Schools and Departments
total 7 296.86 Lakhs Awards won by the Faculty with details
4.5 School of humanities
The School consists of the following Departments and Centres.
1) Department of English 2) Department of Philosophy 3) Department of Hindi 4) Department of Telugu 5) Department of Urdu
6) Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (CALTS) 7) Centre for Comparative Literature (CCL)
8) Department of Sanskrit Studies
9) Centre for English Language Studies (CELS) 10) Centre for Study of Foreign Languages (CSFL) 11) Centre for Classical Language – Telugu (CCLT)
12) Centre for Endangered Languages and Mother Tongue Studies (CEL & MTS) 13) Centre for Dalit & Adivasi Studies and Translation (CDAST)
14) Centre for Buddhist Studies – (CBS)
Dean : Prof. Amitabha Das Gupta Important Events in the School of humanities:
1) Annual Lecture on “Any theme related to Language Endangerment” (endowed by Smt. Indira Devi Dhanrajgir) was delivered by Prof. Jaroslav Vacek, Director of the Institute of South and Central Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University, Prague on 11.10.2013. He spoke on “Endangerment of Languages and Cultures in the South Asian Linguistic Area”.
2. Guntur Seshendra Sharma Annual Memorial Lecture in Telugu was delivered by Prof. R.V.S. Sundaram, Mysore on 30.10.2013. He spoke on “Guntur Seshendra Sharma Abhivyakthi Navyatha”.
3. Annual Event for the promotion of Deccani was delivered by Prof. M.N. Sayeed, Former Chairman, Karnataka Urdu Academy and Former Head, Department of Urdu, Bangalore University, Bengalure on 14.11.2013. He spoke on “Hashmi ki Tehzibi Ahmiat”.
4. Annual Guntur Seshendra Sharma Memorial Lecture in Hindi was delivered by Prof. K.D. Tripathi, Advisor, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Varanasi on 20.01.2014. He spoke on “Indian Poetics and Aesthetics:
Abhinavaguptapada’s Integral and Inventive Vision”.
5. Annual Raja Dhanrajgirji Endowment Lecture in Urdu was delivered by Prof. Abdul Sattar Dalvi, Krishan Chander Chair Professor and Head, Department of Urdu, University of Mumbai, Mumbai on 29.01.2014. He spoke on
“My Meetings and Reminiscences of Ali Sardar Jaffery”.
1. Prof. Partha Ghose
Platinum Jubilee Fellow (NAS)
Centre for Astr-particle Physics & Space Science, Bose Institute, Kolkatta
“Science and Music” 4.09.2013
2. Prof. Franklin C. Southworth Professor Emeritus
South Asia Regional Studies University of Pennsylvania, USA
“An Etymological Investigation of Indo- Aryan-Dravidian Language Contact”
3. Prof. Sundar Sarukkai Director
Manipal Centre for Philosophy & Humanities, Manipal University
“New Imaginations of Science” 21.02.2014
4. Prof. Hans Henrich Hock
Emeritus Professor of Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Who Own the Past: The “Aryan Invasion”
Controversy Reconsidered
5. Prof. Anne Cheng
Professor of Intellectual History of China at College de France, Paris
“Ethics and Politics, a problematic continuity”
6. Prof. Rama Nath Sharma Professor Emeritus of Sanskrit University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA
“The Astadhyayi of Panini as a System of Rules”
4.5.1 Department of English
The Department had the following teaching staff during the year:
Professors : Mohan G Ramanan, K. Narayan Chandran, Sachidananda Mohanty, Syed Mujeebuddin, Pramod K Nayar
Associate Professors : D. Murali Manohar, Anna Kurian James
Assistant Professors : Sindhu Menon, Sireesha Telugu, Siddarth Satpathy Joint Faculty : K. Suneetha Rani
Guest Faculty : Priya Hosali, P. Mallikarjuna Rao, M.E. Vedasharan, Savitha C
head : Dr. D. Murali Manohar
the Department offered M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes and the student strength during and at the end of the year was as follows:
M.A. I year: 41, II year: 45 : 86
M.Phil. : 18
Ph.D. : 22
total : 126
04 Ph.D. and 07 M.Phil. Degrees awarded during the year.
Award of M. Phil Degrees: M.Phil. = 07
S. No. Name of the Student Supervisor Date of Award
01 Syeda Shujjaat Unnisa Prof. Pingali Sailaja 18-11-2013
02 Priyanka Mukherjee Prof. Mohan G Ramanan 02-12-2013
03 Pavel Mony Dr. Sindhu Menon 03-04-2014
04 Biswajit Jena Dr. Sunitha Mishra 19-05-2014
05 K. Aravind Mitra Prof. Pramod K Nayar 19-05-2014
06 S. Sayujya Dr. Anna Kurian 19-05-2014
Award of Ph.D degrees: Ph.D. = 04
S. No. Name of the Student Supervisor Date of Award
01 Pallavi Borah Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty 20-05-2014
02 Saradindu Bhattacharya Dr. Anna Kurian 24-06-2014
03 S. Neeraja Prof. Pramod K Nayar 01-07-2014
04 P. Dinesh Babu Prof. Alladi Uma 24-07-2014
Seminars/ Conferences/Workshop held during the year:
1. ‘Said –The Disciplines’ – Asymposium on Edward W. Said, 1935-2003, held on 23 September, 2013 by A. Raghuramaraju(Philosophy), Arvind Susarla (Regional Studies),Aloka Parasher Sen(History),Deepa Sreenivas(Women’s Studies), Sasheej Hegde (Sociology), Vamshi (Economics), K. Narayana Chandran,(English) 2. Situating Cricket in Cultural Studies”, 20-01-2014, by C.T.Indira, University of Madras.
3. An Interactive session with Keki N. Daruwalla (Acclaimed Indian English Poet), 09-01-2014.
4. “Tortuous MemoriesA; a Symposium on Abn Ghraib@10” by G. Vijay (Economics) UoH, Jibu George Mathew, EFLU, Rekha Pande,(History)UoH, Masrook Dar, MANUU , Prajit Basu, Philosophy, 24thFebruary,2014.
Programmes held in the Department:
Date Name of the Visitor Lecture titles 31-09-13 to
Jyotsna Kapur Brand India’s Biggest Sale: The Cultural Politics and Political Economy of India’s “Global Generation” Generation”
After me the flood: The politics of time and youth in Brand India The end of childhook or a new beginning?: The Hollywood family film and the Neoliberal turn(S.N. School)
7-10-13 to 17-10-13
Michael Fisher “The Earlier Indian Teaches of Indian Languages in Britain”
“Early Indian Travellers and Settlers in the West”
“Gender, Race, and Classin Early Colonial Indian and Britain”
“Traveller Accounts of Mughal India” (History Dept.)
“British-Indian Interactions in the Empire” (History Dept.)
“The First Autobiographies Published by Indians.
22-10-13 to 23-10-13
Prof. Alok Mukherjee English knowledge, power and hegemony.
Envisioning equity: Constructing a frame work for thinking about equity.
22-10-13 to 23-10-13
Arun P. Mukherjee “Gender, Race, Caste and Class”
Dalit Feminism.
24-10-13 to 25-10-13
Prof. Alok Mukherjee Early English Textbooks and Language Policies in India
21-01-2014 Prof. C T Indira 1. The Rising Prestige of Cricket and the Rise of a New Crop of English Reporters/Article Writes.
2. The Challenge of English o Comparative Literature Studies.
3. Reflections on the Emerging Critical Rasa in the New Aesthetics and the Mediations of English.
Under UGC-SAP-DSA: Advisory Committee Meeting was held on January 28st, 2014, Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Vice-Chancellor, and one external member of Advisory Committee, Prof. Malasri Lal, Delhi University, attended the meeting.
4.5.2 Department of Philosophy
the Department had the following teaching staff during the academic year:
Professors : Amitabha Das Gupta, R.C. Pradhan, S.G. Kulkarni, A. Raghurama Raju, Prajit Kumar Basu
Associate Professors : K. Siddeswara Prasad, Chandra B. Varma
Assistant Professors : Ananda V. Wazalwar, Abhijeet Joshi, B. Ananda Sagar, Venusa Tinyi, Kavita Chauhan
head : Prof. Prajit Kumar Basu
The department offered M.A., M. Phil and Ph. D programmes and the student strength during the year was as under.
Enrolment details course wise and year wise
M.A. I Semester No. of Students
Indian Philosophy-I 17
Western Philosophy-I 16
Introduction to Philosophy 15
Ethics-I 16
Logic-I 15