109 b. Revenue Received from Free and
Equity Power:-
The Budget estimate for FY 2019- 2020 was `89.00 crore of which amount realized in Government of Himachal treasury up to 31st December 2019 was `850.00 crore and additional ` 45.00 crore is receivable till March 2020.
c. Commissioning of Hydro projects in the State:-
Three projects have been commissioned in the state namely Jeori (9.60 MW), Raura (12 mw) and Rala (13 MW). Two projects namely, (Salum 9 MW and Kuwarsi-II 15 MW) are expected to be commissioned by March, 2020.
Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd.
11.4 Following table lists various schemes of HPSEB Ltd:
Centrally Sponsored and Departmental Schemes (HPSEB Ltd) No. Sr. Centrally Sponsored and
Departmental Schemes Schemes Status
1 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna
The work of three districts is completed and remaining is likely to be completed by March 2020.
2 Integrated Power
Development Scheme (IPDS)
Overall 73 per cent progress of IPDS system strengthening scheme has been achieved.
3 Computerized Electricity Billing
More than 22,00,000 consumers of HPSEBL are benefiting.
4 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project
Payroll of 10,000 employees, Pensions of 7000 & GPF of 13500 employees is being processed through SAP ERP System.
5 IPDS (Integrated Power
Development Scheme) IT Phase-II
GPS based GIS survey of assets, Asset Mapping and Consumer Indexing of HPSEBL within the Geographical Boundary of 40 towns covered under IPDS IT Phase-II.
6 Smart Metering solution in Shimla and Dharamshala town
M/s PFCCL will act as a Project Development and Management agency during the implementation.
7 GPS/GIS Mapping and Consumer Indexing
The existing GIS software is integrated with Billing software and AT&C losses of about 220 feeders in 14 Towns are being worked out every month.
8 Real Time Data
Acquisition System (RT- DAS)
The IPDS Monitoring Committee has approved Rs. 3.99 Crore for accurate and real time measurement of reliability of Power Distribution of 54 towns in state
11.5 Future Plans of the Department.
Computerization of all the offices in HPSEBL.
Augmentation and construction of new Sub-Stations and HT/LT lines to provide quality and reliable power to the consumers in the State of H.P.
To reduce the T&D losses.
110 Table 11.3
Project under Execution by HPSEB Ltd.
Sr. No
Projects under HPSEBL Projects Capacity
Status 1 Uhl
Stage- III
100 Likely to be commissioned by March, 2020
2 SaiKoth i Stage- I,II &
Devi Kothi
5 & 16 FCA case is under examination at Dehradun
3 Hail 18 FCA case has been submitted to DFO Salooni for further action.
4 Rasion
& New Nogli
18, 11 The DPR of the project has been submitted to DoE 5 Tikkar &
Kuthar 5,5 DPR has
submitted to Himurja. The NOC’s from PWD, IPH, Industry, Mining, Wildlife departments and Gram Panchayats
have been
11.6 Projects under Operation/
Execution stage through HPPCL are as under:
a. Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Kashang Stage – IV (48 MW) in district Kinnaur and Chirgaun Majhgaon HEP (60 MW) in district Shimla are under advance stages of appraisal with DoE Government of Himachal Pradesh.
b. Triveni Mahadev HEP (78 MW) in district Mandi, Gyspa Dam Project (300 MW) in district Lahul & Spiti and Bara Khamba HEP (45 MW) in district Kinnaur are in different stages of investigation.
c. Two projects totalling installed capacity of 350 MW shall be taken up in 3rd phase and preliminary survey and investigation works are being taken up for these projects.
Pre feasibility reports (PFR) Lujai (45 MW) in district Chamba, has been prepared and work for pre- feasibility reports of Khab HEP (305 MW) in district Kinnaur shall be taken up shortly.
Table 11.4
Projects under HPPCL are given in the table below:
No Sr
Projects under Operation/ Execution stage through HPPCL
Projects Capa city (MW)
Status 1 Integrated
Kashang 243 It comprises four
stages and
generated 1362 MU electricity
2 Sainj 100 This has generated
856.56 MU
3 Sawra
Kuddu 111 The civil works of the project is likely to be completed by June, 2020.
4 Shongtong
Karcham 450 In progress 5 Chanju
and Deothal Chanju
78 By August, 2020 construction works of projects will be started.
6 Renuka ji 40 Investment
clearance to the project shall be accorded by the MoWR.
