Internet, Cyberspace and Cyberfeminism with Focus on Afghanistan
2.18 Role of the Government
The Government‘s chief objective as articulated and led by the MoC is to set the overall vision for the telecommunications sector, to promote access to ICT as a facilitator for sustainable development and to create an enabling environment for private investment, competition and rapid industry growth. Through the creation.
―Corporatization‖ and rapid privatization of Afghan Telecom, the Government will relinquish its role as an operator of public telecommunications services. The MoC‘s specific responsibilities include:
i. Provide overall direction for telecommunications sector development and formulate broad policies for the benefit of all of Afghanistan;
ii. Ensure that this Policy is consistent with other national development plans and laws; iii. Rapidly separate the Ministry‘s Telecommunications Department into a state owned enterprise to be known as ―Afghan Telecom‖;
iv. Encourage private investment in the sector from the earliest stage of development and immediately open Afghan Telecom to private equity participation;
v. Establish an independent Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Afghanistan (TRAA) to ensure regulatory transparency and fair treatment for all market participants;
vi. Promote domestic and international investment in the telecommunications sector; vii. Encourage competition in infrastructure, services and investment; viii.
Stimulate introduction of telecommunications network services in underserved and rural communities to the best of its ability with available resources and with support from donors; and,
ix. Represent the Government of Afghanistan in telecommunications and Internet matters pertaining to regional and international organizations.
Hence in spite of various constraints and limitations, the ICT is spreading in Afghanistan and more women are coming forward to use it.
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* Arachne: (is a talented mortal weaver who challenged Athena, goddess of wisdom and crafts, into a weaving contest; this hubris resulted in her being transformed into a spider. The Great Mother‘s frightening aspect is that she is the weaver of the fate. Almost all goddesses are weaving fate. For more details please refer to: Thames & Hudson. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. J. C. Cooper, 1987.