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Classification of space use

In document Indian Coast Guard Ships (Page 169-173)

Structural Fire Protection

2.2 Classification of space use

Section 2

(ii) Service Spaces:

Spaces used for food preparation except galleys, pantries containing food warming appliances, lockers, mail rooms, workshops not forming part of machinery spaces, and similar spaces are considered as Service Spaces.

c) “Areas of minor fire hazards” referred to in Tables 2.1 by ‘C’, include the following spaces:

− Auxiliary machinery spaces containing refrigerating, stabilization, ventilation / air-conditioning machinery, switch boards of total capacity below 110 KW and similar spaces

− Stores spaces

− Fuel tanks

− Recreational spaces

− Tanks, voids and areas of little or no fire risk

− Corridors and stairway enclosures

− Accommodation spaces other than that mentioned in b)

− Trunks in direct communication with the above spaces.

d) “Control stations” referred to in Table 2.1 by ‘D’, where navigating equipments ( in particular, the steering control and the compass, radar and direction finding equipment )., communication equipments, propulsion and auxiliary power control equipments, propulsor control equipments, steering and stabilization control equipments, fire and damage control equipments, weapons direction and control equipments, emergency source of power, public address system etc are located.

Explanations to Control Stations referred in d) above:

1. Where in the paragraphs relevant to fixed fire-extinguishing systems, there are no specific requirements for the centralization within a control station of major components of a system, such major components may be placed in spaces which are not considered to be a control station.

2. Spaces containing, for instance, the following battery sources are to be regarded as control stations regardless of battery capacity:

.1 emergency batteries in separate battery room for power supply from black-out till start of emergency generator;

.2 emergency batteries in separate battery room as reserve source of energy to radiotelegraph installation;

.3 batteries for start of emergency generator; and .4 in general, all emergency batteries.

e) “Evacuation stations and external escape routes” referred to in Table 2.1 by ‘E’, include following areas:

− External stairs and open decks used for escape routes

− Assembly stations, internal and external

− Open deck spaces and life boat and life raft embarkation and lowering stations

− The vessel’s side to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, superstructure and deckhouse sides situated below and adjacent to the liferaft’s embarkation areas.

f) “Open spaces” referred to in Table 2.1 by ‘F’, include the following areas:

− Open spaces locations other than evacuation stations and external escape routes and control stations.

Indian Register of Shipping

2.2.2 Insulation values of spaces with special characteristic of two or more groupings:

Where a space has the special characteristic of two or more space groupings, the structural fire protection time of the divisions is to be the highest for the space groupings concerned. For example, the structural fire protection time of the divisions of emergency generator rooms is to be the higher value for the space when the space is considered as being a control station ‘D’ and a machinery space ‘A’.

2.2.3 Separating partial bulkheads of spaces

If a space is divided by partial bulkheads into two (or more) smaller areas such that they form enclosed spaces, then the enclosed spaces are to be surrounded by bulkheads and decks in accordance with Tables 2.1, as applicable. However, if the separating bulkheads of such spaces are at least 30% open, then the spaces may be considered as the same space.

2.2.4 Cabinets

Cabinets having deck area of less than 2 [m2] may be accepted as part of the space they serve provided they have open ventilation to the space and do not contain any material or equipment which could be a fire risk.

Table 2.1 : Structural fire protection times for separating bulkheads and decks within a vertical fire zone.


A Areas of major fire hazard

60(1,2) 60(1,2)

30 60(1)

(3) 60(1,8)

(3,4) 60(1)

(3) 60(1)

- 60(1,6,8) B

Areas of moderate fire hazard

30(2) 30(2)

(3) 30(7)

(3,4) 60

(3) 30

- (3)

C Areas of minor fire hazard

(3) (3)

(3,4) 30(7)

(3) (3)

- (3)

D Control stations

(3,4) (3,4)

(3) (3,4)

- (3)

E Evacuation stations and escape routes

(3) (3)

- (3)

F Open spaces

- -

Notes : the figures on either side of the diagonal line represent the required structural fire protection time, in minutes, for the protection system on the relevant side of the division. When steel construction is used only the greater of the required protection times need be applied on the relevant side.

1. The upper side of the decks of ro-ro spaces need not be insulated.

2. Where adjacent spaces are in the same alphabetical category and a note 2 appears, a bulkhead or deck between such spaces need not be fitted unless deemed necessary by IRS. For example, a bulkhead need not be required between two storerooms. A bulkhead is,

Indian Register of Shipping

however, required between a machinery space and a ro-ro space even though both spaces are in the same category.

3. No structural fire protection requirements, however a smoke-tight division of non- combustible material is required.

4. Control stations which are also auxiliary machinery spaces are to be provided with 30 min structural fire protection.

5. There are no special requirements for material or integrity of boundaries where only a dash appears in the tables.

6. Fire-resisting divisions need not comply with 1.4.1 e).

7. When steel construction is used, fire-resisting divisions adjacent to void spaces need not comply with 1.4.1 e).

8. The fire protection time may be reduced to 0 min for those parts of open ro-ro spaces which are not essential parts of the vessel’s main load bearing structure, and where personnel need not have access during any emergency.

9. Ventilation openings may be accepted in entrance doors to public toilets provided they are positioned in the lower portion of the door and fitted with closable grilles operable from outside the space and made of non-combustible material.

Fig.2.3.1 a)

Fig.2.3.1 b)

Indian Register of Shipping

Fig.2.3.1 c)

In document Indian Coast Guard Ships (Page 169-173)