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Rural Development and Panchayati Raj



 Till date HPSRLM has disbursed

`62.49 lakh under interest subvention.

Financial aid through Revolving Fund and Community Investment Fund:

 Under NRLM, SHGs and higher level federations (village organizations and cluster/block level federation) of poor women have been formed. On performance basis, three months after the formation, SHGs are provided with revolving funds (RF) amounting to `15 thousand if group regularly does meetings, savings, inter loaning, repayments and proper record keeping.

 HRSRLM has disbursed revolving fund amounting to

`11.40 crore to more than 6,767 SHGs.

Startup funds:-

 Start up fund ₹ 2500.00 is provided to all SHGs and Village Organisations (VOs) instantly after the formation.

 HPSRLM has started disbursing startup to SHGs and VOs from 2018-19.Since then ` 42.14 lakh to 1577 SHGs and ` 46.20 lakh to 103 VOs startup fund has been disbursed.

Revolving fund (RF):-

 Revolving fund of Ten to Fifteen thousand is provided to SHGs who have been practicing Punchsutra for the last 3 months.

Community Investment Fund (CIF):

 CIF of `50 thousand to `1.10 lakh is provided to each SHG who have adopted regular internal lending out of savings and RF to the members by small loans for the last 6 months. These funds are routed through the VOs to the SHGs in the shape of loan.

 130VOs, who are performing well, are covered under village organization and given additional funds amounting to `4.9 crore as CIF from NRLM.

Livelihood Promotion

 HPSRLM has identified approx.

16,000 SHGs which are involved in different livelihood activities.

From this year onwards HPSRLM is also working in direction to enhance the farm livelihood opportunities which have wide scope in convergence to Zero Based Natural Farming (ZBNF).

 The products made by these SHGs/ VOs are sold under Him- Ira brand. This brand has commenced in June, 2019 and women have earned more than

` 53.00 lakh under this brand.

The district-wise Targets and Achievement during the year 2019-20 under NRLM up to December, 2019 is as under:-


Table-14.1 (continued)

Targets and Achievement during the year 2019-20 under NRLM Name of

District SHG Formatio

n Target


t Revolving Fund

Target Revolving Fund Achievement No. of

SHGs Amount

₹ in lakh,

No. of

SHGs Amount

₹ in lakh,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Bilaspur 85 180 137 13.7 94 14.10

Chamba 385 230 675 67.5 140 26.25

Hamirpur 145 169 235 23.5 138 31.10

Kangra 445 382 533 53.3 316 49.20

Kinnaur 145 65 283 28.3 55 12.30

Kullu 205 195 333 33.3 122 23.35

L/Spiti 85 6 185 18.5 0 0

Mandi 385 615 482 48.2 149 18.25

Shimla 205 341 284 28.4 228 43.90

Sirmaur 145 133 234 23.4 99 16.35

Solan 145 261 235 23.5 107 17.85

Una 205 176 284 28.4 103 21.25

Total 2580 2753 3900 390.0 1551 273.9

Table-14.1 concluded

CIF Target CIF Achievement Target of Credit disbursement ₹ In



₹ In lakh No. of

SHGs Amount

₹ In lakh. No. of

SHGs Amount

₹ in lakh.

8 9 10 11 12 13

31 15.50 23 17.85 303.33 166.79

126 63.0 0 0.00 650.00 252.22

50 25.0 5 2.50 487.50 124.80

144 72.0 0 0.00 1300.00 1409.20

49 24.5 0 0.00 130.00 32.62

69 34.5 30 25.15 243.75 267.82

31 15.5 0 0.00 97.50 0.00

125 62.5 71 49.40 1038.00 2009.40

68 34.0 24 12.00 942.50 667.78

50 25.0 0 0.00 400.83 318.19

49 24.5 17 7.85 406.25 189.00

68 34.0 0 0.00 487.50 384.07

860 430.0 170 117.8 6487.16 5821.89

146 Deen Dyal Upadhaya- Gramin Kaushalya Yojna (DDU-GKY)

14.3 Deen Dyal Upadhaya- Gramin Kaushalya Yojana is a national flagship programme for skilling under the Ministry of Rural Development with aim to skill provide rural poor youths with jobs having regular monthly wages at or above the minimum wages.

