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2 4 3 0 5 4 3 9 h t t p : / / l i b r a r y . n i c . i n , h t t p : / / m c i t c o n s o r t i u m . n i

c . i n 1 / 4 / 2 0 1 5

Monthly Bulletin of NIC Library

This bulletin contains bibliographic list of print and online books, journals and

articles available through NIC Library.

For reading full text visit NIC Library or access them online through Library web sites. In case of difficulty contact us via email or phone or desktop VC. Email:

niclib[at] nic.in, pku[at]nic.in and rajnim[at]nic.in

CLAS: Current Literature

Alert Service


Page 2 of 27

Content Pages

Cybrary spotlight:

e-Governance Research Output at National Informatics Centre –

Some Random Thought


From Reader’s Desk……….5

New Arrival Books (Print)………...…6

New Added Titles Books 24x7 (Online)……….8

Latest Issues of Magazines (Print+Online)……….…..11

Must-Read Latest & Important Articles ……….…12

New Clips on NIC/DEITY……….16

How-to Read-Access Full text……….25

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Number 29-30 March-April 2015

Suggest useful books for procurement by NIC

Library using book suggestion form available

at http://library.nic.in


Page 3 of 27

I. Cybrary Spotlight: e- Governance Research Output at National Informatics Centre – Some Random Thought

NIC provides Nationwide Common ICT Infrastructure to support e-Governance services to the citizen, Products and Solutions designed to address e- Governance Initiatives, Projects, State/UT Informatics Support and district level services rendered. Digital India is an ambitious programme of Government of India to transform India into digitally empowered society and knowledge economy by creating appropriate physical cyber infrastructure and digital life and work. It is well known fact that it will be very difficult for E-government to move forward without the active support of NIC experts. Since last few years scientists at NIC are not finding them in their best of capability. NIC’s share in authorship of e-Governance publications in India is going down.

NIC S& T Professionals have been implementing and initiating many e- Governance projects since more than three decades with huge investments by the Central as well as State Governments. Involvement of NIC professionals and policy makers has increased manifolds with investments in National e- Governance Programme (NeGP), Public Information and Infrastructure (PII), National Fibre Optics Network (NFON), and National Knowledge Network (NKN).

Being scientific organization NIC professionals have been publishing their research output and case studies in national and international journals and conference proceedings. After searching Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com ) there are 3930 results for publications on

“national informatics centre”. These search results are by NIC and on NIC.

World’s leading publisher in the field of computer science and electronics -IEEE also comprises NIC authorships in research publications at their portal http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Recent received research papers from NIC employees through IntarNIC portal

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Page 4 of 27

indicates an excellent research strength of NIC. Apart from these there are thousands of publications of NIC professionals that are indexed in other publications and bibliographic databases.

Producing domain informatics knowledge of NIC experts in the form of research publications will add value in strengthening e-Government programmes and policies in the country. Majority tacit knowledge of NIC goes unnoticed and unutilized for ongoing research programmes and future plans. Many of scientists and researchers of NIC are busy in day-to-day administrative jobs and they do not find time to document their technical output in the form of research papers. Senior technocrats at NIC are retiring every year and their expertise and knowledge are not recorded for posterity.

In order to promote R&D activity among NIC S&T professionals, a scheme has been initiated at NIC for awarding membership of CSI, ACM and IEEE based on the published research papers in journals, conference proceedings, book chapters and books. There is also a plan to form a mentor group for framing guidelines and helping NIC employees in publishing research papers. It also may be advised to competent authority to link the research publications with Annual Performance Report of individuals and be given weight during promotion, although it has already been recommended by Sixth Pay Commission in FCS policy.

Go to Top Submit Research Publications

Reference to office order no NIC/LIB/LMC/Minutes/2012. In order to

promote Research and Development activity among NIC S&T

professionals and award Membership of CSI, IEEE and ACM. Submit

your published research articles in journals, Conference proceedings,

book chapters and books at http://intranic.nic.in >>Library>>submit



Page 5 of 27

II. From Reader’s Desk

Readers of NIC library are requested to send write up on “My expectation from NIC Library” for inclusion in May 2015 issue- Reader’s Desk column.

The write up to be sent may be on following topics:

 If you have read any book/article in office/home, tell about it as a WRITE- UP, so that other’s get benefitted.

 Reader’s expectation, on how to improve library services for the benefit of Project/Activities of NIC.

 About NIC Library’s ergonomics and ambience,

 How to build relevant collection of books/journals in your field

 What technology and online facilities required for NIC library

 Orientation Program be organized about library

 Anything else as a Reader you feel,on improvement in NIC Library.

