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Courses offered

In document University of Hyderabad (Page 38-43)

Academic Activities

2.1 Courses offered

The following courses were offered by the University during the year 2013-2014:

a). 5 year Integrated M.Sc. in Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Chemical Sciences, Systems Biology, Optometry &

Vision Sciences., Health Psychology and Earth Sciences.

b). 5 year Integrated M.A. in Languages (Telugu/Hindi/Urdu), Language Science, and Social Sciences (Economics/

History/Political Science/Sociology/Anthropology).

c). M. Sc. in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics – Operations Research, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Plant Biology & Biotechnology, Molecular Microbiology, Animal Biotechnology; Biotechnology, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences and Health Psychology.

d). Integrated M.Sc/Ph.D. Biotechnology.

e). M.A. in English, Philosophy, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, Applied Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology and Communication (Communication & Media Studies, Print Journalism & New Media and Television & Radio, M.P.A. (Master of Performing Arts) in Dance-Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam, and Theatre Arts; M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts) in Painting / Print-Making / Sculpture, Art History.

f). Master of Public Health (MPH) g). Adv. PG Dip. in Mineral Exploration h). Adv. PG Dip. in Folk Culture Studies i). PG Diploma in Health Communication j). M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications)

k). M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration), Health Care & Hospital Mgt.

l). M. Tech. Courses in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Computational Techniques (CT), Integrated Circuit Technology (ICT), Bioinformatics, and Mineral Exploration

m). M.Tech. Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences and Technology.

n). M. Phil. in English, Philosophy, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature, English Language Studies, Dalit and Adivasi Studies and Translation, Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Regional Studies; Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Indian Diaspora Cognitive Science, and Gender Studies.

o). Ph.D. in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics – Operations Research, Computer Science, Physics, Electronics Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Animal Sciences, Biotechnology, ACRHEM, Earth

& Space Sciences, Neural and Cognitive Sciences, English, Philosophy, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature, Sanskrit Studies, Economics, English Language Studies, Dalit and Adivasi Studies and Translation, History, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Regional Studies, Folk Culture Studies, Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy, Indian Diaspora, Science Technology and Society Studies, Human Rights, Management Studies, Gandhian Economic Thought, Gender Studies, Communication, Dance, Theatre Arts, Psychology, Buddhist Studies, Materials Engineering, Nano Science & Technology and Medical Sciences.

The student strength in each course and other details are at Chapter 4.

2.1.1 Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning

The Centre is one of the oldest centres of the University of Hyderabad which was officially established in the year 1994, based upon the directions received from the UGC and MHRD. The Centre initially started with two diploma programmes. Presently it is offering fourteen One year Post Graduate Diploma Programmes, which are employable, knowledge oriented and skill developing programmes. These programmes are offered through distance mode, i.e. correspondence cum contact programme. Most of the students are working employees from various state and central government offices, few are IAS and IPS Officers, lawyers, magistrates; some are executives from multinational companies, corporate sectors, NGOs and also housewives. These distance programmes are also approved by the UGC-AICTE-DEC joint committee. In order to maintain the standards in the quality of teaching in distance courses, the regular faculty from the university have put their best efforts in designing the courses, framing the syllabus, development of study material and conducting the contact classes. The regular faculty are also involved in the examination and evaluation process. Though there is lot of demand all over the country for these courses, the university has not permitted to any study centres as the quality of teaching at the study centres will differ from the main campus. The students of these programmes have to attend 6 to 10 days for the contact classes once a year except for some management courses, twice in a year. The Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning is also jointly offering Post Graduate Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture (PGDTMA) with NAARM (National Academy of Agricultural Research Management), Post Graduate Diploma in Telecommunications (PGDTC) with BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited), and Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Science (PGDCJ&FS) with Truth Labs, Hyderabad for the benefit of the students in quality of learning and practical training.

the total strength of the students for the year 2013-14 is 1261.

