7.5 Diffraction
Interference and diffraction 141 form of wedges so that light reflected from those faces need not be accounted for. The working principle is the same as that of a dielectric slab described above. If the gap between the mirrors can be varied, it is referred to as an interferometer, while a fixed-gap system with some transparent material inside is called anetalon. The latter is used to resolve the spectral lines in standard spectroscopic devices.
FIGURE 7.12: Plane wave incident on an aperture.
whereλ >Λmax is limited to a small region directly in front of the opening.
It is here only that all wavelets will interfere constructively. The idealized geometric shadow corresponds to the case whenλ→0.
7.5.1 Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction
Consider again an opaque screen with a small aperture, illuminated by a plane wave. We can distinguish three distinct regimes so far as the distances of the screen from the source and the point of observation are concerned.
1. The plane of observation is very close to the screen. An image of the aperture is projected onto the screen. There may be some slight fringing effect at the edges.
2. The observation screen is moved farther apart. The image of the aper- ture, though recognizable, becomes structured as fringes at the edge become more prominent. This is a Fresnel or near-field diffraction.
3. At large distances, the produced pattern spreads out significantly with no resemblance of the image with the aperture. This is a Fraunhofer or far-field diffraction. If we could decrease the wavelength at this stage, the pattern would revert to Fresnel diffraction. If the wavelength could be reduced to zero, then the fringes would vanish, leading to the geometrical shadow.
The plane wave in Fig. 7.12 can be thought of as coming from a point source very far apart. If the point source is moved to the aperture, the spherical waves
Interference and diffraction 143 would impinge on the aperture, and a Fresnel pattern would exist even at a large distance of the aperture from the observation plane. It is important to note that as long as both incoming and outgoing waves approach being planar (differing therefrom by a small fraction of a wavelength) over the extent of the aperture, Fraunhofer diffraction holds. On the contrary, when the aperture is too close to the source or the observation plane, which results in a curvature of the phase front, Fresnel diffraction prevails. We can write a practical rule of thumb for the region where Fraunhofer diffraction takes place:
R > a2
λ, (7.74)
whereRis the smallest of the two distances of the aperture from the source and from the point of observation, andais the linear dimension of the aperture. For R→ ∞, finite size effects of the aperture are of little consequence. Effectively, this can be achieved by putting two lenses before and after the aperture. In the remainder part of this section, we concentrate on the Fraunhofer diffraction from various sources.
7.5.2 N coherent oscillators
Consider a linear array ofN identical oscillators with the same initial phase angle. Also consider a far-off observation point P (Fig. 7.13). If the spatial extent of the oscillators is small, the wave amplitudes arriving atP would be the same, having traveled almost the same distance:
E0(r1) =E0(r2) =E0(r3) =..=E0(rN−1) =E0(rN). (7.75)
r1 r2 r3 r4
rN d
FIGURE 7.13: An array ofN equispaced coherent sources.
Then the sum of the interfering wavelets atP is given by the real part of E=E0(r)ei(kr1−ωt)+E0(r)ei(kr2−ωt)) +· · ·+E0(r)ei(krN−ωt), (7.76)
1 +eik(r2−r1)+· · ·+eik(rN−r1)i
. (7.77)
In terms of the phase difference between the adjacent sourcesδ given by
δ=kΛ =kdsinθ, (7.78)
the total field can be written as E=E0(r)ei(kr1−ωt)
1 + (eiδ) + (eiδ)2+...+ (eiδ)N−1
, (7.79)
eiδN −1 eiδ−1
. (7.80)
The last term in the brackets in Eq. (7.80) can be simplified to eiδN −1
=eiδ2(N−1)sin δN2
sinδ2 . (7.81)
Thus the final expression for the amplitude can be written as E=E0(r)e−iωtei[kr1+(N−1)δ2] sin δN2
sinδ2 . (7.82)
Denoting the distance from the center of the array toP byR, where R=r1+N−1
2 dsinθ, (7.83)
Eq. (7.82) can be rewritten as
E=E0(r)ei(kR−ωt) sin δN2
sinδ2 . (7.84)
The corresponding flux density is given by I=I0
sin2 δN2 sin22δ =I0
sin2 N kd2sinθ
sin2 kdsinθ2 . (7.85) Here the numerator undergoes rapid oscillation while the denominator varies slowly. The combined expression yields sharp principal peaks separated by small subsidiary maxima. Principal maxima occur atθm, satisfying
δ= 2mπ, m= 0, ±1, ±2 · · · (7.86) or for
dsinθm=mλ, m= 0, ±1, ±2 · · · . (7.87)
Interference and diffraction 145 Note that the ratio of the squares of the sines in Eq. (7.85)→N2at principal maxima, and hence the corresponding irradiance is given byN2I0. This hap- pens since all the oscillators are in phase. There are maxima in the direction perpendicular to the array form= 0 and θ0= 0, π. As θincreasesI falls off to zero atN δ/2 =πat the first minimum. Note also that if d < λ, only the principal maximum corresponding tom= 0 or the zeroth order exists.
