7.73 Himachal Pradesh has been gifted by mother nature with rivers emanating from glaciers which traverse through hilly terrains and finally enrich the semi-plain area of the state with their oxygen rich water. Its linearly flowing rivers Beas, Satluj and Ravi receive many streams during their downward journey and harbour the precious cold water fish fauna such as Schizothorax, Golden Mahseer and exotic Trouts. Cold water resources of the state have shown their potential with the successful completion of ambitious Indo-Norwegian Trout farming project and tremendous interest shown by the hill populace for the adoption of evolved technology. The commercially important fish species in Gobind Sagar and Pong Dam reservoirs, Chamera and Ranjeet Sagar Dam have become a tool for the upliftment of local population. About 5,337 fishermen in the state depend directly on reservoir fisheries for their livelihood. During 2019-20 up to December, 2019 cumulative fish
production was 9,308 metric tonne valued at `118.64 crore. The reservoir of Himachal Pradesh has the distinction of highest per hectare fish production in Govind Sagar and highest sale price value of fish catch in Pong Dam in the country. During current year upto December, 2019, 7.24 tonne trout has been sold from the state farms and
`81.70 lakh has been earned. The sale of fish in the last year is shown in Table 7.11
Table 7.11 Trout Production
7.74 The Department of Fisheries has constructed Carp as well as Trout seed production farms in the state to cater the requirement of reservoirs rural ponds and commercial farms in public as well as private sector.
During 2019-20 up to December, 2019 total 15.36 lakh fingerlings of the size 70 mm and above of common carp 3.58 lakh of the same size IMC and 3.67 lakh of Rainbow Trout have been produced in the State. The approximate value of total seed production produced during the year 2019-20 up to December, 2019 is `38.63 lakh. Despite hilly terrain of the state aquaculture is being given due importance. Under “Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojna” (RKVY) an outlay of
`101.10 lakh has been approved by government with the breakup as shown in Table 7.12
Year Production
(in tonne) Revenue (`in lakh) 2016-17
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20(upto Dec.,19)
18.78 10.32 8.34 7.24
141.35 129.75 118.22 81.70
87 Table 7.12
No. Sl. Name of scheme Outlay Amount
(` In lakh) 1.
Construction of 31 units of Trout Raceways in private sector
Construction of the one fish landing centre at State Reservoir.
Total `101.10
7.75 The Department of Fisheries has initiated many welfare schemes for the upliftment of fishermen. Fishermen are covered under insurance scheme where `2.00/1.00 lakh is given (in case of death/ permanent disability) in case of partial disability) and `10,000 towards hospital expenses and even losses to their gear and crafts are also being borne by the state government to the extent of 50 percent under “Risk Fund Scheme”. A contributory saving scheme has been initiated by the state government under this scheme Fisherman, state and centre is contribute equally .This fund is provided to the fisherman during close season.
During the year 2019-20 an amount of
`111.30 lakh,( `37.10 lakh contributed by the fisherman plus `74.20 lakh as financial assistance from the state and centre government) will be provided to 3,710 fishermen under Saving–cum–
Relief Fund Scheme.
7.76 A 550 self employment opportunities were generated by the Fishry department under various schemes. Under Blue Revolution department has envisaged construction
of 1,000 hectare new ponds and 1,000 trout units in the state by 2022. Central Sector Scheme of Blue Revolution is being shared in 90:10 between central and state government. Under this scheme during 2019-20
Construction of 20 ha. new ponds/tanks will be done in private sector with financial assistance of
`79.90 lakh.
Establishment of 6 Trout Feed Mill in private Sector with financial assistance of `24.00 lakh. In Kullu, Mandi, Chamba, Shimla and Sirmaur District for the production of high quality of fish in the State.
Establishment of 6 Trout hatcheries in private Sector with financial assistance of `60.00 lakh.
Establishment of 120 Trout farming units in the State.
Matsya Mudra Scheme for aquaculture development in private sector
Establishment of trout cages in Koldam reservoir in Govt,.sector
Establishment of 3 retail outles for fish farming in the State
Establishment of Recirulatory Aquaculture system in Government sector.