Sometimes we may not visualize on your behalf and we may work in our traditional library way, Hence for next Month of Bulletin we invite the WRITE- UP in this regard to be included in May 2015 issue.

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Page 6 of 27

III. New Arrival of Books

S. No. Acc. No. Titles


N14841 Programming in HTML with javascript & CSS3. / Johnson, Glenn, Johnson. New Delhi : PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. , 2013

;Pages: 654 ISBN/ISSN: 9788120347663

2. N14842 MS Excel 2010. / Winston, Wayne L. New Delhi : PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. , 2010 ;Pages: 700 ISBN/ISSN: 9788120342590

3. N14843 MS office Inside Out. / Bott, Ed, Carl, Siechert. New Delhi : PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. , 2013 ;Pages: 885 ISBN/ISSN:


4. N14844 MS SQL server 2012 step by step. / Leblanc, Patrick. New Delhi : PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. , 2013 ;Pages: 452 ISBN/ISSN:


5. N14845 Intelligent Innovation-Four Steps to Achieving a Competitive Edge. / Cogliandro. New Delhi: Cengage Learning, 2013;

Pages: 226p.

6. N14846

Microsoft excel 2013 bible. / Walkenbach, John. New Delhi : Wiley India , 2013 ;Pages: 1012 ISBN/ISSN: 9788126541720

7 N14847 What every engineer should know about cyber security and digital forensics. / DeFranco, Joanna F . USA : CRC Press , 2013 ;Pages: 147 ISBN/ISSN: 9781466564527

8. N14848 Virtualization security protecting virtualized enviornment. / Shackleford, Dave . New Delhi : Wiley India , 2013 ;Pages:

334 ISBN/ISSN: 9781118288122


Page 7 of 27 9. N14849 Ubunto linus toolbox. / Negus, Christopher. - 2 Ed. . New Delhi

: Wiley India , 2013 ;Pages: 343

10. N14850 HTML 5 in Simple Steps. / Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. . New Delhi : Wiley India , 2013 ;Pages: 246 ISBN/ISSN:


11. N14851 HTML 5 black book. . New Delhi : Wiley India , 2014 ;Pages:

1218 ISBN/ISSN: 9789350040959

12. N14853 Microsoft power point 2013 plain and simple. / Muir, Nancy . New Delhi : Wiley India , 2014 ;Pages: 286 ISBN/ISSN:


13. N14856 Building windows 8.1 apps from ground up. / Garofalo, Emanuele , Liccardi, Antonio . New York : Apress , 2014

;Pages: 369 ISBN/ISSN: 9781430247012

14. N14857 Linux kernel networking. / Rosen, Rami. New York : Apress , 2014 ;Pages: 612 ISBN/ISSN: 9781430261964

15 N14858 Practical PHP and MySQL web site databases. / West, Adrian W. New York : Apress , 2014 ;Pages: 412 ISBN/ISSN:


16. N14859 Expert JavaScript. / Daggett, Mark E. New York: Apress, 2013;

Pages: 224p. ISBN/ISSN: 9781430260974

18. N14863 Managing Innovation. / Joe Tidd, John Bessant. - 4th . New Delhi: Wiley India , 2014 ;Pages: 621p. ISBN/ISSN: 978-81- 265-3405-0

19. N14864 Window 8 for dummies. / Rathbone, Andy. New Delhi : Wiley India , 2013 ;Pages: 416 ISBN/ISSN: 978-81-265-3833-1


Page 8 of 27 20. N14865 Professional ASP.NET MVC 4. / Jon Galloway, Phil Haack. New

Delhi: Wiley India,

2014; Pages: 468p. ISBN/ISSN: 9788126538300

IV New Added Titles- Books 24x7

1. *A New Era for Virtualization Team and Storage Team Collaboration by Moshe Karabelnik

EMC © 2014 (47 pages)

Authored by EMC Proven Professionals, Knowledge Sharing articles present ideas, expertise, unique deployments, and best practices. This article will interest any storage team member or server virtualization team member that would like to fully utilize the systems under their responsibility by enhancing collaboration with the other team.

2. Beginning Java Programming: The Object-Oriented Approach by Bart Baesens, Aimée Backiel and Seppe vanden Broucke Wrox Press © 2015 (672 pages) ISBN:9781118739495

Presenting a comprehensive Java guide with samples, exercises, case studies, and step-by-step instruction, this thorough resource provides both the information and the tools beginners need to develop Java skills, from the general concepts of object- oriented programming.

3. Beginning JSON by Ben Smith Apress © 2015 (308 pages) ISBN: 9781484202036 Providing you with the skill set required for reading and writing properly validated JSON data, this definitive guide covers all areas of JSON from the basics of data formats to creating your own server to store and retrieve persistent data.

4. Beginning Scala, Second Edition by Vishal Layka and David Pollak Apress © 2015 (246 pages) ISBN: 9781484202333

Introducing you to the Scala programming language, its object-oriented and functional programming characteristics, this down-to-earth book guides you through Scala constructs and libraries that allow you to assemble small components into high-performance, scalable systems.

5. *Conceptual Data Mining Framework for Mortgage Default Propensity by Wei Lin and Pedro De Souza EMC © 2014 (28 pages)

Authored by EMC Proven Professionals, Knowledge Sharing articles present ideas, expertise, unique deployments, and best practices. This article focuses on on Dodd-

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Page 9 of 27 Frank Act Qualified Residential Mortgages (QRM), and presents a conceptual framework for risk retention calculation.

6. CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide, Fourth Edition by David A. Westcott and David D. Coleman Sybex © 2014 (910 pages)

ISBN: 9781118893708

Including review questions, assessment tests, and exercises to test your knowledge, this book guides readers through the skills and concepts candidates need to know for the exam, using hands-on methods to convey an in-depth understanding of wireless network administration.

7. Experience Skype to the Max: The Essential Guide to the World's Leading Internet Communications Platform by Jim Courtney Apress © 2015 (246 pages)

ISBN: 9781484206577

Showing you how to make the most of Skype's full range of features on any device, this essential guide presents tips and tricks for saving time, saving money, and fostering better communication at work or in your personal projects.

8. Hibernate Recipes, Second Edition by Joseph Ottinger, Srinivas Guruzu and Gary Mak Apress © 2015 (271 pages) ISBN: 9781484201282

Presenting a pragmatic day-to-day reference and guide for doing all things involving Hibernate, this book contains a collection of code recipes and templates for learning and building Hibernate solutions for you and your clients, including how to work with the Spring Framework and the JPA.

9. IBM MobileFirst Strategy Software Approach by Tony Duong et al. IBM Redbooks © 2014 (186 pages) ISBN: 9780738439105

Providing an in-depth look at IBM Worklight, IBM Rational Test Workbench, IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile Devices, and IBM Tealeaf CX Mobile, this book is of interest to architects looking to design mobile enterprise solutions, and to practitioners looking to build these solutions.

10. Information Governance Principles and Practices for a Big Data Landscape by Chuck Ballard IBM Redbooks © 2014 (280 pages) ISBN: 9780738439594

Providing an introduction to big data and Information Governance, including key principles for the latter, this IBM Redbook delves into the driving use cases for big data across industries, describes an emerging reference architecture for big data, and then describes the IBM Big Data Platform in that context.

11. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, Third Edition by Richard Blum and Christine Bresnahan John Wiley & Sons © 2015 (816 pages) ISBN:


With detailed instruction and abundant examples, this book teaches you how to bypass the graphical interface and communicate directly with your computer, saving time and expanding capability.

12. OS X Yosemite All-in-One for Dummies by Mark L. Chambers John Wiley & Sons © 2015 (744 pages) ISBN: 9781118990896

Giving you all-access, easy-to-understand coverage of the key features and tools needed to get the most out of the latest OS X release from Apple, this comprehensive and all-encompassing guide will have you whizzing around OS X like a pro in no time.


Page 10 of 27 13. *Patterns of Multi-Tenant SaaS Applications by Ravi Sharda, Manzar Chaudhary,

Rajesh Pillai and Srinivasa Gururao EMC © 2014 (42 pages)

Authored by EMC Proven Professionals, Knowledge Sharing articles present ideas, expertise, unique deployments, and best practices. This article explains Software-as-a- Service (SaaS) as a software delivery method through which a hosted software application services the application’s functions for multiple customers, eliminating the need for individual customers to deploy and maintain the application on premise.

14. Practical Enterprise Software Development Techniques: Tools and Techniques for Large Scale Solutions by Edward Crookshanks Apress © 2015 (223 pages)

ISBN: 9781484206218

Providing an overview of tools and techniques used in enterprise software development, this concise guide is an ideal resource containing lots of practical information and code examples that you need to master as a member of an enterprise development team.

*marked are articles Authored by EMC Proven Professionals, Knowledge Sharing articles present ideas, expertise, unique deployments, and best practices..

Go to Top Subscription to Safari Books Online has

expired on 17


April 2015. It is under

suspension till the approval of competent

authority for renewal. After approval and

subscription for next year communication

will be sent immediately.


Page 11 of 27

II. Latest Issues of Magazines/Journals

Latest Issues of Magazines/Journals received during January 2015 by NIC Library

S. No. Titles Vol. Issue Date 1. ANNALS OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION STUDIES/INSDOC 61 4 1 Dec 2014 2. BUSINESS TODAY/Business Today 20 29 March 2014 3. BUSINESS TODAY/Business Today 22 10 May 2015 4. Business World/Anand Bazar Publications 6 April 5. DATAQUEST/Cyber Media (India) Ltd 11 31 March 6. DATAQUEST/Cyber Media (India) Ltd 12 15 April 2015 7. DIGIT/JAsubhai Digital Media 1 March 2015 8. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY/EPW Research Foundation 1 41-45 14 March 2015 9. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY/EPW Research Foundation 1 46-50 18 April 2015 10. ELECTRONICS FOR YOU/EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd 1 10 1 March 2015 11. EMPLOYMENT NEWS/Publications Division 1 43-46 21 March 2015 12. EMPLOYMENT NEWS/Publications Division 1 47-51 25 April 2015 13. INDIA TODAY/Living Media India Ltd 1 43-46 31 March 2015 14. INDIA TODAY/Living Media India Ltd 1 47-51 4 May 2015 15. INDIA TODAY (HINDI)/ India Today Group 1 43-46 1 April 2015 16. INDIA TODAY (HINDI)/ India Today Group 1 47-51 6 May 2015 17. GIS INDIA/GIS INDIA 1 March 2015

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Page 12 of 27 18 GIS INDIA/GIS INDIA 1 April 2015 19. VIGYAN PRAGATI/CSIR 63 10 1 March 2015 20 VIGYAN PRAGATI/CSIR 63 11-12 1 May 2015 21. IET, Biometrics 1 March 2015 22. IEEE, Cloud Computing 1 Feb 2015 23. IEEE, Computer 4 April 2015 24. IET, Information security 3 May 2015 25. IEEE, Knowledge and Data Engineering 6 1 June 2015 26. IEEE, Security & Privacy 2 April 2015

III. Must Read Latest & Important Articles

This is the list of important published articles in national and international journals.

For getting full text visit library or access online authentication and authorization

1. Top Retail Business and Technology Trends /

John Davison, Miriam

Burt, Gartner Research Report, Published: 23 March 2015.

Abstract: This research highlights the leading business and technology trends that retail CIOs need to consider. The consumerization of retail and the subsequent advent of digitalization demands the unparalleled transformation of business and IT.

2. The Five Vectors of Complexity That Define Your MDM Strategy/

Andrew White, Gartner Research Report, Published: 27 April 2015

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Page 13 of 27 Abstract: Master data management program managers should utilize Gartner's view of the five vectors of MDM complexity when scoping out MDM strategies. They can be used to define an MDM strategy, but can act as inhibitors to MDM success if you don't know what they are or don't use them to define your strategy

3. Plan Now for the Future of Converged Infrastructure/

George J.

Weiss, Gartner Research Report, Published: 6 February 2015

Abstract: Converged infrastructure is becoming more software-defined, intelligent and adaptable to workloads. I&O leaders should evaluate and pilot newer, more advanced CI solutions to ascertain the technology's changing value proposition.


Harish Viswanathan and Marcus Weldon, IEEE, Published: 27 August 2014.

Abstract: Mobile communications have evolved through countless innovations that have resulted in massively improved performance and significantly lower cost with each technology generation. Beginning with the firm theoretical foundations for communications laid by Claude Shannon in 1948, successive improvements in cellular technology have been achieved through a combination of advances in communication theory, computing power, and analog radio frequency (RF) circuit electronics. In this paper, we chart the course of successive generations of mobile technology highlighting some of the key innovations resulting in the major performance improvements that have been achieved over the years.

We begin with a high-level discussion of the key technology generations starting with the analog cellular systems deployed in the 1980s through to the 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) system being deployed today. We highlight the 11 major technical advances that have led to the most significant improvements in cellular technology and then present a view of the future wireless evolution to the beginning of the 5G era.

5. Magic Quadrant for Integrated Systems/

Andrew Butler, George J. Weiss, Philip Dawson, Gartner Research Report, Published: 16 June 2014

Abstract: The integrated system market is growing at 50% or more per year, creating an unusual mix of major vendors and startups to consider. This new Magic

Quadrant will aid vendor selection in this dynamic sector.

6. How to Keep Agile Projects on Time and on Budget/

Nathan Wilson, Maritess Sobejana, Gartner Research Report,

Abstract: The integrated system market is growing at 50% or more per year, creating

an unusual mix of major vendors and startups to consider. This new Magic Quadrant will aid vendor selection in this dynamic sector.

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Page 14 of 27

7. Cool Vendors in Mobile Security and IoT Security, 2015/

Ray Wagner, John Girard, Earl Perkins, Dionisio Zumerle, Anmol Singh, Gartner Research Report, Published:

23 April 2015

Abstract: Chief information security officers, mobile architects, and other security decision makers should consider new vendors of mobile and the Internet of Things technologies. Cool Vendors are not appropriate for every organization, but their approaches point to new directions in their market spaces.

8. Converged Infrastructure: Utopia or Myopia?/

George J. Weiss, Philip Dawson, Gartner Research Report, Published: 14 Feb 2014.

Abstract: Convergence has become a flashpoint for data center modernization, but IT

leaders must realize the limitations and potential of convergence when considering long- term investments.

9. Mapping Computer Science Research in Bangladesh/

Sumit Kumar Banshal, Khushboo Singhal, Ashraf Uddin and Vivek Kumar Singh, IEEE, Published: 18-20 Dec 2014

Abstract: This paper represents a scientometric-based analysis of Computer Science research in Bangladesh. The paper reports our analytical results from Scopus data for the last 25 years. The results present detailed statistics about the research output, the growth of research publications, citation-based impact analysis and collaboration patterns. It also tries to identify the top institutions and authors and preferred publication sources. We also did a text-based research theme analysis for the 25 year period and present the thematic research areas and their trends during the period.

10. A Scientometric Analysis of Cloud Computing Literature/

Leonard Heilig and Stefan Voß, IEEE, Published: 30 April 2014

Abstract: The popularity and rapid development of cloud computing in recent years has led to a huge amount of publications containing the achieved knowledge of this area of research.

Due to the interdisciplinary nature and high relevance of cloud computing research, it becomes increasingly difficult or even impossible to understand the overall structure and development of this field without analytical approaches. While evaluating science has a long tradition in many fields, we identify a lack of a comprehensive scientometric study in the area of cloud computing. Based on a large bibliographic data base, this study applies scientometric means to empirically study the evolution and state of cloud computing

research with a view from above the clouds. By this, we provide extensive insights into publication patterns, research impact and research productivity. Furthermore, we explore

the interplay of related subtopics by analyzing keyword clusters. The results of this study

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Page 15 of 27 provide a better understanding of patterns, trends and other important factors as a

basis for directing research activities, sharing knowledge and collaborating in the area of cloud computing research

Go to Top Read important and renowned Journals in the field of e-Governance

accessible from all NIC centers and your residence. Full text is accesible through http://sconnect.nic.in/nic These are:

1. Government Information Quarterly.

2. Electronic Government-An International Journal.

3. Information System Management.

4. MIT Sloan Management Review.


Harvard Business Review



Page 16 of 27

VII. News Clips on NIC/DEITY

News Headlines for NIC, Deity and MCIT of March 2015


155 GOV.in & NIC.in Websites Were Hacked In 2014, Total Stands at 32323 IN and NIC.IN domains. Even though the number of hacking incidents have reduced over previous years, it is still significant number.


App for district administration The National Informatics Centre (NIC) here will soon come up with a special Android application that will enable the public to access easily various


'Battling the scourge of fuel price distortions'. from parliamentary parties, consumer organisations, the audit service, legal services, and the department of information technology services to come


Big brother is watching: No Gmail, Yahoo or private browsing for Babus All private browsing of sarkari babus are now going to be monitored and public email services provided by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) have


Budget 2015: No incentives but bigger targets for renewable energy ...

wire and tin alloys for use in the manufacture of solar PV ribbon subject to certification by Department of Electronics and Information Technology


Centre formulates policy on adoption of open source software The IT Ministry has unveiled a ‘Policy on Adoption of Open Source Software for Government of India’ that will encourage the formal


Centre to come out with a draft rural BPO policy next week The Centre will soon come out with a draft policy on rural business process outsourcing (BPO) policy and a presentation in this regard is likely to be


Common counselling for admissions in IITs, NITs: Centre to Delhi High Court IIT had said that the software was not ready as National Informatics Centre can't prepare it and the government agency was not that effective. Earlier


Cuttack district website not updated for years As per the National Informatics Centre guidelines, the district website must carry detailed information on the departments concerned and should be

Go to Top


Page 17 of 27 10

Delhi government asks Centre to ban Uber, Ola, Taxi For Sure apps The

Delhi Government Transport Department, on Wednesday, requested the Department of Electronic and Information Technology (DEITY) to block


Demand for skilled cyber security professionals in India expected to rise The Department of Electronic and Information Technology (DeitY), under the Union Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, has


DigiLocker gets good response DigiLocker, the digital locker system launched by the government to securely store documents online, has received good response since its beta launch


E-governance fillip gaining popularityA senior official from the National Informatics Centre said that at least 300 applications were received on a daily basis across the centres


eGovWatch: NIC organises Web Ratna Awards to honour eGovernance initiatives ... Digital India, National Informatics Centre (NIC), under the ambit of India Portal (http://india.gov.in) organised the third edition of Web Ratna Awards


End-to-End Computerisation of PDS as a Mission Mode Project Government of India has so far released an amount of Rs.257.01 crore to the States/UTs, National Informatics Centre (NIC), Consultancy services and


Finance Ministry restricts Internet access for director-level officers They can also access government websites such as pib.nic.in, finmin.nic.in, which are managed by NIC. Following the latest direction, only officers in


FinMin restricts Internet access for director-level officers Amid a CBI probe into leakage of secret documents, Finance Ministry has clamped down on the use of Internet and private emails by those up to the


For farmers, a switch to horticulture is just a click away K. Rajasekhar, deputy director general at National Informatics Centre which developed Hortnet, says the solution can be expanded to integrate


Govt of India adopts open source software policy for its e-governance

projects India's Department of Electronics and Information

Technology (DeitY) has announced its policy of adopting open source

software for e-governance Go to Top


Page 18 of 27 20

Gulshan Rai becomes first chief of cyber security; post created to tackle growing e-threats The Narendra Modi government has created a cyber- security chief's position under the Prime Minister's Office and has appointed Gulshan Rai


Hacking of Indian WebsitesIt has been mandated that all government websites are to be hosted on infrastructure of National Informatics Centre (NIC), Education and Research


Hotels, hospitals told to update foreigners' detailsR. Kuppusami, Scientist- D of the National Informatics Centre, Chennai, who was the resource person at the training programme explained that it was


HP Assembly's e-Vidhan project taken up by NIC for replication ... taken up by National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated (NICSI) for replication by other states, HP Assembly Speaker B B L Butail said today


Idco submits DPR for electronic cluster The department of electronics and information technology (DeitY), under the Union ministry of communication and information technology, in July last


IESA collaborates with MIDC and MCCIA to transform Pune as an electronics hub India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), the premier trade body representing the Indian Electronic System Design and Manufacturing


India doubles down on use of Open Source software The government on Sunday announced a policy on adoption of open source software, which makes it mandatory for all software applications and services


India's first Iris recognition technology launched ... the STQC Directorate, Department of Electronics and Information Technology (Deity) under the Union Ministry of of Communications and Information


Karnataka govt allocates Rs. 6107 cr for health & family welfare, prime focus on digitization The National Informatics Centre is now gearing up to put into operation patient information collection. In this regard, Semiconductor Association (IESA), the premier trade body representing the Indian Electronic System Design and Manufacturing

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Page 19 of 27 29

India bans access to third-party mail services within Government,

includes Gmail and Yahoo The government is cracking down on off icials, limiting their internet access, which now excludes private/ third

party mail it has already approached the


Kufos Vice Chancellor Presents Ambitious Budget Also a two regional centres for research in Kumarakam and Kannur. ... with the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Information and Communication


KWA Pulled Up for Entering into Pact “This is against the direction of government, wherein NIC offers hosting all tenders at free of cost. As NIC offers the portal of KWA free of cost, the


Maryland Offers Hassle-Free Online Tax Payment Service NIC Maryland is a collaborative public/private partnership managed by the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) and NIC Maryland


Modi Blames UPA for Nokia Plant Shut Down in Chennai ... and the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) for not expediting the revival of the stalled Nokia plant in Sriperumbudur


New TB Drug App Keeps Doctor Informed About Patients This is more on the lines of TB self-help website called NIKSHAY, developed by the government's National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the Revised


NIC accounts have an 'identity' crisis; Over 10000 IDs Created For UP Babus Lying Defunct ... but in the administrative offices of the state, the windows are shut as nearly 10,000 e-mail IDs generated by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) for


NIC conferred Web Ratna Awards Senior officials from Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) and NIC were also present at the ceremony. E-Governance initiatives


NIC to award government departments for e-governance initiatives NIC to award government departments for e-governance initiatives ... and IT Ministry's National Informatics Centre ( NIC) will felicitate government


North East BPO Promotion scheme The Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), an autonomous society under the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY)

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Page 20 of 27 39

On govt websites, Omar continues to be CM A website operated by the state National Informatics Centre (NIC) namely http://jkgrievance.nic.in was established by the former chief minister Omar


Open more Aadhaar centres to clear rush' A senior official at the National Informatics Centre said the kits for providing Aadhaar needs to be increased in order to avoid the rush. The devices in


Private mail in government office: India finally acts E-mail service authorised by the government and implemented by the IA (Implementing Agency under this policy is NIC) shall only be used for all


The National eGovernance Plan of India The plan has been formulated by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, and the Department of Administrative Reforms and


Use technology in a prudent manner: expert District chairperson for Information Technology P. Satish presided over the seminar. ... Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre


Website hacking on a rise in last four years: Ravi Shankar Prasad It has been mandated that all government websites are to be hosted on infrastructure of National Informatics Centre (NIC), Education and Research

News Headlines for NIC, Deity and MCIT of April 2015


Anomalies persist in SSLC results Meanwhile, the major cause of the discrepancies had been identified as the glitches in the software developed by National Informatics Centre(NIC).


App developed by IIT Gandhinagar to help firefighting To address this issue, Fire Stop Goa uses satellite information to ... system, which should be hosted by the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

Go to Top


Page 21 of 27 03.

Blame Mindset not Technology It also requested the Department of

Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) to block services of all mobile taxi-hailing apps like Ola and ...


CAG exposes flaws in state's e-registration system ... IL&FS had no significant advantage over the ORIS software of National Informatics Centre (NIC) except that the former was web-based centralized


Central employees asked to file Lokpal property returns after office hours, on holidays The DoPT has taken up the issue of slow speed of system with National Informatics Centre (NIC) authorities for upgradation of the server.

“At the same ...


Centre, Bihar trade charges over PDS coverage The Union Minister said the National Informatics Centre (NIC) had urged the State government to upload the details of the remaining beneficiaries on ...


Commerce Ministry plans mobile apps for benefit of stakeholders The Department of Electronics and Information Technology has dashed off a letter to the ministry regarding the development of user-friendly mobile ...


Countries to ride on India's Open Government Data Platform National Informatics Centre (NIC) is mandated to create a platform for enabling data sharing. So we developed the www.data.gov.in as a platform ...


CPI members stopped from holding dharna at Manuu They said that the Wi-Fi installation contract was handed to National Informatics Centre (NIC), a central agency. "There was transparency. We had a ...


DeitY upset with BIS’ norm on plug-in devices The Department of Electronics and IT (DeitY) has written to standards setting body BIS expressing its displeasure over the “abrupt” ...


DoT to hold advisory group meet on net neutrality on April 27 Amid debate over net neutrality, the Department of Telecom (DoT) has called a meeting of Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) to discuss the issue on...


DPI contradicts PK Abdu Rabb, new SSLC results todayThe DPI's opinion is part of the effort to shift the blame from the NIC to the data entry operators the former had expressed its displeasure to the DPI .


..Drastic budget cuts in schemes under Digital India: Parliamentary Panel ...

by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) on manpower and infrastructure.

... "However, the committee are given to understand that NIC is witnessing ..


Page 22 of 27 14.

E-Swathu in BBMP limits At a meeting on Tuesday, BBMP Administrative Officer T M Vijay Bhaskar instructed the Palike's as well as the National Informatics Centre (NIC)


Female high school students recognized for computer science excellence ... by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). ... (Full caption for bottom photo) From left, UHM Department of Information ...


Foreign Direct Investment – Reporting under FDI Scheme on the e-Biz platform ... advised that financial aspects for using the Virtual Private Network (VPN) accounts obtained from National Informatics Centre (NIC) for accessing the


Government asks officers to file property returns after office hours, on holidays The DoPT has taken up the issue of slow speed of system with National Informatics Centre (NIC) authorities for upgradation of the server.

"At the same ...


Government Introduces Digital Certificates for Pensioners in UT This can be done by visiting the nearest Jeevan Pramaan centre located in National Informatics Centre (NIC), PSU banks, Directorate of Accounts and ..


Government ordered 2,341 URLs to be blocked in 2014 The government issued orders to block 2,341 URLs in 2014, an official response to an RTI application shows. The RTI was filed by Delhi-based ...


Government to help pensioners for getting digital life certificates The National Informatics Centre (NIC) in various states have been asked to provide necessary technical support for starting enrolment of pensioners


Government Unlikely to Meet Deadline for SECC List Singh further said the State Government is unable to upload census data into the central server of National Informatics Centre (NIC) as it is not ...


Govt mulls blocking of apps of Uber, Ola, TaxiForSure across countryThe government is mulling blocking mobile taxi hailing apps of Uber, Ola and TaxiForSure all over the country, with the Department of Electronics and ...


Govt offices to go paperless soon The National Informatics Centre (NIC) is developing the 'e-office' software with specifications required for the implementation of the project in the State.

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Page 23 of 27 24.

Govt, Intel announce 'Innovate for Digital India' contest ... secretary,

Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), ... will help provide guidance,” said HK Mittal, member secretary, NSTED


Gujarat tops among tax defaulters in the country The Income-Tax department has once again named tax ... The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) had asked the I-T department to post ... Information Technology Ltd- 75.11 Dharmendra Industries- 28.80 Appletech ...


Gulshan Rai to take charge as cyber security chief on Wednesday ... and cyber law division in the ministry of communications and information technology.

... He is part of the department of electronics and IT (DeitY).


HRD Ministry formulates joint seat allocation authority for admissions to IITs, NITs and IIITs National Informatics Centre (NIC) is to host the site for online joint seat allocation. “A joint seat allocation process will save time for students and will ...


IIT Bangalore and Peesh ventures join hands to accelerate IoT startups A recent draft policy brought out by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) on the Internet-of-Things market envisioned that ...


Microsoft, Zoho plan local data centres to offer cloud services That's the storage size of a data centre with nearly 600,000 servers that ... This will be easy to integrate with the National Informatics Centre network, ...


Mumbai's fourth RTO to kick-start next week National Informatics Centre (NIC), an organisation that provides information technology support to government agencies, is yet to be informed to ...


National Informatics Centre bungled in plumbing depths of SSLC data KOCHI: The overconfidence of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) that its rich experience in handling various examination results over the years ...


NIC wants online users to help digitize government documents NIC is a part of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY).

According to Ajay Kumar, director general at NIC and a joint ..


Nine years on, computer centre yet to take off in Bihar's Khagaria KHAGARIA: The district computer training centre established on the ...

information officer of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and principal

of the ... Go to Top


Page 24 of 27 34.

Panel questions budget cuts in schemes under Digital India ... has also raised

concerns over "severe constraints" faced by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) on manpower and infrastructure. The committee in ...


Pareeksha Bhavan fails, Rabb tries to pass the buckRabb held the new software developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) responsible for the mistakes and said the government might seek an ...


PMO, many other govt sites went out of service for hours“The data centres of the National Informatics Centre worked to resolve the ... The Press Information Bureau website, which disseminates all publicity ...


RBI finalises VPN linkage for banks and e-Biz portals ... financial aspects for using the Virtual Private Network (VPN) accounts obtained from National Informatics Centre (NIC) for accessing the e-Biz portal.


SSLC Abdu Rabb Suspects External Interference The National Informatics Centre (NIC) has ruled out any problem with the software. Kodiyeri alleged that corrupt elements were trying to lure students ...


SSLC fiasco: On back foot, Rabb blames tech glitch "The analysis report based on NIC software still shows Kannur as the district with highest success percentage whereas separate analysis of the result ...


State Government Seeks Broadband Connectivity in 16 Districts ... Naveen urged the Union Minister to direct the National Informatics Centre (NIC) to designate a senior officer for timely development of the portal.


Suresh Prabhu Launches E-Samiksha of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhu thanked Cabinet Secretariat and National Informatics Centre (NIC) for developing this system. He said that besides using this ...


Trai website inaccessible due to technical issues in its system NIC is fixing it,” Trai secretary Sudhir Gupta told PTI. The website of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) saw huge traffic on its website on ...


Uber adds muscle to local arms We have written to the department of electronics and information technology (DeitY) for the same. DeitY, which called the meeting the very next day of ...


Updated SSLC results out, new pass percentage is 98.56 The corrected results are posted soon on the websites of PRD, NIC, ... off the controversy and blamed the software of the National Informatics Centre.

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Page 25 of 27 45.

Updated Website of Dist Launched The National Informatics Centre (NIC) developed the new website. ... schools, anganwadi centres, primary health centres, government welfare ...


Website on Nabakalebara Soon While the Finance Department has accorded its sanction for the proposal, the National Informatics Centre (NIC) would develop the website.


Within hours, scientist duo got a communication system started As a sound communication system is essential for rescue and relief work, India immediately sent two scientists from its National Informatics Centre .

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