NSDP = GSDP- Consumption of fixed capital (depreciation)
19. Dependency Ratio: A measure showing the number of dependents (aged 0-14 and over the age 65 ) to the total population (aged 15-65). Also referred to as the “total dependency ratio”.
Calculated by:
No. of Dependents
Dependency Ratio = --- --- X 100%
Population (aged 15-64)
20. Literacy and Education Literate: A person who can read and write in any language is literate. A person who can merely read but cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary that the person should have received any formal education or should have passed any minimum educational standard. All children of age below seven years have been treated as illiterate even though some of them may be attending schools and may be able to read and write a few words.
21. Literacy rate: Literacy rate of the population is defined as the percentage of literates in the age group of seven years and above. For different age groups the percentage of literates in that age group gives the literacy rate.
22. Gross Enrolment Ratio: Gross Enrolment ratio measures what percentage of the total population in the relevant age-group is being covered by the various educational programmes being run in the country, i.e.
Enrolment at stage I
Gross Enrolment Ratio at stage I = -- --- * 100
Population in the age group corresponding to the I stage Two stages are: primary (Classes I-V) and middle (Classes VI-VIII).
The corresponding age-group for these stages are 6-10 years and 11-13 years respectively.
Therefore, gross enrolment ratio for primary stage (I-V) is
Total Enrolment in Classes I-V
Gross Enrolment Ratio for primary stage (I-V) = -- --- * 100 Total Population in the age group 6-11 years
While interpreting these figures it should be noted that there may be many students outside the
age group 6-11 enrolled in classes’ I-V. Therefore, enrolment ratios in some age groups can be
more than 100.
23. Dropout rate: Dropout at primary stage during a given year is defined as the ratio of the difference of enrolment in class I in the fourth year preceding and the enrolment in class V during the year to the enrolment in the class I in the fourt year preceding. In mathematical terms, these rates for primary (I-V), middle (I-VIII) and secondary (I-X) stages are explained below:
Enrolment in class I preceding four year (i.e. 1987-88)
Drop out rates at minus Enrolment in class V during the year (1991-92) Primary stage = --- x 100 during 1991-92 Enrolment in class I preceding four year (i.e. 1987-88)
Enrolment in class I preceding 7 years (i.e. 1984-85) Drop out rates at minus Enrolment in class VIII during the year (1991-92) Middle stage = --- x 100
during 1991-92 Enrolment in class I preceding 7 year (i.e. 1984-85)
Enrolment in class I preceding 9 years (i.e. 1982-83) Drop out rates at minus Enrolment in class X during the year (1991-92) Secondary stage = --- x 100 during 1991-92 Enrolment in class I preceding 9 year (i.e. 1982-83)
24. Trade refers to the act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities, at either wholesale or retail, within a country or between states.
25. Commerce is the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business. This is in contrast with business, the value-creating activities of an organization for profit. The system includes legal, economic, political, social, cultural, and technological systems that are in operation in any country. Thus, commerce is a system or an environment that affects the business prospects of an economy or a nation-state. We can also define it as a second component of business which includes all activities, functions and institutions involved in transferring goods from producers to consumer.
26. Industry is the production of an economic good or service within an economy. Industry is often classified into three sectors: primary or extractive, secondary or manufacturing, and tertiary or services.
Industries can be classified on the basis of raw materials, size and ownership.
Raw Materials: Industries may be agriculture based, Marine based, Mineral based, Forest based.
Size: It refers to the amount of capital invested, number of people employed and the volume of production.
Ownership: Industries can be classified into private sector, state owned or public sector, joint sector and co-operative sector
Data regarding Companies are collected under the companies act, 2013 by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. This section includes the information about no. of companies and their capital activity wise distribution of newly registered companies. Data is provided by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. Of India.
The data regarding no. of registered factories, their Productive Capital (Fixed and Working), total no. of Employee and their emolument including Gross Value Added (in lakh) is presented in table 9.3 while table 9.4 includes Index number of Industrial Production (General Index, Manufacturing and Electricity).
Information regarding total number of registered dealers under Sales Tax Act/DVAT/GST and Receipts under Sales Tax Act/DVAT/GST is given in Table No. 9.5(A) & 9.5(B) and the source of information is Trade & Taxes Deptt. of GNCTD.
The Fifth Economic Census in respect of NCT of Delhi was conducted under the aegis of Directorate of Economics & Statistics. Economics Census is the complete enumeration of entrepreneurial activities operating in the geographical boundaries of State/ Country at a given point of time to come out with the official count of establishments and their characteristics. fifth & sixth Economic Census briefly includes all types of entrepreneurial activities in the field of agriculture (except crop production and plantation) as well as non- agriculture. Entrepreneurial activities mean, all those economic activities dealing with the production or distribution of goods/services not solely for the purpose of own consumption. The result of 6th Economic Census are shown in table 9.6 and the results regarding unorganized manufacturing activities in Delhi on 51
st, 56
th, 62
nd, 67
th, and 73
rdNSS Round are shown in table No.
9.9(A) and 9.9(B). This data is provided by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
In document
Statistical Abstract of Delhi 2022
(Page 194-197)