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Movements Based on Blogging

Blogging and women in Afghanistan

5.9 Movements Based on Blogging

The constant presence of women activists in the virtual space, weblogs and websites and using the relatively secure atmosphere for connecting with the audience has its own disadvantages as well. Including access to limited number of women to Internet, especially in the villages and small towns. Moreover, the movement of


women was due to the ease of access to internet and computer not their audiences.

That is why the gain of freedom of writing has never been enough in comparison with actual and real life confrontation. To reach this goal, there is a need of campaigning, protest and gathering of women from all over Afghanistan to address these issues

In the example of "Justice for Farkhunda ", that the next chapter will explore the evidence in more detail., active women of Afghanistan first started to reach out to as many people and other platforms via cyberspace first by putting images of Farkhunda in their pages and then by candle lighting and street walking they could reach out to global level and grab the attention of people to the incident. They made a protest to altering the law and bringing justice for her. That is how women inside Afghanistan and the civil society of people proved their support of Farkhunda and condemning this catastrophe with their presence in social media right from holding the coffin by women and their following up for the arrest of the criminal (rahemadanyat.com).

Another women's movements call ―young women for a change‖ (YWC), has started from 2012 -2013, initiated by Noorjahan Akbar organized rallies and protested extensively in the virtual space and some major cities including Kabul city, launching under the banner -the street is my right-. With the call from all segments of society, a sustained correspondence with members of the Government, Parliament, and publishing articles in newspapers and interviews with various channels, they tried to draw public attention to the major issue of women harassments in the street and on social networks.

The group's continuous efforts were satisfying and successful in initiating a series of changes in Afghan society. A change began by people‘s considering the thought and then it has become stronger as it gained more support among different parts of society. It then suggested by the Commission of women's Affairs in assembly. And finally The House of the People or Wolesi Jirga has ruled for the law of prohibiting the harassment of children and women with the majority of votes on 9th November, 2016. Although in 2014, the Ministry of Justice issued a rule on the prohibition of women and children harassment, it didn‘t carry an execution weigh like the rules of assembly.

The new legislative act of women‘s sexual harassment‘s prevention has three acts and 29 articles. According to this law, those committed the women and children‘s


harassment in public places and vehicles will be fined from 5-10 thousand Afghan Afghani, -approximately 70-140 dollars-, in the educational, academic and health centers the fine is raise to ten to twenty thousand Afghanis (140 to 290 dollars). Also, the recurring of women and children harassment would place the offender in the jail from three to six months. In this law, due to inappropriate conditions of prisons, the long process of handling the case and effective impact of fine on citizens, the punishments are majorly focused on penalty of fine rather than imprisonment.

Variation of harassments against women and children in Afghanistan that stems due to the population growth, immigration, the negative impacts of war, patriarchy culture and the lack of proper education have increased in the recent years. This has severely caused mental and physical damage to women and children and decreased their participation in the community. The main purposes of this legislative law are to prevent the women‘s harassment, protection of the victims of harassments, providing the appropriate environment for work and education, access to health services and creating awareness to the general public. Any form of harassment from actual, verbal, physical, written and video are considered as an act of crime in this law.

We can say that this has been one of the most significant achievements of civic activity in Afghanistan based on the efforts of women's rights activists and women's movement. According to the members of the Assembly for the formulation of this law, women's rights activists have also been consulted (wj.parliament.af).

Women and children‘s harassment in Afghanistan is not a new phenomenon but talking about it, protesting and complaining have been expressed recently. The first voices of women‘s protest started in blogs and by sharing these experiences of all sorts of it, women encouraged to go to the next level of gaining the courage to reach out to authorities and complain. By witnessing the support of activists, those families who prefer to tamper the harassment by keeping it quiet are now willing to backing their women officially.

