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Application of the Caputo–Fabrizio derivative without singular kernel to fractional Schrödinger equations


Academic year: 2022

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Application of the Caputo–Fabrizio derivative without singular kernel to fractional Schrödinger equations



1Physics Department, and LEVRES Laboratory, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University Hamma Lakhdar, El Oued 39000, Algeria

2Physics Department, and LRPPS Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Matter Sciences, University Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla 30000, Algeria

3Physics Department, and LABTHOP Laboratory, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University Hamma Lakhdar, El Oued 39000, Algeria

Corresponding author. E-mail: mewalid@yahoo.com

MS received 29 May 2019; revised 1 April 2020; accepted 12 April 2020

Abstract. In this work, we solve time, space and time-space fractional Schrödinger equations based on the non- singular Caputo–Fabrizio derivative definition for 1D infinite-potential well problem. To achieve this, we first work out the fractional differential equations defined in terms of Caputo–Fabrizio derivative. Then, the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of the three kinds of fractional Schrödinger equations are deduced. In contrast to Laskin’s results which are based on Riesz derivative, both the obtained wave number and wave function are different from the standard ones. Moreover, the number of solutions is finite and dependent on the space derivative order. When the fractional orders of derivatives become integer numbers (one for time derivative or/and two for space), our findings collapse to the standard results.

Keywords. Caputo–Fabrizio fractional derivative; fractional differential equation; fractional Schrödinger equation; 1D infinite-potential well.

PACS Nos 02.30.f; 03.65.Db; 03.65.Ge; 02.30.Rz

1. Introduction

The fractional calculus is a generalisation of the classi- cal derivatives and integrals to an arbitrary non-integer order. In contrast to the ordinary calculus, fractional calculus has several definitions [1–3], such as Riemann–

Liouville, Grünwald–Letnikov, Caputo and Riesz, etc.

In general, by performing an adequate limit, these dif- ferent approaches lead to the standard theory. This notion has received much attention and has been widely applied in various fields of physics, including classical and quantum physics, plasma physics, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, heat transfer, etc. [2–14]. Unlike the integer-order differential equations, the fractional differential equations can successfully describe the anomalous kinetics [15] and transport [16]. Moreover, this kind of equations are considered as a powerful math- ematical tool to interpret complex experimental results, for instance, anomalous diffusion [17] or predict new

effects [18,19] or describe some phenomena [20–22].

The main advantage of the Caputo–Fabrizio approach is that the boundary conditions of the fractional differential equations with Caputo–Fabrizio derivatives admit the same form as for the integer-order differential equations.

Another advantage is that Caputo–Fabrizio’s derivative of a constant is zero.

In order to develop the space fractional Schrödinger equation (FSE), Laskin has generalised the Feynman path integral to the Lévy path integral in his seminal paper [5]. Using the Riesz fractional derivative (FD), Laskin has applied the space FSE to treat many quan- tum mechanical systems, for example, 1D free particle in an infinite-potential well, the fractional Bohr atom and 1D fractional oscillator [23,24]. This work has been extended to involve other quantum problems [25–27].

Moreover, by considering a non-Markovian evolution, Naber [28] has invented the time FSE which is solved for a free particle and for a potential well using Caputo

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derivative. Based on Laskin’s and Naber’s works, Wang and Xu [29] have constructed the generalised FSE with time and space FDs. On the one hand, it is possible to use regular boundary and initial conditions to solve a frac- tional differential equation using the Riesz or Caputo approach. On the other hand, fractional differential equation with Riemann–Liouville derivative requires fractional conditions which are physically unacceptable [1]. Consequently, Riesz and Caputo FDs have been very popular among physicists.

Caputo and Fabrizio have subsequently introduced a new definition of the fractional derivative without singu- lar kernel [30]. This recent presentation of the fractional derivative has quickly been used to treat many problems in fundamental and applied sciences [31–35]. To the best of our knowledge, no major study has applied this defi- nition in quantum mechanics.

In this paper, we deal with the new definition of fractional Caputo–Fabrizio derivatives to determine the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of the time, space and time-space FSEs for a trapped particle in 1D infinite-potential well. Our paper is organised as fol- lows: Section2 solves fractional differential equations with Caputo–Fabrizio derivatives of orderγ and 2γ. In

§3, the solutions are highlighted to study the problem for the three types of FSEs. The conclusion is then pre- sented in §4.