7 Surgani
Sundla 48 HPPCL would submit the revised DPR to DoE
8 Dhamwari
Sunda 70 DPR of Dhamwari Sunda HEP (70 MW) is also approved, but the matter is currently sub-judice 9 Thana
Plaun 191 The DPR is in Central Electricity Authority (CEA)/
Central Water Commission (CWC) 10 Nakthan 460 Forest Clearance is
pending for past some time due to non issuance of FRA certificate by Barshaini
11 Kishau Multipurp ose Project
660 The project work will be started after signing of the inter- state agreement
Solar Projects:
11.7 HPPCL has set up a 5 MW Berra Dol solar power plant, near Shri Naina Devi Ji Shrine in District Bilaspur. The work was awarded to M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and the contract agreement was signed on 22.07.2017. The plant has been successfully synchronized with HPSEBL grid on 07.12.2018. The project has operated since 04.01.2019. HPPCL has generated 8.58 million units of electricity from this project & revenue generated by sale of power till 31.12.2019 was
`3.53 crore. HPPCL intends to set up another solar power plant of 10 MW capacity at Aghlor in District Una. The Detailed Project Report of the scheme is under preparation.
11.8 Financial Achievements in Respects of Projects under Construction/Implementation Stage:
Following table presents achievements of the projects under construction/implementation stage under Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited are hereunder:
Table 11.5
Financial Achievements
(` in crore)
Sr. No. Name of
Project Budget for FY 2019- 20
Expenditure (April 2019- Dec 2020)
% Utilization
1 Shongtong
Karchham 440.99 128.25 29.08 2 Sawra
Kuddu 78.89 39.94 49.03
Total 519.88 168.19 78.11
Table 11.6
Revenue Generation by Sale of Power (` in crore) Sr. No Name of
Project Revenue
generation by Sale of Power till
1 Integrated
Kashang-I 121.42
2 Sainj 261.35
3 Berra Dol Solar Power Project
Total 386.30
H.P. Power Transmission Corporation Limited
11.9 Himachal Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited (HPPTCL) is an undertaking of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh with a aim to strengthen the transmission network in Himachal Pradesh and to facilitate evacuation of power from upcoming generating plants.
112 The jobs entrusted to Corporation by Government of Himachal Pradesh inter-alia included execution of all new works; both Transmission Lines and Sub-Stations of 66 KV and above voltage rating, formulation, up-gradation, execution of Transmission Master Plan of Himachal Pradesh for strengthening of transmission network and evacuation of power. HPPTCL is discharging the functions of a State Transmission Utility (STU) and coordinating the transmission related issues with Central Transmission Utility, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power (Govt. of India), Himachal Pradesh Government and HPSEB Ltd. Besides, corporation is also responsible for planning and coordination of transmission related issues with IPPs, CPSUs, State PSUs, HPPCL and other State/Central Government Agencies.
Table 11.7
Transmission Projects of HPPTL Sr.
Transmission Projects (Trenche- I)
Projects Cost
(` in crore) 1 Wangtoo, Kinnaur 390.00 2 Chambi, Kangra 47.00
3 Pandoh, Mandi 37.00
4 Hatkoti, Shimla 97.86 5 Gumma, Shimla 143.58
1 Urni, Kinnaur 28.57
2 Lahal, Chamba 280.00 3 Charor-Barnala, Kullu 58.00
4 Budhil, Chamba 7.00
5 Urni- Wangtoo,
Kinnaur 13.85
6 Sunda- Hatkoti,
Shimla 87.00
7 Charor, Kullu 62.91
8 P S Sunda, Shimla 68.36 9 Chami-Dehra-Kangra 18.50
1 Barsaini, Kullu 49.84 2 Hatkoti, Shimla 46.72
3 Mazra, Chamba 68.96
4 Nirmand, Kullu 39.80 5 Bajoli, Holi, Chamba 58.54
6 Lahal-Rajera 115.46
7 Mazra-Karian,
Chamba 37.37
8 Nirmand-Kotla, Kullu 23.09 NOTE: Projects under Trenche –I have
completed, and four number of projects of Trenche-II from above have completed ,whereas other projects under Trenche-II and all projects of Trenche-III are in progress.
In addition to above, Green Energy Corridor-I (GEC-I) funded by KfW amounting to 57 million Euro has been signed in October, 2015. There are following 13 Packages of projects, divided into 14 numbers of sub packages for implementation of works, out of which 9 No’s of projects have been awarded and 1 No’s of projects is in bidding process.
Remaining three packages dropped from the scheme.
Following table shows various schemes under Green Energy Corridor:-
113 Table 11.8
Schemes Under Green Energy Corridor
No. Sr.
Green Energy Corridor (GEC-I) Projects
Work Cost
(` in crore) 1 Construction of lines in
Sunda and from Andhra to Samoli in Shimla
2 Construction of lines at
Tangnu Romai at Sunda 17.21 3 Construction of lines at
Dehan in Hamirpur 110.68 4 Construction of lines at
Bajoli-Holi Lahal in Chamba
5 Additional Transfarme at Charor, Gumma and Pandoh in Kullu, Shimla and Mandi
6 GIS Switching station at
Palchan, Kullu 3.52 7 Transmission line Prini,
Kullu 8.13
8 Transmission Lline
Snail, Hatkoti, Shimla 25.44 Note: The work for all these projects is
in Progress