S. No. Programme No. of Students

Applied No. of Students Admitted

1 PGDPM – Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management 223 148

2 PGDLAN – Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation & Net-

working 119 88

3 PGDCL&IPR – Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber laws & Intellectual

Property Rights 137 87

4 PGDBM – Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management 223 168

5 PGDENM – Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management 125 87

6 PGDCE – Post Graduate Diploma in Communicative English 237 180

7 PGDCJ&FS – Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Foren-

sic Science 135 84

8 PGDG – Post Graduate Diploma in Governance 64 44

9 PGDHR – Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights 63 49

10 PGDTSH – Post Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies in Hindi 86 78

11 PGDTC – Post Graduate Diploma in Telecommunication 94 45

12 PGDMB – Post Graduate Diploma in Medicinal Botany 66 41

13 PGDTMA – Post Graduate Diploma in Technology Management

in Agriculture 176 100

14 PGDCAQM – Post Graduate Diploma in Chemical Analysis and

Quality Management 128 62

total 1876 1261

As per the new MHRD and DEC, New Delhi Guidelines, the centre has made all efforts for ICT based learning. It is in the process of developing a Virtual lab and Virtual class room for the students. It has converted all its study materials in to the soft copies for the easy accessibility to students.

Further, the Centre has also made arrangements for conversion of all the study material into audio format for the flexible learning of the students so that the students can listen to the study material course wise, chapter wise depending upon the availability of time.

The Centre has also made sub domain with the help of TCS Company for uploading in the web site like assignment questions, circulars and study material.

The Centre has also developed a Virtual Computer Laboratory and Virtual Class Rooms in the Second Floor of the CDVL at Golden Threshold.

Further the CDVL has signed MoU with BSNL – NATFM for jointly offering a programme in PG Diploma in Telecom Technology Management (PGDTTM). The course will be offered from the year 2014-15 onwards.

The NAAC peer team visited the CDVL at Golden Threshold on 10th January, 2014 and appreciated the serene atmosphere in the G.T. Campus. They congratulated the authorities for making Golden Threshold at beautiful heritage campus and at the same time advised to go for complete technology based learning.

The Centre has proposed to conduct the following national workshop under Lifelong Learning Programme.

National workshop on “Forensic Examination of Questioned Documents and Disputed Fingerprints” on 14th and 15th June, 2014 at DST Auditorium, University of Hyderabad main campus. The workshop will be jointly organized by CD&VL, University of Hyderabad and Truth Labs, Hyderabad.


Director: Prof. S. Jeelani (Specialization – Pharmacognosy and Environmental Sciences using Satellite data, Technology based Education)

Guest Faculty – Dr. Neelima Volety ( Specialization – Criminal Justice ) Academic Coordinators

Prof. Panchanan Mohanty, CALTS, PGDCE Prof. S. Mallikarjuna Rao, PGDENM

Prof. B. Raja Shekhar, School of Management Studies, PGDBM Prof. I. Ramabramham, Dept. of Political Science, PGDG Prof. G. Sudarshanam, Dept. of Political Science, PGDHR Prof. V. Krishna, Dept. of Hindi, PGDTSH

Prof. K. Seshagirirao, School of Life Sciences, PGDMB Prof. E. Hari Babu, Dept. of Sociology, PGDSRD and PGDTMA Dr. Mary Jessica, School of Management Studies, PGDPM Dr. V. Uma, IGM Library, PGDLAN

Dr. Rajeev Wankar, School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, PGDCL & IPR Dr. D.B. Ramachary, School of Chemistry, PGDCA&QM

Dr. Nageswara Rao, School of Physics, PGDTC

Dr. Gandhi P.C. Kaza, Truth Labs, Hyderabad PGDCJ&FS 2.1.2 Study in India Program

SIP started its sixteenth year of short term programs for international students with a four weeks long five credits course on ‘Contemporary India’ for a total of 27 students. The program included 22 students sponsored by the Nordic Centre in India (NCI), and five from the universities in the USA. Dr. Shaji S., Department of Political Science, was the coordinator.

A total of 85 international students participated in several programs of SIP during the session 2013-2014. The collaborators who sent students to SIP included, among others, the University of California’s Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), Nordic Centre in India (NCI), American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS) and International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), and Dartmouth College.