7.5.3 Continuous distribution of sources on a line
Consider an idealized line source along they-axis with width≪λas shown in Fig. 7.14. LetDbe the entire length of the source. Each point on the source emits a spherical wavefront,
r exp[i(kr−ωt)]. (7.88)
This case is distinct from the previous one since the sources are weak, their numberN is very large and their spacing is vanishingly small. Let the length of the source be divided into M equal segments ∆y. Each of these segments will have ∆yN/D sources. Pick a segment ∆yi (i= 1 − M) at a distanceri
fromP. The contribution to the field amplitude from thei-th segment is Ei =E0
ri exp[i(kri−ωt)]∆yiN/D. (7.89) Transition to a continuous distribution corresponds to the limit N → ∞. Defining a source strength per unit lengthElas the limit ofE0N/DasN→ ∞, we can write the expression of the net field atP due to allM segments as
exp[i(kri−ωt)]∆yi. (7.90) Let the point of observation be far off, i.e.,R≫D. Thenr(y) never devi- ates appreciably from the midpoint valueR. ThusEl/Ris essentially constant.
x P R
z -D/2
FIGURE 7.14: Single slit.
The fielddE due to a lengthdy of continuous sources can be written as dE= El
Rexp[i(kr(y)−ωt)]dy. (7.91) Note that phase is much more sensitive to a change in y, and r(y) can be approximated by
r(y)≈R−ysinθ. (7.92)
The total field can be obtained by integration of Eq. (7.91):
R ei(kR−ωt) Z D/2
e−ikysinθdy. (7.93) This finally yields
β ei(kR−ωt). (7.94)
The corresponding intensity is given by I(θ) =I0
sinβ β
. (7.95)
The variableβ in Eqs. (7.94) and (7.95) is given by
β = (kD/2) sinθ= (πD/λ) sinθ. (7.96) It is clear that I(θ) = I0, for β = 0, and this corresponds to the principal maximum. Note that there is symmetry about they-axis and this expression holds forθmeasured in any plane containing this axis.
Two important points must be noted.
• When D ≫ λ, β can be large and the intensity falls off sharply as θ deviates from zero. The phase as per Eq. (7.94) is equivalent to that of a point source located at the center of the array at a distance R from P. Thus a long line of coherent sources is equivalent to a point emitter radiating predominantly in the forward direction. Its emission resembles a circular wave in thexz plane.
• When D ≪ λ, β can be small, resulting in I(θ) = I0 since for this case sin(β)/β ≈1. Irradiance is constant for all θ and the line source resembles a point source emitting a spherical wave.
7.5.4 Fraunhofer diffraction from a single slit
We can now discuss the diffraction pattern from a single slit based on the understanding of a line source. Let the slit have a widthb, which is much less than its lengthl. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 7.15. The width can be
Interference and diffraction 147 z
x θ
FIGURE 7.15: Diffraction from multiple slits.
several hundred of wavelengths. Usually the length is a few centimeters. The aperture can be thought of as a collection of long differential strips (dz×l).
Each strip can be replaced by a point source on thez-axis emitting a circular wave in thexzplane. There will be very little diffraction parallel to the strips.
Thus the problem is reduced to one of finding the field in thexz plane due to an infinite number of point sources over the width of the slitb. Thus for the intensity we have Eq. (7.95) withβgiven by Eq. (7.96) withDreplaced byb, i.e.,
I(θ) =I0
sinβ β
, β= (kb/2) sinθ= (πb/λ) sinθ. (7.97) Extrema ofI(θ) occur at values ofβ determined by the equation
dβ =I02 sinβ(βcosβ−sinβ)
β3 = 0. (7.98)
Minima occur forβ =±π,±2π,±3π,· · ·. Whenβ= tanβ, subsidiary maxima occur in between two consecutive minima.
There is a simple way to understand the diffraction pattern. The expression θ= 0 corresponds to maximum and all rays are in phase. Whenbsinθ1=λ, a ray from the center of the slit isπout of phase from the ray from the top.
Another ray slightly below the middle will be out of phase with the one slightly below the top. Thus all the pairs will cancel out and for sinθ1 = λ/bthere will be perfect cancellation leading to the zero minimum. The same happens whenbsinθ1= 2λand so on. The general zeros occur atbsinθm=mλ.