Beneficiaries under the DDU-GKY:-  The target group of DDU-GKY

are poor rural youth in the age group 15-35.

 Below poverty line (BPL) households, shall also be eligible to avail the skilling programme.

 Youth from MGNREGA worker households, with at least 15 days work in the previous financial year by any of its family members.

 Youth from a household with RSBY (Rashtiya Sawasath Bima Yojana) card wherein the detail of youth is mentioned in the card.

 Youth from household who have been issued Antyodaya Yojana/

BPL PDS cards.

 Youth from a household where a family member is a member of SHG under NRLM.

 Youth from a household covered under auto inclusion parameters as per SECC, 2011 (when notified), shall also be eligible to avail the skilling programme.

Benifits under the Scheme:-

 Under the project it has been assured that 70% of the trained candidates will get placements in various Sectors.

 Under this Scheme training and residential facilities are provided free of cost to the trainees.

 Course duration varies from 3-12 months.

Initiatives Undertaken:-

 Adoption of MRIGS (Monitoring &

Regulation for Improved Governance of Skills Development) portal to monitor the progress of training and placement of the candidates on real time basis.

 Conducted State level Alumni cum CXO (Chief Executive Officer) meets in which 120 candidates and 20 employers participated.

 Conducted industry meet at Baddi (Barotiwala) with BBNDA and other industries.


Status of DDU-GKY during 2019-20 and 2017-20

years Total Candi dates enroll


Total Candidate

s Trained

Total Candidates

who has joined jobs

Total Candidates

who has completed 3

months on

2019-20 1863 1671 773 668 job

2017-20 6474 4636 1985 1178

147 Watershed Development Programme 14.4 With the objective to develop wastelands/ degraded lands, drought-prone and desert areas and to restore the ecological balance by harnessing, and developing natural resources, employment generation poverty alleviation the integrated

wastelands development is being implemented on watershed approach in the State. This programme is being implemented on the funding pattern of 90:10 between Centre and State. During the financial year 2019-20 up to December, 2019 the progress made under WDC-PMKSY is given below:-


(` in crore)

Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana Gramin (PMAY-G)

14.5 The PMAY-G aims to provide a pucca house with basic amenities to all houseless households and households living in kutcha and dilapidated house by 2022. The minimum unit size has been enhanced from the existing 20 sq. mt. to 25 sq. mt and it includes a dedicated area for hygienic cooking. The unit assistance has also been increased from `75,000 to `1.30 lakh in hilly states and difficult areas. The identification of beneficiaries is done using SECC-2011 data. As on December, 2019, 759 beneficiaries have been sanctioned and 65 houses have been completed out of 900 target of 2019-20.

State Rural Housing Schemes

14.6 Following housing schemes are run by State Government.

i) Mukhaya Mantri Awaas Yojana (MMAY


The State Government had announced this scheme in the budget of 2016-17 for the first time for general category BPLs in the State.The benefits of this scheme have been extended to all categories of BPLs from previous financial year 2018-19. There is a budget provision in current year 2019-20 of `12.49 crore in with which 558 houses of all categories have been proposed to be constructed in the State.

ii) Mukhya Mantri Awaas Repair Yojana (MMARY)

There is a provision of ` 4.76 crore with which 1,358 houses of all categories have been proposed for repair during current financial year 2019-20. Under this scheme, beneficiaries are selected by a committee headed by SDM of the area in which BDO & SDO (Dev) are members.

Amount received during the year Financial Achievement Physical Achievement O.B as on

01-04-19 Centre

Share State

Share Misc

receipt Total Expenditure

incurred Closing

balance Area Treated


Mandays Generated

60.46 0.00 0.00 0.31 60.77 7.68 53.09 3348 87365


Saansad Adrash Gram Yojana