An outlay of `76.69 crore has been proposed under CCS on Blue Revolution Integrated Development and Management of fisheries during 2019-20.
7.77 Achievements of the Fishries department during the financial year 2019-20 up to December, 2019 and proposed targets for 2020-21 are shown in Table 7.13
88 Table 7.13
7.78 Forests in Himachal Pradesh cover an area of 37,947 Sq. Km. and account for 68.16 percent of total geographical area of the state.
However, presently 28.60 percent of the total geographical areas support Forest cover. The main objective of Himachal Pradesh Forest Policy is the proper utilization of forests, conservation and extension. The aim of the Forest department is to enhance the forest cover in the state to 30 percent of its geographical area by 2030 to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The plan programme taken up by the Forest department aims at fulfilling these policy commitments.
Some of the important plan programme activities are as under:-
Forest Plantation:
7.79 Forest plantation is being carried out under various state plan schemes such as Improvement of tree cover, and soil conservation, Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) as well as centrally sponsored scheme “National Afforestation Programme”, pasture and grazing lands of the state are being managed under state scheme development of Pasture and grazing lands. Van mahotsava at state, circle and division levels is also celebrated for educating the masses and creating awareness amongst all stakeholders regarding forestry and environmental concerns under New Forestry Scheme (Sanjhi Van Yojana).
Apart from this, the department is organizing plantation drive involving local communities like Mahila Mandals, Yuvak Mandals, Local people and public representatives since 2018-19. During the current monsoon season, the department organized 5 days plantation campaign throughout the state w.e.f.
20th to 24th July, 2019 and target to plant 25 lakh was fixed. This drive gained a huge success and 1,18,932 people enthusiastically participated in the campaign and 26,47,146 plants were planted at 727 selected places. For the year 2019-20, plantation target of 9,000 hectares Including CAMPA and centrally sponsored schemes has been fixed out of which 8,475.23 hectares target stands achieved and remaining target would be achieved upto 31.03.2020.
Sl.No Items Achieved
upto December,
Targets fixed for the year
2019-20 1. Fish Production
from all sources(in tonnes)
9308.23 14200.00
2. Fish Seed Production Carp farms (lakh)
202.42 730.00
3. Table size trout production (in tonnes) Government sector
7.24 16.00
4. Table size trout production (in tonnes) Private Sector
300.30 669.00
5. Employment
generated (nos.) 358 .00 550.00 6. Total Revenue of
the department(lakh)
275.05 427.73
Forest Management (Forest Fire Prevention & Management Scheme):
7.80 Forests in the state are subject to increasing biotic pressure due to increase in human populations, changing animal husbandry practices and developmental activities. Forests are exposed to perils of fire, illicit felling, encroachments and other forest offences. Forest protection is being strengthened by equipping check posts at sensitive places with CCTVs to ensure electronic surveillance to curb forest offences. Fire fighting equipment and improved techniques are also being introduced and made available to all the forest divisions where fire is a major destructive element. Communication network for effective management and protection of forest wealth is very important. Keeping these factors in view, centrally sponsored scheme- Forest Fire Prevention & Mananagement Scheme (earlier known as Intensification of Forest Management Scheme) is being implemented in the state. During the year 2019-20 an outlay of `222.07 lakh has been approved as Central share (90%) and state share `24.67 lakh under Forest Fire Prevention and Management Scheme. Another scheme under state plan namely “Forest Fire Management Scheme” has been introduced with a budget provision of
`100 lakh during 2019-20.
Experimental Silvicultural Felling:
7.81 Forest wealth of Himachal Pradesh is estimated at more than `1.50 lakh crore. By the permission of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India the state has
been allowed for silvicultural green felling of three species viz. Khair, Chil and Sal on experimental basis in three ranges-Nurpur range of Nurpur Forest Division, Bharari range of Bilaspur Forest Division and Poanta range of Poanta Forest Division under the supervision of Hon’ble Supreme Court Monitoring Committee constituted for the purpose. The felling of trees was carried out during 2018-19 and during 2019-20 Fencing, plantation, recuperation of areas under Experimental Silvicultural Felling is being carried out strictly as per recommendations of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Monitoring Committee .