In the present thesis work, proposed declustering models are unsupervised in nature which do not have any target and label information in the catalog. They are blindly applied for clustering and classifying the earthquake events according to the features present in the catalog itself. After label assignment based on the clustering task, supervised learning can
7.2 Future works 133 be implemented in the future with the effective use of artificial neural network techniques.
In the future, intelligence and soft computing systems can be implemented in the spatio- temporal framework which are capable of automatically assigning earthquakes to relevant seismic sources. Many and muti-optimization techniques will be another focus of research in the future for simultaneously optimize the involved parameters by correlating the resulted clusters with known faults. It will be a better choice if more features can be explored like soil behavior, type of the fault and climate change, etc. for recognizing the better pattern or cluster belonging to a seismic region. Declustering seismicity models may be helpful and can be used further for assessment of future hazard analysis, estimation of the occurrence time of large earthquakes and development of predictive models for local and global seismic sources.
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Appendix A
Euclidean and Haversine formula
The Haversine formula [104] is considered the irregularity having in the surface of an earth. It gives the “as-the-crow-flies” distance where earth surface is assumed nearly a spherical. It is the shortest distance along a great circle on a sphere from their longitudes and latitudes. It is easy to implement and a nice balance of accuracy over complexity in spherical trigonometry.
A geometric difference between the Euclidean and Haversine distance is given in Fig. A.1.
The haversine formula is given by
(sin2(∆φ/2) +cos(φA)×cos(φB)×sin2(∆λ/2))] (A.1) DAB=r×∆σ (A.2)
(a) (b)
Fig. A.1.Distance calculation based on: (a) Laws of Haversines (Spherical Trigonometry) (b) Laws of Cosines (Plane Trigonometry).
X =r×cos(φ)∗cos(λ),Y =r×cos(φ)∗sin(λ), Z=r×sin(φ) (A.3) whereris an approximate radius of the earth (6371 Km).φ andλ represents the longitude and latitude in radians. Herez-coordinate does not correspond to an altitude, it is the altitude at North Pole and in the north south direction at equator. The Euclidean distanceDAB∈R3 between two pointAandBis determined as follows:
DAB= q
[(XA−XB)2+ (YA−YB)2+ (ZA−ZB)2] (A.4) or
DAB= q
(φB−φA)2+ (λB−λA)2 (A.5)
Appendix B
Benchmark Functions for Optimization
The information of benchmark test functions which are used to analyze the performance of proposed quantum grey wolf optimizer and its comparison with other algorithms (described in Chapter 6). Here, a Table B.1. highlights the description of each function and their pictorial view is shown in Fig.B.1.
Table B.1 Information about the 2D benchmark test functions
Num Func Name Representationf(x1,x2) Range Global min
F1 Bukin N. 6 100
|x2−0.01x21|+0.01|x1+10| x∈[−15,−5] x∗= (−10,1) x2∈[−3,3] f(x∗) =0 F2 Cross-in-Tray −0.0001
√x21+x22 π
+1 0.1
xi∈[−10,10] x∗= (±1.349,±1.349) f(x∗) =−2.0626 F3 De Jong N. 5
xi∈[−65.536, x∗= (0,0) 65.536] f(x∗) =1 F4 Drop-wave
−1+cos 12.
xi∈[−5.12,5.12] x∗= (0,0) f(x∗) =−1
F5 Egg holder −(x2+47)sin
xi∈[−5.12,5.12] x∗= (512,404.231)
f(x∗) =−959.640 F6 Goldstein-Price [1+ (x1+x2+1)2(19−14x1+3x21−14x2 x1,x2∈[−2,2] x∗= (0,−1)
+6x1x2+3x22)][30+ (2x1−3x2)2(18−32x1 f(x∗) =3 +12x21+4x2−36x1x2+27x22)]
F7 Schaffer N. 1
0.5+ sin
2(x21+x22)2−0.5 (1+0.001(x21+x22))2
xi∈[−5.12,5.12] x∗= (0,0) f(x∗) =0 F8 Schaffer N. 2
0.5+ sin
xi∈[−5.12,5.12] x∗= (0,1.2531) f(x∗) =0.0015 F9 Three Hump Camel 2x21−1.05x41+x66+x1x2+x22 x1,x2∈[−5,5] x∗= (0,0)
f(x∗) =−1.031 F10 Six Hump Camel 4x21−2.1x41+x361+x1x2−4x22+4x42 x1,x2∈[−5,5] x∗= (±0.089,±0.712)
f(x∗) =−1.031
1 d
F11 Ackely Func −a.exp −b s
1 d
1 d
+a+exp(1) xi∈[−32,32] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F12 Alpine N. 1 ∑d