Women's communication on social networks made up by creating a supportive network of friendly relations and they stand next to each other in sharing their experiences and give courage to women and girls to speak up about what has happened to them. In Soode‘s blog (rapture in the sidewalk), we can read that she has decided to establish a friendly relationship with her child by educating her to have the


courage of saying ‗no‘, so she would be less harmed in the workplace or educational organizations. Soode, by writing in her blog has found the courage to share her negative experiences and harassments with her child. Such steps act as a model for other women (Personal interview, 11 July 2014).

It is certain that having a law doesn‘t guarantee of problem-solving, adjustment and implementation of laws are in the hands of people. Achieving such result from a movement will surely increase women's confidence to participate in other activities and movements.

In this research we express that whenever an issue in conjunction with Afghan women clearly expressed throughout society and spreading information occurred widely with the precise and focused aim, there was solidarity among women activists, people and institutions to achieve the desirable outcome. But in cases where women‘s activists have appeared weak in unifying the society or couldn‘t acquire the support of men, the heads of tribes, religious and community organizations leader, they have faced legal, cultural and economic challenges.

Hence to conclude the early period of Internet was primarily dominated by business interests and large corporations who had webpages, but with the rise of cheap publishing and cheaper browsing facilities combined with high network penetration, new ideas came to the fore. These ideas included amongst others the creation of a new social media landscape the world over powered by people from many different geographical regions, invisible but yet connected.

It is this transnational cooperation at a very fast pace at low cost and with high levels of a nonentity that has led to large participation of women the world over not only as individual participants but also as collectives. Unlike other collectives the peculiarity of these collectives is that they are composed of networks populated by nodes which are then disseminated and which continue to disseminate information from the world over. In short there is an interaction in the media-the new media where the consumer or the media is also at certain times a producer, in the sense that he or she is also replying and posting messages, comments and other interventions to the earlier posts. It is this interactivity and transnational connections coupled with felicity of expression empowered by using tools of technique in the own line wage through


the Persian script in the case of Afghanistan that has propelled the surge towards a new media.

Some of the immediately visible aspects of blogging in Afghanistan by the women are stories that are told and retold and the most important is the story of the survival of democracy as a fragile institution. The participation by a many women bloggers in the service of democracy has seen to it that the impact of these blogs has created a new audience. This audience is also composed of the same audience which is a consumer of the traditional media, but unlike the traditional media the political economy of the new media differs and therefore the narratives also differ and hear the narrative is of a democracy which is not statist but it flows from the people and that too with that gender spin.

It would not be out of place to highlight some of the most important achievements of blogging in Afghanistan, that is the rise of two women's movements whose names are as follows ―justice for farkhunda‖ and ―young women for a change‖ made a significant impact in civil society. This comes at a particular time in the whole question of civil society as an institution was debated whether it existed in Afghanistan. We see that among the contemporary legislations in Afghanistan by the Parliament, one of the pressure groups that influence the passage of bills against sexual harassment for women and advocacy of women's rights was predominantly an online movement. Because of the activity of this moment that gained its support largely from cyberspace and showed that the moment in cyberspace is not altogether diverse from the ground realities for the results are pictured on to the most important and powerful lawmaking body in Afghanistan namely the legislature.

By far the most important impact which is not directly visible is the impact of the everyday life of women in terms of their party's nation not as passive consumers of media but what as Alvin Toffler called the rise of -the prosumer-the producer and consumer combined together. Such a situation did not exist in the traditional analog media but has become a possibility only in the digital media and the lives of everyday transformation in gendered spaces have been made possible only by this particularly in delicious activities and also in their day-to-day activities in the consumption of news, participation in online forums and more importantly speaking out their mind.

The spread of ICT in Afghanistan is considerable, the critique that women's


participation is less is underrated and there is a visible impact and also not so visible impact in everyday life which has brought about important transformations to the gender skip in Afghanistan. What is very important is that women have found a voice and an agency there and cyberspace.

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* An Internet café, also known as a cybercafé, is a place which provides Internet access to the public, usually for a fee. These businesses usually provide snacks and drinks, hence the café in the name. The fee for using a computer is usually charged as a time-based rat.