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Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science


Academic year: 2022

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Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Subject Geology

Paper No and Title Remote Sensing and GIS

Module No and Title GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Module Tag RS & GIS XXXIV

Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Prof. Talat Ahmad

Vice-Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia Delhi

Prof. Devesh K Sinha Department of Geology University of Delhi Delhi

Prof. P. P. Chakraborty Department of Geology University of Delhi Delhi

Paper Coordinator Content Writer Reviewer Dr. Atiqur Rahman

Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia


Dr. Asif

Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia


Dr. Atiqur Rahman Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia




Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Table of Content

1. Earth System Science

2. Geographic Information System (GIS) 2.1

Components of GIS

3. Global Positioning System (GPS) 3.1

Components of GPS

4. Integration of GPS/GIS

5. Application of GPS/GIS in Earth System Sciences

5.1 GPS/GIS in Natural Resource Management

5.2 GPS/GIS in Surveying and Mapping 5.3 GPS/GIS in Navigation

5.4 GPS/GIS Application in Crustal Mapping 5.5 GPS/GIS Application in Agriculture

5.6 GPS/GIS Application in Military Operations 5.7 GPS/GIS in Urban Utilities and Services 5.8 GPS/GIS Application in Fleet Management

6. Summary



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

1. Earth System Science

The Earth System Science represents a holistic view of the dynamic interaction between earth’s different spheres like atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere etc. and their many constituent subsystems. For instance, Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), atmospheric gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc., water vapor and dust partials forms subsystem of atmosphere. It also considers the impact of human societies on different components of these subsystems. In broader term, we can say that the earth system science brings together researches in natural and social sciences.

Earth system science dose not fallow disciplinary boundaries and treat the earth as an integrated system. It provide us a better understanding of the physical, chemical, biological and human interactions that determine the past, present and future conditions of the planet earth. This earth system science gives us a physical basis for understanding the world in which we live and want to achieve sustainable development.

2. Geographic Information System (GIS)

Over the last few decades, the growth in information technology provides planners and other professionals new tools to process, analyze and present the spatial data.

One such tool is known as geographic information system. It is a computer-based tool for the input, storage, management, retrieval, analysis, display and output of information.

GIS uses computer technology to integrate, manipulate and display a wide range of information to create the picture of an area’s geography, environment and socio- economic characteristics. It is a customized and reliable tool that can be problem- solving, support in decision-making and can provide almost instantaneous answers to complex questions. Geographic information contains either an explicit geographic reference such as latitude and longitude or national grid co-ordinates or an implicit



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

reference such as an address, postal code road name etc. These geographic references help in locating features on the face of earth for analysis.

GIS Layers: The basic organization principle of GIS is the data layers. Rather than storing all the spatial information at one place, as on a topographic map, group of similar features are combined in one of a number of data layers. In addition, GIS allows creating new data layers based on existing ones. For instance, a new data layer could show watersheds derived from digital elevation data.

2.1. Components of GIS

The important components of GIS are:

a) Technology Component: It is clear from the preceding paragraphs that GIS is computer based analysis system. The actual machinery (wires, transistors and circuits) is called hardware whereas the instructions are called software.

Hardware is composed of

Central Processing Unit (CPU): This is the component that actually executes instructions organized in programs (software). It tells the computer what to do and controls the peripheral equipments. The common components of CPU are; processor, memory, expansion cards, ports and power supply.

Data Storage: Data are stored on hard disks of varying capacities. A hard disk usually consists of several platters, read/write heads, access arm and spindle motor. Besides this, data are also stored on secondary storage media such as compact disk (CD), optical disk, pen drive, flash drive etc.

Binary System: In computing digital is synonymous with binary because the computer process the information coded as combination of binary digits (bits). One bit represents 2 values, 2 bit 4 values, 8-bit 256 values and so on.

The values that fall between the two numbers are represented as either the lower or the higher of the two. Binary numbers are closely related to digital electronics. In digital electronics, a 1 means the current/electricity is present and a 0 means it is not present. The different parts of the computer



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

communicate through pulses of current (1s and 0s). Calculating using only 1s and 0s is called the binary system.

Although a computer will process only 1s and 0s but there comes a point when the 1s and 0s have to be converted into our usual decimal numbers that we are familiar with.

Bit is an abbreviation for binary digit, the smallest unit of information in a digital world. Bits are the building blocks for all information processing that goes on in digital electronics and computers.

Byte is a unit of information built from bits. 1 byte equals 8 bits. The values that a byte can take range between 0 and 255. This means that a byte can represent 256 possible states.


The computer requires instructions from the operator to perform the desired work. The set of instructions are known as programs. If a number of set of instructions (programs) are combined to perform number of related operations it is known as software. Software can be classified into two basic categories as:

System Software (Operating System): Operating system is necessary for the use and control of a computer. Its main function is to provide user interface and manage the computer resources such as memory, disk, drives and printers. Operating system may be single user or multi user depending upon the need of individual or organization. Some common operating systems are Windows, Macintosh, Disk Operating System (DOS), Uniplex Information and Computing System (UNIX) etc.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Different Component of GIS

Fig. 1

Application Software (GIS Software):

GIS software developed on the hybrid approach wherein the graphical and attribute data can be handled separately and linked through proprietary interface.

Environmental Systems Research Incorporated (ESRI) is the market leader of GIS software for the past 40 years. ESRI overhauled their software packages into an interoperable model called ArcGIS. It is a full function vector based GIS. It uses a generic approach that is not application specific but allows addressing any geographic application.

The other popular software available now a days are Arc View, AutoCAD Map, GRASS, IDRISI, MapInfo, MGE, ILWIS, GEOSMART, Maptitude, GeoMedia etc.

b) Data Component: Data is key component of GIS. Data can be collected, crated in house, or can be purchased from a commercial data provider. Some of the examples of the data are roads, municipal boundaries, parks,



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

demographic attributes, bus routes, rail lines, traffic flow, watersheds, geological data etc.

c) People Component: People in GIS were recognized as an important component only after 1990 when ESRI for the first time realize it and incorporated in their definition. The people in GIS can be classified as general users and GIS specialists. The general users are usually concerned with the application of the software for specific purpose and include planners, scientists, academicians, administrators etc. On the other hand, specialists work as programmers, system analysts etc.

3. Global Positioning System (GPS)

The global positioning system is a satellite based radio navigation system, which provides precise three-dimensional positions in terms of latitudes (X), longitudes (Y) and height (Z) co-ordinates of any place/point on the globe. This information can be collected continuously in all weather, day and night using a handheld GPS instrument called receiver, which is just like a mobile phone. This space-based program was developed by Department of Defense, United States of America (USA) way back in 1973 for military purposes but after 1980, the USA government made it available for civilian uses also.

GPS Satellite in Space

Fig. 2



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Basic Working Concept of GPS: All GPS satellites continuously transmits radio signal. The movement we switch on the GPS receiver it picks up signals coming from GPS satellite through receiver’s antenna and processes it using inbuilt software.

The GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. (Rubidium and Cesium clocks are used in satellite to measure very precise timing i.e. accuracy of 3 nanoseconds or three-billionths part of a second). The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far a satellite is. With the distance measurement from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user’s position and can display it on the receiver screen.

A handheld GPS Receiver

Fig. 3

A GPS receiver must get the signals from at least three satellites to calculate 2-D position (latitude and longitude). With four or more satellites, in view the receiver can determine the user’s 3-D position (latitude, longitude and height). Therefore, minimum four satellites are needed to find out the co-ordinates of a place on the earth. Signals from more satellites increase the position accuracy.

GPS Satellite Constellation: The NAVSTAR GPS (Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System) of United States of America is the only system, which provides information throughout the world. The system consists of 24 satellites (21 active and 3 active spare) all are placed in near circular orbit at an



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

altitude of 20200 km. These satellites are arranged in 6 circular orbital plains, which are labeled A to F. These are inclined at an angle of 55 degree. These satellites have12 hours period so that at least 4 satellites are available for observation on ground, sea and in the air at any time throughout the year anywhere in the world.

These satellites are travelling at the speed of 7000 miles per hour and powered by solar energy.

GPS Signals: Each GPS satellite continuously transmits two low power microwave radio signals L1 and L2. Each code consists of a steam of binary digit i.e. 0 and 1 known as bits. P code is used for military purposes but it was available to all users until January 1994. However, after that P code encrypted by adding an unknown W code. The resultant code is known as the Y code. This encryption technically is known as anti-spoofing. The civilian GPS uses the L1 carrier frequency of 1575.42 MHz in UHF band and L2 frequency of 1227.60 MHz.

3.1. Components of GPS

There are three important segment of GPS system

a) The Space Segment: The space segment consists of all satellites in orbit.

These satellites are grouped into three sub groups according to their development and launch.

Block I: These are 1 to 11 satellites and are classified as the research and developmental satellites. These satellites were launched during 1978 to 1985 and were placed in two orbital plains. These were initially launched for a period of 5 years but can last longer.

Block II: Known as production or operational satellites. These were launched in 1989 with a life of 7 years.

Block IIR: Known as replenishment satellites launched in 1996. These satellites replace the block II satellites whenever there is need.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Space Segment

Fig. 4 A GPS satellite weight approximately 9000 kg and it is 17 feet across with the solar panels, which are extended on both the sides of the satellite. These satellites are also equipped with the power backup batteries to keep them running when there is no sunshine particularly at the time of solar eclipse.

A procurement action for Block IIR (replacement) satellites is underway to ensure full system performance up to the year of 2025.

b) The Ground Control Segment: There is one Master Control station at Colorado, Spring, besides four sub stations at Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, Kwajalein Island in the Pacific Ocean, Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean and Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Ground Control Segment

Fig. 5

Four sub stations namely Ascension, Diego Garcia, Kwajalein and Hawaii are used for transmitting the information back to the satellites. All the data from tracking stations are transmitted to the master control station located at Falcon Air Base in Colorado where this information processed and analyzed.

The master control station is also responsible for the daily management and control of the GPS satellites.

c) User Segment: It is the ultimate and the most important segment of the GPS. Any person who uses GPS tracking system to receive GPS signals for any project work is included in user segment. Appropriate GPS receiver is required to use the GPS signals for navigation and specific positioning. GPS receiver can be classified into handheld receiver and differential receiver.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Different Segments of GPS

Fig. 6

4. Integration of GPS/GIS

The purpose of geographical enquiry is to examine the relationship among different geographical features collectively to describe the real world phenomena. Geographic Information System (GIS) helps to analyze geographic data collected through Global Positioning System (GPS) in almost unlimited fashion. GIS analysis uses the geospatial properties of features (collected through GPS) to look for patterns and trends of different features located on the face of the earth.

Spatial analysis technique is an attempt to initiate what concerns human mind i.e. to create an understandable image of the real world. GIS provides the tools, which can analyze the spatial phenomena in a logical sequence to develop models for future planning. These models may reveal new or previous unidentified relationship within and between different data sets. It certainly will increase our understanding of the real world.

With the passage of time, GPS are becoming very effective tool for GIS data capture.

The GIS user community benefits from the use to GPS for locational data applicable

Space Segment


Control Segment

User Segment



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

in various GIS applications. The GPS can be easily linked to a laptop in the field and with the help of appropriate GIS software user can easily convert the data into information and can take the necessary action accordingly. GPS can be very helpful in accurate and timely GIS database.

Flow Chart of Intelligent Transportation Systems A Fine Example of GPS/GIS Integration

Fig. 7

The above figure 7 show the Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) through the integration of GPS/GIS which is helpful in real time vehicle tracking. The mapping of GPS data is helpful in identifying the positioning of the vehicle and determining if the vehicle is on or off the road.

The Advent of GPS technology not only enhanced the versatility of spatial data acquisition but also diversified the approaches by which it is integrated with GIS.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

The rapid development of spatial technologies in recent years has made available new tools for management of spatial data. The evolution of GPS and GIS technologies has enabled the collection and analysis of field data in a way that was not possible before the advent of the computer.

5. Application of GPS/GIS in Earth System Sciences

It has already been mentioned in the previous paragraph that earth system science look at the earth as an integrated system. It is the study of the dynamic interaction between different spheres of the earth and their subsystems. Physical, chemical, biological characteristics of the earth and cultural characteristics of human being fall under the preview of earth system science and therefore the application of GPS/GIS can be identified in countless fields. Few of them can be discussed as follows:

5.1. GPS/GIS in Natural Resource Management

The GPS/GIS is taking the natural resource management by storm. The data collected through GPS can be processed in GIS environment to map our natural resources. Over the past few years, these technologies have been used to locate natural forests. Sensitive plant population, plant growth, raptor nesting sites, vegetation mapping and permanent monitoring points are now the part of the GIS database available to the resource professionals.

5.2. GPS/GIS in Surveying and Mapping

The high precision GPS carrier together with appropriate GIS software can provide adequate tool for a variety of surveying and mapping. Using DGPS, technique accurate and timely mapping of almost anything can be carried out. The GPS/GIS is used to map road alignment, environmental hazards such as landslides, forest fire, and oil spills.

Cadastral mapping, needing a high degree of accuracy, also carried out by using high-speed GPS receiver. Previously cadastral mapping was done using conventional methods, which were time taking, and requires extensive traveling. Now many government as well as private agencies are using GPS/GIS for cadastral mapping mainly because it is cost effective.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

5.3. GPS/GIS in Navigation

Once we know our location, we can, of course, find out where we are on a map. GPS mapping and navigation is perhaps the most well-known of all the GPS application. Using the GPS coordinates appropriate GIS software can perform all the tasks from locating the unit to find a route or selecting the best route in real time. More advanced version include aviation GPS which offer specific features for flying aircraft and marine GPS system which offer information pertaining to marine channels and time of high tides. These system need to work with map data which does not form the part of GPS system. Here integration with the associated technologies like GIS is required.

5.4. GPS/GIS Application in Crustal Mapping

Geodetic mapping and other control survey can be carried out effectively by using high-grade GPS equipments. After 1990s, the GPS technique reached a level where millimeter level accuracy became achievable globally. In geophysics GPS measurement have been used to monitor and map the crustal displacement since last three decades.

The GPS-geodesy has been used in the estimation and mapping the motion of Indian plate to understand the tectonic activities and crustal deformation to the south of Indian Peninsula.

5.5. GPS/GIS Application in Agriculture

GPS/GIS technology is used to locate and map the areas of high weeds, disease and pest infection. GPS is helpful is soil mapping allowing the farmers to develop the contour map showing fertility variation throughout the field. For certain, precise agricultural applications such as crop planting or topographical map generation sub meter, DGPS accuracy is not enough.

In such cases centimeter level solution using Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) can give greater accuracy as well huge saving in time and money. By using the GPS data crop productivity in terms of high, medium and low, crop



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

combination regions and cropping intensity can also be mapped in ArcGIS, which can be very useful in planning purposes.

5.6. GPS/GIS Application in Military Operations

The GPS was primarily developed for real time military positioning.

Military operations including air, marine and land requires GPS for navigation. For a soldier operating under cover of darkness in the enemy territory the biggest challenge is to navigate due to unfamiliar territory and lack of easily identifiable landmarks on the ground. The handheld GPS is very useful in such circumstances.

To execute plan the defense forces need accurate and updated map on various scale at military headquarters. The updated accurate maps are also required for military training and administrative planning. The availability of GPS shall augment the collection of precise data necessary for quick and accurate map updating.

The GPS can also be used effectively for the establishment of grid control location for the placement of various weapons and location of targets. The modern mapping techniques such as GIS constantly use the DGPS technology to register the images into absolute geo-coordinates. The use of modern accurate maps would enable the military personal to use modern weapons to determine the location of the target points.

5.7. GPS/GIS in Urban Utilities and Services

The utility/services refer to those services and commodities, which are provided to individual or group of people through passive connections.

These include telephonic lines, LPG lines and water pipe lines. It also includes telecommunication like roads and highways, bank ATMs, post offices, restaurants, coffee shops, public transport etc. In order to identify their exact location/position and map them GPS/GIS are very useful. These days the pressure is on public and private utility companies to extend their infrastructure to meet the increasing demand. These services/utilities require



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

accurate position information about existing services as well as new services. Now it is mandatory for these utility/services provider to map them to meet the increasing demand from their customers.

5.8. GPS/GIS Application in Fleet Management

The public transport system of a metropolitan city like New Delhi can be managed and mapped with the help of GPS/GIS technique. This new technique is a relief from the conventional tracking, which is carried out manually by posting traffic controller at some important points. The manual tacking does not give enough accuracy, which is, totally depends on human alertness. On the other hand, the data generated through GPS id very accurate, authentic and tamper proof. The data generated in the form of entries can be easily used for computer processing.

6. Summary

To understand the application of the integration of GPS/GIS in the earth system science first we need to understand what earth system science is? It is understood that earth system science represent a holistic view of the dynamic interaction among different earth’s spheres. It takes into consideration the interaction between physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the dynamic earth’s surface. It also considers human being as an active agent of change playing an important t role in changing the different characteristics of the earth.

A brief understanding of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) is required to explain the integration of GPS/GIS in the application of earth system science. Therefore, an attempt has been made to understand the GIS and GPS separately.

GIS uses computer technology to integrate, manipulate and display a wide range of information to create the picture of an area’s geography, environment and socio- economic characteristics. It is a customized and reliable tool that can be problem- solving, support in decision-making and can provide almost instantaneous answers to complex questions. Different layers of GIS, which form an important part of GIS,



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

have been explained. The different components like technology (both hardware and software), data and people component of GIS have been explained in length.

Detail information about GPS has been provided in the preceding paragraphs. It has been mentioned that the global positioning system is a satellite based radio navigation system, which gives us precise three-dimensional positions in terms of latitudes (X), longitudes (Y) and height (Z) co-ordinates of any place/point on the globe. This information can be collected continuously in all weather, day and night using a handheld GPS instrument called receiver. Different segments like space segment, ground control segment and user segment of GPS have been explained in detail.

When we talk about the integration of GPS/GIS, it has been clear that with the passage of time GPS are becoming very effective tool for GIS data capture. The GIS user community benefits from the use to GPS for locational data applicable in various GIS applications. The GPS can be easily linked to a laptop in the field and with the help of appropriate GIS software user can easily convert the data into information and can take the necessary action accordingly. GPS can be very helpful in accurate and timely GIS database. A detail traffic flow diagram has been attached to understand the importance of the integration of different technologies.

In the last few paragraphs, application of the integration of GPS/GIS in earth system science has been mentioned. The most significant feature of GPS is that the radio signal is available any time in any weather anywhere on the globe. A fully operational GPS system can generate multiple applications ranging from surveying, mapping, navigation, tracking to GIS socio-economic data.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q1. What do you understand by earth system science?

Ans: The Earth System Science represents a holistic view of the dynamic interaction between earth’s different spheres like atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere etc.

and their many constituent subsystems. For instance, Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), atmospheric gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc., water vapor and dust partials forms subsystem of atmosphere. It also considers the impact of human societies on different components of these subsystems. In broader term, we can say that the earth system science brings together researches in natural and social sciences.

Q2. What is GIS? Explain in brief the different components of GIS?

Ans: Geographical Information System (GIS) uses computer technology to integrate, manipulate and display a wide range of information to create the picture of an area’s geography, environment and socio-economic characteristics. It is a customized and reliable tool that can be problem-solving, support in decision- making and can provide almost instantaneous answers to complex questions.

Technology (both hardware and software), data and people forms different component of GIS.

Q3. Explain the basis-working concept of GPS?

Ans: All GPS satellites continuously transmits radio signal. The movement we switch on the GPS receiver it picks up signals coming from GPS satellite through receiver’s antenna and processes it using inbuilt software. The GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. (Rubidium and Cesium clocks are used in satellite to measure very precise timing i.e. accuracy of 3 nanoseconds or three-billionths part of a second). The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far a satellite is. With the distance measurement from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user’s position and can display it on the receiver screen.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Q4. How integration of GPS/GIS is helpful in earth system science? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples?

Ans: Geographic Information System (GIS) helps to analyze geographic data collected through Global Positioning System (GPS) in almost unlimited fashion. GIS analysis uses the geospatial properties of features (collected through GPS) to look for patterns and trends of different features located on the face of the earth. With the passage of time, GPS are becoming very effective tool for GIS data capture. The GIS user community benefits from the use to GPS for locational data applicable in various GIS applications.

Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) can be taken as an example of the application of integration of GPS/GIS. Through the integration of GPS/GIS real time, vehicle tracking is very easy. The mapping of GPS data is helpful in identifying the positioning of the vehicle and determining if the vehicle is on or off the road.

Q5. Briefly, explain the application of the integration of GPS/GIS in surveying and mapping?

Ans: The high precision GPS carrier together with appropriate GIS software can provide adequate tool for a variety of surveying and mapping. Using DGPS, technique accurate and timely mapping of almost anything can be carried out.

The GPS/GIS is used to map road alignment, environmental hazards such as landslides, forest fire, and oil spills.

Cadastral mapping, needing a high degree of accuracy, also carried out by using high-speed GPS receiver. Previously cadastral mapping was done using conventional methods, which were time taking, and requires extensive traveling. Now many government as well as private agencies are using GPS/GIS for cadastral mapping mainly because it is cost effective.



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Multiple Choice Questions-

1. Which is an important component of GIS a) Technology component b) Data component

c) People component d) All of the above

2. Environmental System Research Incorporated (ESRI) is a market leader in a) Operating system software

b) GIS application software c) Making GPS receiver d) Making the solar panels

3. The information from the GPS can be collected a) When the sky remains clear

b) During day time only c) During nights only

d) In all weather conditions, days and nights throughout the year 4. The NAVSTAR satellite system belongs to

a) China b) Russia

c) United States of America d) India

5. The integrated GPS/GIS can be used in issues related to a) Economic affairs

b) Military affairs c) Civilian affairs d) All of the above



Paper: Remote Sensing and GIS

Module: GIS/GPS Integration: Applications in Earth System Science

Suggested Readings:

1. Wells, D .E., N. Beck, D. Delikaraoglou, A. Kleusberg, EJ. Krakiwsky, G.

Lachapelle, R.B. Langley, M. Nakiboglu, K.P. Schwarz, J.M. Tranquilla and P. Vanic'ek (1987). Guide to GPS Positioning. Canadian GPS Associates, Fredericton, N.B., Canada.

2. Arnoff, S. (1989) Geographic Information System: A Management Perspective, WDL Publications. ISBN: 0921804911, 978-0921804918.

3. Kaplan, Elliott D., & Hegarty, Christopher J. (Eds.) (2005). Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edn., Artech House Publishers.

Norwood, USA. ISBN: 1580538940, 978-1580538947.

4. DeMers, Michael N. (2008). Fundamentals of Geographic Information System, 4th Edn. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0470129069, 978-0470129067.

5. Clarke, Keith C. (2010). Getting Started with Geographic Information System, 5th Edn., Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131494988, 978- 0131494985.

6. Gonzalez, Rafael C., & Woods, Richard E. (2008). Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edn. Pearson Education. ISBN: 9780133002324.

7. El-Rabbany, A. (2006). Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System, 2nd Edn. Artech House Publishers. ISBN: 1596930160, 978-1596930162.

8. Reddy, Anji M. (2012), Textbook of remote sensing and geographical information systems, 4th Edn., B S Publications. ISBN: 9381075972, 978- 9381075975.

9. Jensen, John R. (2006), Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective, 2nd Edn. Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131889508, 978-0131889507.


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