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Lecture 18: Structures and Objects


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CS 101:

Computer Programming and Utilization



CS101 TAs and Staff

Course webpage: https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~cs101/

Lecture 18: Structures and Objects


Arrays and Recursion

• Recursion is very useful for designing algorithms on sequences

– Sequences will be stored in arrays

• Topics

– Linear search, Binary Search

– Insertion sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort


Binary search

bool Bsearch(int A[], int S, int L, int x) // Search in A[S..S+L-1]


if(L == 1) return (A[S] == x);

int H = L/2;

if (x == A[S+H]) return true;

if(x < A[S+H]) return Bsearch(A, S, H, x);

else return Bsearch(A, S+H, L-H, x);


int main(){

int A[8]={-1, 2, 2, 4, 10, 12, 30, 30};

cout << Bsearch(A, 0, 8, 11) << endl;

// searches for 11.


Merge sort

void mergesort(int S[], int n){

// Sorts sequence S of length n.

if(n==1) return;

int U[n/2], V[n-n/2];

for(int i=0; i<n/2; i++) U[i]=S[i];

for(int i=0; i<n-n/2; i++) V[i]=S[i+n/2];



//”Merge” sorted U, V into S.

merge(U, n/2, V, n-n/2, S, n);



Merging two sequences

void merge(int U[], int p, int V[], int q, int S[], int n){

for(int uf=0, vf=0, sb=0; sb < p + q; sb++) {

if(uf<p && vf<q){ // both U,V are non empty if(U[uf] < V[vf]){

S[sb] = U[uf]; uf++;

} else{

S[sb] = V[vf]; vf++;

} }

else if(uf < p) // only U is non empty S[sb] = U[uf]; uf++;

else // only V is non empty S[sb] = V[vf]; vf++;

} }


Time analysis of Merge Sort


Time analysis of Merge Sort

• T(n) = Time to copy + Time to merge + Time to sort two subsequence of n/2

• T(n) <= time proportional to n + 2T(n/2)

<= cn + 2T(n/2) ( c is a constant factor)

<= cn + 2 ( c(n/2) + 2 T (n/4) )

<= 2cn + 4 T (n/4) for k steps

• T(n) <= kcn + 2


* T (n/2



• if size of input n = 2


, k = log



• T(n) <= cn log


n + n T(1)



• Recursion a power tool for manipulating data (in arrays) as well

• Sorting vs searching tradeoff is important

• Merge sort without creating new sub-arrays

• More examples in book for arrays and recursion

– Chapters 14, 15, 16


Structures and Objects


On Design

• Whenever you design something complex, it is useful to have a plan

• Example:

Plan for designing a building:

− Understand the requirements

− Understand the constraints: budget, land area

− Plan how many floors to have

− What should be on each floor

• A plan/methodology is also useful when designing (large) projects

and similarly while designing programs


Object Oriented Programming

A methodology for designing programs


Object Oriented Programming

• Understand what is required and write clear specifications (needed in all methodologies)

• Identify the entities involved in the problem

E.g., in a library management program: books, patrons

• Identify the information associated with each entity

− Fixed information: name of the book

− Variable information (state): who has borrowed the book at present

• Organize the code so that the entities and their actions/inter relationships are explicitly represented in the code

− Information associated with entities: structures

− Relationships/actions of entities: functions



• Structure

− Basic facility provided in C++ to conveniently gather together information associated with an entity

− Inherited from the C language

• Member functions

− New feature introduced in C++

− Actions that effect the entity

Additional OOP ideas will come in later


Structures: Basics Ideas

Structure = collection of variables (of possible different types)

Members of a structure: variables in the collection

Structure = super variable, denotes the memory used for all members Each structure has a name, the name refers to the super variable,

i.e., entire collection

Each structure has a type: the type defines what variables there will

be in the collection


Structure Types

• You can define a structure type for each type of entity that you want to represent on the computer

Structure types defined by the programmer

– Example: To represent books, you can define a Book structure type

• When you define a structure type, you must say what variables each structure of that type will contain

– Example: In a structure to represent books, you may wish to

have variables to store the name of the book, price, etc.


