Farmer’s Day
6.3.12 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Shikohpur, Gurgaon
The Institute’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra (IARI) at Shikohpur, Gurgaon is playing a significant role in combating unemployment of rural youth through technological empowerment, and improving the farmers’
awareness and farm productivity through various TOT programmes. Front line demonstration (FLD) programme FLDs on oilseeds, pulses and cereal crops are playing a catalytic role in the transfer
and dissemination of location specific crop technologies in the area. During rabi 2006-07 and kharif 2007, 80 demonstrations (covering 39.00 ha) on oilseeds, pulses and cereal crops were organized in the farmers’ fields in 7 villages of 4 blocks of Gurgaon district. Out of 80 demonstrations, 48 demonstrations on mustard (var. Pusa Jagannath), 16 demonstrations on gram (var.
Pusa 1103), 8 demonstrations on lentil (var. K 75), 5 demonstrations on arhar (var. Pusa 992) and 3 demonstrations on moong (var. Pusa.Vishal) were laid out in the farmers’ fields.
An average yield of 1.38, 1.46, 0.94, 1.82, and 1.05 tonnes per hectare in respect of mustard, gram,
lentil, arhar and moong crops was obtained, respectively.
The comparative results revealed that the average yield of mustard, gram, arhar, and moong increased by 14.85%, 10.24%, 12.26%, and 66%, respectively, over that obtained with the farmer’s existing practices. The lentil crop was introduced first time in the FLD programme of KVK.
Sponsored front line demonstrations. During rabi 2006-07, the KVK organized 26 FLDs (covering 8.00 ha) sponsored by the National Fertilizers Limited, Noida (UP) on the use of bio-fertilizer, and 4 FLDs (covering 2.40 ha) sponsored by the National Centre for Organic Farming, Ghaziabad (UP) on organic farming in farmers’ fields in different villages of Gurgaon district. Trainings for different target groups : achievements
The major objectives of on-campus and off-campus trainings were to generate opportunities for income and employment, to provide technical know–how and to update the knowledge of in-service personnel of agriculture departments.
Demonstrations on bio-fertilizers and organic farming
Sponsoring Season/ Crop Variety No. of Area Av. yield of demonstrations(t /ha) Yield of Increase
agency year demonst- (ha) Highest Lowest Average local in yield
rations check over
(t/ha) local check(%)
National Rabi Mustard Pusa 08 3.20 2.21 1.75 1.95 1.91 2.09
Fertilizers 2006-07 Jagannath (Luxmi)
Limited (NFL), Pea* Azad P1 06 2.40 8.00 6.20 7.00 6.80 2.94
Noida (UP) (P.Pragati)
Wheat WH 711 06 2.40 5.40 4.25 4.79 4.71 1.69
(HD 2824)
Theme Total — 20 8.00 — — — — —
(Use of bio- Kharif Bajra Hyb 9444 08 3.20 3.03 2.62 2.81 2.60 8.07
fertilizers) 2007 Jowar** Hyb PSJ 12 2.40 49.00 40.50 43.80 38.00 15.26
Paddy Pusa 06 2.40 5.47 5.02 5.21 4.90 6.32
Sugandh 5
Total —- 26 8.00 —— — — — —
National Rabi Pea Azad P 1 02 1.20 1.23 1.18 1.20 1.55 (-) 22.58
Centre for 2006-07 Wheat WH 711 02 1.20 1.44 1.26 1.35 1.88 (-) 28.19
Organic Total — 04 2.40 — — — — —
Farming, Ghaziabad Theme (Organic farming)
*Application of bio-fertilizers under FLDs
Mustard – Azotobactor + PSB Bajra – Azotobactor + PSB Peas – Rhizobium + PSB Jowar – Azotobactor + PSB
Wheat – Azotobactor + PSB Paddy – Azotobactor + PSB + Azospirillum
* Green pods sold as vegetable
** Sold and used as green fodder
Note: Low yield was obtained because of the use of organic inputs under organic farming
The details of trainings organized for different target groups during 2007 are as follows.
Vocational trainings for rural youth including girls.