|xisin(xi) +0.1xi| xi∈[0,10] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F13 Griewank’s Func 1+ ∑d
i=1 x2i 4000−∏d
i) xi∈[−600,600] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F14 Hyper-ellipsoid ∑d
i.xi2 xi∈[−10,10] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F15 Powell Sum Func ∑d
|xi|i+1 xi∈[−1,1] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F16 Quartic Func ∑d
i.x4i+random[0,1) xi∈[−1.28,1.28] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F17 Rastrigin Func 10d+ ∑d
(x2i−10 cos(2πxi)) xi∈[−5.12,5.12] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F18 Rosenbrock d−1∑
[b(xi+1−x2i)2+ (a−xi)2] xi∈[−5,5] x∗= (1, ...1) f(x∗) =0
F19 Schwefel 2.20 ∑d
|xi| xi∈[−100,100] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F20 Schwefel 2.21 max
i=1,...,d|xi| xi∈[−100,100] x∗= (0, ...0)
f(x∗) =0
F21 Schwefel 2.22 ∑d
|xi| xi∈[−100,100] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F22 Schwefel 2.23 ∑d
x10i xi∈[−10,10] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0
F23 Sphere Function ∑d
x2i xi∈[−5.12,5.12] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =0 F24 Xin-She Yang N.3 exp
−2 exp
x2i d
cos2(xi) xi∈[−2π,2π] x∗= (0, ...0) f(x∗) =−1
0 50
2 100
-5 F(x1, x2)150
x2 0 200
x1 -10 -2
(a)Bukin N.6 (b)Cross-in-Tray (c)De-Jong Func (d)Drop Wave
(e)Egg holder
0 2 2 4
1 2
F(x1, x2) 105
x2 8
x1 10
-1 -1
-2 -2
(f)Goldstein-Price (g)Schaffer N.1 (h)Schaffer N.2
0 5 500 1000
5 F(x1, x2)1500
x2 0 2000
x1 0 -5 -5
-2000 5 0
5 2000
F(x1, x2) 4000
x2 0
x1 6000
0 -5 -5
0 5
20 10 F(x1, x2)
20 15
x2 0 20
x1 0
-20 -20
(k)Ackely Func
0 10 5
10 F(x1, x2)
x2 5 15
x1 4 2
0 0
(l)Alpine N.1
0 5 0.5
5 1
F(x1, x2) 1.5
x2 0
x1 0 2
-5 -5
(m)Griewank’s (n)Hyper-ellipsoid (o)Powell Sum (p)Quartic Func
0 5 20
5 40
F(x1, x2) 60
x2 0
x1 0 80
-5 -5
(q)Rastrigin Func
0 5 2 4
5 104
F(x1, x2)6
x2 0 8
x1 0 -5 -5
(r)Rosenbrock (s)Schwefel 2.20 (t)Schwefel 2.21
0 100 2000 4000
50 100
F(x1, x2) 6000
x2 8000
x1 10000
-50 -50 0
-100 -100
(u)Schwefel 2.22 (v)Schwefel 2.23
0 5 10 20
5 F(x1, x2)30
x2 40
x1 0 50
-5 -5
(w)Sphere Func (x)Xin-She-Yang N
Fig. B.1.2D representation of benchmark functions used in the study.
Publications from the Thesis work
Peer Reviewed International Journals and Conference Proceedings
J1 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda, “Tetra-stage cluster identification model to analyse the seismic activities of Japan, Himalaya and Taiwan,”IET Signal Processing, vol.12, no.1, pp. 95–103, 2017.
J2 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda, “Weighted Density Peak Space-Time Clustering for Classification of Seismic events,”Journal of Pattern Analysis & Applications, Springer.
(Under review)
J3 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda,“Shared Nearest Neighborhood Intensity Based Decluster- ing Model for Analysis Spatio-temporal Seismicity,”IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.1, no.5, pp. 1–9, 2019.
J4 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda,“A Quantum Grey Wolf Optimizer based Declustering model in Ergodic framework,”Elsevier Journal of Computational Science, vol.36, pp.
101019, 2019.
C1 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda. “Declustering of an Earthquake Catalog Based on Ergodicity using Parallel Grey Wolf Optimization,”Proceeding of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2017), pp. 1667–1674, Sen-Sebastian, Spain, 05thto 8th June 2017.
C2 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda, “A Variable ε-DBSCAN Algorithm for Declustering Earthquake Catalogs,”Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Soft Comput- ing for Problem Solving (Springer-SocProS-2017), pp. 639–651, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, 23thto 24th Dec 2017.
C3 R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda, “Shared Nearest Neighbor Based Classification of Earth- quake Catalogs in Spatio-temporal Domain,” Proceeding of IEEE 4thInternational Conference on Computing, Control and Automation (IEEE-ICCUBEA-2018), pp. 1–6, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, 17thto 19thAug 2018.