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A new perturbative approach to the classical anharmonic oscillator


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PRAMANA © Printed in India Vol. 43, No. 6,

_ _ journal of December 1994

physics pp. 411-420

A new perturbative approach to the classical anharmonic oscillator

S S V A S A N a n d M S E E T H A R A M A N

Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Madras 600 025, India

MS received 8 July 1994

Abstract. The periodic motion of the classical anharmonic oscillator characterized by the potential V(x) = 1/2 x 2 + 2/2k X 2k is considered. The period is first determined to all orders in 2 in a perturbative series. Making use of this, the solution of the nonlinear equation of motion is then expressed in the form of a Fourier series. The Fourier coefficients are obtained by solving simple algebraic relations. Secular terms are inherently absent in this perturbative scheme. Explicit solution is presented for general k up to the second order, from which the Duffing and the sextic oscillator results follow as special cases.

Keywords. Classical AHO; secular term-free perturbative solution.

PACS No. 03-20

1. Introduction

The time evolution of m a n y classical systems is governed by nonlinear equations of m o t i o n t h a t do not a d m i t exact solutions. A n h a r m o n i c oscillators of various types comprise one class of such systems. In general, the m o t i o n of a nonlinear system can be determined only t h r o u g h some a p p r o x i m a t i o n m e t h o d or other. A s t a n d a r d p r o c e d u r e is to treat the system as a linear system p e r t u r b e d by the nonlinearity, and a t t e m p t to find a p e r t u r b a t i v e solution of the e q u a t i o n of m o t i o n . When this is done in a straightforward manner, what results is often a solution m a r r e d by secular terms, which render it unacceptable. In the case of the a n h a r m o n i c oscillators, the secular terms m a k e the solution nonperiodic and u n b o u n d e d , whereas one k n o w s on physical g r o u n d s that the m o t i o n is both bounded and periodic. Several techniques have been developed for eliminating secular terms from p e r t u r b a t i v e solutions [1].

In the L i n d s t e d t - P o i n c a r e method, for instance, one introduces a scaled time variable, and e x p a n d s b o t h the solution and the scaling factor in separate p e r t u r b a t i o n series.

Using the equation of m o t i o n , the unknowns are determined, o r d e r by order, in such a way that the secular term is cancelled out in every order. T h e o t h e r a p p r o x i m a t i o n m e t h o d s proceed in a similar way, the secular terms being eliminated o r d e r by order.

A different a p p r o a c h is possible for a nonlinear system whose m o t i o n is k n o w n to be periodic. F o r such a system the solution can be e x p a n d e d in a F o u r i e r series with a f u n d a m e n t a l period equal to the period T o f oscillatory m o t i o n . The F o u r i e r coefficients will then be functions of the p e r t u r b a t i o n p a r a m e t e r 2 present in the problem. E x p a n d i n g T in a power series in 2, one can determine perturbatively all the unknowns, order by order, as functions of 2. Secular terms are inherently absent 411


in this scheme. A systematic perturbative formalism along these lines has been developed by Helleman and Montroll [2]. For the anharmonic oscillator (AHO) system, the H - M scheme amounts to determining simultaneously the frequency of the periodic motion and the displacement by writing separate perturbation series for each one. The coefficients in the two series are obtained from a nonlinear recurrence relation.

In the case of the AHO system a variation of the Fourier series method is possible, which differs significantly from the H - M method and offers considerable advantage.

It is based on the fact that the period of classical motion of the AHO can be determined, quite independently of the detailed behaviour of the displacement as a function of time. This point does not seem to have been noticed in the literature. Once the period is determined, the original nonlinear differential equation reduces to a set of simple uncoupled linear algebraic equations for the Fourier coefficients. The rather involved analysis of Helleman and Montroll can be completely bypassed. The present paper demonstrates this in detail.

We consider the periodic motion of the anharmonic oscillator characterized by the potential energy

lx2 ~k

V(x) = ~ + ).x ~k, ~ > 0

where k is a positive integer. The period is first computed to all orders in the parameter 2. We then obtain the solution x(t) for general k explicitly up to the second order. Our perturbative solution reproduces (up to order ;t 2) the known closed form results for the Duffing and the sextic anharmonic oscillators.