7.5.5 Diffraction from a regular array of N slits
ConsiderNidentical long parallel slits each of widthband center-to-center separationd(see Fig. 7.15). The flux distribution for this case can be written
I(θ) =I0
sinβ β
2sinN α α
. (7.99)
In Eq. (7.99)I0 is the intensity alongθ= 0 emitted by any of the slits and
I(0) =N2I0. (7.100)
Eq. (7.100) implies that waves arriving atP are all in phase forθ= 0. If the width of each slit were to shrink to zero, one would recover the expression for an array of coherent sources. Principal maxima occur atα= 0, ±π ±2π· · ·, when (sinN α)/(sinα) =N. Sinceα= (ka/2) sinθ, this condition reduces to
asinθm=mλ, m= 0,±1,±2,· · ·. (7.101) Minima occur whenever
α=±π N,±2π
N · · · ± (N−1)π
N , ±(N+ 1)π
N ,· · ·. (7.102) Between consecutive maxima, there will beN−1 minima. Between each pair of minima, there will be a subsidiary maximum. The subsidiary maxima are located approximately at points where sinN α has maximum value:
α=±3π 2N,±5π
2N · · ·. (7.103) The pattern above is modulated by a single slit diffraction envelope. The pattern is shown inFig. 7.16for b= 25λ, a= 4b and N = 4. The top panel shows the variation of (sin(β)β )2 and the middle one that of (sin(N α)sin(α) )2, while the bottom panel shows the whole pattern modulated by the pattern of a single slit.
7.5.6 Fresnel diffraction
As discussed earlier Fresnel diffraction holds when the source or the obser- vation point is close to the aperture. In that case we need to deviate from the plane wavefront approximation as in Fraunhofer diffraction. The experimental situation here is somewhat simpler since one can avoid the collimating optics.
However, the mathematical description is much more complex and one has to resort to several approximations.
7.5.7 Mathematical statement of Huygens-Fresnel principle Consider the diffraction schematics shown inFig. 7.17, where the spherical wavefronts from a point source are incident on an aperture, which is not so far from the observation point P. Let the distances from an elemental areada on the aperture be at a distancer′ from the source andrfrom the observer.
Compared to the Fraunhofer diffraction, the case under study has several distinguishing features:
Interference and diffraction 149
−0.05 −0.04 −0.03 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
−0.05 −0.04 −0.03 −0.02 −0.010 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 5
10 15 20
−0.05 −0.04 −0.03 −0.02 −0.010 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 5
10 15 20
sin(θ) (a)
FIGURE 7.16: The diffraction pattern for a grating with b= 25λ, a= 4b andN = 4. (a) shows the variation due to a single slit, (b) that ofN coherent sources, while (c) shows the whole pattern due to the grating.
1. Since the approaching waves at the aperture and the observation points are no longer plane, bothrandr′enter the relevant diffraction formulas.
2. Since the the direction from various pointsOon the aperture to a given field point P may no longer be considered approximately constant, the dependence of amplitude on the direction of Huygens wavelets needs be considered. This correction is achieved by the so-called obliquity factor.
Let the contribution to the disturbance at P due to the elemental areada be given by
dEP = dE0
eikr, (7.104)
where the amplitude is proportional to the area da, i.e., dE0∼ELda. Since the amplitudeEL arises due to the point source at S, we have
EL= Es
eikr′. (7.105)
FIGURE 7.17: The schematics of Fresnel diffraction.
Combining Eqs. (7.104) and (7.105), except for a constant we have dEP =
eik(r+r′)da. (7.106)
Thus the field at P due to the entire aperture can be written as EP =Es
Z Z 1 rr′
eik(r+r′)da. (7.107) Eq. (7.107) is incomplete on two counts: (i) it does not incorporate the obliq- uity factorF(θ), and (ii) it does not have theπ/2 phase change of the diffracted wave with respect to the incoming wave. After incorporating these changes the formula now reads
EP = −ikEs
2π Z Z
F(θ) eik(r+r′) rr′
da, (7.108)
where−i= exp(−iπ/2) accounts for the phase shift andF(θ) is given by F(θ) =1 + cos(θ)
2 . (7.109)
Eq. (7.109) holds still under the approximationλ < b < r, r′. The integration is to be performed over a closed surface, including the aperture. Kirchhoff’s approximations amount to the fact that the wave function and the derivative vanish right behind the opaque part of the screen. The vector fieldE is ap- proximated by a scalar having the same value at the aperture as in the case of its absence.