Defining a structure type

General form

struct structure-type{

member1-type member1-name;

member2-type member2-name;



// Don’t forget the semicolon!


struct Book{

char title[50];

double price;


A structure-type is a user-defined data type, just as int, char, double are primitive data types

Structure-type name and member names can be any identifiers


Creating structure variables

To create a structure variable of structure type Book, just write:

Book p, q;

This creates two structures: p, q of type Book.

Each created structure has all members defined in the structure type definition.

Member x of structure y can be accessed by writing y.x

p.price = 399; // stores 399 into p.price.

cout << p.price; // prints the price of the book p


Initializing structures

• Book b = {“On Education”, 399};

• Stores “On Education” in b.title (null terminated as usual) and 399 into b.price

• A value must be given for initializing each member

• You can make a structure unmodifiable by adding the keyword const:

• const Book c = {“The Outsider”, 250};


Nested structures (structure is a data type!)

struct Point{

double x,y;


struct Disk{

Point center; // contains Point double radius;


Disk d;

d.radius = 10;

d.center = {15, 20};

// sets the x {member of center member of d



One structure can be assigned to another

− All members of right hand side copied into corresponding members on the left

− Structure name stands for entire collection unlike array name which stands for address

− A structure can be thought of as a (super) variable

book b = {“On Education”, 399};

book c;

c = b; // all members copied

cout << c.price << endl; // will print 399


Arrays of structures

Disk d[10];

Book library[100];

• Creates arrays d, library which have elements of type Disk and Book

cin >> d[0].center.x;

• Reads a value into the x coordinate of center of 0


disk in array d cout << library[5].title[3];

• Prints 3


character of the title of the 5


book in array library


Structures and Functions

• Structures can be passed to functions by value (members are copied), or by reference

• Structures can also be returned.

This will cause members to be copied back.


Parameter Passing by Value

struct Point{double x, y;};

Point midpoint(Point a, Point b){

Point mp;

mp.x = (a.x + b.x)/2;

mp.y = (a.y + b.y)/2;

return mp;


int main(){

Point p={10,20}, q={50,60};

Point r = midpoint(p,q);

cout << r.x << endl;

cout << midpoint(p,q).x << endl;



Parameter Passing by Value

• The call midpoint(p,q) causes arguments p,q to be copied to formal parameters a,b

• When midpoint executes, the members of the local structure mp are set appropriately

• The return statement sends back the value of mp, i.e. a nameless temporary structure of type Point is created in the activation frame of main, into which mp is copied

• The temporary structure is the result of the call midpoint(p,q)

• The temporary structure is copied into structure r

• r.x is printed

• The temporary structure can be used with the “.” operator, as in the second call. Both will print x coordinate, 30, of the midpoint

• However, you may not modify the temporary structure. Writing midpoint(p,q).x = 100; is not allowed. The value returned is considered const


Parameter Passing by Reference

struct Point{double x, y;};

Point midpoint( const Point &a, const Point &b){

Point mp;

mp.x = (a.x + b.x)/2;

mp.y = (a.y + b.y)/2;

return mp;


int main(){

Point p={10,20}, q={50,60};

Point r = midpoint(p,q);

cout << r.x << endl;


Parameter Passing by Reference

• In the execution of midpoint(p,q) the formal parameters a,b refer to variables p, q of main

• There is no copying of p, q. This saves execution time if the structures being passed are large

• The rest of the execution is as before

• const says that a, b will not be modified inside function

− Helps humans to understand code

− Enables const structures to be passed by reference as arguments



A Structure to Represent 3 Dimensional Vectors

• Suppose you are writing a program involving velocities and accelerations of particles which move in 3 dimensional space

• These quantities will have a component each for the x, y, z directions

• Natural to represent using a structure with members x, y, z

• struct V3 { double x, y, z; };


Using struct V3

• Vectors can be added or multiplied by a scalar. We might also need the length of a vector.

V3 sum (…) { }

V3 scale( … ){


double length(… ){



Using struct V3

V3 sum(const V3 &a, const V3 &b){

V3 v;

v.x = a.x + b.x; v.y = a.y + b.y; v.z = a.z + b.z;

return v;


V3 scale(const V3 &a, double f){

V3 v;

v.x = a.x * f; v.y = a.y * f; v.z = a.z * f;

return v;


double length(const V3 &v){

return sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);




If a particle has an initial velocity u and moves under uniform acceleration a, then in time t it has a displacement s = ut + at

2/2, where u, a, s are vectors

To find the distance covered, we must take the length of the vector s

int main(){

V3 u, a, s; // velocity, acceleration, displacement double t; // time

cin >> u.x >> u.y >> u.z >>

a.x >> a.y >> a.z >> t;

s = sum(scale(u,t), scale(a, t*t/2));

cout << length(s) << endl;



Member functions

• It is not enough to just define a struct to hold vectors, usually we will also define functions which work on structures/entiries

• In C++, you can make the functions a part of the struct definition itself.