2. The fractional differential equations with Caputo–Fabrizio derivatives of orderγ and 2γ The common definition of Caputo fractional time deriva- tive of order γ, such that 0 < γ ≤ 1, is given by [1]

CDtγ f(t)= 1 (1−γ )

t 0

(tτ)−γ f(τ)dτ, t>0. (1) Replacing the kernel (tτ)−γ by the function exp

−γ (tτ)/(1−γ )

yields the new Caputo–

Fabrizio FD which has been recently introduced by Caputo and Fabrizio in [30] as follows:

Dγt f(t)= (2−γ )M(γ ) 2(1−γ )

× t


e1−γγ (t−τ)f(τ)dτ, t ≥0, (2) where M(γ )is a constant depending on γ defined by M(γ )=2/(2−γ )[31]. Thus, we have

Dγt f(t)= 1 (1−γ )



e1−γγ (t−τ)f(τ)dτ. (3) Obviously, the Caputo–Fabrizio derivative of a con- stant function is identically zero as in the Caputo

derivative. When γ → 1, the two definitions become a conventional first derivative of the function f(t). The essential difference between the two formalisms is that, unlike the old formalism, the new kernel has no singu- larity fort =τ.

According to [31] the solution of the equation Dγt f(t)=u(t) (4) is deduced from

f(t)=(1−γ ) (u(t)u(0))+γ t


u(τ)dτ+ f(0).

(5) Deriving the above equation over time allows us to directly establish the solution by solving the resulting ordinary differential equation

f(t)=(1γ )u(t)+γu(t). (6) If we consider

Dγt f(t)=σf(t), (7) whereσ is time-independent, we find

f(t)= γ σ

1−(1−γ )σ f(t). (8)

Hence, the solution of (7) is f(t)= f(0)exp

γ σ 1−(1γ )σt

. (9)

Now, we seek to solve a fractional differential equa- tion of order 2γ like

D2tγ f(t)=g(t), 0< γ ≤1. (10) First, let us take Dγt f(t) = u(t) and D2tγ f(t) = Dγt u(t)g(t). Then, according to eq. (5), we have u(t)=(1−γ ) (g(t)g(0))+γ



g(τ)dτ +u(0) (11) and

f(t)=(1−γ ) (u(t)u(0))+γ t


u(τ)dτ + f(0).

(12) When we substitute (11) into (12), we obtain

f(t)=(1−γ )2(g(t)g(0)) +2γ (1−γ )




t 0

dτ τ


g(τ)dτ +

u(0)(1−γ )g(0)

γt+ f(0). (13)


By deriving twice, the last equation yields

f(t)=(1−γ )2g(t)+2γ (1−γ )g(t)+γ2g(t).

(14) In the case,

D2tγ f(t)=σf(t), (15) we find

f(t)+2f(t)+2f(t)=0 (16) where

= −γ (1−γ )σ

1−(1−γ )2σ and 2= −γ2σ 1−(1−γ )2σ.

(17) Therefore, the solution has the form

f(t)= Aer1t +Ber2t, (18) with

r1= −+

22 and r2 = −−


3. Application to 1D infinite-potential well

To preserve the units in Schrödinger equation after frac- tionalisation of its derivatives, one can express it in Planck units [28] as


∂tψ(x,t)= −L2pMp



∂x2ψ(x,t)+ V

Epψ(x,t) (19) or


∂tψ(x,t)= − L2p 2Nm


∂x2ψ(x,t)+Nvψ(x,t), (20) where Tp, Lp, Mp and Ep are Planck time, length, mass and energy, respectively. These units are defined as follows:

Tp= Gh¯

c5 , Lp = Gh¯

c3 , Mp = hc¯

G and

Ep = Mpc2. (21)

Here G andc are the gravitational constant and speed of light, respectively.Nm =m/Mpdenotes the number of Planck masses inmandNv = V/Ep is the number of Planck energies inV. For a free particle confined in infinite-potential well

V(x)= 0, 0<x <a

∞ elsewhere, (22)

eq. (20) becomes iTp

∂tψ(x,t)= − L2p 2Nm


∂x2ψ(x,t). (23) In the following subsections, we shall investigate three types of FSEs.

3.1 Time fractional Schrödinger equation

The order of the time derivative in this type of FSE is the fractional numberγ rather than one, as shown in [28]

(iTp)γtγψ(x,t)= − L2p

2Nm2xψ(x), 0< γ ≤1.

(24) Before presenting our study, we must emphasise a point here: the right-hand side of the last equation is an auto- adjoint operator (operating on the functionψ(x)). The left-hand side operator (iTp)γtγ must be auto-adjoint too. Using the definition of Caputo–Fabrizio (3), the last equation can be written as

(iTp)γDγt ψ= − L2p

2Nmx2ψ. (25)

The last equation admits solutions by the separation of variablesψ(x,t)=φ(t)ϕ(x), and we obtain

(iTp)γDγt φ

φ = − L2p 2Nm


ϕ =λ. (26)

Therefore, we have two independent equations ϕ+λ2Nm

L2p ϕ =0 (27)


Dγt φ = λ

(iTp)γφ. (28)

The solutions of spatial equation (27) are well-known:

ϕn(x)= 2

a sin

a x

(29) and

λn = 1 2Nm


a 2

, n ∈N, (30)

under the following boundary conditions:


ϕ(a)=0. (31)

As we have seen, the Caputo–Fabrizio definition (3) does not pay attention to the dimensionalisation. Thus,


we must change the time coordinate t in (28) to the dimensionless coordinatet =t/Tp

Dtγφ(t)=(−i)γ λnφ(t). (32) As the previous equation has the same form of eq. (7), its solution will be


(−i)γ γ λn/Tp

1−(−i)γ (1−γ )λn


. (33)

Hereφ(0)=1. If(−i)γ =ei(π2γ+2kπγ ), φn(t)=exp

γ λn

cos(π2γ +2kγ π)(1−γ )λn−i sin(π2γ +2kγ π) 1−2(1−γ )λncos(π2γ +2kπγ )+(1−γ )2λ2n

t Tp

. (34)

Keeping in mind the remark stated above, the exponent in formula (33), depending onγ, can be a pure imag- inary number or a complex number. In the first case, the operator of the left-hand side of eq. (24) is an auto- adjoint operator for which the energy is a real quantity.

In the second case, the exponent in (33) is a complex number and the operator of the left-hand side of eq. (24) is not an auto-adjoint operator for which the energy, as we shall show, is a complex number with real and imag- inary parts. Ifγ =1, we recover the usual case


λn Tpt

=e−iωnt, (35) whereωn =λn/Tp represents the frequency.

Now, we can write the eigenfunctions and the eigen- values of the particle as

ψn = 2


a x


γ λn

cos(π2γ +2kγ π)(1γ )λn−i sin(π2γ +2kγ π) 1−2(1−γ )λncos(π2γ +2kπγ )+(1−γ )2λ2n

t Tp

(36) and

En = a

0 ψih¯tψdx = γh¯λn


sin(π2γ +2kπγ )+i[cos(π2γ +2kπγ )(1−γ )λn] 1−2(1−γ )λncos(π2γ +2kπγ )+(1−γ )2λ2n


2γ λn

cos(π2γ +2kγ π)(1−γ )λn

1−2(1−γ )λncos(π2γ +2kπγ )+(1γ )2λ2n t Tp

. (37)

Interestingly, our qualitative calculations for γ = 1 show that the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues agree with the standard ones

ψn = 2


a x

eiωnt and En = ¯n. (38)

3.2 Space fractional Schrödinger equation

In the space FSE, the order of the space derivative isβ instead of 2, i.e.

iTPtψ= (−iLP)β

2Nm βxψ, 1< β≤2. (39) In this case, we can use the same definition of the time derivative (3) for space coordinatex withx ≥0, which means

Dβxψ=D2xμψ, β =2μ and 1

2 < μ≤1. (40)

As (−i)β = eiβ(π2+2kπ), k ∈ N, we can choose the values ofβas 2q/(1+4k), whereqis an odd number that fulfills(1+4k)/2<q ≤1+4k. This leaves(−i)β =

−1. Implicitly, these conditions imply that(−ix)β is a Hermitian operator. Under these circumstances, the space FSE becomes

iTpDtψ= − Lβp

2NmDβxψ. (41)

Takingψ(x,t)=ϕ(x)φ(t)yields iTp


φ = − Lβp



ϕ = E

Ep = Ne (42)


Dtφ = −iE


hφ, E

¯ h = Ne


(43) and

Dβxϕ= −kβϕ, k= (2NmNe)1

Lp . (44)


The solution of eq. (43) is given by

φ(t)=eiEh¯t. (45)

To work out eq. (44), we first rewrite it by introducing scaled position as

Dβξϕ(ξ)= −(Lpk)βϕ(ξ), ξ = x

Lp. (46)

From §2, one can write the solution of the above equa- tion as

ϕ(ξ)=e−ξ(AeiRξ +BeiRξ), (47) with

= β(2−β)(Lpk)β

4+(2−β)2(Lpk)β (48)


R= 2β(Lpk)β/2

4+(2−β)2(Lpk)β. (49) Using the boundary conditions B(0)= B(a/Lp) =0, the eigenfunction reads as


πn Lp

a ξ

=CeL pxsin πn

a x

, C =2iA (50)

and Rn = πLp

a n, n ∈N, (51)

whereC is determined by the normalisation condition a

0 |ϕ(x)|2dx =1.

From (49) and (51), we have

(2−β)2Rn(Lpk)β−2β(Lpk)β/2+4Rn =0. (52) This equation has two real solutions only if

0< Rn < β

2(2−β). (53)

In other words, the numbernwill be limited.

0<n < βa

2π(2−β)Lp. (54)

The first solution is (Lpkn)β/2 =β1−

1−4(2−ββ )2R2n

(2−β)2Rn . (55) In the limitβ →2, solution (55) tends toRn, and then, kn = πn/a which is the standard wave number. We

discard the second solution because it is physically unac- ceptable. From eq. (55) we have

kn = β2 Lp


⎣ 1−


2−β β










. (56)

Consequently En = EpLβp



= β2Ep 2Nm


⎣ 1−


2−β β












ψn(x,t)=CeL pxsin πn

a x

eiEn¯h t. (58) By comparing with previous results [23], we can see that, in the two approaches, the dependence of the energy on momentum is non-quadratic (E ∝ kβ). According to Laskin’s findings, both the wave number and the wave function coincide with the standard ones for all βvalues, whereas, in our case, they have different form.

Furthermore, the effect of Caputo–Fabrizio definition also seems to limit the number of solutions and relate it to the derivative orderβthroughout condition (54). For β =2, all the results go to the standard case (38).

3.3 Generalised FSE with space-time fractional derivatives

In this subsection, we consider that each of the space and time derivative in the Schrödinger equation has a fractional order. The resulting equation is the so-called generalised FSE with space-time FDs [29]

(iTP)γ Dγt ψ = −iLp

β 2Nm Dβxψ,

1< β ≤2 and 0< γ ≤1. (59) We consider a class of systems such thatγ andβ fulfill γ =β−1. In this case, the above equation reads as iTPγDγt ψ= −


2Nm Dβxψ. (60)

Let (−1)β = exp(iπkβ), wherek is an odd number.

We can takeβ =q/k, whereq is an even number with


k <q ≤2k. In this case,(−1)β =1, and iTpγDγt ψ = − Lβp

2NmDβxψ. (61)

As usual, the separation of variablesψ(x,t)=ϕ(x)φ(t) leads to

iTpγDγt φ

φ = − Lβp 2Nm


ϕ =λ (62)


Dγt φ = −i λ Tpγ

φ (63)


Dβxϕ = −2Nmλ

Lβp ϕ. (64)

To solve the last two equations, we show that by non-dimensionalisation the above equations can be expressed as

Dγtφ(t)= −iλφ(t) (65) and

Dβξϕ(ξ)= −2Nmλϕ(ξ)= −ηϕ(ξ), η=2Nmλ.

(66) The solution of (65) has the same form as (9)


−iγ λ 1+i(1−γ )λt

, (67)

whereφ(0)=1. Accordingly, the solution of (63) reads as


γ (1−γ )λ2+iγ λ 1+(1γ )2λ2

t Tp

. (68)

The solution of (66) is

ϕ(ξ)=e−ξ(CeiRξ +DeiRξ). (69) Thus, we have


x L p(AeiR


L p +BeiR


L p), (70)


= β(2−β)η

4+(2β)2η (71)


R= 2βη

4+(2−β)2η. (72)

Using the boundary conditions, we find ϕn(x)=Ce

x L p sin

πn a x

, (73)

where Rn = πn

a Lp. (74)

From (72) and (74), we can deduce that

λn = β2 2Nm


⎣ 1−


2−β β










, (75)

where 0<n < βa/2π(2−β)Lp. Ifβ =2, we imme- diately obtain λn which we have previously found in

§3.1. The solutions of the generalised FSE (61) are ψn(x,t)=Cen

x L p sin

πn a x


γ (1−γ )λ2n +iγ λn

1+(1−γ )2λ2n

t Tp

(76) and

En = a


ψih¯tψdx = ¯h Tp

γ λn−iγ (1−γ )λ2n

1+(1−γ )2λ2n


−2γ (1−γ )λ2n

1+(1−γ )2λ2n

t Tp

. (77)

Whenβ = 2, the solutions coincide with the standard ones (38).

4. Conclusion

In this work, we have applied the Caputo–Fabrizio fractional derivative to solve three types of partial differ- ential equations: the time, space, and time-space FSEs for a free particle in 1D infinite potential well. The com- parison of the results with those found using Caputo and Riesz derivatives reveals the different effects of the frac- tional derivative types. The solutions of time FSE with Caputo–Fabrizio FDs have a form which is different from the solutions obtained using Caputo derivative. For the space FSE, we have found that both the wave number and the wave function are different from the standard ones. This finding is not stated in Laskin’s approach which is based on Riesz’s definition. Moreover, the num- ber of solutions is limited and dependent on the space derivative order. If we put the fractional ordersγ = 1 andβ = 2, our results will be in complete agreement with those in the usual case. Furthermore, we believe that the fractional derivative in the Caputo–Fabrizio for- malism, due to the non-singularity of the kernel, may provide an alternative way to solve many problems.

In our future work, we hope to use this approach to investigate the superconductivity phenomenon and the


quantum transport theory in semiconductor nanostruc- tures.


Authors would like to thank the head of the LABTHOP Laboratory, Prof. Mansour Abdelouahab, Mathematics Department at University of El-Oued, Algeria, for the material support.


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