2. Perturbative expansion for period

The Hamiltonian for the general AHO is taken to be

1 Ix2 + 12x2k. (1)

H = 2 p2 + 2 2k

This leads to the nonlinear equation of motion

£ + x + 2x 2k- 1 = 0. (2)

We are interested in solving (2) subject to the initial conditions

x(0) = A, ~{0) = 0. (3)

Since H is conserved, there exists the first integral

-1~ 2 + -lx2 + 12x2k = E, (4)

2 2 2k

E being the total energy. From (4) it follows that the period T of oscillation is given by

f A dx

T = x/~ - a [ E - - (1/2)x 2 -- {~./2k)x2k] 1/2 (5) where x = _+ A are the turning points defined by E = V(x) [cf. (3)].

412 Pramana - J. Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994


Classical AHO

We convert the real integral above into a c o n t o u r integral in the z plane of the form

r = (6)

[E - (1/2)z 2 ~

i2/2k)z2k] 1/2

where the c o n t o u r encloses only a branch cut joining + A and - A , and n o o t h e r singularity o f the integrand. The branch of the square root chosen is that which is positive real on the upper lip of the cut; this necessitates that the c o n t o u r be traversed clockwise. T h e above contour integral representation for the period proves to be particularly advantageous, as will be evident from what follows.

M a k i n g a p e r t u r b a t i o n expansion of the integrand in (6) in powers of 2, we o b t a i n

l - i \ / 2


where I, is the integral dz

Z 2nk

I , = y ( E -- (1/2)z2) "+ 1/2 (8)

In a different context we have considered similar c o n t o u r integrals [3, 4]. T o evaluate I,, we rewrite it in the following form, with a simpler d e n o m i n a t o r for the integrand:




I , ( 2 n -

1)!!OE"J(E--(I~Z) ~/2


Now, the change of variable z = x ~ t enables the integrand's dependence on E to be factored out. We get

~ dtt2nk

dz z 2"k = x/2(2E) "k (10)


-- ( 1 / 2 ) z 2 ) 1/2 (1 - - t 2 ) 1/2"

We observe that the integrand in (10) has only integrable singularities at t = + 1.

Therefore we can evaluate it by compressing the c o n t o u r on to the real axis. Thus

~ dtt2"k f~ dtt 2"k

( 1 1)

(1 ~ t 2 ) 1/2 - - 2 _ 1 ( 1 _ t 2 ) 1 / 2 -

2B nk+~,~ ,

(11) where B is the Euler beta function defined by

B(x, y) = F(x)I'(y)/I"(x + y).

Substituting (10) and (11) in (9), and the resulting expression in (7), we get after some simplification

T= 2n ~ ( 2nk "](nk'](

,~Ek- l~ n

,=o \

n k / \ n J \ ~-2.21~J"


We note .at this point that the various manipulations performed on (8) are feasible because of its form as a closed c o n t o u r integral in the complex plane. T o derive the above expansion for T directly from the real integral (5) would entail far m o r e labour.

The result (12) for the period is a perturbative series in 2 whose coefficients are functions of the energy E, except for the case k = 1. F o r k = 1 the series can be Pramana - J. Phys., Voi. 43, No. 6, December 1994 4 1 3


summed, and yields, as it should, the value T = 2~(1 + 2)- 1/2. The value of E is fixed by the initial conditions. For the conditions that we have chosen (see (3) above), the energy is the following function of the initial displacement A:

E = I_ A 2 + )" AZk. (13)

2 2k

Substituting for E in (12), we may obtain T in terms of 2 and A. It is also possible to derive the following series for T in powers of A, by inserting (13) in (5) directly:


C ~2A2i-2"~ n


d u ( l _ u 2 k ) ,,

C . = - u2 )~ +

T'( - 1 ( 1 - - I / 2 m=o \ km


(14b) Introducing the frequency fL and expanding it in a perturbative series


= - ' * = 1 - ~ 2~"~ 1 + 2 2 ~ ' 2 2 "t- . . , (15a)


we note that the coefficients f2 i will be functions of the parameter A. These can be determined using (12) or (14). The explicit expressions for f~l and f2 2 are

f~l = f i A Z k - 2

1 {(2kk)2 - 1 ) ( 2 k ) _ _ _

n2 = ~ + 22~(k k k

(15b) 2 k - l ( 4 k ~ A 4 k - 4 (15c)

k \ 2 k J J "

The higher order coefficients f~i when needed can be calculated either from (12) and (13) or form (14).