Such functions are called member functions.

• By collecting together relevant functions into the definition of the

struct, the code becomes better organized (object oriented!)


Structures with Member Functions

struct V3{

double x, y, z;

double length() const {

return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);

} }

int main(){

V3 v={1,2,2};

cout << v.length() << endl;



Structures with Member Functions

• length is a member function

• Member function f of a structure X must be invoked on a structure s of type X by writing


• s is called receiver of the call

Example: v.length(). In this v is the receiver

• The function executes by creating an activation frame as usual

– The references to members in the body of the definition of the function refer to the corresponding members of the receiver

• Thus when v.length() executes, x, y, z refer to v.x, v.y, v.z

• Thus the v.length() will return sqrt(1






) = 3


The Complete Definition of V3

struct V3{

double x, y, z;

double length const(){

return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);


V3 sum const(V3 b){

V3 v;

v.x = x+b.x; v.y=y+b.y; v.z=z+b.z;

return v;


V3 scale const(double f){

V3 v;

v.x = x*f; v.y = y*f; v.z = z*f;

return v;




Main Program

int main(){

V3 u, a, s;

double t;

cin >> u.x >> u.y >> u.z >> a.x >> a.y >> a.z >> t;

V3 ut = u.scale(t);

V3 at2by2 = a.scale(t*t/2);

s = ut.sum(at2by2);

cout << s.length() << endl;

// green statements equivalent to red:

cout << u.scale(t).sum(a.scale(t*t/2)).length() << endl;



One More Example: Taxi Dispatch

• Problem statement: Clients arrive and have to be assigned to (earliest waiting) taxies

• An important part of the solution was a blackboard on which we wrote down the ids of the waiting taxies

• How would we implement this using OOP?

– Create a struct to represent each entity:

– customer, taxi, blackboard?


One More Example: Taxi Dispatch

• Customers are assigned taxis immediately if available

– Information about customers never needs to be stored

• Each taxi is associated with just one piece of information: id

– We can just use an int to store the Driverid

• The blackboard however is associated with a lot of information:

array of ids of waiting taxis, front/last indices into the array

• So we can create a struct to represent the blackboard/queue


Representing the Blackboard

• Entities and functions of the queue


The Queue structure

const int N=100;

struct Queue{

int elements[N], nwaiting,front;

bool insert(int v){

… }

bool remove(int &v){

… } };


Member Function Insert

• A value can be inserted only if the queue has space

• The value must be inserted into the next empty index in the queue

• The number of waiting elements in the queue is updated

• Return value indicates whether operation was successful


Member Function Insert

• A value can be inserted only if the queue has space

• The value must be inserted into the next empty index in the queue

• The number of waiting elements in the queue is updated

• Return value indicates whether operation was successful

struct Queue{

bool insert(int v){

if(nWaiting >= N) return false;

elements[(front + nWaiting)%N] = v; nWaiting++;

return true;



Main Program

int main(){

Queue q;

q.front = q.nWaiting = 0;


char c; cin >> c;

if(c == ‘d’){

int driver; cin >> driver;

if(!q.insert(driver)) cout <<“Q is full\n”;


else if(c == ‘c’){

int driver;

if(!q.remove(driver)) cout <<“No taxiavailable”;

else cout <<“Assigning <<driver<< endl;





• The member functions only contain the logic of how to manage the queue

• The main program only contains the logic of dealing with taxis and customers

• The new program has become simpler compared to the earlier

version, where the above two were mixed up together


Concluding Remarks

• Define a structure for every kind of entity you wish to represent in your program

• Structures are (super) variables which contain other (member) variables

• Members can be accessed using the “.” operator

• Structure name denotes the super variable consisting of the entire collection of contained variables

• Structures can be copied using assignments. Also copied when passed by value, or returned from a function

• Member functions should be written to represent actions of the

entities represented by the structure


Concluding Remarks

• Arrays are also collections of variables but:

• All elements of an array must be of the same type

• Name of the array denotes the address of the 0


element, whereas name of the structure denotes the entire collection

• Array elements can be accessed by an expression whose value

can be computed at run time whereas structure members can

be accessed by fixed names that must be known at compile time


Objects As Software Components

• A software component can be built around a struct

• Just as a hardware component is useful for building big hardware systems, so is a software component for building large software systems

• A software component must be convenient to use, and also safe,

i.e., help in preventing programming errors


Packaged software components

• Hardware devices that you buy from the market are packaged, and made safe to use

– Fridge, television : no danger of getting an electric shock.

– A “control panel” is provided on the device. A user does not

have to change capacitor values to change the channel on a



Packaged software components

• Analogous idea for software:

– Make functionality associated with a struct available to the user only through member functions (control panel)

– Do not allow the user to directly access the data members inside a struct. (Just as a user cannot touch the circuitry) The user does not need to know what goes on inside

• If you build a better fridge but keep the control panel the same as the previous model, the user does not need to relearn how to use the new fridge

– If you build a better version of the struct, but keep the

member functions the same, the programs that use the

struct need not change


The modern version of a struct

• Can behave like a packaged component

• Designer of the struct provides member functions

• Designer of the struct decides what happens during execution of standard operations

• Once structs are designed in this manner, using them becomes convenient and less error-prone

• Structs endowed with above features are more commonly called



The modern version of a struct

• Designer of the struct decides what happens during execution of standard operations such as:

– Creation of the object – Assignment

– Passing the object to a function

– Returning the object from a function

– Destroying the object when it is not needed

How to do this: discussed next


“String theory”

• Iterative computations are demonstrated well on arrays

• strings … luckily the system manages the array space for us

• Can assign and append to strings

• Can read a position: cout << message[px]

• Can write a position: message[px] = ‘q’

• That’s all we need for now


Printing a string in reverse

string message;

getline(cin, message);

int mx = message.size()-1;

while (mx >= 0) {

cout << message[mx];



• mx updated in a completely predictable way

• Ideal candidate to write as for loop

Character at position mx in




Finding needles in a haystack

• Given two strings, needles and haystack

• needles has no repeated characters

• haystack may repeat characters

• How many characters in needles appear in haystack at least once?

• needles = “bat”, haystack = “tabla” à 3

• needles = “tab”, haystack = “bottle” à 2


One needle in a haystack

• Subproblem: given one character ch and a string find if ch appears in string at least once

char ch; // suitably initialized

string haystack; // suitably initialized int ans = 0; // will change to 1 if found

for (int hx = 0; hx < haystack.size(); ++hx) { if (ch == haystack[hx]) {


break; // quit on first match }



Many needles: nested loop

main() {

string needles, haystack;

getline(cin, needles); getline(cin, haystack);

int ans = 0;

for (int nx=0; nx < needles.size(); ++nx) { char ch = needles[nx];

for (int hx = 0; hx < haystack.size(); ++hx) { if (ch == haystack[hx]) {


break; // quit on first match }

} // ends haystack loop

Generalize to work in

case needles can also


Duplicate needles

• needles = “bat”, haystack = “tabla” à 3

• needles = “tab”, haystack = “bottle” à 2

• needles = “bata”, haystack = “tabla” à 3

• Two approaches

– Dedup needles before executing earlier code (reducing to known problem)

– Dedup needles “on the fly” (inside the nx loop) Exercise: If the input strings have n and h

characters, at most how much time does

the needle-in-haystack search code take?


Generalize to arbitrary lengths

• “Hello” < “Help” but “Hello” > “Hell”

• Scan both strings from the beginning

• If differing character found, same as before

• If a string ends, it is “less” than the other

int ans=0, ax=0, bx=0, an=as.size(), bn=bs.size();

for (; ans==0 && ax < an && bx < bn; ++ax, ++bx) { if ( (ans = as[ax] – bs[bx]) != 0) break;


if (ans == 0) { ans = an – bn;

This results in an arbitrary integer as the return value in case of unequal

input string lengths, but the sign of



while (true) {

ans += base/fac;

base *= x;

fac *= (++ix);

if (base/fac < epsilon) { break;


cout << (base/fac) << endl;


Terminates immediately


while loop


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