During the year, 12 vocational training courses on the subjects, viz., bee-keeping (1), dairy farming (2) dress designing & tailoring (2), landscaping & beautification (1), motor winding (1) Custom service in plant protection (1), establishment and management of orchards (1), vermi- compost technology (1), preservation of seasonal fruits and vegetables (1) and raising of plant nursery under poly-net house (1) were organized. Through these trainings, 224 youth (99 male and 125 female) were benefited.
women were organized in different disciplines to update the knowledge about production and protection technologies of oilseeds, pulses, vegetables and cereal crops, and other allied areas. Through these trainings, 1537 farmers (1101 male and 436 female) were benefited. Agricultural extension activities and farm advisory services
For speedy dissemination of technologies among the farming community, the KVK organized various extension activities in the villages and at KVK campus. During the period under report, 426 such activities were organized. Out of 426, 1 kisan mela, 11 field days on different crops,1 women in agriculture day, 6 animal health day-cum-clinical camps, 1 honey day, 42 method demonstrations, 48 group discussions, 3 camps/campaigns on plant protection, water saving and soil testing, 45 lectures by the subject matter specialist (SMS)on various occasions, 15 programmes on TV/
radio, 106 field visits of scientists/SMS in farmers’ fields, 120 visits of farmers at KVK for farm advisory services, 22 media coverage of different activities and 5 exhibitions were the important activities to mention. Eight hundred sixty five (865) animals were also treated for different types of ailments through animal health camps.
The Krishi Vigyan Patrika, a quarterly Newsletter of KVK in Hindi, continues to provide the latest technologies to the farmers at proper time at their doorsteps. It provides relevant technical know-how related to the production technologies of field crops, fruits, vegetables, home and dairy management.
During the period, 5641 (4137male and 1504 female) members of different farming communities were benefited through these programmes. Among the beneficiaries, 68% belonged to OBC, 11% to SC and 21% to other categories. On-farm testing
During the year 2007, 24 on-farm trials (covering 6.50 ha) were conducted on different field/farm problems, and one trial (covering 20 calves) was conducted on calf mortality. By adopting the tested technologies and recommendations in their farming, the farmers received more profit compared to that obtained with the farmers’ practices. The direct beneficiaries of this programme are playing a catalytic role for other fellow farmers of the village and neighbouring villages.
Three deworming drugs, namely, Albandazole, Morentel citrate and Piprazine were tested on buffalo calves to check calf mortality. Albandazole drug was found to be most effective as compared to other drugs.
Skill training on motor winding
In-service (refresher course) trainings. Two in-service trainings (refresher course) – one on integrated pest management (IPM) and the other on integrated plant nutrient management (IPNM) – were organized for Agriculture Development Officers (ADOs) of Haryana Agriculture Department, Gurgaon during the year 2007. Through these training courses, 31 ADOs were benefited.
Day-long trainings. During the period, 58 day- long training programmes for the practicing farmers and farm
Discipline-wise on/off-campus trainings organized during the year 2007 Training areas No. of trainings No. of beneficiaries
Male Female Total
Crop production 12 240 15 255
Plant protection 16 465 34 499
Horticulture 13 112 61 173
Dairy farming 14 250 300 550
Agril. engineering 02 30 — 30
Home management 01 04 26 30
Total 58 1101 436 1537
Major OFTs, and their comparative yield performance
Sl. No. Field problem/ Technology tested Control (farmer’s practice) Increase in title of OFT No. of trials Treatments Av. yield No. of Treatments Av. yield yield over
(t/ha) trials (t/ha) farmer’s
practice(%) Rabi 2006-07
1. Evaluation of new 04 Clodinofop @ 60 g /ha 3.72 04 Hand weeding / 3.35 11.04 %
herbicide molecule for no use of any
weed control in wheat chemical
2. Application of zinc 04 Zinc sulphatre @25 kg/ha 3.56 04 No use of zinc 2.96 20.27%
sulphate in wheat crops at the time of sowing sulphate
3. Management of 04 Soil treatment with 5.22 04 No use of any 4.78 9.20%
nematode in wheat crops carbofuran (3G) chemical
@ 33 kg /ha & neem cake @500 kg /ha
4. Management of pod 04 i.) Pheromone trap 1.69 04 - One spray of .1.40 20.71%
borer in gram ii.) Use of NPV, @ 1ml/l endosulphan
of water iii.) Neem seed @ 2ml/l of water- extract @ 5 ml/l of water One spray of
iv.) Use of wooden T dichlorovas
sticks for the bird @ 1ml/l of water
predatory birds Kharif 2007
5. Management of pod 05 i.) Use of Pheromone trap 1.85 05 One spray of 1.63 13.50%
borer in arhar ii.) One spray of endosulphan
endosulphan and one @ 2ml/l of water
spray of quinolphos
@ 2 ml/l of water
6. Management of 03 Soil treatment with 1.93 03 Two sprays of 1.50 28.66%
nematode in chillies carbofuran (3G) @ 33 dimethoate (30 EC)
kg/ha -Seedling treatment 2 1ml /l of water at by dipping of roots for 30 and 40 days after
½ h in trizophos (40 EC) transplanting solution @ 2.5 ml /l water