We conclude this section with the following point. Had we chosen, instead of (1), the Hamiltonian

- 1 2 + l_m~2x2 + l ~ x 2 k '

H = 2mP 2 2k

the corresponding period T(m, o~, :t, E) would be related to the period defined by (5) through the equation

T(m, to,~,E) = _1 T(1, 1,2,E) (16a)

6 0


2 = ct/(mco 2)k. (16b)

This scaling law for the period is derived from (5) by a simple scaling of the integration variable. There is no loss of generality therefore in choosing for the Hamiltonian the form given in (1). It may be noted that the scaling law for T regarded as a function of A is T(rn, t~,~t,A)=~o -1 T(1, 1,~/m~o2, A).

4 1 4 P r a m a n a - J. P h y s . , Voi. 43, N o . 6, D e c e m b e r 1994


Classical AHO 3. First order solution

The solution to the equation of motion must be a periodic function with period T.

Since in the absence of the anharmonic term the solution satisfying the initial conditions (3) is A cos t, we write for the first order solution x(t)= A cost~t + 2f(t).

The function f itself must also have the same period, and can therefore be expressed as a Fourier series. The initial velocity having been taken as zero, the series for f w i l l not contain any sine terms. Writing f(t)=Y.C.cosnf~t, we can deduce from the structure of the equation of motion that the series for f(t) contains only a finite number of odd cosine terms, and no even cosine terms. We are thus led to write

k - 1

x(t) = A cos fit + 2 ~ a.cos(2n + 1)f~t + 0(22). (17)

. = 0

It is necessary that the coeffÉcients a, obey the relation

k - 1

Z a.=0 (18)

n = 0

in order that the initial condition x(0) = A be satisfied. We shall see that it is always possible to ensure condition (18).

Substituting (17) into (2), using the expansion f~2 = 1 + 22t) I + O(22), and retaining only terms of order 2, we arrive at the equation

k - 1

a,[1 - (2n + 1)2] cos(2n + 1)f~t

n = 0

A 2 k - l k - t

( 2 k - 1 '~cos(2n + 1)f2t. (19)

= 2f~1A cosf~t -- 22k_--- ~ .~0 \ k -- 1 -- n J In obtaining (19) we have made use of the standard formula

1 k~l

( 2 k - 1 ) c o s ( 2 , + 1)0.

cos2\ - 1 0 = 22k_ 2.=0 \ k - 1 - n

The coefficients a. can be determined from (19). We observe that on the lhs of (19), the coefficient of cos f2t vanishes. Therefore, for consistency, the rhs also must be free of cos f*t term. Indeed it is so, as can be easily checked. The coefficient of cos ~ t term on the rhs is

( A--2:2k-

2A 2 :k-1 \ k - 1 : j '

and this vanishes because of (15b). Therefore, a0 in (17) is arbitrary. All the other a.'s are determined uniquely by (19), with the result


a " = ( 2 n + l ) 2 - 1 22k-z \ - - 1 - n


It is now evident that in order to satisfy (18) we should set

k - , 1 A2k-a( 2k--1

a ° = . = a ~ 1 - - ( 2 n + l ) 2 ~ k z 2 \ k - l - n j "

Pramana- J. Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994 415


The summation on the rhs can be carried out using the identity k-2 ( 2 k m 1 ) Z





+ 1)

(2kk) -- 22k }

m = o ( k - m ) ( k - m -

and we get

A 2 k - 1 1-


= +



We thus have the solution to first order

k - 1

x(t) = A c o s O t + 2 ~ a.cos(2n + 1)~t, (22)


with ao given by (21) and a . , n > O, by (20).

4. Solution to s e c o n d order

To determine the solution to the second order in 2, we make the following ansatz x(t) = A cos fit + 2

k - I

a. cos(2n + t)f2t


2(k- I) ..~ ,~2 E

n = O

b.cos(2n + 1)12t + 0(23) (23) where the first order coefficients a. have already been obtained. We observe first that

5~ + x = [ - - 22f21 - 22(122 + 2 ~ 2 ) ] A c o s ~ t

+ 2 ~ a.[1 -- (2n + 1) 2 -- 22fll (2n + 1) 2"] cos(2n + 1)12t + 2 2 ~ b . [ 1 - (2n + 1)2] cos(2n + 1)f~t

where we have used the expansion f~2 = 1 + 22f~ 1 + 22(122 + 2122) and retained terms up to order 22 . The nonlinear term yields, to this order,

,~X2k - 1 = )],A2k - 1Cos2k - l ~ t +

22(2k -- 1)A2~-2COS2k-212t. ~ ancos(2n + 1)f~t.