The fall semester program (July 2013 – November 2013) commenced with 36 students. Besides the usual interest in SIP courses like Basic Hindi, Conversational Hindi, Basic Telugu, Indian Philosophy, and Kuchipudi Dance, the students also opted for several courses offered in the School of Social Sciences, viz. Department of History, Political Science, Sociology, Indian Diaspora, and Anthropology. In the School of Humanities, students picked up courses in the Department of English, Philosophy and in CALTS. In the Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication (S N School), students opted for courses in Communication.

Dance. Again, in this semester also, students attended the courses offered in History, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Regional Studies and Health Psychology. The students opted for courses in Department of English, Department of Philosophy and in CALTS. They also chose courses in Communication, including the new course Community Media and the Public Sphere.

One of the partners, Dartmouth College, an Ivy League institution, for the third time brought six students for a 10-week special program for their Gender and Film Studies and Asian studies students. The Dartmouth college students were accompanied by their faculty, Prof. Reiko Ohnuma, with EXPERTISE in Buddhism in South Asia / Hinduism in South Asia / women and religion, who also taught a course during these 10 weeks.

At the end of both the fall and the spring semesters, the students put up colourful cultural evenings at a packed DST auditorium. It has become a convention now to have them perform for the campus community towards the end of a semester. The program is a good combination of what they learnt in India as well as what they brought back from home.

In collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Studies, the Study in India Programme also organized on the campus, a distinguished lecture on “How Motherly is the Mother Tongue?” by Suniti Namjoshi followed by ‘Writers in Conversation’ with Bama Sivakami, Salma Revathi A and Urvashi Butalia on January 27, 2014.

2.1.3 UGC - Academic Staff College Director: Prof. Y. Narasimhulu

Associate Professor: Dr. S. Sudhakar Babu

The Academic Staff College (UGC-ASC) is an important unit in the University of Hyderabad. This is the only linkage for the University with Undergraduate sector. This training wing of the University was established in the year 1987 as a follow up of 1986 Education Policy.

The Academic Staff College offers in-service training courses for the teachers of Higher Education from all over the country. For the newly recruited teachers, the ASC conducts Orientation Courses for four weeks, which is highly skill oriented. Refresher Courses are offered for the senior teachers. Refresher Courses are discipline specific and focus on the latest research in the concerned discipline. Till August 14, 2014, the Academic Staff College has conducted a total number of 295 Courses, which include 88 Orientation Courses and 207 Refresher Courses. The training imparted by the Academic Staff College has benefited around 10,400 teachers from different states of the country since its inception. Apart from the training programmes the faculty is also taking up the teaching assignments and research guidance in their respective departments.

Courses during 2013-2014:

The Academic Staff College has organized six Orientation Courses, eleven Refresher Courses during 2013-2014.

Workshops and Seminars during 2013-2014:

The Academic Staff College has organized one Professional Development Programme and three Principal Workshops during 2013-2014.

Courses during 2014-2015:

During 2014-2015 the Academic Staff College is proposed to organize five Orientation Courses, five Short term/

Professional Development Programmes and twelveRefresher Courses in the following subjects:

Sl. No. Courses

1 Research Methodology (Social Sciences)

2 Summer School on Innovative Methods in Teaching & Research

3 English

4 Chemistry

5 Mathematics

6 Economics

7 Physical Education 8 Experimental Physics 9 Life Sciences

10 Research Methodology (Social Sciences)-Winter School 11 English Language Studies

12 Gender Studies Admissions

Advertisements announcing admissions to various courses for the academic year 2013-2014 were published in newspapers all over the country on 27th December, 2012. In response to these, 34,915 applications were received for admission to various courses as against 27,278 received in the previous year. Keeping in view of the national character of the University, entrance tests were held from 21st to 26th, February, 2013 at 33 centers, namely, Ahmedabad, Aizawal, Ananthapur, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, New Delhi, Dimapur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kadapa, Karimnagar, Kolkota, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nizamabad, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Shillong, Srinagar, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Vizianagaram, Visakapatnam and Warangal.

