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Ph.D Thesis


Academic year: 2022

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M.Phil Dissertations

1) Deshpande D. S. :Financial Analysis of Mahalaxmi Hospital Limited Kolhapur.”

2) Miss Deuskar S.A. : A Study of Financial Performance in selected units in Fertilizer industry.’’Gavali Suresh: Financial Performance of S.S.S.K.Ltd Kolhapur.”

3) Gavali Suresh : Financial Performance of S.S.S.K.Ltd Kolhapur.”

4) Jadhav S. J. :A Critical Study of Financial Performance and position of Palus Sahakari Bank Ltd,Palus,and Dist-sangli.

5) Mr. Kashap B. A. : A Critical Study Of Financial Performance Of Kolhapur Zilla Magasvargiya Vidut Karmachari Sahakari Pastsanstha Maryadit,Kolapur.


6) Killedar L. S. : performance of co-operative lift irrigation schemes, A Study in the Area of co-operation of Bhogawati co-operative sugar factory Shahunagar Partite. ”

7) Shir. Longekar J. R. : A study of Performance evaluation of selected banks in Satara District.”

8) Patil A.G.: A Study of Financial Analysis of Unique Industries.

9) Mr.Patil R. D :A Case Study of Financial Performance of Shri Dudhagnaga Vedaganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited, Bidri, and Mouninagar.”

10) Potadar L. D.: Financial performance of Shri Datta Shethari Sahakari sakhar karkhana Ltd, Shirol.


11) Shri. Pujari M. D.: Analysis of the performance of Warana Bazar, Waranangar Dist-Kolhapur.

12) Miss. Salvi J.G.: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statement with reference S.C.S.S.S.K.Ltd,Kagal.

13) Mr. Salunke S. T.: A Study of Financial performance of Jawaharlal Shetkari Sakbar Karkhana Ltd, Hupari.”

14) Mrs. Topkar S. S. : A critical Evaluation of Performance of Nina Foods.”

15) Miss. Yadav S. A.: A Study of Financial Performance with Special Reference to Abhyankar Footwear pvt Ltd Kolhapur.”

16) Co-operative sugar factories in Maharashtra case for a fresh look financial + performance + of Co-operative + sugar factories Madhav Godbole, Economic & Political weekly, Vol. 35, No.6, Feb., 5/11/2000 pp. 420-424.

17) Origins of Co-operative Sugar Industry in Maharashtra -Ignatius chithelen Economic & Political weekly, Vol. 20, No. 14 (Apr. 6,

1985) pp. 604-612.

18) Economic kid Political weekly Vol. 329 2039 (Sep. 27 Oct. 3,

1997) pp. 106-113. i, (--■

19) Economic and Political weekly Vol. 9 No. 39 (Sep. 28 Oct.' 1974) pp. 82-91.

20) Strategic management Journal Vol. 30 No. 8 Aug. 2009.

21) Jaepil Choi and Heli wang pp (895-907) Published by - John wileg

& Sons.


Ph.D Thesis

1) V*. M. Hilage : Performance of sugar co-operative.

A Comparative Study of the co-operative sugar factory in southern Maharashtra.

Research Report

1) Dr. Sarkar A. N.: performance appraisal of urban co-operative banks in Maharashtra


1) The management of accountancy (ICWI) Annual Report (2000-

2001) R.K.mittal. i ;

2) The management Accountant-August 1997.

3) The Management Accountant- Feb 2010 4) Ottarkar’ple financial performance.

Journal of financial performance

1) Journal of financial management and analysis-M.R.Kumara 2) Indian Journal of Finance

3) International Journal of financial services management 2007

4) The journal of government financial management- July 2003 (Surdickjohn)

5) Oxford Journals-18 July 2010.

6) Fundamentals of corporation finance- Wisdom publications 337, Dr Shivastav R.M.

7) China sector-an empirical review of financial performance 2009.


VAJI ^Mhpsijy- KLlBfiMY



8) A comparison of financial performance in the banking sector some evidence from Omani commercial Banks-Med hat Jarawneh.


1) http://www.Jstor.org/PSS/4374252? Search Url= % faction % 2 fdoBasicsearch % 3 factory Query % ofinancial % 2 B performance.

2) http://wwwJstor-org/PSS/44058932 Search Url = % 2 faction % 2 fdobasic search 3% 3 F query % 3 n financial % 2 Bperformance.’

3) http://wwwJstor-org/PSS/4364026? Search Url = % 2 fdobasic search % 3f query % 3 dfi financial % 2 Bperformance.

4) Stable URL': http://wwwistor.org/stable 20536084.

5) www.review of financial performance.

6) www review of literature in financial performance.

7) www.ioumal of financial performance.

8) www.artical of financial performance.

9) www.dattasugar.otg 10) www.kagalsugar.org 11) v.sugaronl ine.com.

12) www.mahasugarfed.org.

13) www. sugariudustry. coin.




1) R.K. Sharma and Shashi K. Gupta 2) handra Prasanna

3) Arulanandan M. A. : Raman K. S.

4) Pandy I. M. :


5) Shall, Lawrence B. :

& Haley, Charles

6) Western Jeffrey & Brighman:

E. F.

7) Jam P.K. :

8) Bhabatosh Banerjee

Management Accounting Kalyani Publishers, New Dellii, 1988.

Fundamentals of Financial Management Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi,


Advanced Accountancy Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1989.

Financial Management Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi., 1979. eihi

Introduction to Financial M, Thrill flit on, Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi.

(Managerial Finance)

(7 Edition, Holt - Sunders International Edition)

Financial Management Tata Me Graw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi. *.

Financial Policy and I Management Accounting (Seventh edition) Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.


9) S.C. Kuchal

10) S. P. Jain K.L. Narang


11) N. P. Srinivasan 12) Khan M.Y./Jain P.K.

13) Hrishikesh Charkroborty


Srijit Charkraborty 14) P.V. Kulkami 15) Prasanna Chandra

Financial Management Analytical and Conceptual Approach

Chaitanya publishing house, Allahabad, 1976.

Advanced Accountancy.

Kalyani publishers, New Delhi, 1986.

Management Accountancy.

Financial Management and Account, Jim Memeanamin Management Accountancy.

Financial Management

Financial Management Theory &


Journals & Periodicals

1) Cooperative Sugar, National Federation of Co-operation Sugar factories Ltd, New Delhi.

2) Co-operative perspective, Vaikunth Mehata National Institute of Cooperative management, Pune - 411007

3) Indian Management, All India management Association, Management House New Delhi -3.

4) Shetakari Vishva.

5) Journal of financial management & analysis.

6) Annual Report. 380


1) S.D.S.S.K.Ltd., Shirol. || || | |f| 11 »|| ||

2) S.C.S.S.S.K. Ltd., Kagal T16844




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