and the correct expression for the upper-state lifetime is tn¼ 1
An¼ 1 P
mAnm, (3:3:12)
where the summation is over all statesmwith energyEmlower than the energy leveln (see Fig. 3.6). Numerical values of the “Acoefficients”Anmare usually included in tables of oscillator strengths. Radiative lifetimes of excited atomic states are typically on the order of 10 –100 ns.
the real part of our solution forx(t) is the (real) electron displacement. This approach is used frequently in solving linear equations such as (3.4.3). We solve (3.4.4) by writing x(t)¼aei(vtkz), (3:4:5) and after inserting this in (3.4.4) we obtain
mE0: (3:4:6) Therefore the assumed solution (3.4.5) satisfies Eq. (3.4.4) if
a¼ ^1(e=m)E0
v2v20þ2ibv, (3:4:7) and the physically relevant solution is therefore
x(t)¼Re 1^(e=m)E0ei(vtkz) v20v22ibv
: (3:4:8)
Note that (3.4.8) actually gives only the steady-state solution of (3.4.3). Any solution of the homogeneous version of (3.4.3) can be added to (3.4.8), and the sum will still be a solution of (3.4.3). The homogeneous version is
dt2 þ2bdxhom
dt þv20xhom¼0, (3:4:9) and its general solution is
xhom¼[Acosv00tþBsinv00t]ebt, (3:4:10) where underdamped oscillation (bv0) is by far the most common occurrence, so
v00¼(v20b2)1=2v0: (3:4:11) We will usually neglect the homogeneous part of the full solution to (3.4.3). This is obviously an approximation. The approximation is, however, an excellent one whenever
b: (3:4:12)
Under this condition,ebt 1, and we can safely neglect the homogeneous component (3.4.10) because it makes only a short-lived transient contribution to the solution.
Even though the damping time 1/bis very short, it is not the shortest time in the pro- blem. Typically, the oscillation periodsT0¼2p/v0andT¼2p/vassociated with the natural oscillation frequencyv0or the forcing frequencyvare very much shorter. In the case of ordinary optically transparent materials such as atomic vapors, glasses, and many crystals and liquids, bothv0andvare typically in the neighborhood of 1015s21, andb falls in a wide range of much smaller frequencies:
b106–1012 s1v0,v: (3:4:13)
Relations (3.4.12) and (3.4.13), taken together, imply that times of physical interest must be much longer than an optical period:
tb1v10 ,v1: (3:4:14) That is, steady-state solutions of (3.4.3) are valid for times that are many periods of oscil- lator vibration (T0¼2p/v0) and forced vibration (T¼2p/v) removed fromt¼0, but they cannot be used to predict the oscillator’s response within the first few cycles after t¼0. This is, however, no real restriction in optical physics, as it is equivalent to
t1015 s (¼103ps¼1 fs): (3:4:15) One femtosecond (fs) is a time span one or two orders of magnitude smaller than can ordinarily be resolved optically.
To calculate the rate at which energy is absorbed from the field, we consider the rate at which work is done by the field on an oscillator at positionzalong the direction of propa- gation of the presumed plane-wave, monochromatic field:
dt ¼F
v¼Fdxdt ¼1^eE0cos(vtkz) dxdt : (3:4:16)The (steady-state) velocitydx/dtfor the oscillator follows by differentiation of (3.4.8):
dt ¼ 1^(e=m)E0
(v20v2)2þ4b2v2[2bv2cos(vtkz)v(v20v2) sin(vtkz)]: (3:4:17) We now use this expression in (3.4.16) and average over times large compared to 1/v as in the preceding section. This amounts to the replacement of cos2(vt2kz) by12and sin(vt2kz) cos(vt2kz) by 0, resulting in
dW dt ¼e2
mE201 b
b2v2 (v20v2)2þ4b2v2
for the cycle-averaged rate of work. We have used the fact that^1
^1¼1, i.e., that1^is a unit vector (see also Problem 3.5).Sincebv,v0, the dimensionless quantity in brackets in Eq. (3.4.18) will have a very small value unless the field frequencyvis near the oscillator resonance frequency v0. More precisely, frequency “detunings”jv02vjmuch larger thanbresult in very little absorption. Thus we make the approximationv0þv 2v0, or
(v20v2)2¼(v0v)2(v0þv)24v20(v0v)2 (3:4:19) in (3.4.18), and likewise approximatev3byv30in the numerator and 4b2v2by 4b2v20in the denominator inside the brackets:
dW dt e2
mE02 bv20
4mE20 (1=p)b (v0v)2þb2
: (3:4:20)
We can write the rate of absorption of energy by the oscillator,dW/dt, in terms of the circular frequencyn¼v/2p¼c/lof the field:
dW dt ¼ e2
8mE02 (1=p)dn0
, (3:4:21)
n0¼ v0
2p (3:4:22)
dn0¼ b
2p: (3:4:23)
It is also convenient to write the absorption rate in terms of the field intensity
In¼12ce0E20, (3:4:24) where the subscript indicates thatInis the intensity of the assumed monochromatic field of frequencyn. Thus,
dW dt ¼ e2
4mce0InL(n), (3:4:25) where the “lineshape function”L(n), which determines the dependence of the absorption on the field frequency, is defined by
L(n)¼ dn0=p
(nn0)2þdn20: (3:4:26) This is called the Lorentzian lineshape function, or Lorentzian distribution, and is plotted in Fig. 3.7.