Picking out the 22 terms from the above we get

2 k - 2

b . r l - ( 2 n + 1)2]cos(2n + 1)12t

n = O


= (122 + 2f22)A cosl2t + 2f~1 ~ a.(2n + 1)2cos(2n + 1)12t

n = O k - 1

-- ( 2 k - 1)A 2k-2 ~ a.cos(2n + 1)12tcos2k-212t. (24)

n = O

416 Pramana - J . Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994


Classical AHO

Using the formula

c ° s 2 " O = ~ + ,.=o ~ 2


the last term on the rhs of (24) can be expressed as sum of cosines. After some algebra we get

2 k - 2

~ b . [ 1 - ( 2 n + 1)2]cos(2n+ 1)~t

n = 0

k - - 1

= Ccosf~t + 2f21 ~ a.[(2n + 1) 2 - k]cos(2n + 1)f~t

n = l

cos(2n + 1)f~t + ~ 0. cos(2n + 1)f~t

2-£z-~ t..=1 .=1

(25a) where

"-1 ( 2 k - 2 ) (25b)


k - l - n + m

( ( )

9. = E a,, + Z am , (25c)


k - l + n - m /


k - 2 - n - m

C = A ( " 2 + 2"2 +(k2Ik 1 ) " 2 ) + 2 0 1 ( 1


(2k--l'A2k-2k~22 z-~7~

m=O a m + l ( 2 k - - 1 ) k _ 2 _ r n . (26) The second order coefficients b. are to be determined from (25), the rhs of which involves only known quantities. As in the first order, the coefficient bo on the lhs is zero. O n the rhs, C is found to vanish on substituting the k n o w n values of a., f~l and f2 z in (26). This makes b o arbitrary. The other b.'s are determined uniquely by (25). Taking a. = 0 for n >~ k (a. given by (20) vanishes in fact for n/> k), the sum over n on the rhs of (25a) can be extended from k - 1 to 2k - 2. Putting in the value of f21 and rearranging terms, we get finally the expression

A 2 k - Z { ( 2 n + l ) 2 ( 2 k ) n+k-1

-- a . + ( 2 k - - 1 ) ~ ( 2k -- 2 "]a,~

bn 22kn(n +

1) 2 m=o \ k - 1 - n + m,/


+ (2k - 1) am , n > 0. (27)

m--~ k - 2 - n - m

As in the case of ao in first order, the arbitrary coefficient b o is fixed by the requirement that E z / - 2 b = 0 thus ensuring that the initial condition x ( 0 ) = A is satisfied in the n ~ 0 n second order also.

5. General solution

The solution derived above corresponds to a particular set of initial conditions, namely arbitrary displacement and zero velocity. The analysis of the A H O is simplest Pramana - J . Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994 417


with these conditions. It is possible to obtain from this particular solution the general solution corresponding to arbitrary initial position and velocity. T o this end, we note that the equation of m o t i o n (2) is invariant under time translations. Therefore, if we replace f~t in (23) by f~t + ~b, we still have a solution, but with the change that A is no longer identifiable as the initial displacement x(0). Explicitly, the new solution

~(t) = A cos(Dt + ~) + 2 ~ a . c o s ( 2 n + 1)(f~t + q~)

+ 22)-" b, cos(2n + 1)(~)t + q~) + 0(2 3) (28) is seen to contain two arbitrary parameters A and tk, which serve to a c c o m m o d a t e arbitrary initial conditions. It should be noted that the frequency ~ occurring in (28) does not change: it is still the same function of the p a r a m e t e r A. This is due to the fact that the frequency of the A H O is determined by the value of E, which is a constant of the motion, and for a given E, there is always an instant at which the velocity vanishes. F o r arbitrary initial values Xo and v o, one m a y use the form (28) and determine A and ~b in terms of x0 and v 0, which is not a simple task. Alternatively, one can use the solution (23) but with the time being reckoned from the instant at which the velocity vanishes.

6. Special cases

It is instructive to consider two special cases in which the equation of m o t i o n can be solved in closed form. These are the Duffing oscillator (k = 2) and the sextic A H O (k = 3).

In the Duffing case, our perturbative solution is ),A 3

x(t) = A cos f~t + ~ - ( c o s 3f~t - cos f~t) 22AS

+ 1024 (cos 5fit - 24 cos 3f~t + 23 cos f~t) -4- O (23 ) (29) with the frequency given by

f l = 1 + 3~,~A2-- 21



8 256

The exact solution

x(t) = A cn(xSll + ),A z t, k)

where cn is the Jacobian elliptic function whose modulus k is given by k 2 = ____ '~A2(I + J.A2) - 1.


satisfying the same initial conditions as (29) can be expressed as (31)


The exact period of oscillation is

T = 4K(k)(1 + ,~.A2) - 1/2 (33)

where K ( k ) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. The expression (30) 418 Pramana- J. Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994


Classical A H O

coincides up to order 2 z with the expansion for f~ in powers of 2 o b t a i n e d f i o m (33).

