• No results found

Although providing an array of interesting insights and a new matrix with 4 new typologies, there is still an opportunity for further research.

Using the methodology, research could be conducted in media organisations in other sectors, in other countries, or across different countries to see what can be added to the original findings. Other industries, where there has been more brand co-creation research, would still benefit from more perspective from the organisational side. A further consideration around the methodology would be to approach the data collection and analysis through a brand architectural lens; perhaps purposively looking at media brands at different levels of the branded house or exploring those media organisations who are demonstrating a house of brands approach.

179 It is hoped that other researchers will take the key conclusions and original findings and connect them with their own experiences and begin new research projects. This could be done by taking the 4 typologies and transferring them to other settings (Daymon and Holloway 2011). In addition, further investigation could also be

undertaken around each of the typologies to further enrich knowledge. For example, the extended brand identity could be further researched in connection with brand co- creation to understand the detailed impact on the different extended identity facets of personality, visual and relationship. In addition, further research could be undertaken to gain richer insight into the relinquishing of creativity within organisations. This would be particularly pertinent for industries where creativity is integral to their success.

Finally, future research could investigate the viewpoint of audiences and other

stakeholders. This would add a rounded viewpoint to the research, adding knowledge to the general branding literature as well as in the field of media brand management.


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