Section 7
Section 8 Escape
8.1 Notification to crew
8.1.1 A General Alarm System or Public Address System, operable on normal and emergency modes, is to be provided on board to notify the crew at all locations of the ship, of a fire on board.
8.1.2 General Requirement of General Alarm or Public Address System: Power supplies and electric circuits necessary for the operation of the system are to be monitored for loss of power or fault conditions as appropriate. Occurrence of fault condition is to initiate a visual and audible fault signal at the control panel. There is to be not less than two sources of power supply for the electrical equipment used in the operation of the GA/PA systems one of which is to be emergency source. The supply is to be provided by separate feeders reserved solely for this purpose. Such feeders are to run to an automatic change over switch situated in or adjacent to the control panel for the GA/PA system; The control panel is to be located in the navigation bridge or in the main fire control station; A section of GA/PA system which covers a control station, a service space, accommodation space, corridor or stairway enclosure are not to include a machinery space of major fire hazard. Suitable instructions and component spares for testing and maintenance are to be provided; The function of the GA/PA system is to be periodically tested. GA/PA systems should have fire zone identification and isolation capability and are to be so arranged that;
- a loop cannot be damaged at more than one point by a fire within a fire separated space in any fire zone. For this purpose loop is not to pass through a space twice. Where this is not practical the part of the loop which by necessity passes through the space for a second time is to be installed at the maximum possible distance from the other parts of the loop;
- means are provided to ensure that any fault (e.g. power break; short circuit; earth) occurring in the loop will not render the whole loop ineffective;
- all arrangements are made to enable the initial configuration of the system to be restored in the event of failure (electrical, electronic, informatic).
8.2 Means of escape 8.2.1 General Requirements At least two widely spaced means of escapes are to be provided from all spaces or groups of spaces. Stairways and Ladders are to be arranged to the lifeboat and life raft embarkation stations from accommodation spaces and from spaces where crew is normally employed. All escape routes , stairways, ladders and hand rails are to be of steel or equivalent materials construction.
Indian Register of Shipping Doors in escape routes are to be in general opening in the general direction of escape, except cabin doors which are not to open into escape routes and are to be provided with emergency escape “kick off” panels. Dead End Corridors of length greater than 7 m are not acceptable. Escape routes are to be provided with emergency lighting and marked with low intensity floor board lighting or photo-luminescent tapes. Escape hatches and scuttles are to be operable from both sides. They are to be of sufficient size to allow passage of personnel wearing breathing apparatus.
8.2.2 Means of Escape from Machinery Spaces As a minimum, two steel ladders, located as widely separated as possible, leading to doors in the upper part of the space from which access is provided to the open deck, are to be provided for each machinery space. One of the ladders to be located within a protected enclosure, the access to which from the machinery space should be through a self closing fire door operable from both sides. The ladders are to be accessible from various levels in the machinery space where crew would normally be working.
8.2.3 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices. Approved ‘Emergency Escape Breathing Devices’ are to be located in machinery, accommodation, service and other spaces where crew would be employed (Refer to IMO MSC /Circ.849 for the performance, location, use and care of EEBDs). The number and locations of EEBDs are to be marked in the Fire Control Plan mentioned in Section 9.
Section 9 Fire Control Plans
9.1 Fire control plans are to be permanently exhibited at suitable locations including the DCHQ (Damage Control Head Quarters), for the guidance of the crew of the ship showing clearly for each deck the following :
− the control stations,
− the sections of the ship which are enclosed by fire-resisting divisions,
− the particulars of the fire alarms, fire detection systems, the sprinkler installations, the fixed and portable fire-extinguishing appliances,
− the means of access to the various compartments and decks in the ship,EEBDs,
− the ventilating system including particulars of the master fan controls, the positions of dampers and identification numbers of the ventilating fans serving each section of the ship,
− the location of the international shore connection, if fitted and
− the position of all means of control referred to in 3.4, 4.2, 5.1 and 5.2
9.2 A duplicate set of fire control plans or a booklet containing such plans is to be permanently stored in a permanently marked, fire proof, weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse for the assistance of shore side fire-fighting personnel.
Indian Register of Shipping
Section 10 Fireman’s Outfits
10.1 All ships are to carry at least two fireman’s outfits complying with the requirements of 10.4 10.2 Additional sets of personal equipment and breathing apparatus may be required having due regard to the size and type of the ship
10.3 The quantity of fireman’s outfit for each ship is to be in accordance with the Indian coast guard regulations.
10.4 The fireman’s outfits or sets of personal equipment are to be so stored as to be easily accessible and ready for use and, where more than one fireman’s outfit or more than one set of personal equipment is carried, they are to be stored in widely separated positions. At least two fireman’s outfits and one set of personal equipment are to be available at any one control station.
The storage of firefighter’s outfits and personal equipment are to be permanently and clearly marked.
10.5 A fireman’s outfit is to consist of:
a) Personal equipment comprising:
i) Protective clothing of material to protect the skin from the heat radiating from the fire and from burns and scalding by steam or gases. The outer surface is to be water-resistant.
Reference is made to latest version of ISO 6942 : Clothing for protection against heat and fire; evaluation of thermal behaviour of materials and material assemblies when exposed to source of radiant heat.
ii) Boots and gloves of rubber or other electrically non-conductive material. Reference is made to IEC 903-1988 (latest amendment) : Specification for gloves and mitts of insulating material for live working.
iii) A rigid helmet providing effective protection against impact;
iv) An electric safety lamp (hand lantern) of an approved type with a minimum burning period of 3 hours. Electric safety lamps intended to be used in hazardous areas are to be of an explosion proof type. Reference is made to IEC Publication 79; and
v) An axe. The handle of the axe is be provided with high-voltage insulation.
b) A breathing apparatus of an approved type which is to be :
i) A self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus, the volume of air contained in the cylinders of which is at least 1200 [litres] or other self-contained breathing apparatus which is capable of functioning for at least 30 [mins]. Two spare charges suitable for use with the apparatus are to be provided for each required apparatus.
ii) For each breathing apparatus a flexible fireproof lifeline of approx. 30 [m] length and sufficient strength is to be provided capable of being attached by means of a snap hook to the harness of the apparatus or to a separate belt in order to prevent the breathing apparatus becoming detached when the lifeline is operated. The lifeline is to be subjected to a test by static load of 3.5 [kN] for 5 [min].
Indian Register of Shipping