ground water contamination of fluoride in Birbhum, West Bengal. Journal of Environment Protection Sciences, vol, 4, p.
13-21. (Impact Factor 1.7).
3. Ghosh S, SenD, Chatterjee A, Biswas. S and Bagchi, A. (in press). Ergonomic assessment of ocular stress profile amongst watch-makers/repairers of Kolkata and its possible preventive measures. Biomedicine. (Impact Factor:
'^' ^^It'^- ^ ° ' H ' ^'^f ^"•^'^^P^dhyay, P.K. (in press) Ameliorative effects of ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol in arsenic induced testiculat toxicity in rats Biomedicine.{Im^^a Factor: 2.1)
Seminar, lectures delivered/workshops attended by teachers.
Dr. Devashish Sen
Presented a paper entitled "2D:4D ratio in predicting aggression amongst school ciiildren in Koli<aia" m the International Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists & National Conlcrcnce of Physiolo-ical Society of India held in Bangalore from 15"^ to 17'" November, 2010, and chaired a session on Current Trends in Exercise Physiology.
Dr. Prabir Kr. Mukhopadhyay
Presented a paper entided " High protein supplementation may be an effective strategy in the amelioration of testicular alterations in mature albino rats caused by thyrotoxicosis" in the Annual Conference on emerging issues in Physiology and Allied Sciences held at Vidyasagar University in March 2010. He also judged a poster presentation session by the young scientists.
Presented a paper entitled "Protective role of ascorbic acid & alpha-tocopherol on arsenic induced testicular toxicity of albino rats" in the Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists held at Salem, Tamilnadu in October 2010.
Presented a paper entitled "Amelioration of arsenic induced male reproductive malfunctions by strategic moilulations of dietary proteins in rats" in the International Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists & National Conference of Physiological Society of India held in Bangalore from IS"' to 17"' November, 2010 and chaired a session on Current Trends in Neurophysiology.
Dr. Subrata Ghosh
Attended Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists in October 2010, held at Salem, Tamiliiatlu as an invited EC member of lABMS and chaired a symposium related with emerging trends in physiologic research.
He also judged a poster presentation session by the young scientists.
Presented a paper entitled "Ergonomics of ocular stress and ocular surface imaging amongst watchmakers/ repairers of Kolkata and it's possible preventive measure" in the International Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists & National Conference of Physiological Society of India held in Bangalore from 15"' to 17"' November, 2010, and chaired a session on Current Trends in Ergonomics.
Sri Alak K. Syamal
Presented a poster paper entitled "Anthropometric, hematological and nutritional status of female tea pluckers of a tea garden in Dooars, West Bengal" in the International Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists
& National Conference of Physiological Society of India held in Bangalore from 15"' to 17"' November, 2010.
Dr. Mousumi Sikdar
Presented a paper entitled "Carbon sequestration in nature: a novel concept in bioremediation within microbe- human interface" in the International Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists & National Conference of Physiological Society of India held in Bangalore from 15"' to 17"' November, 2010.
Dr. Indrani Chakraborty
Presented a paper entitled "Jussiaea repens acts as an antifertility agent in male albino rats" in the Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists held at Salem, Tamilnadu in October 2010.
Staff List: