• No results found

radiation with MO transport has been explored. Finally, we have studied Faraday rotation which should be possible to be realized in the experiments.



A Chebyshev expansion

The first kind Chebyshev polynomials can be defined as,Tn(x)=cos(ncos−1(x)) in the range [−1, 1]. The recursion relations, T0(x)=1, T1(x)= xand Tn+1(x)=2xTn(x)−Tn1(x) and the orthogonality relation,

Z 1

1Tn(x)Tm(x) dx


2 (A.0.1)

are satisfied by these polynomials. The expansion of the Dirac delta in terms of Chebyshev polynomials, can be written as,





1+δn0, (A.0.2)


n()= 2Tn() π√

1−2. (A.0.3)

Also the Green‘s function can be expressed in terms of theTn(x) as,




gσ,λn ()Tn(H0)

1+δn0, (A.0.4)


gσ,λn ()=−2σieniσcos1(+iσλ)

p1−(+iσλ)2. (A.0.5)

The functiongσ,λrepresents both the retarded and the advanced Green’s function in the limit λ→0+, whereλis the finite broadening parameter. g+,0+ andg,0+ are the retarded and the advanced Green’s function respectively. Hence, the Dirac deltas and Green’s function are combinations of a polynomial ofH0 (the unperturbed Hamiltonian) and a coefficient which are functions of the frequency and the energy parameters. The trace in the conductivity can TH-2574_166121018

be written as a trace over a product of polynomials and ˆhoperators. TheΓmatrix needed in the expression of conductivity is written as,

Γnα11···,···,αnmm= Tr N



1+δn10 · · ·h˜αmTnm(H0) 1+δnm0


, (A.0.6)

whereNis the number of unit cells. The upper indices can be used for any number of indices:

α111α21· · ·α1N1 and ˜hα1 =(i¯h)N1α1. Here the coefficients of the Chebyshev expansion can be written similarly in a matrix form as,



df()∆n() (A.0.7)


Λnm(ω)=¯h Z




+∆n()gmA(/h¯−ω), (A.0.8) where f()=(1+eβ(µ))1 is the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, where βis the inverse temperature andµis the chemical potential. Hence the first-order conductivity becomes,

σαβ(ω)= −ie2c2ω









whereΩcis the volume of the unit cell.

Also, the density of states can be found in terms of Chebyshev polynomials using Eq. (A.0.2) as,

ρ()= 1

NTrδ(−H0)= 1 π√




µnTn(), (A.0.10)

whereN=dim ˆH0is the Hilbert space dimension,µndenotes the Chebyshev moments. The Chebyshev momentsµnis,

µn= 1 N


2 TrTn(H0). (A.0.11)


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