Schools and Departments
4.2 School of Physics
The School had the following teaching staff during the year:
Professors : S.N. Kaul, V.S.S. Sastry, Vipin Srivastava, S. Chaturvedi, C.S. Sunandana, Rajender Singh, S. Dutta Gupta, Bindu A Bambah, V. Seshubai, Ashok Chatterjee, M Siva Kumar, K.P.N. Murthy, G. Rajaram, P.K. Suresh, K.C. James Raju, M. Ghanashyam Krishna, P. Ananta Lakshmi, Suneel Singh, Nirmal K Viswanathan
Associate Professors : Rukmani Mohanta, S. Srinath, Surajith Dhara, Samrat L. Sabat, E. Harikumar, S V S Nageswara Rao
Assistant Professors : Ashok Vudayagiri, Soma Sanyal, A. Rajani Kanth, Gorige Venkataiah, Shyamal Biswas, Barilang Mawlong
Name of Chair professors, Emeritus & Honorary Professors:
honorary Professor : T V Ramakrishnan
Distinguished Faculty : A.K. Bhatnagar,NASI Scopus fellow Visiting Professor : Subodh R. Shenoy
Guest Faculty : P.A. Govindacharyulu CSIR Emeritus Scientist : A.P. Pathak
UGC Emeritus Fellowship : C. Bansal UGC - BSR Faculty Fellowship : D. Narayana Rao Courses offered:
M. Sc. Physics, M. Tech. Integrated Circuit Technology M. Tech. Computational Techniques, Ph.D., IMSc. Physics Enrollment details course wise and year wise Degrees awarded – M. Sc., M. Tech, Ph.D.
20 Ph.D. degrees were awarded during the year.
List of Distinguished scholars who visited School and have delivered lectures:
Sir Micheal V. Berry, Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol was conferred with a Doctorate honoris causa on XV Convocation, October 1, 2013.
Other visitors and lectures delivered are as listed below.
S. No. DAtE SEMINAR tOPIC Name of the Speaker
1. 02-04-2013 Threshold corrections to inclusive jet production at hadron colliders.
Dr. Meduri C. Kumar
II. Institut fuer Theoretische Physik Universitaet Hamburg, Hamburg Germany 2. 05-04-2013 “Organic Field-Effect Transistors:
From Unipolar to Ambipolar to Light Emitting Transistors”
Dr. Samarendra P. Singh
Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University (SNU), Greater Noida 3. 22-08-2013 Trivial’ symmetries in models of
Dr. Debraj Roy
SN Bose National Centre for basic Sciences, Kolkata
4. 27-08-2013 Nonlinear Resonant Tunneling Diode Transmission Lines for mm- Waves Generation
Prof. B Z. Essimbi
Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde 1, Cameron
5. 07-10-2013 Efficient Electromagnetic Field Calculations for Waveguides and Photonic Crystals
Prof. Ramdas Ram-Mohan Dept. Physics and ECE,
Worcester Polytechnic, Worcester, USA 6. 09-10-2013 The Aharonov Bohm effect with
a Twist-Quantum Mechanics on a Mobius Ring
Prof. Ramdas Ram-Mohan Dept. Physics and ECE,
Worcester Polytechnic, Worcester, USA 7. 10-10-2013 A New Approach to Diffusion
Analysis for Metallic Multicomponent System
Prof. Ramdas Ram-Mohan Dept. Physics and ECE,
Worcester Polytechnic, Worcester, USA 8. 23-10-2013 Real-time detection of single virus/
protein using an ultrasensitive nanoplasmonic-photonic hybrid microresonator
Venkata Ramanaiah Dantham,
Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, New York
9. 31-10-2013 Optomechanics of red blood cells and colloidal particle
interactions in an optical field
Dr. Sharath Ananthamurthy
Department of Physics, Bangalore University
10. 22-11-2013 Liquid crystal colloids and photonic applications of liquid crystals
V.S.R. Jampani
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self- organization- MPI-DS (Germany)
Jozef Stefan Institute- JSI (Slovenia) 11. 26-11-2013 Phase phenomena in quantum
and classical optics
Dr. Chandravati
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 12. 29-11-2013 Deterministic chaos and
application to cryptogrpahy
Dr. J. S. E. Fouda
Department of Physics Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde –I, Cameroon 13. 20-12-2013 Foam Stability of Polyelectrolyte
Surfactant Solutions Relation to Surface Rheology and Microencapsulation
Amitabha Bhattacharyya Dept of Physical Sciences Sikkim University, Gangtok Sikkim 14. 03-01-2014 Tunnel magneto-resistance in
structures with magnetic tunnel barrier.
