1.6 Quasi-Birth-Death process
The squared coefficient of variation of interarrival times of the MMBP process [110] is c2 = 2[λ1(1−q) +λ2(1−p)]
λ1(1−q) +λ2(1−p) +λ1λ2(p+q−1)
+ 2[λ1(1−p) +λ2(1−q)][λ1(1−q) +λ2(1−p)](p+q−1) (2−p−q)2[λ1(1−q) +λ2(1−p) +λ1λ2(p+q−1)]
− λ1(1−q) +λ2(1−p)
2−p−q −1. (1.32)
The autocorrelation function of interarrival time with step-1 is given by ψ1 = λ1λ2(λ1 −λ2)2(1−p)(1−q)(p+q−1)2
c2(2−p−q)2[λ1(1−q) +λ2(1−p) +λ1λ2(p+q−1)]2. (1.33) The DMAP representation of a MMBP process is D0 = Pb(I −Λ), D1 = PbΛ and this gives
D0 =
p(1−λ1) (1−p)(1−λ2) (1−q)(1−λ1) q(1−λ2)
andD1 =
pλ1 (1−p)λ2 (1−q)λ1 qλ2
The first coordinate of a state (n, i), is called the level and the second coordinate i is called thephase. The number of phases, m, in each level may be either finite or infinite.
The state-space can be partitioned on the basis of the levels as E = ∪n≥0l(n), where l(n) ={(n,1),(n,2), . . . ,(n, m)} for n ≥0.
Definition 1.6.1. A Markov chain{Xt, t≥0} withl(0) ={(0,1),(0,2), . . . ,(0, m0)} and l(n) = {(n,1),(n,2), . . . ,(n, m)} for all n ≥ 1, is called a QBD process if the following properties hold:
1. One-step transitions from a state are restricted to states in the same or in the two adjacent levels. In other words, transition from (n, i) to (n0, j) is not possible if
|n−n0| ≥2.
2. For n ≥ 1, the instantaneous transition rate between two states in the same level l(n) or between two states in the levels l(n) and l(n+ 1) does not depend on n i.e., for n and n0 ≥ 1, the transition rate from (n, i) to (n0, j) may depend on i,j and n−n0, but not on specific values of n and n0.
The infinitesimal generator matrix of a QBD process has the following structure
B00 B01 B10 A1 A0
A2 A1 A0 . .. ... ...
, (1.34)
where B00 is a square matrix of dimensionm0, B01 is of dimensionm0×m, B10 ism×m0 and Ai, i= 0,1,2, are square matrices of dimension m.
For n=m=m0 = 1, a QBD process reduces to a simple birth-death process.
Throughout this thesis, we will assume that the generator Q of a QBD process is irreducible. The matrix A = A0 +A1 +A2 has negative diagonal and non-negative off diagonal elements. For m finite, A is a finite generator matrix withA1=0. The matrix
A can be irreducible or reducible. Letx= [x0, x1, ...] be the stationary probability vector of the QBD process Q, if exists, such that
xQ=0, x1= 1, (1.35)
from which we get the steady-state equations as
x0B00+x1B10 =0 x0B01+x1A1+x2A2 =0
and xi−1A0+xiA1+xi+1A2 =0, ∀i≥2.
Lemma 1.6.1. A continuous-time irreducible QBD process is positive recurrent if and only if the minimal non-negative solution R to the matrix-equation
R2A2+RA1+A0 =0, (1.37)
has spectral radius sp(R)<1 and finite system of equations
x0B00+x1B10 =0 (1.38)
x01+x1(I−R)−11= 1, (1.39)
has a unique positive solution [x0, x1]. The stationary probability vector is such that
xn=x1Rn−1, forn≥1. (1.40)
R is called the rate matrix which records the expected sojourn times in the states of l(n+ 1) starting from l(n), avoiding ∪0≤k≤nl(k). The matrix R is also interpreted as recording the rate of sojourn times in the states of l(n+ 1), per unit of the local time of l(n).
Lemma 1.6.2. Let a continuous-time QBD process be irreducible and with irreducible matrix A. The QBD process is positive recurrent if and only if
πA01<ˆπA21, (1.41)
where ˆπ is the unique solution of the system πAˆ =0, π1ˆ = 1.
These Lemmas with their detailed proofs can be found in Latouche and Ramaswami [102].