Out of 34,915, 28,678 candidates appeared for the written tests and 1759 candidates have completed their admission. In addition, 25 nominees of North-Eastern states and Union Territories and Jammu & Kashmir as per the existing provisions in this regard, 16 foreign nationals and 12readmitted students also took admission.

The details of admissions made during 2013-2014 course-wise as well as category-wise (GE/SC/ST/PH) are given in the following tables:

Table 10 : Postgraduate courses Table 13 : Ph.D programmes Table 11 : M. Phil Programmes Table 14 : At a glance Table 12 : M. Tech. Programmes

SC/St/OBC admissions

15% and 7.5%, about 15% of 27% of seats in various courses were reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes with a provision for interchangeability between these two categories and in respect of OBC seats to fill the vacant seats from open category, wherever necessary.

A special admission notice was issued in 17.01.2013 in various newspapers exclusively for the attention of SC/ST candidates highlighting the percentage of seats available to them in different courses, hostel accommodation and other facilities offered to them such as exemption from payment of registration fee, etc.

Information regarding student enrollment under reserved categories since inception of the University is given in Table 9.

A total of 18,153 candidates from SC, ST & OBC categories applied for admission to various courses. The minimum eligibility conditions for admission were relaxed for SC, ST and PH candidates to enable them to appear for entrance tests. Merit lists were drawn up separately for these candidates course-wise and admissions were made against seats reserved for them following the prescribed percentage. 296 SCs (14.32% of the total joined), 142 STs (6.87%

of the total joined) belonging to these categories took admission to various courses, as shown in Table 4, during the year 2013-2014. 399 OBCs (19.33% of the total joined); and 39 PH (1.89% of the total joined). 46 SC, 49 ST, 188 OBC candidates got admission under the open merit in the entrance exams fulfilling the educational qualifications on par with the open category. Including these admissions, the percentage of SC, ST and OBC candidates admitted is at 19.5%, 9.95% and 32.69% respectively of the total admitted.

The enrollment of students into 1st year during the year 2013-14 is at 1901 which includes 12 cases of re-admission.

the admission of SC candidates is summarized in the following table:

Course total Intake

Seats reserved for SCs (15% in each


total seats filled

No. of SCs admitted under


SC% of filled seats

PG degree courses 1256 190 1130 175 13.93

M. Phil 255 38 229 45 17.64

M. Tech 206 33 143 28 13.59

Ph.D. 350 51 257 48 13.71

Total 2067 312 1759 296 14.32

the admission of St candidates is summarized in the following table:

Course total

Intake Seats reserved for Sts (7.5% in each


total seats

filled No. of Sts admitted under


St% of filled seats

PG degree courses 1256 98 1130 90 7.16

M. Phil 255 20 229 22 8.62

M. Tech 206 14 143 9 4.36

Ph.D. 350 24 257 21 6.00

total 2067 156 1759 142 6.89

Information regarding student enrollment under reserved categories since inception of the University is given in table 9.

2.2.2. Physically handicapped candidates

Three percent of seats in each course were reserved for physically handicapped (PH) candidates. Under this category, 39 students took admission during the year under report. With this, the total number of physically handicapped students on the rolls of the University during the year rose to 116.

2.2.3 Women students

The University continues to encourage them to join various courses by providing them hostel and other facilities on priority. Since inception of the University, the percentage of women students admitted to various courses has been fairly high as may be seen from table 8. During 2013-2014, there were 1864 women students on the rolls of the University constituting 36.13% of the total student strength. The University not only provided hostel accommodation to all outstation women students, but also tried to do so for those in the twin cities who needed it.

2.2.4 Student strength

On the closing day of admission for 2013-2014, the total student strength of the University stood at 5159, of which 968, 502, 1568 and 116 students belonged to SC, ST, OBC and physically handicapped categories respectively.

The School and Department-wise breakup of students is given in table 6.

The State-wise details of students admitted to various courses during the year 2013-2014 are given in table 7.

The enrollment of students since inception of the University is given in table 8.

In document University of Hyderabad (Page 38-43)