The Lorentzian function is a mathematically idealized lineshape in several respects.
We have already shown that it is the near-resonance approximation to the more compli- cated function appearing in (3.4.18). The function is defined mathematically for negative frequencies, even though they have no physical significance. It is exactly normalized to unity when integrated over all frequencies, as is easily checked:
1dnL(n)¼dn0 p
(nn0)2þdn20¼1, (3:4:27) and the normalization is approximately the same when only the physical, positive fre- quencies are used. The approximation is excellent for dn0n0 [recall (3.4.13)]. In other words, the contribution of the unphysical negative frequencies is negligible
because the linewidth is negligible compared to the resonance frequency, and in this senseL(n) is physically as well as mathematically normalized to unity.
The maximum value ofL(n) occurs at the resonance frequencyn¼n0: L(n)max¼L(n0)¼ 1
pdn0: (3:4:28) Atn¼n0+dn0we have
L(n0+dn0)¼ 1 2pdn0
2L(n)max: (3:4:29) Because of this property, 2dn0is called the width of the Lorentzian function, or thefull width at half-maximum(FWHM), and dn0 is called thehalf width at half-maximum (HWHM). The Lorentzian function is fully specified by its width (FWHM or HWHM) and the frequencyn0where it peaks. The peak value of the absorption rate is
dW dt
¼ e2
4mce0InL(n0)¼ 1 4pe0
mcdn0In, (3:4:30) and it decreases to half this resonance value when the field is “detuned” from resonance by the half widthdn0of the Lorentzian function.
Our classical theory thus predicts that the absorption is strongest when the frequency of the light equals the oscillation frequency of the electron oscillator. Far out in the wings of the Lorentzian, wherejnn0j dn0, there is very little absorption. A knowledge of the widthdn0is therefore essential to a quantitative interpretation of absorption data.
–3 –2 –1 0
Lorentzian lineshape L(n)
n – n0 dn0 2dn0
0 1 2 3
Figure 3.7 Lorentzian lineshape function.
To determine the numerical value ofdn0in a given situation, we must consider in some detail the physical origin of this absorption width. This we do in Section 3.8.
We shall see that the absorption rate does not always have the Lorentzian form (3.4.25). However, we can in general write
dW dt ¼ e2
4mce0InS(n), (3:4:31) where the lineshape functionS(n), whatever its form, is normalized to unity:
dnS(n)¼1: (3:4:32) As in the case of spontaneous emission, two changes to the classical oscillator theory of absorption are required to obtain quantitatively correct formulas. First, we introduce the oscillator strengthf, in this case replacing (3.4.31) with
dW dt ¼ e2f
4mce0InS(n): (3:4:33) Second, we account for the fact that atoms are found only in states of allowed energy.
That is, the absorption process proceeds from a state in whichN1atoms are in a state of lower energyE1to a state in whichN2atoms are in a state of higher energyE2¼ E1þhn0, as indicated in Fig. 3.8. This suggests the replacement of dW/dt of the classical theory byhv0dN1=dtsince the actual rate of energy absorption should be proportional to the number of atoms in the lower energy state from which the absorption proceeds. Thus, we relate the rate (3.4.31) at which energy is absorbed according to the classical theory to the rate of change of the “population”N1as follows:
dW dt ¼ d
dt(hv0N1), (3:4:34) or
dt ¼ 1
pe2f mchv0
N1InS(n): (3:4:35)
E1 E2
Figure 3.8 Atomic absorption transition of frequencyn0¼(E22E1)/h.
Similarly, becausedN2/dt¼2dN1/dt, the rate of change of the upper-level population N2due to absorption of light of frequencynand intensityInis
dt ¼ 1 4pe0
pe2f mchv0
N1InS(n): (3:4:36)
It is convenient to use Eq. (3.3.7) to write the rate Eq. (3.4.35) for absorption in terms of the spontaneous emission rateA21for theE2!E1transition. Simple algebra yields
dt ¼ 1 hn
N1InS(n)¼ dN2
dt : (3:4:37)
Because we are assuming that the applied field is close to the transition resonance fre- quencyn0, we have used nin place ofn0 in this equation, and for later convenience we have also written the quantity in brackets in terms of the wavelength l¼c/n rather thann.