Discrete-time QBD process
A discrete-time QBD process is a Markov chain {Xt, t= 0,1, . . .} on the state-space
∪n≥0l(n). The transition probabilities are assumed to be level independent i.e., for n, n0 ≥ 1, the probability P{X1 = (n0, j)|X0 = (n, i)} may depend on i, j and n −n0 but not on the specific values of n and n0. Thus, the transition probability is block diagonal and has the form
P =
B00 B01 B10 A1 A0
A2 A1 A0 . .. ... ...
, (1.42)
where B00, B01, B10, and Ai, i = 0,1,2, are non-negative matrices. The matrix A = A0 +A1 +A2 is stochastic. We assume the QBD process is irreducible, aperiodic and positive recurrent. The stationary probability vectorπ satisfies πP =π with π1= 1.
Lemma 1.6.3. If a discrete-time irreducible QBD process is positive recurrent, then
1. the minimal non-negative solution R to the matrix-equation
R2A2+RA1+A0 =R, (1.43)
has spectral radius sp(R)<1 i.e., (I−R)−1 exists, 2. the stationary probability vector is such that
xn=x1Rn−1, forn≥1, (1.44) 3. the matrix
B[R] =
B00 B01 B10 A1+RA2
is stochastic, and
4. the finite system of equations
x0B00+x1B10=x0 (1.46) x01+x1(I−R)−11= 1, (1.47) has a unique positive solution [x0, x1].
The rate matrix Rrecords the expected number of visits tol(n+ 1) starting from l(n), avoiding ∪0≤k≤nl(k) i.e., Rij (1≤i, j ≤m) is the expected number of visits to (n+ 1, j) before return to l(0)∪l(1)∪ · · · ∪l(n), given that the process starts in (n, i).
Lemma 1.6.4. Let a discrete-time QBD process be irreducible and the matrix A be also irreducible. The QBD process is positive recurrent if and only if
πA01<ˆπA21, (1.48)
where ˆπ is the unique solution of the system πAˆ = ˆπ, π1ˆ = 1.
In a discrete-time QBD, if the matrix A is reducible but with finite number of phases, m <∞, then it can be written, possibly after a permutation of its rows and columns, as
C(1) 0 . . . 0 0 0 C(2) . . . 0 0 ... ... ... ... ...
0 0 . . . C(K) 0 D(1) D(1) . . . D(K) D(0)
, (1.49)
where the blocksC(k), 1≤k≤K,are irreducible and stochastic andD(0)is substochastic [102]. Since the matricesAi, i= 0,1,2,all are nonnegative for a discrete-time model and are similarly structured, after the same purmutations as we have for A, we get
Ai =
Ci(1) 0 . . . 0 0 0 Ci(2) . . . 0 0 ... ... ... ... ...
0 0 . . . Ci(K) 0 D(1)i D(1)i . . . Di(K) D(0)i
. (1.50)
Lemma 1.6.5. Let a discrete-time QBD be irreducible and the number of phases, m, be finite. If A is partitioned as (1.49), where K ≥1 and the matrices C(k), 1≤k ≤K are irreducible, the QBD process is recurrent if and only if
γ(k)C0(k)1≤γ(k)C2(k)1, for allk, 1≤k ≤K, (1.51) where γ(k) is the stationary probability vector of C(k). The QBD is positive recurrent if and only if all the inequalities are strict i.e.,
γ(k)C0(k)1< γ(k)C2(k)1, for allk, 1≤k≤K. (1.52) The QBD is transient if and only if there exists at least one k, 1≤k ≤K, such that
γ(k)C0(k)1> γ(k)C2(k)1. (1.53) Proofs of these Lemmas can be found in Latouche and Ramaswami [102].
Non-Homogeneous QBD process
A non-homogeneous continuous-time QBD process has the form
A(0)1 A(0)0 A(1)2 A(1)1 A(1)0
A(2)2 A(2)1 A(2)0 A(3)2 A(3)1 A(3)0
. .. ... ...
. (1.54)
Like the homogeneous case, the state-space of a non-homogeneous QBD is two dimensional and partitioned into levels. The transitions are still allowed between adjacent levels only, but the transition rates out from l(n) depend on the level n. Also different levels may have different number of phases. The stationary distribution of such a process is given in the result below.
Lemma 1.6.6. Let a continuous-time non-homogeneous QBD be irreducible, aperiodic and positive recurrent. Then the stationary probability distribution of the QBD satisfies
x =x R(n), forn ≥1, (1.55)