Dr. P Anil Kumar
Dept. Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden 15. 12-2-2014 Enhanced light-matter interactions
using quantum dots and photonic crystal cavities at room temperature
Ms. S. Gupta,
University of Maryland, College Park,USA 16. 18-02-2014 Nanofiber Quantum Photonics Prof. K Hakuta,
Center for Photonic Innovations UEC Tokyo, The University of Electro- Communications Japan.
17. 26-03-2014 Chiral Phase Transition and Low- lying Scalars in an extended Linear Sigma Model
Dr. Tamal Mukherjee
Details of seminars/conferences/workshops – national/international
1. Conference on “Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics” was held between 15-18 July, 2013. Bindu A. Bambah and Ramakrishna Ramaswamy were convenors of the conference. The conference covered wide variety of topics involving physics, chemistry and biology involving non-linear dynamics.
2. Workshop on “Soft Matter 2014: Self - Assembly and Dynamics” was jointly organized by School of Physics, University of Hyderabad and TIFR Center for Interdisciplinary Sciences (TCIS) between 9th to 10th January, 2014. It was attended by about 70 delegates from various institutes from within India as well as abroad. It was inaugurated by Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad and Director, TCIS and about 23 invited lectures delivered on various aspects such as mesoscale structures in glasses, liquid crystals, foams, emulsions, colloids and grains, and the curious and complex dynamics associated with such length scales etc. It was funded by the University with Potential for Excellence (UPE) grant as well as TCIS. Surajith Dhara and V. S. S. Sastry from School of Physics and Srikanth Sastry and Naryanan Menon from TCIS were convenors of the workshop.
3. The Annual School of Physics Conference series of “Frontiers in Physics” was held during 20 – 22, Sept 2013, University of Hyderabad. Many physicists from different part of the country were invited to deliver lectures in this series. P. Ananthalakshmi, Rukmani Mohanta and S. Srinath were convenors for this year’s event. It covered a very wide range of subjects including some inter-disciplinary areas.
Number of papers published in peer reviewed Journals: 107 Number of books published in the year: Book chapters – 21.
Number of research projects granted in the year and their value
Apart from on-going projects, 3 new projects of total amount of INR 115 lakhs were granted in this academic year.
National/international awards won by faculty
1. Vipin Srivastava : Royal Society International Exchange award 2. Surajit Dhara : Chancellor’s award – 2013
National/international awards won by students
• Rasmita Sahoo (Research student of Surajith Dhara) got best poster award by Indian Liquid Crystal Society in the National conference on liquid crystal, Mangalore-2013, December 16-18, 2013.
• Pavan Venu Prakash Madduri (Research Student of S. N. Kaul) won the best paper in International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications (MagMa-2013) at IIT Guwahati 05 - 07 December 2013 and also the accompanying cash award of Rs. 3000/-, sponsored by Oxford Instruments, UK.
• Suresh Pittala (Research Student of S. Srinath) has been awarded Dr. K.V. Rao research award for the year 2013- 2014 in Physics.
Patents applied/granted with details for the year: 3 Nos.
1. K. C. James Raju, Anil Tumuluri, Swaroop Raju, V Seshu Bai, T Rajasekharan) “A Method for preparing dielectric Resonators of arbitrary shapes” Filed for Indian Patent.
2. M. Ghanashyam Krishna, K A Padmanabhan, M S R N Kiran. “Non-stoichiometric Titanium Nitride thin films“, European Patent No. 2222887 , 2013
3. Nirmal K. Viswanathan - US Patent 8437588 “System and method for generating an optical vector vortex beam having two lobes,” (2013)
Outreach activities organized
• A. P. Science Congress – School of Physics was in charge of the Maths & Physics Sessions. 14-
• “Refresher course in Experimental Physics” for college and University teachers by School of Physics and Academic Staff College, University of Hyderabad, 6- 26 November, 2013. Coordinated by Prof Rajender Singh