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List of Experiments

1. Programs for 16/8 bit arithmetic operations for 8086/8085 (using Various Addressing Modes).

2. Program for sorting an array for 8086.

3. Program for searching for a number or character in a string for 8086.

4. Program for string manipulations for 8086.

5. Program for digital clock design using 8086.

6. Interfacing ADC and DAC to 8086 / 8051.

7. Interfacing stepper motor to 8086 / 8051.

8. Programming using arithmetic, logical and bit manipulation instructions of 8051.

9. Program and verify Timer/ Counter in 8051.

10. Program and verify Interrupt handling in 8051 11. UART Operation in 8051.

12. Communication between 8051 kit and PC.

13. Interfacing LCD to 8051.

14. Interfacing Matrix / Keyboard to 8051.

15. To develop and verify the interfacing ADC and DAC with LPC 2148 ARM Microcontroller.

Course Outcomes:

After going through this course the student will be able to

 Develop the basic skills on hardware and software/programming of microprocessor

 Enhance assembly language programming skills for simple and complex calculations used in various engineering disciplines.

 Capable to innovate and design intelligent systems, called embedded systems, using microprocessor for special purpose.

 Involve in verification of functionality, speed and power of microprocessor based system.

EC45103 Digital Signal Processing L-T-P: 3-0-2;

Cr: 04 Prerequisites: (i) Signals and System Analysis

Objectives: This course concerns with different concepts of Digital Signal Processing and it's need for different real world applications.


43 UNIT –I: Review of z-transform and DTFT-Review of z-transform and DTFT.

UNIT –II: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)-Frequency domain sampling (Sampling of DTFT), DFT and its inverse, zero padding, DFT as a linear transformation (matrix method), properties.

Spectrum analysis using DFT. Filtering of long data sequences using DFT: overlap save method, overlap add method.

UNIT –III: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): Radix-2 FFT algorithms-Decimation-in-time (DIT- FFT) algorithm, Decimation-in-frequency (DIF-FFT) algorithm. Inverse DFT using FFT algorithms.

Goertzel algorithm, Chirp-z transform algorithm.

UNIT –IV: Filter Concepts-Frequency response and filter characteristics, phase delay and group delay, zero-phase filter, linear-phase filter, Simple FIR filters, Simple IIR filters, All pass filter, Minimum-phase system, Averaging filter, Comb filter, Digital resonator, Notch filter, Digital sinusoidal oscillator.

UNIT –V: FIR Digital Filter-Desirability of linear-phase filters, Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters, Filter specifications: absolute specifications, relative specifications, analog filter specifications. Design techniques: windowing, frequency sampling method, digital Hilbert transformer.

UNIT –VI : IIR Digital Filter-Analog filters, Butterworth and Chebyshev approximation. Elliptic Filter, Bessel Filter. Bilinear transformation method, warping effect. Spectral transformation. Design of low pass , high pass, band pass and band elimination filter

UNIT –VII: Realizations of Digital Filters-FIR filter structures: direct form, cascade form, linear- phase form, FIR Lattice structure. IIR filter structures: direct form-I, direct form-II, cascade form, parallel form, All pole lattice structure, lattice-ladder (pole-zero) lattice structure.

UNIT –VIII: Multi-rate Signal Processing-Decimation, Interpolation, The polyphase decomposition, Digital filter banks, Nyquist filters, Two-channel QMF.

Text Book:

1. Digital Signal Processing by Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer , PHI Reference Book:

1. Digital Signal Processing-A Computer Based Approach, S K Mitra, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Digital Signal Processing by John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis, Pearson.

Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to understand the following:

1. Representation of discrete time signals in temporal and spectral domain.

2. Processing of the Discrete-time signals in temporal and spectral domain.

44 3. Analysis and design of different Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters and Finite Impulse

Response (IIR) filters.

4. Realization of digital filters.

5. The concepts of Multi-rate digital signal processing and it's need for signal processing task.

6. The applications of digital signals processing for different real world applications.

Digital Signal Processing Lab:

Objectives: This Lab concerns with hands-on exposure of different theoretical concepts on digital signal processing.

List of Experiment:

Expt.1 Computation of N-point DFT of the length-N sequence

Expt.2 Evaluation of Fast Fourier Transform using (a) Decimation in Time algorithm (b)Decimation in Frequency algorithm

Expt.3 Design of FIR Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band stop filters using rectangular and Bartlett window.

Expt.4 Design of FIR Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band stop filters using (i) Blackman window (ii) Hamming window (iii) Hanning window

Expt.5 Design of IIR Digital- (i) Low pass (ii) High pass (iii) Band pass (iv) Band stop filter using Butterworth approximation

Expt.6 Design of IIR Digital (i) Low pass (ii) High pass (iii) Band pass (iv) Band stop filter using CHEBYSHEV TYPE-I approximation and CHEBYSHEV TYPE-II approximation.

Expt.7 Conversion of Analog to Digital Frequencies using Bilinear Transformation Expt.8 Cascade realization of the given Linear-Phase FIR/ IIR transfer functions Expt.9 Decimation and interpolation and poly phase decomposition

Expt.10 Sampling and reconstruction of a band limited signal Expt.11 Real time filtering of signals like speech/audio/ biomedical Expt.12 Real time filtering of a blurred image

Expt.13 Edge detection of a image

The experiments are to be done on TMS320C6713 DSP trainer kit/ MATLAB environment Lab Outcome: After successful completion of this Lab, students should be able to understand the following concepts:

45 1. Representation of discrete time signals in temporal and spectral domain.

2. Processing of the Discrete-time signals in temporal and spectral domain.

3. Analysis and design of different Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters and Finite Impulse Response (IIR) filters.

4. Realization of digital filters.

5. The concepts of Multirate digital signal processing.

6. The applications of digital signals processing for different real world applications.

CS45101 Object Oriented Programming L-T-P: 3-0-2; Cr: 04

Pre-requisites: Introduction to Computing Course Objectives:

1. To impart knowledge of fundamental object-oriented programming techniques using Java data abstraction, information hiding, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

2. To make students proficient in Java syntax and semantics.

3. To impart ability to design and implement software solutions based on OOPS methodology.

4. To make students design and implement real life projects, e.g., screen saver, simple games etc.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, a student should:

1. Recall basic OOP concepts and the corresponding JAVA features

2. Explain JAVA fundamentals such as: arrays, objects and String, and use them for implementing sample problems

3. Describe OOPS concepts of Inheritance, overriding and polymorphism in JAVA, and solve real life problems using them

4. Relate importance of exceptions, File handling and threading in JAVA

5. Experiment with Applet and Swings framework in JAVA for solving real life problems.

COURSE CONTENT : UNIT I: No. of Lectures: 4

Introduction to OOP, Objects and classes, Characteristics of OOP, Difference between OOP and Procedure oriented programming. Introduction to Java, Features of Java, Applications and Applets, JDK, Source File Structure