S- Box realization using Linear Cellular Automata and second
7.3 Directions for future work
7.3 Directions for future work
Based on the outcome of this thesis work, this section provides the possible future directions for research.
(i) The CFA based S-Box has been implemented on FPGA. Further, the CFA based S- Box architecture can be implemented with different irreducible polynomial equations in order to examine hardware utilization and power consumption.
(ii) The concept of CA has been used for the construction of S-Box for AES, Camellia.
Further, the proposed S-Box architecture can be investigated for implementation with folding and pipelining techniques where high throughput is essential.
(iii) The proposed encryption algorithms using HLCA and HRCA2 can be realized using folding, sub-pipelining technique for better performance. A thorough analysis is required in order to implement these techniques.
(iv) The F function architecture of Camellia with RCA2 and PCA using folding and unfolding techniques can be implemented for better performance .
(v) In this work, a set of cryptographic properties have been considered in order to examine the security level of the achieved cipher text of encryption algorithm. A better analysis can be developed in order to check the robustness of cipher text against unauthorized attacks such as power analysis attack and linear cryptanalysis.
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List of Publications
List of Publications
Journal Publications
• Published Papers:
1. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed“Programmable Cellular Automata based low power Architecture to S-Box : An Application to WBAN”, in Springer, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 37, pp.1116-1133, 2017.
2. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed “Low Power S-Box Architecture for AES Algorithm using Programmable Second Order Reversible Cellular Au- tomata: An Application to WBAN”, in Springer, Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 40, no.12, pp.257-269, Dec. 2016.
3. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed “Design of cryptographically se- cure AES like S-Box using second-order reversible cellular automata for wireless body area network applications”, in IET, Healthcare Technology Letters, 3, pp.
177-183, 2016..
4. Hemangee K, Rao, G. Bhoopal and and Arshi, Sharique and Trivedi, Gaurav
“A Security Framework for NoC Using Authenticated Encryption and Session Keys”, in Springer, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 32, no 06, pp.2605-2622, 2013..
Conference and Workshop Publications
1. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed“FPGA implementation of com- pact S-Box for AES algorithm using composite field arithmetic”, 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, 2015, pp. 1-5.
2. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed“Analysis and algebraic construc- tion of S-Box for AES algorithm using irreducible polynomials”, 2015 Eighth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), Noida, 2015, pp.
List of Publications
3. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed3, R. Mahapatra and R. K. Sinha
“Design of cryptographically secure AES S-Box using cellular automata”, 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), Visakhapatnam, 2015, pp. 1-6.
4. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed “Low Hardware Complexity En- cryption Algorithm using 1st Order 1-D programmable Linear Cellular Au- tomata”, in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN 2017. pp. 385-389.
5. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari, Shaik Rafi Ahamed“FPGA Implementation of Hybrid Linear Cellular Automata based Encryption Algorithm”, in Proc. International Conference on Circuits and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2017. pp.281-285.
Manuscripts to be Communicated
1. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari , Shaik Rafi Ahamed“Ultra Low power Consumption Hybrid Second Order Cellular Automata based Encryption Algorithm”, to be submitted in IEEE Trans on Information Forensic and Security.
2. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari , Shaik Rafi Ahamed“Low Power F function Archi- tecture for Camellia Algorithm using Second Order Cellular Automata”, to be submitted in IEEE Trans on Very Large Scale Integration .
3. Bhoopal Rao Gangadari , Shaik Rafi Ahamed“Low PowerF function Architec- ture for Camellia Algorithm using Linear Programmable Cellular Automata”, to be submitted in IEEE Trans on Multi-Scale Computing Systems.