By m a k i n g use of the standard Fourier series expansion of the cn function [5] we can show that (29) is the same as (31) up to order 22 .

Similar results hold also in the case of the sextic AHO. The exact solution for this case can be written in the form


x ( t ) = A c n u F 1 + d n 2 u ] 1/2 dn u L l + 7 + ( 1 - 7 ) c n 2 u ]


u= t, I 2, I + T ) '


and the m o d u l u s of the elliptic functions cn and dn is

The frequency of this periodic solution is

~/= - (35)


= 7t ~ f ~ / 2 K ( k ) (37)

Expanding the solution (34) in powers of 2, we get ).A s

x(t) = A cos Dt + 384 (cos 5t~t + 15 cos 3f~t -- 16 cos f~t) )2A9

+ 294912(3 cos 9f~t + 95 cos 7f~t - 7680 cos 3 ~ t + 7582 cos Qt)

+ 0 0 .3) (38)

which is precisely the solution generated by our second o r d e r formula (23). Similarly, we get from (37) the expansion

D = 1 + " 2 A * -- 215 22A a + 0(23). (39)

16 3072

which coincides with the result derived from (15).

7. Discussion

We have presented above explicit classical solution to the general a n h a r m o n i c oscillator up to the second order in the anharmonicity. Novel features of o u r perturba- tire a p p r o a c h are the prior determination of the period T of classical m o t i o n (to all orders in the nonlinearity parameter 2) and its subsequent use to develop a small- coupling expansion for the solution which is free of secular terms. In usual perturbative treatments, the frequency f~ and the displacement x(t) are found simultaneously in every o r d e r of the approximation, which makes the analysis of the general A H O rather involved. In o u r method we exploit the fact that the A H O has a well defined period which can be determined independently, without any references to the dis- Pramana- J. Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994 419


placement x(t) (except for the initial conditions). With the frequency of classical m o t i o n ~2 in hand, physical reasoning suggests a perturbative ansatz for x(t) as a Fourier series with f~ as the fundamental frequency. As we have seen, the Fourier coefficients can be systematically determined order by order, the u n k n o w n coefficients in any given order satisfying uncoupled, linear algebraic equations involving coefficients of the preceding orders. In every order one coefficient is left undetermined and arbitrary by the equations. This gives us the freedom to ensure that the initial condition x(0) = A is satisfied in every order of the approximation.

T h e F o u r i e r series ansatz for the displacement x(t) guarantees the absence of secular terms in the perturbation expansion, as noted also by Helleman and Montroll [2]

earlier. F o r the ansatz to work, it is essential that there should be no cos fit terms on the rhs of the first order equation (19) and the second order equation (25). The use of the correct fl ensures the absence of these unwanted terms. We note that if cos f~t term were present on the rhs of (19) or (25), the ansatz would fail, implying that the solution is then not periodic, which is t a n t a m o u n t to the presence of secular terms in the solution.

O u r analysis of the general A H O system is far simpler than that presented by Helleman and Montroll. As noted earlier, they expand both x(t) and f~ in series in powers of 2, and obtain a nonlinear recurrence relation for the coefficients. It would be a c u m b e r s o m e task to extract the coefficients from their recurrence relation. These authors have not given any explicit expressions either for the frequency or for the displacement.

In this work our analysis does not go beyond order )2, as it is rarely that one would need to go further. There is however no difficulty in principle in including higher orders. N o r is there any difficulty in adapting the m e t h o d to A H O ' s with a n h a r m o n i c terms which are even polynomials of degree 2k.


[1] A H Nayfeh, Perturbation methods (Wiley, New York, 1973) [2] R H G Helleman and E W Montroll, Physica 74, 22 (1974) [3] M Seetharaman and S S Vasan, J. Math. Phys. 27, 1031 (1986)

[4] S S Vasan, M Seetharaman and L Sushama, Pramana - J. Phys. 40, 177 (1993)

[5] P F Byrd and M D Friedman, Handbook of elliptic integrals for engineers and scientists, 2nd edn. (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1971)

4 2 0 Pramana - J. Phys., Vol. 43, No. 6, December 1994


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