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I r.No.20946/RTI ACT.2005/TS11C/HO/80/2016

Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd,

(A Govt, of Telangana State Undertaking)


Sub: RTl ACT-2005 - Sh.DVR Anjaneyulu- Adilabad District -Furnishing of

Ref: SS«Sated 26.08.2016, filed under RTl Act, 2005 received

by this office on 12.09.2016.

* *****

The following information is furnished as sought by you under RTl application filed as

above, as per the available records. ^^^^^

S.No Query Reply

Please find herewith enclosed copy of Allotment Regulations 2012 regarding

procedure of TSIIC for giving various







If the person who has purchased land from APIIC (Now TSIIC) died leaving behind his

wife and four children (Legal heirs). Out of all the major legal heirs, two of them are Government employees in service. And one

70 year old (mother) is there any provision

in TPIIC rules to alienate /Transfer industrial land in favour of Government.

Servants and also 70 year old (mother) for

doing business and if so, kindly furnish

concerned details.

Can a state Government servant run an

industry in inherited land in TSIIC jurisdiction.kindly furnish the information.

What is the age limit to apply for running an industry in the TSIIC jurisdiction?

If a land owner in TSIIC has 2000 sq yards can he alienate / transfer 400 or 300 Sq

yards of land in anybody favour kindly

furnish the information.

Fthe person who has purchased land from APIIC (Now TSIIC) died, leaving behind his legal heirs. Can partition deed be executed

in favour of legal heirs on individuals name or should they start an Industry to become

eligible to have land in industrial area

kindly furnish the information.

No. As per the Circular no.APIIC/E-in-

C/SW-LP/2004 dated 07/06/ 2004 of VC a MD, TSIIC the minimum plot area after sub-division should not be less than 450 Sqm/538 sq yds for mutation/

transfer of the land.

Please find herewith enclosed copy of Allotment Regulations 2012 regarding

procedure of TSIIC for giving various



If any owner of TPIIC land wants to sell a part of his land should he sell it to registered industry or in favor of

individual.kindly furnish the information.

Yes. TSIIC will permit sale of land only after implementation of the project

subject to utilizing the same for

industrial purpose only after obtaining necessary permission of the Corporation. ^

Encl: as above.

Reed Office: "Parisrama Bhavanam", 6,h Floor, 5-9-58/B, Fateh Mai$

Phone : 23237622, Fax No.040-23240205, E-ma



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